Is anyone using the venerable old Microsoft Band 2 GPS watch to run with? I have had mine since they first launched and it has been a loyal servant (battery life is getting crap now!) ? It appears the Microsoft health dashboard that the Band 2 syncs to has an issue with the connected Strava app and won't connect /sync correctly. I have just been chatting to online support to Band tech support and I have raised a tech assist for them to check the Strava link and see if they can get it working again. I haven't been able to share 3 runs so far and I dropping off the leader board!!
Request to join sent, I’m trying to run more regularly too
I've just sent a request to join.
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I will try to figure out how to join!
Rattled out 5.4km this morning, would of been easy to not to bother as it was snowing and there was a couple of inches on ground as well, stuck to the pavements due to the conditions, legs will feel it tomorrow as it’s my first run in a couple of weeks.
5km on treadmill reasonably quick as main part of gym sesh
day of tomorrow, park run Saturday
7.3km this morning, was -3 so was absolutely Baltic to start with, but I soon warmed up.
Was thinking about just staying on my feet as the pavements were icy.
Its done now though
Leggings, one of the best things I’ve bought for running, makes a massive difference in my opinion, especially in the winter months
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Managed 10K in -3 myself this morning, and also had to dodge slippy pavements. Fortunately most of my route has a cycle track at the side of the main A road which is gritted so handy to run in. I’m a long shorts kinda guy (knee length compression under long running shorts) so don’t tend to use my Ron Hills unless it’s absolutely awful in terms of wind, sleet or snow. I can always tell how cold it is by how long I need to keep on my Buff neckwarmer and headband, this was a 2 Buff job from start to finish...brrrr
I can only where leggings when running from home…. As I run from work regularly I couldn’t bring myself to be caught on the staircase with leggings…. I skulk in and out, but, will always cross a couple of colleagues on the way... They’re too revealing!
I regretted not having my snood and gloves today…. But, warned up after 3km
Just shorts, running shirt and hoodie for my tea time run this evening.
I have managed to get my Microsoft Band 2 to sync to Strava after a lot of tweaking and investigation. MS support haven't been a lot of help.
I am syncing my Band 2 to the Band app on my Galaxy S9 over bluetooth, this syncs to Microsoft Health dashboard. The health dashboard isn't syncing to Strava anymore, so instead I use a free account at This is a cloud service that downloads the run data from the Health dashboard and then streams the data to my Strava account. A lot of faffing about to get a run onto the website but it works.
Onwards and upwards.
7.6km this morning, the struggle was real, legs felt like jelly early on then I felt sick.
Lots of walking in between running.
Was freezing again this morning so had the leggings on again 😂😂
Off to timekeep at the Harrow Parkrunthis morning. Standing around for over an hour is MUCH worse than running round. Last week we had our slowest ever 5ks, with people taking over an hour....
21.39 at the park run today
6 seconds better than last week
suspect getting anywhere near 20 mat be a struggle!!
Ooh blimey…. I’ll need to get quicker!
How can I explain this without sounding like a massive tool? I probably can’t, but, that’s never stopped me before!!! (Honesty is the best policy and all that!!)
I really like to be on the TZ top 10 leaderboard and have probably increased my weekly distances by 50% since joining the running club! However, I’m really enjoying it and feeling better…. I’m hoping to do have done 37km by the end of this week…
I never thought I was hugely competitive, but, this seems to have released my inner w@nker!!! I’m probably being harsh on myself, but, I’ve a renewed focus on getting better…
I think I need a bit of competition to spur me on. I’ve never been much good in the gym on my own. The virtual running club works in that respect. Military Fitness is the same, I like the competiveness, forces me to push my self harder than I would otherwise. I like strava because it lets me compete although can be depressing. My run this afternoon, I’m 85 out of 167 who have run the same lap as me today...must try harder next time 😊
8.5km this morning, running around the canal was lethal with the ice, but felt good today.
Only had one glass of red last night with my dinner thinking about a run today, before I would of finished the bottle and then had a couple of malts 😂😂
Starting to enjoy this running malarkey.
On a separate note, has anyone taken kids to do a park run, my boy is 8 and quite enjoys running, not bothered about time but just something we could do together.
Good stuff…. I’m not the only one then…. I guess I’ve just surprised myself…. I think I got into a funk of just doing 5km 3 or 4 times a week (no bad thing), but, seeing others doing so well has spurred me on to do better…. However, I’m really enjoying it and getting immense satisfaction from pushing myself harder and faster…. I had a wonderful run this morning -3 beautiful morning in Wells next to the sea…. Running out on the harbor wall with the sun and mist rising was something else…. So, I just kept going!
7.8km this morning, was icy underfoot again but stuck to pavements.
Never felt that comfortable, but the job is done now.
A slow 5 miles last night...still a bit sore from Saturdays run 😩 will have a day or two off to recover I think before getting back out.
It was chilly out there today…. Barely had time for 5km, will try and go a little further tomorrow
Haven`t been out for a week or so due to "man-flu" . Seem to be getting over it now so running to work tomorrow, it`s 1.5 miles as the crow flies, question is do I choose the 3.5 or 6 mile route ?
Well that’s it after a couple of weeks with them I have joined Waveney Valley Athletics Club this evening. Excellent interval work tonight and picking pace up nicely.
First proper Parkrun Saturday for over two years and 28 something wasn’t bad although long way off PB.
I can honestly say the TZ club has got me going once again along with me buddy Benjamin, cheers chaps.
- - - Updated - - -
Somebody posted this in the Lonely Goat RC on Facebook, I know I’m guilty of a few of these
Hahaha - had a good laugh at those and recognised I’m guilty of 9, 8, 4 and 2 :). In fairness I only once set out on a run with the purpose to improve my time on one uphill Strava segment. I got 2nd, but was humbled when I saw that first place hadn’t done what I did at all. He’d done the opposite - with a very hilly 15 mile run, averaging miles quicker than I could on an all out 1-mile flat effort :D
I do like round numbers though. - I don’t run 4.95 miles, when doing the extra 50 yards will get an even 5.
6.7km today in absolutely lethal conditions, got a call from wife when feeling good to go for a bit more distance saying she’s in labour, hopped back home and away to hospital
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fast 5km on the treadmill at lunch as I won't be able to do park run this week.
5km at 14 km/h was 21.30.
definitely easier on treadmill than outside.
First run in a week, chickened out yesterday due to a light dusting of snow followed by a freeze making it treacherous underfoot. £ miler tis eve to shake off the last of the "man-flu", heavy legs, tight chest, slow as hell but glad to get out. Must push on tomorrow, half marathon due March 17th.
New to the forum, but running the Vitality Half in March, and the London Marathon in April.
Managed a 1:54:03 half last sunday, with a 5k PB of 23:35 (still slow!).
Aim for the marathon is sub 4hrs, but I'm really struggling to increase overall pace in my training runs.
Any suggestions? Hills?
Some great running by all on the Strava group - well done all round!
Well master Mackenzie arrived on Wednesday night, mum and baby both doing well
Had loads of visitors today and more expected tonight so slipped out for a run, 9.1km, time not great but was glad of the fresh air
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I haven’t ran in 1.5 weeks due to ITB injury/pain
Out for 16-18k run this morning which is going to be a make it break it run - if the pain is bad then I’m going to have to look at not running for a significant amount of time