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Thread: Anyone furloughed from work?

  1. #1

    Anyone furloughed from work?

    I’m in the dental industry so pretty much every practice is closed except for emergencies, it looks like it’s going to mean I either get made redundant or furloughed, don’t get me wrong I’ll be able to live on the reduced income, few less luxuries and tighten my belt a bit but I’ll come out the other side.

    I’ve been speaking to a few dental nurses who will only get 80% salary and they are panicking, credit cards, rent and the biggest worry car loans, but the ones worried more are the more qualified therapists, these are on £45-60k so for them it’s not 80% pay it’s the max £2,500.

    I once helped at a food bank and couldn’t get my head around a lady who pulled up in a 6 month old 5 series BMW saying she could afford food, now I understand.

  2. #2
    Craftsman Paradiddle's Avatar
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    Thankfully I'm still working from home full-time but a friend of mine in the automotive industry has been furloughed at least for this week. No news yet if it will be extended and what impact it would have on their pay if it does get extended.

    Another friend is in an office job and his boss is considering doing the 80% pay for furloughed workers as well as taking the business loan. However they've been having trouble finding the details for these schemes.

  3. #3
    Master murkeywaters's Avatar
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    Without getting too in depth about it, lots and I mean lots of people in this country are basically crap with money, their lured into a false sense of security with reasonable wages every month and try to live a champagne lifestyle on cider money.

    Back in the 80's/90's you often heard of people saying I have a rainy day savings account, this was because aspirations and peer pressure were a lot less and people knew their level of living, now you have wealth and success thrown at us via multiple outlets like television, social media, news.. the list goes on and people want that lifestyle and look, well this is a big wake up call to all those fake lifestyles and hopefully it will give them some insight to the real world..

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by murkeywaters View Post
    Without getting too in depth about it, lots and I mean lots of people in this country are basically crap with money, their lured into a false sense of security with reasonable wages every month and try to live a champagne lifestyle on cider money.

    Back in the 80's/90's you often heard of people saying I have a rainy day savings account, this was because aspirations and peer pressure were a lot less and people knew their level of living, now you have wealth and success thrown at us via multiple outlets like television, social media, news.. the list goes on and people want that lifestyle and look, well this is a big wake up call to all those fake lifestyles and hopefully it will give them some insight to the real world..

    Agree, too many people trying to be billy big balls with materiel things they don’t really own fluffing themselves up. They are now concerned and rightly so as the lifestyle they built so falsely meets reality

  5. #5
    Grand Master Der Amf's Avatar
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    People not in trouble using a thread for people who are in trouble to show off how they're not in trouble? Niiiiiice

  6. #6
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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  7. #7
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    Yes most of the dental nurses where I work will be furloughed I expect. There's nothing to do at work. Nothing that brings any money in at least. Yesterday I phoned patients who had called in with emergencies. We didn't see any of them because there's nothing we can do for them. We can't use anything which creates an aerosol. We don't have the correct personal protective equipment & we can't get any. There's no central referral pathway to send patients to. The local health authority are telling us to do what we can.

    The Chief Dental Officer for England has apparently gone off sick with stress.

    One of the patients who I phoned yesterday said he had a brand new FFP3 mask in his garage that I could have if I sorted his lost filling out. I'm considering it.

    Some of our dentists are being verbally abused by patients because they are expecting to be seen. None of the people that I phoned were like that with me though.

    The practice owners are desperately trying to find a way to survive with no income & lots of outgoings. The poor girls at work have nothing put by to live on. They don't get paid much and they spend everything they earn every month. One of them said the other day 'oh well, it's only for 3 weeks...'

    The dentists aren't getting paid anything at all but at least we've got money in the bank by & large.

    Yesterday I emptied my locker and took most of my personal possessions home just in case it's my last week.

  8. #8
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Der Amf View Post
    People not in trouble using a thread for people who are in trouble to show off how they're not in trouble? Niiiiiice
    The interesting, larger issue is the extent to which the whole model of economic growth had become underpinned by this behaviour of 'faking it until you make it' and irresponsibility.

  9. #9
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    Chef, so yes. unfortunately, I recently had my contract revised to allow me the time off for some exam revision, so will only be getting 3/5 of my pay, minus 20%. But something is better than nothing, and my circumstances mean that I'll get by, so overall I've no grounds to complain. I do not buy anything on credit, so I've no worries regarding keeping up with any payments.

  10. #10
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    I'm supposedly still working, but the work (IT) is thin on the ground as IT departments concentrate on getting their staff working from home.

    I work as a freelancer, through an umbrella company, so I've no idea how or what I might get as 'furlough' pay - I'm 'technically' a PAYE employee, but, I guess, am really a zero-hours contract worker...

    My wife, however, has been 'furloughed' - She's a dispensing optician and they're shut except for opthalmic emergencies (not sure exacty what that is, but it doesn't include fixing or fitting specs).

    As she only works part time, she'll be getting 80% of her pay (I thought initially the idea was the government/tax payer pays 80% and the employers top it up to full pay?), but it's better than nothing.


  11. #11
    Master valleywatch's Avatar
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    I drive a Im still in work...

    Must say though, where I am, by and large, the number of passengers is wayyyyyyy down! Saying that though? I see a few people getting on the train (I drive local suburban type trains)..who me anyway! dont look like they are going to work, and are a key worker, or are using the train as "essential travel"?...but what do I know!?
    are not going to work....what can you do?

    My daughter works in a nursery...she has been furloughed...she is a bit of a worrier at the best of this wasnt welcome news to her...In all fairness...she is on a rubbish wage losing 20% off not a lot...isnt much ( the way I look at Im reasonably well paid and take care of her).........For others though...for many many others, losing their jobs, getting furloughed must be terrible.. Maybe this is their only source of income...and they have nobody/no back up family/ or money to help them through these terrible times.

    I assume, lots on this forum, are relatively wealthy, and with little or no money worries...

    Ther are many many many, though , (outside of this forum) for WHATEVER reason, literally live pay check to paycheck...these are the people I massively feel for...............

    I am nearing retirement...In fact! I was going to hand my notice in around this time, then finish in June...spend September to December
    in Thailand then home to see my daughter for Christmas...then back to Thailand in January until April...this isnt going to happen now! For pension will be less than what I was expecting. (Im on a final salary I "think"! my yearly pension will be more or less the same...but my lump sum will be reduced?)...........Ive been looking forward/planning this retirement for a fair few years now...i "thought" I would be "gutted" see my plans postponed..(not just monetary reasons...but also not "probably"! being able to travel overseas for the forseeable future).............Im quite surprised Ive just "accepted" it...there are way more important things to think about now!

  12. #12
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    I’m wondering if people are being furloughed can the employer top up the 20% out of their pocket to help the employee out? I’ve been asked this by a few people so emailed my Accountant. Not heard back yet. Think he’s snowed under with .... furlough queries.

  13. #13
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    Didn’t know what the word meant till yesterday

    Googled it.
    Due to some stupid Russian at my place of work joking that a flat mate has the virus.
    I find myself and everyone else from work have all been furloughed this morning.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Devonian View Post
    I’m wondering if people are being furloughed can the employer top up the 20% out of their pocket to help the employee out? I’ve been asked this by a few people so emailed my Accountant. Not heard back yet. Think he’s snowed under with .... furlough queries.
    Yes employers can indeed top up the 80% with a further 20%. There’s no requirement to do so but they’re free to if they want.

  15. #15
    Grand Master Griswold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devonian View Post
    I’m wondering if people are being furloughed can the employer top up the 20% out of their pocket to help the employee out? I’ve been asked this by a few people so emailed my Accountant. Not heard back yet. Think he’s snowed under with .... furlough queries.
    From my accountant....

    Corona job retention scheme – HMRC will set up a new online portal so all UK businesses regardless of size will be eligible for assistance where an employee has been designated as a furloughed worker. HMRC will reimburse 80% of furloughed workers wages up to a cap of 2.5K per month, the current plan is that this will be in place for 3 months at which point it will be reviewed. This will be backdated to 1st March 2020. Employers must set out which of their employees are furloughed workers and inform the particular employees. Furlough is the equivalent of lay off so you can lay staff off and continue to pay them and recover 80% of that cost up to 30K per anum. The employer is entitled to make up the difference if they so wish, we do understand that during this time the employee is considered a remaining employee.

    Edited to say that the last sentence is very important as it effects length of service, which may become relevant further down the line for e.g. redundancy payment or pension calculations.
    Last edited by Griswold; 25th March 2020 at 12:33.
    Best Regards - Peter

    I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.

  16. #16
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    Waiting to hear from HR. I work in engineering, site is still open and making products. Our pay rise from a couple weeks back has just been taken back, and we have been asked to take two weeks off without pay. Not sure if they are going to use the gov 80%, it would appear that the company have to keep everyone on if they use the Gov scheme, so I guess they plan to slim down the staff numbers, or keep an option to do so.
    It's all a bit poo right now.

  17. #17
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    Lots of info about this subject and I expect to be the norm but there is LOADS of info bout here via Martin Lewis who will explain it much better than I can

    2) EMPLOYEES. Can't go to work or have no work to do? Ask your employer to 'furlough' you and Govt will cover 80% of your salary up to £2,500/mth. This is officially called the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme, and it means employers can choose to put staff who can't work on 'furlough' (on hold) - and then the Govt will cover their salary.

    Think of this like a job being put on standby. The idea is you go into sleeper mode during the crisis, and then when it's over, they can instantly restart things and get the economy running again at speed.

    It's up to employers to decide and define who is furloughed. It could be because you've no work to do (eg, you work in a closed restaurant), or as you have to be at home to look after children or you're self-isolating.

    The key thing to understand is the state is looking to support people. It wants this to be a broad sweep of support to gather people up. It's looking to embrace people who need it, not loophole them out. See our employee furlough info, including my 5min video briefing.

  18. #18
    if most of the customers have gone home then there is no point staying open, I will do it shortly, obviously we will top up.

    One very dirty trick companies especially automotive are playing, is take in deliveries then close and not pay invoices, saying accounts payable or treasury have gone.
    Last edited by adrianw; 25th March 2020 at 14:31.

  19. #19
    Unfortunately the Isle of Man will only pay employers, in certain industries, £280 per week per employee, or an employee made redundant because of Covid19 £200 per week for a max of 12 weeks.

    As the dental practices are closing to all but emergency care, MS O was given 1 week’s notice yesterday (fairly late in the evening by text!), and will have to apply for £200.

    I’m fairly sure my clients are going to be feeling the strain over the coming weeks too, so do not see my own positions as being that secure.

    I doubt there are many people in the UK that would be secure, with a potential loss of income, loss on investments, and corresponding drop in value of any luxury assets. I’m just not convinced the majority of people are walking away unscathed in some way, unless they are on a guaranteed retirement income.
    It's just a matter of time...

  20. #20
    I am in the process of offering all my guys (5 people) in the factory a furloughed contract, 80% without us topping up. We simply do not have the work at the moment, the showroom is shut as are most of our clients. I also do not want to lose the workforce in the long-run. The owner initially wanted to make redundancies which made no sense to me when the staff are happy to take 80% to sit at home for a period of time to protect their jobs and protect the business.

    The hard part is the government has released no information at all about any clauses, T&C, what you need to do to qualify etc, the website just says anyone on PAYE can take it. Which could end up being a lot of people, I cant see why any business would not use it. Cuts overheads massively and the employees are looked after, it is a win-win.

    We will all pay for this in the long run as the government will have to pay all this back at some point in the form of higher taxes etc but that's a problem for another day.

  21. #21
    My memory is Bit vague but I went on a field trip to a company in Belgium once (30 years ago) there they had a thing called “Econmical unemployment” basically if a company had no work the staff we made “unemployed” and the government paid their wages. We all said wow that’s great, until they told us how much tax they all pay to cover the cost.

    I guess it’ll be the same here all this 80% has to come from somewhere.....

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalic Mud View Post
    Googled it.
    Due to some stupid Russian at my place of work joking that a flat mate has the virus.
    I find myself and everyone else from work have all been furloughed this morning.
    Will he be welcome back when it's over?

  23. #23
    Are you NHS or private? Or mix?

    Depending on your practice set up, you "might" be OK if they decide to take the NHSE's offer to redeploy you. It would only make sense for a practice that is largely NHS to do though as, from what I've read, it implies ALL staff need to redeploy. Not good for a practice whose income isn't largely NHS as you're giving away your "private" staff resources too.

    Quote Originally Posted by trident-7 View Post
    Yes most of the dental nurses where I work will be furloughed I expect. There's nothing to do at work. Nothing that brings any money in at least. Yesterday I phoned patients who had called in with emergencies. We didn't see any of them because there's nothing we can do for them. We can't use anything which creates an aerosol. We don't have the correct personal protective equipment & we can't get any. There's no central referral pathway to send patients to. The local health authority are telling us to do what we can.

    The Chief Dental Officer for England has apparently gone off sick with stress.

    One of the patients who I phoned yesterday said he had a brand new FFP3 mask in his garage that I could have if I sorted his lost filling out. I'm considering it.

    Some of our dentists are being verbally abused by patients because they are expecting to be seen. None of the people that I phoned were like that with me though.

    The practice owners are desperately trying to find a way to survive with no income & lots of outgoings. The poor girls at work have nothing put by to live on. They don't get paid much and they spend everything they earn every month. One of them said the other day 'oh well, it's only for 3 weeks...'

    The dentists aren't getting paid anything at all but at least we've got money in the bank by & large.

    Yesterday I emptied my locker and took most of my personal possessions home just in case it's my last week.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by kungfupanda View Post
    Yes employers can indeed top up the 80% with a further 20%. There’s no requirement to do so but they’re free to if they want.
    Quote Originally Posted by Griswold View Post
    From my accountant....


    Edited to say that the last sentence is very important as it effects length of service, which may become relevant further down the line for e.g. redundancy payment or pension calculations.
    Thanks all :-)

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devonian View Post
    I’m wondering if people are being furloughed can the employer top up the 20% out of their pocket to help the employee out? I’ve been asked this by a few people so emailed my Accountant. Not heard back yet. Think he’s snowed under with .... furlough queries.
    As an aircraft Fueller on a zero hour contract,the emails from the company just talk about its full time employees!.My manager said any money I "may" get will be based on the last two months!,as the winter months are very very very quiet I've probably worked two maybe three days in that time so not much for me to look forward to,let alone the employer making up the 20%!.

    Everything is still very unclear!.I have several self employed mates that I know for a fact are financially secure,and so the package for the self employed isn't going to be quite a fair one in that respect,not an easy situation at all for anyone's situation tbh.

    As they keep bleating on.....unprecedented times,and we're all in it together,just as we weren't back in 2008!.
    Last edited by P9CLY; 25th March 2020 at 18:34.

  26. #26
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    Put all 65 staff on the 80% scheme only issue is we have to pay and then claim back which is fine for now but if carries on too long will run out of cash before the government repays us may have to go for the guaranteed loan for the immediate as more info on that the email from my account manager was basically have to wait my turn as massive uptake on all offerings

  27. #27
    What about one man band limited companies ? I don’t get paid via p a y e. Just a dividend at year end if I’ve made a profit
    How do I get the 80% ?

  28. #28
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lenlec View Post
    What about one man band limited companies ? I don’t get paid via p a y e. Just a dividend at year end if I’ve made a profit
    How do I get the 80% ?
    You don't.

    Announcement imminent (apparently) on measures to support self employed.
    When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks long into you.........

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_in_the_UK View Post
    You don't.

    Announcement imminent (apparently) on measures to support self employed.
    Am I classed as self employed ? Even though I am a director of my ltd company ?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by lenlec View Post
    What about one man band limited companies ? I don’t get paid via p a y e. Just a dividend at year end if I’ve made a profit
    How do I get the 80% ?
    Are you taking a minimum salary payment?im in the same boat think we only get 80% of that minimal payment

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Matdaytona View Post
    Are you taking a minimum salary payment?im in the same boat think we only get 80% of that minimal payment
    No mate. Just get what ever little profit I’ve been making. Had a shit couple of years so hardly any tbh.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by lenlec View Post
    No mate. Just get what ever little profit I’ve been making. Had a shit couple of years so hardly any tbh.
    Going to be tuff for all of us have 7 figure mortgages from what I understand our equity will be wiped with a 20-30% reduction in commercial property values

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Matdaytona View Post
    Going to be tuff for all of us have 7 figure mortgages from what I understand our equity will be wiped with a 20-30% reduction in commercial property values
    Bloody hell. I feel for you. I don’t have many overheads. Shop rent bit of electric etc.
    Think it’s going to be really tuff. My income has been zero this week

  34. #34
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Nothing to add other than I hope those of you affected get a quick resolution and the businesses pull through

  35. #35
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    Just learnt a mate who struggles to make ends meet has just been put on thurlough, at the same time his partners overtime has been stopped, she had been part time but making the hours up to a full time role for the last few years.

    Myself I'll be okay I work part time but had a promotion recently and the company I work for tick several of the essential business boxes, and with shoppers currently shopping locally we are fairing better than expected, although I've sat down with the owner and we have discussed thurlough and decided it's an option if we drop trade. Our main issue at the moment is lack of stock from supplier's.
    My wife works for the NHS so she's safe, and as the main earner in our house that is reassuring.

    Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by luckyhands View Post
    Are you NHS or private? Or mix?

    Depending on your practice set up, you "might" be OK if they decide to take the NHSE's offer to redeploy you. It would only make sense for a practice that is largely NHS to do though as, from what I've read, it implies ALL staff need to redeploy. Not good for a practice whose income isn't largely NHS as you're giving away your "private" staff resources too.
    We're only about 10% NHS. So if what you say is the correct interpretation there would be no incentive to redeploy. We'd be having to do the same as a 100% NHS practice for 10% of the remuneration. It wouldn't pay anywhere near the girls' wages even.

    I'm expecting my working days to be over to be honest. Anything else is a bonus.

    I feel bad for one of my colleagues who left 6 months ago having bought a dental practice. He told me tonight that he thought he could hold out for 3 months then he's done.

  37. #37
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    We are looking into this now for our staff. It seems that the HMRC Portal where you have to register each furloughed worker won't be live until April. The employer pays the 80% of salary and will then be reimbursed by HMRC at some time in the future, rumour is it will be August before that money is received.
    So, we are a smallish family business with a weekly payroll, based on 80%, of £15,000. Say this goes on for lets say 8 weeks the company will need to find £120,000 to pay out with no money back for 5 months !
    Luckily our owner is very generous and has today put £100,000 of his own money into the business account to cover this. If it goes on for more than 8 weeks (which lets face it there is a strong possibility) I think we're all in trouble !
    I will suffer as 2 years ago i opted out of my company car and bought my own, my business mileage covers my repayments, but with no business miles I will be out £600 per month. Luckily, as mentioned earlier, i have always saved for that "rainy day", but still not nice seeing savings going down when you've worked hard over the years for it.
    Stay safe everyone

  38. #38
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    Bank has just advised me that we don’t qualify for government backed interest free loan but they are happy to give me an interest bearing one guys I suggest you check ASAP if you need the loan don’t leave it

  39. #39
    If he needs any help, let me know. I can share my calculations and my immediate actions. Best wishes.

    Quote Originally Posted by trident-7 View Post
    We're only about 10% NHS. So if what you say is the correct interpretation there would be no incentive to redeploy. We'd be having to do the same as a 100% NHS practice for 10% of the remuneration. It wouldn't pay anywhere near the girls' wages even.

    I'm expecting my working days to be over to be honest. Anything else is a bonus.

    I feel bad for one of my colleagues who left 6 months ago having bought a dental practice. He told me tonight that he thought he could hold out for 3 months then he's done.

  40. #40
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    ^ that is great to hear an owner taking that sort of stance. From a morale perspective it must feel great for his employees. I just hope it all works out for you all. Good luck.

  41. #41
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    I was brought up to only buy what I could afford (ie save for it, then buy it). My kids (now grown and self supporting) were brought up the same way. The "credit card" generation will be hit hard and fast when this thing bites fully. We have often been told that many people are two paychecks away from financial disaster. I fear that it may be even less than that! Several people working with my daughter have been furloughed and she (veterinary head nurse) is working twice as hard as she was to make up. She looks physically and mentally exhausted and this thing has only just started.

  42. #42
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    Between the lines
    I’m not sure if I’m lucky or unlucky, in my line of work I’ll be one of the last men standing so to speak, so from a work point of view I’m fairly safe .
    My brother on the other hand has been completely shafted by his employer & hasn’t been paid this month (pay day today) with Covid 19 being used as the excuse....... like it only happened today!

  43. #43
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    I’m a ltd company and pay myself minimum wage and take dividends I’ve been advised that in order to qualify for the retention scheme you have to cease trading as a consequence of covid 19 and have minutes to that effect from a board meeting written down

    Makes sense to me but also means I’m right up **** creek hey ho it’s only money and right now I’m
    Looking at the bigger picture

  44. #44
    Im all finished up now...30 years in the game and the last job i carried out today was cutting a lawn and a bit of tidying for £40 that i haven't been
    transferred over yet.
    Not sure what the future holds for me. Im considering IVA, or bankruptcy. When all this is over, i cant see many people phoning me up asking for a new patio, or their garden landscaped. Although people can be fickle and forget about things after a week or two, cant help thinking so many people will be in dire straits after this, or completely rethinking their spending habits in the future....

  45. #45
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deanlad View Post
    Im all finished up now...30 years in the game and the last job i carried out today was cutting a lawn and a bit of tidying for £40 that i haven't been
    transferred over yet.
    Not sure what the future holds for me. Im considering IVA, or bankruptcy. When all this is over, i cant see many people phoning me up asking for a new patio, or their garden landscaped. Although people can be fickle and forget about things after a week or two, cant help thinking so many people will be in dire straits after this, or completely rethinking their spending habits in the future....
    I'm sorry to hear this. For what it is worth there are so many people in or about to be in this situation (and I could be just as easily) that I suspect the consequences of not being able to meet commitments won't be as severe as they might otherwise have been. I have a feeling so much debt will be uncollectable that the government will write it off by funding the banks. So you aren't alone and I hope it works out - I did see on the BBC a list of companies with large hiring needs now so maybe that might be useful. Take care

  46. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by deanlad View Post
    Im all finished up now...30 years in the game and the last job i carried out today was cutting a lawn and a bit of tidying for £40 that i haven't been
    transferred over yet.
    Not sure what the future holds for me. Im considering IVA, or bankruptcy. When all this is over, i cant see many people phoning me up asking for a new patio, or their garden landscaped. Although people can be fickle and forget about things after a week or two, cant help thinking so many people will be in dire straits after this, or completely rethinking their spending habits in the future....

    Chin up pal, you aren’t alone in this and you have your health I hope

    I personally think Ryan is correct and a lot will have to be written off as the downturn of the economy will have a massive impact and no doubt fallout irnit isn’t addressed mental health etc....

    It’s a big eye opener all of this, isn’t it

    We are finally realising money has no value.

    Your amazing job is no longer an amazing job, your expensive clothes now have no worth and no one gives a shit how you look anymore.

    Your big house is just 4 empty walls like everyone else’s.

    Your nice car is running on 4 tyres, the same as everyone else’s.

    We are finally seeing who the important people are, the ones who make a difference to our lives and are doing the crucial jobs we need.

    Shop workers ✔️
    Care workers ✔️
    NHS staff ✔️
    Emergency services ✔️
    Farmers ✔️
    Teachers ✔️
    Lorry drivers/delivery people ✔️
    Cleaners ✔️
    Refuse workers ✔️

    These people are the ones who keep our country ticking over, the core of our daily lives, the people who regularly go unnoticed and are often frowned upon but keep working hard, generally on a low income.
    People constantly look down on them and gloat that they earn more money than them.

    I’m proud of all of these people, they don’t earn enough for what they do, and they’re never appreciated for what they contribute and this episode will open all of our eyes to that fact
    Last edited by R0bertb00th; 26th March 2020 at 00:47.

  47. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Bedfordshire, UK
    It's all gone a bit Fight Club? (nsfw - if anyone is in work - sweary etc..)

  48. #48
    Anyone know what the £2.5k limit applies to? I assume that's not the take home wage, so the max people will actually get is £2.5k minus tax, employer and employee NI, pension payments etc. What will that leave as the actual maximum take home?

  49. #49
    Master Man of Kent's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Garden of England
    Quote Originally Posted by deanlad View Post
    Im all finished up now...30 years in the game and the last job i carried out today was cutting a lawn and a bit of tidying for £40 that i haven't been
    transferred over yet.
    Not sure what the future holds for me. Im considering IVA, or bankruptcy. When all this is over, i cant see many people phoning me up asking for a new patio, or their garden landscaped. Although people can be fickle and forget about things after a week or two, cant help thinking so many people will be in dire straits after this, or completely rethinking their spending habits in the future....
    Hopefully be some help for self employed or freelancers announced today if that's your situation.

  50. #50
    Grand Master
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    UP North.
    Quote Originally Posted by R0bertb00th View Post
    Chin up pal, you aren’t alone in this and you have your health I hope I personally think Ryan is correct and a lot will have to be written off as the downturn of the economy will have a massive impact and no doubt fallout irnit isn’t addressed mental health etc....It’s a big eye opener all of this, isn’t it We are finally realising money has no value.Your amazing job is no longer an amazing job, your expensive clothes now have no worth and no one gives a shit how you look anymore.Your big house is just 4 empty walls like everyone else’s. Your nice car is running on 4 tyres, the same as everyone else’s. We are finally seeing who the important people are, the ones who make a difference to our lives and are doing the crucial jobs we need. Shop workers ✔️Care workers ✔️NHS staff ✔️Emergency services ✔️Farmers ✔️Teachers ✔️Lorry drivers/delivery people ✔️Cleaners ✔️Refuse workers ✔️These people are the ones who keep our country ticking over, the core of our daily lives, the people who regularly go unnoticed and are often frowned upon but keep working hard, generally on a low income. People constantly look down on them and gloat that they earn more money than them.I’m proud of all of these people, they don’t earn enough for what they do, and they’re never appreciated for what they contribute and this episode will open all of our eyes to that fact
    I agree 150%,but we are Human and we WILL (some) always return to default feelings,thoughts and actions,we sadly forget all too quick!.

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