10k this morning...not particularly fast but the longest distance I’ve run in about 12 years! Felt good. 18.5k for the week which I’m quite proud of 😊
10k this morning...not particularly fast but the longest distance I’ve run in about 12 years! Felt good. 18.5k for the week which I’m quite proud of 😊
5.8km in the pouring rain, legs heavy, but glad to of done something.
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Good stuff, haven’t quite reached the 10k myself yet, I’m not to bothered about time yet, I’m still at the glad to off done it stage
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Been using foam roller and ran 16k yesterday - in agony afterwards! Going to have to rest up from running and find other things to do
Unfortunately I am not a member of a gym and don’t want to join one as when I’m running I don’t have time for other gym sessions
I have a kettlebell at home so I’m going to look at using that and potentially swimming on a pay as you go basis as well
Ashridge Sprint Duathlon today. 5k first run, just 2.5k second one. The big advantage of being old is that I won my age group, and that means I have already qualified for the world championships in 2020. Though representing GBR at Europeans in June this year first.
I understand time issues but would add that for the first time in my life (and I ran to a decent standard in my youth) having built in regular gym sessions I can run 3 times a week.
I know this doesn't sound a lot but for me is a real triumph. you name it I struggle with it, hamstrings glutes itb lower back and shin splints lol
Poorly weekend.
No footy. No running.
Bah ! & double bah !
Just wondered chaps, I purchased Mrs P a Garmin FR30 which talks to the Garmin App fine but I cannot get it to link with her Strava. I have linked them and they say they are linked but the runs are not copying over to the Strava App.
Any ideas????
Ive got my Garmin Fenix 5x Sapphire on SC if anyone is after the daddy of GPS trackers with a ton of features
Minus 13 C for my 10km today (55 mins)…. My body feels like it’s been sunburnt!
Was fabulous though…. Compacted snow was surprisingly grippy to run on!
Well went out and done 5.7km, was a real struggle to be honest, mentally not in it and legs heavy.
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Some good stuff here chaps and bloody well done.
There is no doubt this really has given me the kick I needed and I am well and truly back enjoying a run again.
Time is my biggest grind (I know, I know........) but managed a quick run with WVAC last night and with a few minutes tonight I rattled 2k out in 10:08, just need to carry that over another 3k and I will be getting somewhere I would like to be again...
Its good to see what you lot are up to and keep it up..
Managed a 3miler on lunch break yesterday nice and fresh out!
10.6km this morning, was a very cold day in the Highlands and the ground was really icy.
Glad to get round in one piece
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5.4km today, was absolutely Baltic, ground was frozen solid
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3 out of 5 of my nearest parkruns are cancelled for tomorrow :(
Still going to go and run around my nearest one on my own :)
Enjoy the weekend runs chaps and stay safe!
6.4km this morning, beautiful day in the highlands but the pavements were really icy, don’t think the gritters had been out yet.
If I’d known they were that bad I wouldn’t off went out to be honest.
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60k last week, the final being a 25k on Sunday. Prep going ok for Ultra in 10 weeks.
Need to shift a bit of weight and stop drinking though.
Been following this thread. I'm just starting to pick up my running again after a good year in 2018; pretty much my first year properly trying to run. Always said (and was told) since a young age that I was a 'non-runner'. I was determined to give it a go in 2018 after a number of false starts (no pun intended).
I managed to get my consistent pace down to under 8 minute miles and completed an organised 10km which was a big deal for me! To begin with I struggled to run a single mile without stopping.
My target for 2019 is a half marathon, with a whole summer to build up to it. In the ballot for one I have in mind towards the end of the year, failing that I will keep looking.
My main advice to newcomers would be that it will be very hard when you start. It will hurt. You will feel sick. For me it was vital to record my time and distance (Strava for me) as it allowed me to see progress and stay motivated. I was surprised to see how quickly progress came, though I admit the first month or so was hard work. Well worth it though, particularly once you realise that runner's high is a real thing!
2 runs this week so far, Weather not been great and felt pretty crap my self.
10.6 and 12.4km.
Was surprised at myself this morning after 4 or 5 large drams last night, lovely Glenlivet though
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6.4km this afternoon, it was blowing a hooley
Bit of a struggle but got there in the end.
Golf tomorrow hopefully so no run
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First jog of the year done. Time to get back in to it!
Starting to up my distance as the weather starts to improve. Got a 10km in this weekend.
On longer runs (10km+) I am often struggling to 'get my head straight'. I am constantly thinking about distance covered, distance to go, how much longer, this hurts, that aches etc. When I break out of this I become quite clear of mind and actually enjoy the run. Does anybody have any advice for pro-actively this?
PS. I received my place for the half marathon I was after in September!
16.1km so far this week, went out on Tuesday and had to stop and walk as I had a shooting pain right up my groin, out last night to try again and still pretty sore.
Anyone had a groin injury and have a cure.....
Slacked off for the last month (combination of work travel, weather, a heavy cold a not inconsiderable dose of 'can't be arsed'), but just dragged myself out for a very sedate 5k. That's sedate in the sense of slow, it was still harder work than I'd like. Still, need to get back into it and there's really no alternative to putting shoes on and getting on with it!
Dave E
Skating away on the thin ice of a new day
Dave E
Skating away on the thin ice of a new day
My knee had been ‘playing up’ - last Sunday morning it felt ok and the weather was nice so I thought I’d try again
Only had 2 park runs under my belt so was pretty pleased with this - alas I’ve been paying for it all week, limping around- it felt fine on the run though
Untitled by biglewie, on Flickr
Well eight weeks in, 26:17 for 5k and 58:58 for my first 10k yesterday in over two years, so pretty pleased at 53 the body is beginning to work again, the memory is there. I have also joined Waveney Valley AC so training once a week with them and twice from next week.
So, the ole TZ club has got me going again.
You all having fun.