Per 12 Oktober fuel labeling will be required to be uniform.
While in itself a great idea doing away with the wonderful but bewildering fantasy names invented by the marketing departments, it does also involve a change to new fuel types.

In the petrol labeling there is nó cross reference to the Ontane number p.e.
If your car or the manual has no indiction which type to use than ask your dealer. This is especially important for those cars needing RON98.

With diesels it is easier as basically all can use B7 and B10. Only XTL can only be tanked if the instructions thus specify. In case of doubt check with your dealer.

Though it does not seem to have a side agenda to get rid of older vehicles, the older vehicles are not taken into account.
Since in some EU countries the average age of the car park is 15 years, it is not good husbandry.

This is more striking perhaps with an example. Take a 2007 Lexus GS300. It cannot use either E5 or E10 nor E85 and must use Euro98.