Quote Originally Posted by Boss13 View Post
How sad, do you mind letting us know how they were stolen? May help others getting in the same trap...

Hope you are covered by insurance or manage to recover them.

Its a very long story and I cant give all the info as of yet but this guy wont affect anyone online or the UK.
He works in person on the Costa Blanca (and probably other Spanish towns), he was actually a neighbour of mine and we became quite friendly, he's in to watches, cars etc and put on a good show driving around in his Ferrari, X6, Sl500 which is all part of the plan.
We agreed a deal and things turned sour but the watches had already gone (I was paid via transfer in person but he must have cancelled the minute he left), he kept in touch with me and came to my home again to make the payment, apologised and never once avoided me or my calls. This went on for a couple of weeks before I really started putting the pressure on and then he vanished! In the words of my lawyer 'the guy is like a magician, he gets what he can and then 'bang' he's gone'

Turns out after speaking to locals and my lawyer he is well known, he will put on this front of wealth but in reality he has nothing and almost everything is stolen whether that be cars, furniture, jewellery or anything of value. One shop is owed over 50k.

I run my own company and have done for 8 years, we often get people trying to pull a fast one but this guy was another level. In fact the criminal law firm I am using are actually owed money by him for a previous case.

If anyone is in the region just be careful of a dutch guy in his mid 50's, his real name is Abraham but he might give you a fake name. He also has a 'driver' with him 80% of the time but this guy is in fact basically a body guard.

You live and learn from your mistakes, it's a costly one and bitter pill to swallow but they might show up one day even if that is 10-20 years down the line if they go to Rolex for a service.