Hi all just to let you all know I have been banned from the WatchUseek forum
just to give you a brief insight into what’s happened. Someone has hacked my account and sold
A rolex watch to LEO1790 who I think is also on this forum. I am informed having paid
the money no watch arrived. Hence I have been banned. I have contacted a moderator
and suggested the bank and police are contacted as this has absolutely nothing to do with me. I’ve offered to supply my address and phone number, I have nothing to hide. Please check hero’s and villains I have nothing but excellent feedback the links to these have been forwarded to WatchUseek but as yet no reply. I have sent a private message to leo1790 on this forum but have not received a reply. It would seem the bank involved in receiving the payment is monzobank ltd this bank has no branches and appears to be online only the account holders name is Howard jeffwill Ricardo acc no 57835775 sort code 04-00-04 bic MONZGB2L just so you can all watch out for these details I am amazed why anyone would correspond with a jeff wilson then send money to a completely different name.
Thanks all Jeff.