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Thread: The COVID-19 Promising News thread

  1. #251
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakeColdplayHistory View Post
    If the guidelines were straightforward and crystal clear, they would be crystal clear. The restrictions in the legislation are on leaving the home; there is no mention of driving. Matt Hancock (Health Secretary) said on BBC News that there was no problem driving a short distance to exercise in a quieter areas and the Cabinet Office (who drafted the legislation) confirmed there was nothing in either the legislation or the 'full guidance' that prevents someone driving to exercise.

    The document quoted above is an 'FAQ' section covering driving to 'national parks and other green spaces' and advises people not to drive. Some common sense needs to apply here - if we all jump in our cars and drive to Edale or Cheddar Gorge they will be hotbeds of virus transmission but if I drive a mile out of town into country lanes that I know to be empty, I will be reducing my chances of catching/passing Covid.

    See also this from the Policing Brief issued by the National Police Chief's Council on Tuesday... "Use your judgement and common sense; for example, people will want to exercise locally and may need to travel to do so, we don’t want the public sanctioned for travelling a reasonable distance to exercise."

    As it happens all my running so far in the 'lockdown' has been from home and 90% of my cycling is from home anyway but if I did choose to drive a short distance to run somewhere where social distancing could be better achieved, I would do so legally and with a clear conscience.

    If/when the law changes to prevent me driving for exercise, I won't drive.
    If/when the law changes to prevent me leaving the house for exercise, I won't leave the house.
    Sounds fair I suppose.

    Except where are you going to park in an empty country lane? Most country lanes are fairly narrow and parking at the side of the road wouldn't really be wise. Unless you are going to park in a farmers entrance to a field. Farmers are still working by the way. And 'a mile out of town' to a country lane might be possible if you live on the very outskirts of town. I think many people living in towns might have to drive a bit further than a mile. And what if hundreds of people want to do the same?

    What if you live within a mile of an area like Edale or Cheddar Gorge? Is it ok to drive there then?

    And I'm not trying to have a go at anyone, just asking what you think.
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  2. #252
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raffe View Post
    That would be the same redesivir from Gilead which is being discussed in this interview between Amy Goodman from Democracy Now and Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen:

    AMY GOODMAN: Rob, I want to ask you about Gilead. Facing mounting pressure from elected officials and dozens of groups, including yours, Public Citizen, Gilead scientists backed down from holding onto the exclusive status the Trump administration granted it for a drug it’s developing to treat COVID-19. Joe Grogan, a member of Trump’s coronavirus task force, worked as a Gilead Sciences lobbyist from 2011 to 2017. The status would have allowed the corporation to profit exclusively off the drug for seven years and blocked manufacturers from developing generic versions that can be more accessible to patients and control the drug’s price. Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted, quote, “It is truly outrageous that after taxpayers put tens of millions of dollars into developing remdesivir, Trump’s FDA is exploiting a law reserved for rare diseases to privatize a drug to treat a pandemic virus. The Trump Administration must rescind this corporate giveaway to Gilead and make any treatment and vaccine free for everybody.” Again, that was presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ statement. But can you explain what this whole controversy is about, what the role of Trump’s — one of his top advisers, his domestic security adviser, Grogan, is now and was as a Gilead lobbyist?

    ROBERT WEISSMAN: Yeah, this is extraordinary. So, Gilead has one of the possible treatments under study. So this is not a vaccine. The treatment very well may not work, but it’s one of the ones that has the best promise, among a not very good group. So, what Gilead did was it sought protection, what’s called orphan drug status, which is available for rare diseases, for drugs that treat populations of under 200,000. And they submitted their application for this rare disease status when there were fewer than 200,000 identified cases of COVID-19 in the United States. Obviously they knew the population was going to go far higher than that, but they got in under the wire. And the way the law is written, not taking into account a situation like this, if you apply when the population is under 200,000, you get this orphan drug designation, whether or not the population later on goes above 200,000. It was astounding. What you get for orphan drug designation is a seven-year exclusivity, a monopoly that’s separate from and in some ways more powerful than a patent monopoly. So we and others protested that. They quickly backed down, because there’s just no way they were going to be able to get away with that. They still have patents and other monopolies. So, if the drug turns out to be useful, they will have a monopoly, unless we impose more pressure on them or the government takes action to override the monopoly and ensure that other generic producers are able to get the drug on the market in the United States and around the world.
    The last element of this, which is so important, and it applies to this product and most of the vaccine efforts that are underway, and Senator Sanders’ tweet points this out, this drug has benefited from a huge amount of government funding on the research and development side. The vaccines have been overwhelmingly researched [inaudible] and its development overwhelmingly provided by U.S. federal government. So, in the case of Gilead, who’s trying to receive this special grant of exclusivity from the U.S. government for a product that the U.S. government had actually paid for most of the R&D on. And we’re facing the same possibility with a vaccine, if we get one anytime soon.

    The pharmaceutical industry, always standing by to make a killing - aided by the swamp that is the Trump administration.
    Hopefully if the treatment turned out to be successful international (and domestic) pressure would ensure it's availability to all. Hopefully.
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  3. #253

    The COVID-19 Promising News thread

    Quote Originally Posted by oldoakknives View Post
    Hopefully if the treatment turned out to be successful international (and domestic) pressure would ensure it's availability to all. Hopefully.
    It should be available to all but pharma companies aren’t charities.
    It costs an average of ~$2.5 billion to develop a new drug (the tens of millions the US government might have contributed towards remdesivir is peanuts) and unless rewarded why invest in R&D?
    Personally I think we’ll be past the peak of coronavirus infection (at least in the West) before remdesivir is approved and widely available. A vaccine may be available sooner.

  4. #254
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Interesting to see on the BBC coronavirus programme the medical.correspondent Fergus Walsh took one of the new serological tests and turned out positive for COVID antibodies despite not having any symptoms aside from feeling a bit tired a few weeks ago. A sample of one person doesn't say a lot other than the death rate % has just decreased by a tiny fraction as we now know one more completed case. But someone who had absolutely no inkling he'd turn out a positive result live on the BBC is super interesting

  5. #255
    Grand Master Griswold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christian View Post
    I also think part of the problem is that by more people driving, even if going to an isolated country lay-by rather than a park, it encourages others to drive to places like out-of-town shopping parks for non-essential stuff. This is why black-and-white rules are needed rather than guidelines and self-interpretation...a good proportion of the public don’t have common-sense.


    And a good proportion of the public want to find any excuse to be an exception!
    Best Regards - Peter

    I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.

  6. #256
    Master MakeColdplayHistory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldoakknives View Post
    Sounds fair I suppose.

    Except where are you going to park in an empty country lane? Most country lanes are fairly narrow and parking at the side of the road wouldn't really be wise. Unless you are going to park in a farmers entrance to a field. Farmers are still working by the way. And 'a mile out of town' to a country lane might be possible if you live on the very outskirts of town. I think many people living in towns might have to drive a bit further than a mile. And what if hundreds of people want to do the same?
    It comes down to personal judgement. I've lived in this town for the first 19 years of my life and the last 21 (with an enjoyable spell in Bristol in between) and have spent much of that time outdoors. I know where I can/can't park and would never park across a field entrance for example. It's a problem if 100 people all drive to the same place but if 100 people drive to 50 different places, that's 100 less people running round the middle of town.

    Quote Originally Posted by oldoakknives View Post
    What if you live within a mile of an area like Edale or Cheddar Gorge? Is it ok to drive there then?
    No - either run locally or, if that's crowded, drive a mile or so in the other direction.

    It's important to keep exercising.
    It's important to minimise chances of catching/passing Covid-19.
    Local Knowledge.
    Common sense.
    Obey the law.

    The problem comes when people only go for a 'hike' once a year (on Easter Monday or August Bank Holiday) and only know one place to go so the famous parks, Peak District honeypots and Brighton seafront etc are swarming.

  7. #257
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakeColdplayHistory View Post
    It comes down to personal judgement. I've lived in this town for the first 19 years of my life and the last 21 (with an enjoyable spell in Bristol in between) and have spent much of that time outdoors. I know where I can/can't park and would never park across a field entrance for example. It's a problem if 100 people all drive to the same place but if 100 people drive to 50 different places, that's 100 less people running round the middle of town.

    No - either run locally or, if that's crowded, drive a mile or so in the other direction.

    It's important to keep exercising.
    It's important to minimise chances of catching/passing Covid-19.
    Local Knowledge.
    Common sense.
    Obey the law.

    The problem comes when people only go for a 'hike' once a year (on Easter Monday or August Bank Holiday) and only know one place to go so the famous parks, Peak District honeypots and Brighton seafront etc are swarming.


    Quote Originally Posted by Christian View Post
    I also think part of the problem is that by more people driving, even if going to an isolated country lay-by rather than a park, it encourages others to drive to places like out-of-town shopping parks for non-essential stuff. This is why black-and-white rules are needed rather than guidelines and self-interpretation...a good proportion of the public don’t have common-sense.

    Anyway...back to the good news...
    Quote Originally Posted by Griswold View Post

    And a good proportion of the public want to find any excuse to be an exception!
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  8. #258
    Think this is fairly clear (for most people)

    We live in a largish residential area on the edge of town but luckily with some large open spaces including 2 parks and adjacent area of open fields. Some people have always driven here mainly to walk there dogs but there are still quite a few people doing it now and to need to drive they must be coming from a reasonable distance as there are other parks and countryside quite close. Yes it’s nice to walk your dog in this area but there are more important things right now, have seen the police in attendance and moving on someone who had driven but that’s once in a week.
    Its already a bit of a dodging game taking the dog for a walk with so many people now working from home plus kids not at school.

    Could also have a rant about cyclists on the pavement when there’s little traffic on the roads and people letting their children run around and kicking footballs meaning you have to allow them a 50m social distancing area, but I won’t.

  9. #259
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post
    Interesting to see on the BBC coronavirus programme the medical.correspondent Fergus Walsh took one of the new serological tests and turned out positive for COVID antibodies despite not having any symptoms aside from feeling a bit tired a few weeks ago. A sample of one person doesn't say a lot other than the death rate % has just decreased by a tiny fraction as we now know one more completed case. But someone who had absolutely no inkling he'd turn out a positive result live on the BBC is super interesting
    Has this particular test been proved to be accurate? Bit dodgy for him if it hasn’t.

  10. #260
    Grand Master Raffe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TBKBABAB View Post
    Has this particular test been proved to be accurate? Bit dodgy for him if it hasn’t.
    Sample size one you say? And who says he isn't positive and asymptomatic? Absolutely no valid conclusion that could be taken from this, just discard it as irrelevant.

  11. #261
    Grand Master Andyg's Avatar
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    Three positives from Cv19.

    1) I have smashed all of the DIY projects I was planning to do and a few I wasn’t (without much personal injury).
    2) The number of cold calls received has reduced to ZERO.
    3) After living in the village for 28 years I have actually started to explore the surrounding area (all within walking distance). Beautiful.

    Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  12. #262
    Quote Originally Posted by oldoakknives View Post
    The advice on exercising from home and not driving to exercise is straightforward.
    If it's that straightforward then you should be able to state it unambiguously.

    So what exactly is it?

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  13. #263
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralphy View Post
    If it's that straightforward then you should be able to state it unambiguously.

    So what exactly is it?

    Look it up yourself.
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  14. #264
    Quote Originally Posted by ralphy View Post
    If it's that straightforward then you should be able to state it unambiguously.

    So what exactly is it?

    Go to the link I posted 4 below yours.

    Just back from walking the dog, 5 cars parked at entrance to our park, on the way out 4 people in front with dogs they put the dogs in 2 of the cars and then stand there talking to each other with no distance between them and then get in the 2 cars and drive off in different directions.....

  15. #265
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TBKBABAB View Post
    Go to the link I posted 4 below yours.

    Just back from walking the dog, 5 cars parked at entrance to our park, on the way out 4 people in front with dogs they put the dogs in 2 of the cars and then stand there talking to each other with no distance between them and then get in the 2 cars and drive off in different directions.....
    Don’t worry it’s not that he doesn’t understand, he’s just looking to have a dig.
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  16. #266
    Master MakeColdplayHistory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg View Post
    Three positives from Cv19.
    2) The number of cold calls received has reduced to ZERO.
    I hadn't noticed but now you've pointed it out... I guess the stay at home directive in India (enforced by a whack with a piece of plastic pipe) has closed the cold call factories.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg View Post
    Three positives from Cv19.
    3) After living in the village for 28 years I have actually started to explore the surrounding area (all within walking distance). Beautiful.
    Don't take this personally but I find that astonishing. I'm living back where I grew up now but when I moved about a bit the first thing I'd do when I moved to a new place was to go out for a walk, almost deliberately get lost and then find my way home again. I've never not known everything in walking distance within a matter of weeks not 28 years. It probably says more about me than it does about you though - I have a map in my head of every road, footpath, bridleway or unmarked trail for 5 miles to the West of me and 10-15 miles to the East. Very handy when it comes to running, road or mountain biking.

  17. #267
    Grand Master Andyg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakeColdplayHistory View Post
    I hadn't noticed but now you've pointed it out... I guess the stay at home directive in India (enforced by a whack with a piece of plastic pipe) has closed the cold call factories.

    Don't take this personally but I find that astonishing. I'm living back where I grew up now but when I moved about a bit the first thing I'd do when I moved to a new place was to go out for a walk, almost deliberately get lost and then find my way home again. I've never not known everything in walking distance within a matter of weeks not 28 years. It probably says more about me than it does about you though - I have a map in my head of every road, footpath, bridleway or unmarked trail for 5 miles to the West of me and 10-15 miles to the East. Very handy when it comes to running, road or mountain biking.

    I spent a lot of time in India and many large companies had dormitories on campus specifically to enable staff to stay at work during Bandhs (Wildcat Strikes which mainly impacted the transport systems). HP for example had beds for 6000 staff (along with bathrooms, a gym, kitchens, own water systems, generators, etc). I wonder how many of these are currently in use. After all Companies still need email, payroll, HR, accountancy, etc systems to be managed and backed-up. Especially for legal reasons.

    I hear what you say about my lack of knowledge of the area where I live. My shame. Alas to much time working (a lot of which was overseas), DIY and time doing other stuff. I mistake I will not make again.

    Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  18. #268
    Quote Originally Posted by ralphy View Post
    If it's that straightforward then you should be able to state it unambiguously.

    So what exactly is it?

    The law on leaving the house for exercise is indeed straightforward.

    Restrictions on movement

    6.—(1) During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.

    (2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need—

    b)to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;

    That is basically it.

    Fortunately most people won’t read the legislation. Just as well, as otherwise people may decide to drive more than a reasonable distance to take their exercise and do it a couple of times a day.

  19. #269
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralphy View Post
    If it's that straightforward then you should be able to state it unambiguously.

    So what exactly is it?

    So did you find out?

    What are the government asking people to do this weekend?
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  20. #270
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Quick! Before Raffe thread-craps on any encouraging possibilities yet again here is some potentially good news on therapeutic possibilities coming out of Austria where they managed to rapidly slow SARS-COV2 both in vitro and more importantly in grown human organoids.

  21. #271
    Master MakeColdplayHistory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldoakknives View Post
    What are the government asking people to do this weekend?
    Not have picnics.

  22. #272
    Grand Master Raffe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post
    Quick! Before Raffe thread-craps on any encouraging possibilities yet again here is some potentially good news on therapeutic possibilities coming out of Austria where they managed to rapidly slow SARS-COV2 both in vitro and more importantly in grown human organoids.

    I am not thread-crapping on encouraging possibilities (what exactly is that?), I am just challenging complete nonsense post copied from fringe facebook groups.

    This may prove interesting, let's wait for the peer review. Suppose next step is an approval process for clinical tests?

  23. #273
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakeColdplayHistory View Post
    Not have picnics.
    No doubt there will be someone who has a “...yeah but, no but...” reason why they should be allowed to.
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  24. #274
    Master MakeColdplayHistory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbn13 View Post
    The law on leaving the house for exercise is indeed straightforward.

    Restrictions on movement

    6.—(1) During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.

    (2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need—

    b)to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;
    Is it law yet if it doesn't Royal Assent?

  25. #275
    Quote Originally Posted by MakeColdplayHistory View Post
    Is it law yet if it doesn't Royal Assent?
    Statutory Instrument 2020 no.350, by reference to the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

    Don’t think separate Royal Assent is required for a SI.

  26. #276
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    Exiled in the Land that time forgot - Yorkshire

  27. #277
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    Talking to my sister, a good friend of hers(51 years old) has been taken into hospital with double pneumonia and tested positive for the virus, she also knows one of the nurses treating him and she says they are trying a new drug on him and so far there has been some improvement. No more information at present, but fingers crossed.

  28. #278
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobdog View Post
    Talking to my sister, a good friend of hers(51 years old) has been taken into hospital with double pneumonia and tested positive for the virus, she also knows one of the nurses treating him and she says they are trying a new drug on him and so far there has been some improvement. No more information at present, but fingers crossed.
    Best wishes to your friend

  29. #279
    Grand Master Raffe's Avatar
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    Great news:

    500 patients in northern Italian hospitals are receiving right now respirators, produced by hacked scuba gear that was shipped by Decathlon!

  30. #280
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    brilliant, I've also seen pictures of medics adapting that very same Decathlon snorkel set to create their own PPE by fitting a filtration device to the top of the breathing tube nozzle.

  31. #281
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raffe View Post
    That would be the same redesivir from Gilead which is being discussed in this interview between Amy Goodman from Democracy Now and Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen:
    AMY GOODMAN: Rob, I want to ask you about Gilead. Facing mounting pressure from elected officials and dozens of groups, including yours, Public Citizen, Gilead scientists backed down from holding onto the exclusive status the Trump administration granted it for a drug it’s developing to treat COVID-19. Joe Grogan, a member of Trump’s coronavirus task force, worked as a Gilead Sciences lobbyist from 2011 to 2017. The status would have allowed the corporation to profit exclusively off the drug for seven years and blocked manufacturers from developing generic versions that can be more accessible to patients and control the drug’s price. Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted, quote, “It is truly outrageous that after taxpayers put tens of millions of dollars into developing remdesivir, Trump’s FDA is exploiting a law reserved for rare diseases to privatize a drug to treat a pandemic virus. The Trump Administration must rescind this corporate giveaway to Gilead and make any treatment and vaccine free for everybody.” Again, that was presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ statement. But can you explain what this whole controversy is about, what the role of Trump’s — one of his top advisers, his domestic security adviser, Grogan, is now and was as a Gilead lobbyist?

    ROBERT WEISSMAN: Yeah, this is extraordinary. So, Gilead has one of the possible treatments under study. So this is not a vaccine. The treatment very well may not work, but it’s one of the ones that has the best promise, among a not very good group. So, what Gilead did was it sought protection, what’s called orphan drug status, which is available for rare diseases, for drugs that treat populations of under 200,000. And they submitted their application for this rare disease status when there were fewer than 200,000 identified cases of COVID-19 in the United States. Obviously they knew the population was going to go far higher than that, but they got in under the wire. And the way the law is written, not taking into account a situation like this, if you apply when the population is under 200,000, you get this orphan drug designation, whether or not the population later on goes above 200,000. It was astounding. What you get for orphan drug designation is a seven-year exclusivity, a monopoly that’s separate from and in some ways more powerful than a patent monopoly. So we and others protested that. They quickly backed down, because there’s just no way they were going to be able to get away with that. They still have patents and other monopolies. So, if the drug turns out to be useful, they will have a monopoly, unless we impose more pressure on them or the government takes action to override the monopoly and ensure that other generic producers are able to get the drug on the market in the United States and around the world.
    The last element of this, which is so important, and it applies to this product and most of the vaccine efforts that are underway, and Senator Sanders’ tweet points this out, this drug has benefited from a huge amount of government funding on the research and development side. The vaccines have been overwhelmingly researched [inaudible] and its development overwhelmingly provided by U.S. federal government. So, in the case of Gilead, who’s trying to receive this special grant of exclusivity from the U.S. government for a product that the U.S. government had actually paid for most of the R&D on. And we’re facing the same possibility with a vaccine, if we get one anytime soon.

    The pharmaceutical industry, always standing by to make a killing - aided by the swamp that is the Trump administration.
    Thanks for posting that, Raffe - nothing short of disgraceful (no surprise there).

  32. #282
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    As someone that’s HIV+ and had cancer last year, my immune system is very compromised... I was told to register with the government as a vulnerable person, which I duly did.

    Today I received this little lot. It’s got everything I need for a weeks sustenance, all free of charge.

    And that’s where I feel a little uncomfortable. I’m well able to pay for the food, and I’d prefer that I did. Apparently there is no facility to be able to pay.

    I would estimate that there’s around £25 worth of goods in the box, and I shall be receiving it on a weekly basis until things change.

    I’m extremely grateful that I’m getting a delivery, as is my wife, as she feels vulnerable to bringing home the virus, whenever she goes to the shops..But we don’t need free food.

    I plan on sending the total of however many weeks free food I get to either a local food bank, hospice or cancer charity, once this thing is over.

  33. #283
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    Mate, didn't you get contaminated blood from a government run facility?, keep the food and keep your money.


  34. #284
    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch View Post

    Today I received this little lot....
    That's very moving Enoch, all the best and stay well. How about that then, certainly beats moaning about people out for a walk. Take it easy everyone.

  35. #285
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    Chwarae Teg - Fair Play Enoch

    Btw you could swap the pasta and tinned tomatoes on eBay for 50 loaves and feed the whole village

  36. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by seadog1408 View Post
    Mate, didn't you get contaminated blood from a government run facility?, keep the food and keep your money.

    I did yes, Factor VIII supplied by the NHS. A long time ago now, and water under the bridge...

    I’ve just discovered that our local village hall has got a load of volunteers that are picking up prescriptions, doing shopping and providing Sunday dinners for some of the elderly and vulnerable in the village.. They’ve asked for donations so that they can do more, so that’s an easy one for me..

  37. #287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch View Post
    I did yes, Factor VIII supplied by the NHS. A long time ago now, and water under the bridge...

    I’ve just discovered that our local village hall has got a load of volunteers that are picking up prescriptions, doing shopping and providing Sunday dinners for some of the elderly and vulnerable in the village.. They’ve asked for donations so that they can do more, so that’s an easy one for me..
    Win win Andy.

  38. #288
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    Simple antibody blood test

    Looks like good news - although the FDA has thrown caution to the winds and this and all the other tests in the US have bypassed the normal approval process and have been approved under emergency legislation. The normal approval and licence process is clunky and can take years, but it there for a reason.

  39. #289
    Master mondie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch View Post
    I did yes, Factor VIII supplied by the NHS. A long time ago now, and water under the bridge...

    I’ve just discovered that our local village hall has got a load of volunteers that are picking up prescriptions, doing shopping and providing Sunday dinners for some of the elderly and vulnerable in the village.. They’ve asked for donations so that they can do more, so that’s an easy one for me..
    That's a good outcome for all Enoch. I didn't realise the Gov was doing this for vulnerable people, its great to see people who are registered as vulnerable being looked after

  40. #290
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch View Post
    I did yes, Factor VIII supplied by the NHS. A long time ago now, and water under the bridge...

    I’ve just discovered that our local village hall has got a load of volunteers that are picking up prescriptions, doing shopping and providing Sunday dinners for some of the elderly and vulnerable in the village.. They’ve asked for donations so that they can do more, so that’s an easy one for me..
    Nicely played
    Don't just do something, sit there. - TNH

  41. #291
    Grand Master Raffe's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    I think it's fantastic for the government to help vulnerable persons with this and even more fantastic of you to forward the monetary value to a good cause.

  42. #292
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Raffe View Post
    I think it's fantastic for the government to help vulnerable persons with this and even more fantastic of you to forward the monetary value to a good cause.
    Cheers Raffe... The food came as a complete surprise, and it’s a comfort for the wife to not have to go shopping. But I really don’t feel comfortable getting it for free. Let’s be honest, anyone with a watch collection, motorbikes and a fancy car doesn’t need free food. I don’t consider myself as wealthy, but I’m certainly not poor. My fixed income is enough for us to live on in comfort, and unlike many, I’ll still be getting the full amount during the lockdown..

    I have friends and neighbours on very reduced incomes, it’s these folk I feel for. So if I can help some of them out by contributing to the village hall fund, it’ll make me feel better..

    Life is all about karma, doing the wrong thing will always come back on you and bite you in the backside..

  43. #293
    Promising news from across Europe as figures seem to suggest that Spain, Italy, France and Germany have passed the peak of infections and deaths.

  44. #294
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch View Post
    Cheers Raffe... The food came as a complete surprise, and it’s a comfort for the wife to not have to go shopping. But I really don’t feel comfortable getting it for free. Let’s be honest, anyone with a watch collection, motorbikes and a fancy car doesn’t need free food. I don’t consider myself as wealthy, but I’m certainly not poor. My fixed income is enough for us to live on in comfort, and unlike many, I’ll still be getting the full amount during the lockdown..

    I have friends and neighbours on very reduced incomes, it’s these folk I feel for. So if I can help some of them out by contributing to the village hall fund, it’ll make me feel better..

    Life is all about karma, doing the wrong thing will always come back on you and bite you in the backside..
    Great attitude, and completely agree about karma - you are a gentleman and in a good place karma wise!

    Quite a comprehensive looking delivery too.

  45. #295
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    No new daily deaths from COVID-19 in China. First time since early Jan

  46. #296
    Grand Master dkpw's Avatar
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    Well my little bit of good news is that I had a proactive call from the DWP who are processing my claim for UC. The lady who called could not have been nicer, and was very helpful. She was calling from Stirling as sadly the Edinburgh office has been swamped by claims, which the are dealing with by phone and email.

    So let's not forget the Civil Servants who are working hard to keep many of our essential services running!!

    Stay safe, stay at home!

  47. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post
    No new daily deaths from COVID-19 in China. First time since early Jan
    I hope this is true, but can’t help being doubtful about information released by the Chinease Government. Hopefully the news from Europe remains positive.

  48. #298
    Quote Originally Posted by phil h View Post
    I hope this is true, but can’t help being doubtful about information released by the Chinease Government. Hopefully the news from Europe remains positive.
    Agreed, I used to work over there and cover ups and lies is rife over there, hope it’s true but I have my doubts...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  49. #299
    Grand Master RustyBin5's Avatar
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    Got confirmation that I’m not going to receive a penny due to being over the 50k and being self employed. However since it’s the promising news thread, here’s a thought for you...

    This is the first time in living memory that the earth has had a chance to heal itself - vastly reduced carbon emissions, pollution in cities at record lows, bird song louder and more prevalent. A wake up call and an opportunity to continue the heal once normality resumes - maybe unrealistic but we can hope

  50. #300
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    Feb 2014
    I got two grand children who are now on 80% of a job as part of their uni training. They can stay on this until September. They are staying my my house in the UK rent free and are now actually saving money as they can't go out to spend it. They communicate on social media, so they are ok.

    I have a son who works from home in IT and he is loving being home all the time with a new born baby. He has no more commuting and it looks like there will be more home working when all this is over. So he is one happy bunny.

    Another son is also now working from home and he has managed to re decorate the kitchen so he is well happy.

    It looks like I am trapped in Spain with all its sunshine and I will soon be using the pool. Also we face time a lot of the time so we know what's going on. Sitting on my bum is no big hardship

    This being confined to home really is no deal deal and the people who moan about it should just need to grow up. The main thing is to take no risks and stay indoors. Forget about walking the dog or riding a bike, the NHS is more important than the pleasure seeking activities of a few selfish people.

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