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Thread: Diet (food intake rather than weight loss programme)

  1. #1
    Grand Master hogthrob's Avatar
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    Diet (food intake rather than weight loss programme)

    I'm in my mid 50s, and can remember the "Go to work on an egg" adverts (boiled egg and a slice of thin toast), as well as half a grapefruit with a glace cherry being a suggested breakfast. Rather then the quality of food we eat, it seems that it's the amount we eat that's increased. I bet you can't find a thin sliced loaf ...

  2. #2
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    The stuff that irks me most is the unhealthy stuff masquerading as healthy stuff.

    Mostly nut / cereal bars which despite the ads and the packaging are almost all sugar.

    I remember it wasn't all great in the old days though. Smash was foul. And lots of the early frozen stuff. SodaStream was the beginning of the end.

  3. #3
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    Yes unfortunately the supermarkets are stuffed full of “products” designed to tease your wallet by appealing to your taste buds, how they look, etc.

    They are not interested in feeding you, the natural food your body is designed for or interested in your health.

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  4. #4
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    You rearely see adverts for the best foods!

  5. #5
    Master tiny73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaOmega View Post
    Smash was foul.
    How very dare you, Sir. You just had to make it with milk and ensure you got all the lumps out to ensure you didn’t end up with a mouth full of powdery “potato”. The powdered version was way nicer (I want to say Yeomans?) if made with milk and Butter accompanied by half a tin of Heinz Baked Beans on the side (with butter and cheese obvs). Actually now I look at it I was eating cheese and butter with a side of powdered “potato. As you were.

  6. #6
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    I take on clients for general fitness and wellbeing plus personal training and have yet to find one that hasn’t been transformed by resetting themselves and re-educating their food and fitness habits, sadly some falter but most all start by telling me all the ‘healthy’ things they do and eat. If the box has to tell you its low fat, high protein, 100% whole etc then chances are you’re chasing the wrong rainbow

  7. #7
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    ^Actually, that sounds quite nice the way you describe it, Tiny!

    I seem to remember some kind of powdery explosion in the mouth although I may be getting confused with Chicken Kiev.

    CC, any quick recommendations to stop eating rubbish? By that I mean pasta, bread, crisps and chocolate. I used to be very fit but working long hours and managing the family means I keep sugar crashing. Or something.
    Last edited by AlphaOmega; 30th July 2020 at 07:08.

  8. #8
    With kids its that they dont actualy leave their bedroom these days, they sit on their ass on the internet or playing xbox all weekend.

    Back in the 80`s where i grew up there were kids everywhere outdoors, i was out with my mates 7 days a week.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaOmega View Post
    The stuff that irks me most is the unhealthy stuff masquerading as healthy stuff.

    Mostly nut / cereal bars which despite the ads and the packaging are almost all sugar.

    I remember it wasn't all great in the old days though. Smash was foul. And lots of the early frozen stuff. SodaStream was the beginning of the end.
    Soda stream is on the rise again! Much more environmentally friendly to reuse bottles of carbonated tap water and refilled canisters than throw away lots of plastic.

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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by xellos99 View Post
    With kids its that they dont actualy leave their bedroom these days, they sit on their ass on the internet or playing xbox all weekend.

    Back in the 80`s where i grew up there were kids everywhere outdoors, i was out with my mates 7 days a week.
    I have some excellent memories of sitting around on my arse with my mates as a kid in the 80s... maybe they’re not so different nowadays

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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by hogthrob View Post
    Rather then the quality of food we eat, it seems that it's the amount we eat that's increased.
    The first time I visited America I was shocked at the size of the portions that were served, today it’s the same amount here.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Idontgram View Post
    I have some excellent memories of sitting around on my arse with my mates as a kid in the 80s... maybe they’re not so different nowadays

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    I am out in the countryside so maybe different but there used to be kids outdoors everywhere and now you dont see hardly any.
    Its obvious that kids these days are far less active, well its obvious to me anyway.

  13. #13
    Master Alansmithee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xellos99 View Post

    Back in the 80s where i grew up there were kids everywhere outdoors, i was out with my mates 7 days a week.

    I was in-doors on my SNES and that is in rural Shropshire.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Alansmithee View Post
    I was in-doors on my SNES and that is in rural Shropshire.
    But how many kids were there out playing compared to now ? If you say the same i wont believe you one bit

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idontgram View Post
    Soda stream is on the rise again! Much more environmentally friendly to reuse bottles of carbonated tap water and refilled canisters than throw away lots of plastic.

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    Exactly. I purchased mine recently as love sparkling water but hated the number of bottles I was using. It doesn’t stay as carbonated as long, and the mixers are average at best, but that wasn’t why I purchased.

    Believe they were bought by PepsiCo, but no sign of the wider main stream brands available. Oh and their website is shocking for both stock & variety.

  16. #16
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    I’ve stopped eating rubbish.

    My only concessions are high quality dark chocolate and whisky both in moderation.

    Breakfast is overnight oats with apple and almonds. Cinnamon and nutmeg made with 100ml of fruit yoghurt drink and 100ml semi skimmed milk . Cup of black coffee.

    Lunch is a mug of Bovril.

    Dinner is salad , as much broccoli , mushrooms and tomato as I want along with a piece of baked fish. ( Cod , Haddock , Trout , Salmon . Sea Bass , Scampi ) .

    Trying to avoid red meat but I’ll occasionally have a peice of chicken breast sliced latitudinally before cooking . ( previously I’d eat two breasts in one go so cutting a single breast this way makes me feel psychologically its twice as big)

    This all goes in the same tray into the oven with a bit of olive oil and paprika , turmeric , cumin or garam masala over it . Cooks in 15minutes. Radish , Capers , kimchi , gerkhins , balsamic , soy sauce , as garnish

    Desert/supper is usually a glass of single malt and some olives with maybe a couple of squares of 90% dark chocolate.

    Throughout the day all I now drink is water.

    Lost 6kg since 20th June. Most if the weight I put on was down to necking brew-dog ipa every evening in front of netflix. I expect the weight loss will slow down .

    Weight training will start once I’ve lost a couple more kgs . Cardio I’ll figure , maybe circuit training “Insanity” style.

    The oats in the morning are critical. It really keeps my hunger pangs at bay and the slow release of energy means I don’t feel any energy drop until dinner time. Keeping full with water is also important.

    I reckon I’m on about 1200- 1400 calories a day

    Nowadays I look at anything refined like crisps and pizza as not being real food . I consider things like coke and energy bars as being chemical waste.

    I really feel the benefit and I’m not enslaved to any cravings. My digestive system feels really clean and efficient and my energy levels feel consistent and robust throughout the day.

    Need to lose about another 12kg , hopefully if I stick to this it should take 3-4 months.

    Its mainly about the oats in the morning.
    I don’t miss pigging out on crisps and rubbish in the evenings . I feel so much healthier just not eating crap.

  17. #17
    Master Guz's Avatar
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    Found this very interesting in relation to weigh loss. I love sports / exercise and find that once I find something I enjoy it helps me focus eating the right foods. My weight also fluctuates quiet a lot as I tend to get distracted by life events (2 close family deaths in last 3 years and helped looked after the terminally ill relatives and ignored my own well-being) I also completed a BSc & MSc while the above was happening which again I lost sight of my own needs. Hard to strike a balance but I’d advise all to maintain their own fun way of exercising and diet.

    Don’t want this to sound like a CV, I’m also a level 4 Personal Trainer with “specialising” (their words not mine) in treating clients with Obesity, Diabetes and Weight-loss, I’ve also done the Exercise referral qualification, so I’m always interested in these weight loss / diet discussions. I find (if possible) walking is brilliant and very underrated, can be a casual stroll, brisk walk or fast walk depending on you own level.

    Also found this ‘new’ talk on Tedd to be very interesting.

  18. #18
    Master Alansmithee's Avatar
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    Overall i find making all my own food and not owning a car solves a lot of problems...

  19. #19
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    I find working from home that I’m just not eating as barely leave my desk from 8 to 6, so just ate not burning calories as much.

    Working on calories in vs out, it makes sense & I am never hungry. Just eat in the evenings & weekends become a proper 2 meals. Never eaten breakfast.

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  20. #20
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Anyone concerned as to whether or not they're eating properly should consider reading Prof. Tim Spector's book "THE DIET MYTH" ... it's a wealth of knowledge and each chapter can be read separately / out of sequence. The 'CARBOHYDRATES: OF WHICH SUGARS' chapter is a real eye-opener.,203&sr=8-1

    And there is hardly a day goes by when Tim Spector is not mentioned on Radio 4 ... also regularly interviewed on R4.

    Reading the book will likely seriously change your diet ... and can help you lose weight without strenuous exercise ... and also improve your dental health.

    Last edited by sundial; 5th August 2020 at 18:59.
    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  21. #21
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    Not read the Tim Spector book, but looking at some reviews it seems like there will be significant crossover between that and the work by Dr Jason Fung who produced the "Aetiology of Obesity" which totally changed my outlook and consequently my food intake and resultant weight.

    Available on YouTube for free. For me it just highlights a lot of the rubbish we've been taught/conditioned/fed over the years, including the still repeated calories in/out crap. Highly recommended viewing.

  22. #22
    Master Guz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sundial View Post
    Anyone concerned as to whether or not they're eating properly should consider reading Prof. Tim Spector's book "THE DIET MYTH" ... it's a wealth of knowledge and each chapter can be read separately / out of sequence. The 'CARBOHYDRATES: OF WHICH SUGARS' chapter is a real eye-opener.,203&sr=8-1
    Just ordered, thanks for recommendation.

  23. #23
    I've cut out all the processed food stuff. Going for a low-carb approach following reading one of Jason Fung's book and focusing on reducing sugars. Lost 1.5 stone in a month or so and hopefully loosing another 1.5 stone in the next few months in a more gradual way. Might try some intermittent fasting too at some point. Fung is a big advocate of that.

  24. #24
    Craftsman T1ckT0ck's Avatar
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    Wife has struggled over the years, tried so many diets. In last 18 months she has had great success on SlimmingWorld, the ‘diet’ becomes a mindset, then habit.

    She reached and stayed at target for last three month’s, she would definitely recommend it.

    The weekly meetings put her off to start with, but after a few she had new friends, shared experiences and lots if good positive advice.

    She still does it and I think she always will.

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  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by sundial View Post
    Anyone concerned as to whether or not they're eating properly should consider reading Prof. Tim Spector's book "THE DIET MYTH" ... it's a wealth of knowledge and each chapter can be read separately / out of sequence. The 'CARBOHYDRATES: OF WHICH SUGARS' chapter is a real eye-opener.,203&sr=8-1

    And there is hardly a day goes by when Tim Spector is not mentioned on Radio 4 ... also regularly interviewed on R4.

    Reading the book will likely seriously change your diet ... and can help you lose weight without strenuous exercise ... and also improve your dental health.


    An interesting read as far as microbiomes are concerned - but... SERIOUSLY lacking in relation to actual diet, at least as far as making a difference to people wanting to lose weight or gain strength/mass. & the title - very misleading as far as I’m concerned.
    It's just a matter of time...

  26. #26
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    ..............the work by Dr Jason Fung who produced the "Aetiology of Obesity"..............
    Loved his comment about diets. "unblemished by success" :-)
    He is of course talking long term rather than short term.

    Unfortunately his droney voice spoils the lesson.

    Basically sensible non processed food is the way to go, only eat it if it has a mother or comes out of the ground, so that does probably mean more time preparing and cooking rather than turning to convenience foods.
    If you get the right amount of calories in the right balance of macro nutrients with a good mix of micronutrients you're good.
    The right amount of calories is what goes in should come out or you'll gain weight or lose weight depending on which way the balance is.
    Fad diets do work but only as long as you stick to them, but they are called 'fad' for a reason and then your body(and mind) innevitably tries to get you back to what it thinks you should be and so innevitably they don't work long term.
    Try this for breakfast:
    Bowl of oats with skimmed milk and strawberries and a little bit of honey. Followed by banana pancake made with 4 eggs(I use egg whites only) topped with sliced banana and frozen berries.

  27. #27
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    The diet industry has the highest failure rate with the strongest financial gain of any.

    Be good at the basics rather than chasing rainbows

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
    The diet industry has the highest failure rate with the strongest financial gain of any.

    Be good at the basics rather than chasing rainbows
    The basics will get you 95% of any results you’ll ever needs, and having a coach keep you on track or answerable might be the only additional push they need, but...

    It’s handy to have all your excuses lined up for most people though ;). At least now they can add it’s my microbiomes into the mix as well :)

    I’m betting that my microbiomes, low thyroid function, low adrenal response causing recurring chronic fatigue, and probably a host of other things aren’t the reason for my fast little fingers when it comes to eating too much - or rather More than I actually need or getting less exercise than my intake.

    There are obviously a lot of individuals out there that are living miracles, as despite doing everything right they still can’t lose weight lol
    It's just a matter of time...

  29. #29
    Master yumma's Avatar
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    Exactly what 100thmonkey and Omegamaniac said.

    No substitute for sensible eating and moving more. Bottom line is every diet works by creating a calorie deficit.

    The PT/Nutritionist is money well spent too. I did a 90 day body transformation and it yielded brilliant results. I just ate a well balanced nutrient rich diet, no fads.

  30. #30
    Grand Master SimonK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiny73 View Post
    How very dare you, Sir. You just had to make it with milk and ensure you got all the lumps out to ensure you didn’t end up with a mouth full of powdery “potato”. The powdered version was way nicer (I want to say Yeomans?) if made with milk and Butter accompanied by half a tin of Heinz Baked Beans on the side (with butter and cheese obvs). Actually now I look at it I was eating cheese and butter with a side of powdered “potato. As you were.

    Never ever ate Smash growing up - my dad grew taters in the garden or we bought King Edwards from the greengrocers.

    I recently discovered French instant mashed potato which is sold under the name Mousline. It is flavoured with nutmeg and tastes great. One of my friends told me to break a raw egg into it as you stir it, and gosh this really does make it sublime. A dollop of that and a couple of M&S pork sausages could well be my chosen last meal before I go to the guillotine.

  31. #31
    Grand Master hogthrob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    There are obviously a lot of individuals out there that are living miracles, as despite doing everything right they still can’t lose weight lol
    If they're consuming less calories than their requirement, and not losing weight, then they must be creating energy from nothing. Quick, hook them up to the power grid!

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by hogthrob View Post
    If they're consuming less calories than their requirement, and not losing weight, then they must be creating energy from nothing. Quick, hook them up to the power grid!
    ive mentioned this before in other threads- there are no magic beans for losing weight you simply need to expend more energy than you are taking in.
    the easiest way is to use one of the many TDE calculators out there - fine tune it for your own needs and use one of the trackers for calories/macros such as myfitnesspal .
    Last edited by pugster; 12th August 2020 at 10:46.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by sundial View Post
    Anyone concerned as to whether or not they're eating properly should consider reading Prof. Tim Spector's book "THE DIET MYTH" ... it's a wealth of knowledge and each chapter can be read separately / out of sequence. The 'CARBOHYDRATES: OF WHICH SUGARS' chapter is a real eye-opener.,203&sr=8-1

    And there is hardly a day goes by when Tim Spector is not mentioned on Radio 4 ... also regularly interviewed on R4.

    Reading the book will likely seriously change your diet ... and can help you lose weight without strenuous exercise ... and also improve your dental health.

    Great tip, gonna have a look at this

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  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by WTRacer View Post
    Not read the Tim Spector book, but looking at some reviews it seems like there will be significant crossover between that and the work by Dr Jason Fung who produced the "Aetiology of Obesity" which totally changed my outlook and consequently my food intake and resultant weight.

    Available on YouTube for free. For me it just highlights a lot of the rubbish we've been taught/conditioned/fed over the years, including the still repeated calories in/out crap. Highly recommended viewing.
    Thanks for that tip

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  35. #35
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    For me personally my problem is always: all or nothing. If I eat I eat well, I love wine. But then I barely do sports.
    When I am in a period of doing sports I can hond on to that longer than a week. Initially montivated but then...

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  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by rutger View Post
    For me personally my problem is always: all or nothing. If I eat I eat well, I love wine. But then I barely do sports.
    When I am in a period of doing sports I can hond on to that longer than a week. Initially montivated but then...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Exercise drunk! It gets you through the pain barrier easier.

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