This post seems to be more about financial freedom as opposed to retirement per se and that I think is the way that many people will be / are going. By that I mean that more of us will leave the corporate grind sooner than before (as in younger than traditionally) and continue to work but in a more flexible manner.
Financial freedom is the ability to do that, or not, as the case may be.
I quite like reading what this guy says on the matter - One of the things he talks about is 'The Number' - as in at what number can you afford to not have to work? His posts talk about many people hanging on for 'just one more year' even though they have hit their number. Some of the posts on here reminded me of that so I thought it was worth sharing.
I went to see him a while back and it was definitely worth the time and money.
For me it has definitely been about trying to learn a new perspective as to how I see money, what I choose to spend it on etc. I can't say that I'm a model student - the 5litre V8 is testament to that! But I am trying...
Fascinating posts and perspectives.