So, the title says it all really.

I would really love a dog. My experience of owning dogs so far is present but limited I guess. When I was at university my parents got a dog (a Samoyed), I would visit home relatively often and obviously spend the long holidays at home with the dog. I loved that dog. I loved training it and would get frustrated when other members of my family wouldn't keep up the training when I was away. I had a really strong bond with the dog, more so than anyone else in my family despite me not even being there as much as they were. The dog died when it was just 4 years old and I was heartbroken. That was about 3 years ago.

I have now been working as a doctor for 4 and a bit years, and my working pattern was just completely incompatible with getting a dog (despite me missing having one in my life immensely) due to very long hours and constantly changing shift patterns. However, I am now a GP registrar and my hospital days are behind me. Yes my hours are still long but they are predictable. My wife is a teacher and so could be home by 5 (with marking still to do) most days plus long holidays (private school).

I have always just ruled out getting another dog as I assumed it just wouldn't work, but recently I have been wondering whether or not I could make it work. I am an early riser, so would enjoy walking the dog before work, paid dog walker during the day and then a walk by me and/or the wife after work. To be honest at weekends we just do the kind of things dog walkers do but without a dog... walks on Dartmoor, along the coast, dog-friendly pubs etc.

Clearly, I have just spent time writing three paragraphs trying to convince the reader it is a good idea... but what do dog owners here actually think? Have people managed to make it work while working? Or is it just a non-starter?