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Thread: Tree Pollen Allergy - Are You Suffering at the Moment.

  1. #51
    maybe an old wives tale but someone once told me to have honey made by local bees and that it would help hayfever symptoms
    so come end of february and the sniffles begin that is exactly what I do
    i still get hayfever like always but I have noticed its not as intense as when I didn't have the local honey

  2. #52
    I got hayfever for the first time, the year before last. It was annoying, but nothing more than an inconvenience.

    Last year was terrible around this time, so this year I put a date in my diary to take the antihistamine from mid March.

    I did that and I feel almost normal this year. My symptoms are very mild.

    However, I put that down to the difference in weather and the pollen load rather than the tablets. This time last year we were talking about pollen bombs and suchlike.

    Is anyone else, like me, feeling much better this year?

  3. #53
    This is the worst year I’ve known. I’m convinced the lack of air pollution is helping the trees to produce more pollen than normal.

  4. #54
    Ouch, sorry to hear that.

  5. #55
    Craftsman enndriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Lee View Post
    This is the worst year I’ve known. I’m convinced the lack of air pollution is helping the trees to produce more pollen than normal.
    Will leave my car in garden today with engine running and report back!

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  6. #56
    I was wondering why I was feeling so much better this evening and noticed that all the catkins have now fallen from our silver birch tree in the garden, and the tree is fully in leaf.

    Hopefully, that is the worst of it over, but probably not if you live in the north as the season is typically a couple of weeks behind the SE where I live.

    A brutal couple of weeks for me, and certainly the worst I can remember. The low point was the nocturnal asthma, not being able to sleep for, and being woken up with shortness of breath. Very scary at some points.

  7. #57
    The sycamores planted near my flat are now showing their cone shaped flowers so the citirazine is primed and ready, mild hay fever lasts about 4-5 weeks then I’m usually fine for the rest of the summer unless laying in long grass for hours on end (not something I do that often)

  8. #58
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    I've just put my back out just through constant sneezing. So annoying.

  9. #59
    I go through cycles with hay fever. Sometime nowt, sometime near death (ok I’m exaggerating) but this year it’s started early and hard.

    I don’t even know which of the two most common meds works for me, so I’ve started taking both.

    It massively sucks to be allergic to summer!

  10. #60
    Anyone else suffering today? It feels like with a couple of days of nice settled weather the tree pollen season must have just kicked off, given I’m sneezing tens to the dozen and have red itchy eyes.

    Not looking forward to the next 6 weeks.

  11. #61
    Craftsman enndriz's Avatar
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    Yep, noticed soon as I woke up. I do tend to suffer earlier in the season and it tails off into the summer, but this seems really early

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  12. #62
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    Not suffering yet with the grass and tree pollen but a few years ago I worked setting up a large country fair, I walked into a big marquee and within minutes had the biggest reaction I’ve ever had, thought I was going to have to ring an ambulance as I was really struggling to breath.
    Jumped into the bosses car and sat with the air conditioning on for nearly and hour before I could breathe properly again.

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  13. #63
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    I’ve had slight eye irritation over the past couple of days, similar to hay fever, and sneezed a few times, typical hay fever symptoms but I put it down to the dust from the building work I’m involved with at the moment. I usually get hay fever very early in the season, ironically I almost enjoy it because it reminds me that spring’s coming.........I don’t like winter!

  14. #64
    My wife has been bad for the last week here in the south east.

    It hasn't affected me, yet.

  15. #65
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Took two clarityn today and yesterday. Came out of nowhere. Soon I'll be back on Fexofenadine.

  16. #66
    Anyone else suffering at the moment with the fine settled weather, as it makes the tree pollen impact worse.

    I’m on prescription strength anti-histamines and nasal spray, and I’m still suffering badly. Only 4 more weeks to go.

  17. #67
    Yep! Suffering badly this morning, despite anti-histamines.

  18. #68
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    I'm currently at 2x 180mg Fexofenadine and this week started showering twice per day.

    I'm also trying to wear sunglasses on our daily walks to limit the pollen.

    Plan is to try book a dr's appointment today to get my prescription increased back up to 3x daily and have some steroids on standby as next I'll have breathing issues. Already have some inhalers from my repeat - only used for hayfever.

    The headache yesterday evening wasn't great.

  19. #69
    Craftsman enndriz's Avatar
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    Been taking anti histamines for weeks in preparation, only 2 days into nice weather and nose constantly streaming, eyes itching - doesn’t bode well for the next month or so!

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  20. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by wileeeeeey View Post
    and have some steroids on standby as next I'll have breathing issues.
    I’ve had this all my life, but last year was really the first time I had any breathing difficulties, specially nocturnal asthma which woke me up. It only lasted for a couple of the worst pollen days.

    This year I used the Livi GP online contact service back in February to get all my meds lined up as I know I will suffer badly through March and April. Like you I am on Fexofenadine, and I also now have a Ventolin inhaler to hand if my breathing gets bad.

    The colder weather next week should take the pressure off.

  21. #71
    I’ve been feeling a bit chesty the last 2 days so I think it’s starting to kick in for me.

  22. #72
    Master MakeColdplayHistory's Avatar
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    I really need to put a note in my calendar for each coming year to tell me that it is the reason I feel crap.

    Tree pollen allergy is something that crept up on me about 10 years ago but every year I think it must be something different because it's too early. I think it's because I have a field behind my house with a row of trees and those trees barely have any leaves on them yet but there must be some other trees somewhere pumping out their pollen.

  23. #73

    Tree Pollen Allergy - Are You Suffering at the Moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by MakeColdplayHistory View Post
    I really need to put a note in my calendar for each coming year to tell me that it is the reason I feel crap.

    Tree pollen allergy is something that crept up on me about 10 years ago but every year I think it must be something different because it's too early. I think it's because I have a field behind my house with a row of trees and those trees barely have any leaves on them yet but there must be some other trees somewhere pumping out their pollen.
    It took me about 30 years to click that I was having the same symptoms at the same time every year. Then one year I realised that it happened to me the same time as last year, and did some research. Tree pollen fever is not well known like hay fever, hence the reason I never clicked, and neither did my parents as I have had this all my life.

    I even had allergy tests by the NHS which was useless.

    See the tree pollen calendar in the link below. We are in the thick of it, with about 8 types of trees pollinating at the moment. I think birch is the worst for me, and by bad fortune I have a massive one in my garden.

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  24. #74
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noTAGlove View Post
    I’ve had this all my life, but last year was really the first time I had any breathing difficulties, specially nocturnal asthma which woke me up. It only lasted for a couple of the worst pollen days.

    This year I used the Livi GP online contact service back in February to get all my meds lined up as I know I will suffer badly through March and April. Like you I am on Fexofenadine, and I also now have a Ventolin inhaler to hand if my breathing gets bad.

    The colder weather next week should take the pressure off.
    For me I find it the worst at night as my breathing is really impacted when it's bad and I struggle to sleep. The constant feeling of being spaced out from sneezing all day with a big headache is also bad.

    The best thing I've ever bought for my hayfever is the NHS pre paid prescription certificate. £100 or so for the year and unlimited prescriptions. So much better having an inhaler in the car, backpack, bike bag etc.

  25. #75
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    I woke up with morning with one eye 30-40% closed due to swelling. My video meetings today were a bit awkward.

    A 9.30pm video appointment with a GP through work just now and I'll be steroids tomorrow morning for a week. Light at the end of the tunnel.

  26. #76
    Master rabbitinheadlights's Avatar
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    I suffer terrible but someone at work recommended Dymista spray. I got some through the GP and it’s changed my life honestly. One spray per day for the first couple of weeks then every other etc. Now I only use twice a week. It’s amazing stuff. Worth a go

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  27. #77
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    As said last year - You guys need to try and get yourself some local (as in UK) honey and have a tea spoon a day - Don't bother with the the cr*p sold in supermarkets that is a blend of EU and non-EU honeys. Contact your local bee keepers associations as they may have some honey left from last year. I won't have any until May-June time - sorry - and it sells out quick on SC.

  28. #78
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    At risk of upsetting the anti-Tim Spector TZ UK members again:

    I commenced taking notice of his writings ('Diet Myth' book ... and subsequent 'Spoon Fed' book) over 2 years ago ... and changed my diet to boost my immune system via TS' recommended 'improve your microbiome' diet .

    I've suffered with hay fever / pollen allergies all my life, but after adopting the healthy microbiome diet I'm symptom free ... and can be out in nature reserves all day throughout the year without experiencing any allergies.

    Worth a try but don't expect instant results ... takes at least a few weeks to get used to to the new diet regimen and reap the benefits.

    For instant respiratory allergy relief try Beconase Aqueous Nasal Spray and Sodium Cromoglicate Eye Drops ... both available over the counter without prescription.

    And anyone born via C-section can be more prone to respiratory system and other allergies ... because they might not have the benefit of their mothers' birth canal microbes ... which give the immune system a good start.

    Last edited by sundial; 2nd April 2021 at 02:10.
    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  29. #79
    Uh oh.

    10 months of calm, and then I started rubbing my eyes and sneezing this morning.
    Birch pollen is back.

    Catkins dropping off our large birch tree in the garden confirmed my symptoms.

    The only saving grace for now is the cold weather is suppressing the pollen.

    As soon as the next warm sunny day appears, I will be done for.

  30. #80
    Kenalog jab absolutely life changing

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  31. #81
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    Kenalog is no longer approved by the NHS in the UK because the side effects outweigh the benefits.

  32. #82
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    180mg Fexofenadine works for me.

  33. #83
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wallyuk View Post
    180mg Fexofenadine works for me.
    This for me 2x daily but in a few weeks it will be 3x. In the absolute peak it’s 4x.

  34. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Tatters View Post
    Kenalog is no longer approved by the NHS in the UK because the side effects outweigh the benefits.
    the benefits for me are well worth any side effects

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  35. #85
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Anyone had one of these done before? Had one in Feb.

  36. #86
    Nice weather today and randomly started sneezing. It's back, and not looking forward to the next 4-6 weeks.

    Birch is my nemesis, and we have a whopping huge one in the garden full of catkins.

  37. #87
    Master MakeColdplayHistory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wileeeeeey View Post
    Anyone had one of these done before? Had one in Feb.
    Where did you have it done. I never had hayfever/allergies as a youth so it took me a while to realise in my early 40s that the symptoms I had that were:
    • like hayfever
    • happening in hayfever season
    • treated by hayfever treatments

    were probably hayfever.
    I now think it's not actually hayfever but tree pollen allergy (earlier than grass pollen) but this is all guesswork, Google and pub chat. I'd be interested in doing a proper test but can't help thinking this is an area ripe for charlatans.

  38. #88
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Tree Pollen Allergy - Are You Suffering at the Moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by noTAGlove View Post
    Nice weather today and randomly started sneezing. It's back, and not looking forward to the next 4-6 weeks.

    Birch is my nemesis, and we have a whopping huge one in the garden full of catkins.
    I was taking 2x180mg fexofenadine already last week so bought some of this from Holland and Barrett

    Instructions are 2x daily but I'm taking 1 to start and it seems to be helping a bit. I'll give it a week before going to 2x to see if I actually need to.
    Last edited by wileeeeeey; 23rd May 2023 at 10:00.

  39. #89
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakeColdplayHistory View Post
    Where did you have it done. I never had hayfever/allergies as a youth so it took me a while to realise in my early 40s that the symptoms I had that were:
    • like hayfever
    • happening in hayfever season
    • treated by hayfever treatments

    were probably hayfever.
    I now think it's not actually hayfever but tree pollen allergy (earlier than grass pollen) but this is all guesswork, Google and pub chat. I'd be interested in doing a proper test but can't help thinking this is an area ripe for charlatans.
    It was a GP referral to the hospital. Since then the hospital referred me back to immunology via the GP where I think they make you a cocktail to take rather than lumping you on just the usual. Still waiting to hear back...

    It's worth also looking at something called oral allergy syndrome. I'm down for about 80% of that too.

  40. #90
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wileeeeeey View Post
    I was taking 2x180mg fexofenadine already last week so bought some of this from Holland and Barrett

    Instructions are 2x daily but I'm taking 1 to start and it seems to be helping a bit. I'll give it a week before going to 2x to see if I actually need to.
    As a follow up the Holland and Barrett stuff is quite good and I take it 2-3x daily. Sometimes morning and night with 180mg fexofenadine between.

    I’ve also found a very local beekeeper who sells honey and take a spoon 1-2x daily. If I don’t eat junk/processed food I seem to be pretty much ok.

    Wouldn’t have believed someone back in March if they’d told me this but the processed food/junk seems to be a key contributor and often the deciding factor.

  41. #91
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    Give yourself a jab and enjoy 3-4 months symptom free.

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  42. #92
    Now the trees are in leaf my tree pollen allergy disappeared almost overnight. I don’t get hay fever, so that’s it for another 10 months.

    Beconase and antihistamines worked for me this year, but with the crappy cold wet spring we have had this year, the tree pollen was noticeably not as bad as previous years.

  43. #93
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    Hay fever/pollen allergy.........I love it!

    Provided I use anti-histamine eyedrops I can tolerate the runny nose and sneezing bouts, I never let hay fever influence my activities, I do what I’ve done for years and just get on with things.

    I much prefer spring and summer to winter, I dislike cold weather and I’m far happier when the weathers warm and dry. As I associate hay fever with summer I look forward to getting all the symptoms. Maybe that’s a slight exaggeration but there’s a thread of logic to it. Summer’s for getting out there, walking and running, driving the open car, can’t let hay fever get in the way. Today includes 30 miles in the MG this morning, then running early evening , I never even think about pollen levels, just get on with it.

    I used to eat honey over the winter, never sure whether it helped but it didn’t do harm. All anti- histamine medication made me sleepy so I gave up trying years ago, some folks seem to tolerate them but I don’t.

  44. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post

    Give yourself a jab and enjoy 3-4 months symptom free.

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    Need a prescriber don't you?

  45. #95

    Tree Pollen Allergy - Are You Suffering at the Moment.

    It has started for me for 2024. Red eyes, with nose running like a tap.

    A planned warmer weekend and catkins on the birch trees should make for an uncomfortable weekend.

    Heavily dosing myself with antihistamines and betamethasone.

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