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Thread: Modern Eulit Perlon 'Palma' and Vintage 'Panama' Strap Photo Comparison

  1. #1
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    Modern Eulit Perlon 'Palma' and Vintage 'Panama' Strap Photo Comparison

    I really like vintage Eulit Perlon 'Panama' straps, the thick weave is a huge improvement on that of standard 'Kristall' and they are very comfortable with the adjustable buckle. As these have become rarer and consequently more expensive I’ve recently tried a few of the modern equivalent, Eulit 'Palma', available from Yelly’s Watch Corner. Here is a photographic comparison of the two versions.

    Where both styles feature in a single photograph the modern version is on the left.

    The double weave is identical in style and both feel very comfortable. The 'Palma' version uses slightly thicker threads and the evidence of this can be seen by comparing the number of strands across straps of the same width. There are consequentially marginally larger holes through the braiding, but these are only visible when viewed directly on. Both styles feature a single keeper (considerably wider on the 'Palma') and are flexible enough to cater for lug widths a millimetre wider or narrower than the strap.

    The colour options of the modern version are rather limited compared to vintage. Black, brown, grey, red and blue are available in 'Palma' 20mm but only black for 18mm and 22mm widths. The red and blue are very bright and I can’t imagine many watches that they would work well on. Vintage 'Panama' features some more complex colours as well as the flat black, such as a grey with black flecks and a chestnut brown with hints of gold but are generally only found in 16mm and 18mm widths.

    On the modern version the buckle can’t be adjusted to shorten the strap, but the design is a lot more substantial than the vintage version which feels rather flimsy. Because the strap is threaded through the older style, the position that the tongue pierces the strap as it is done up can be varied which reduces damage due to repeated use. I’m not overly keen on the way that the tongue cuts through the weave on the buckle centre bar of the modern version, leaving frayed edges.

    Tapered End Sealing
    The sealing of the end of the current version leaves a rather neater taper than the original.

    As noted above, the buckle design permits the original version to be adjusted to suit. On a G10, the end of the non-adjustable modern strap comes round just further than I would like on my 6¾” wrist. I took a photograph but have mislaid it so that’s to follow.

    The modern 'Palma' is a perfectly acceptable and close alternative to the vintage 'Panama'. The colour choice, overall appearance and adjustability give the original the edge, but not at the prices usually asked.

    As a footnote, there is also a two-piece Eulit Perlon available from Yelly's, named the 'Palma Pacific' but I've yet to try one.
    Last edited by Mr Curta; 18th July 2017 at 07:36.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Modern Eulit Perlon 'Palma' and Vintage 'Panama' Strap Photo Comparison

    Great write up Mr C. I have a perlon strap and really like the feel and adjustability of these type of straps. I would agree with your comments re the buckle. Will check out your link above.

  3. #3
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    That's a great read sir - many thanks!

  4. #4
    Thanks for taking the time with this thread...I'm a recent convert to perlon straps.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Curta View Post
    The colour options of the modern version are rather limited compared to vintage. Black, brown, grey, red and blue are available in 'Palma' 20mm but only black for 18mm and 22mm widths. The red and blue are very bright and I can’t imagine many watches that they would work well on. Vintage 'Panama' features some more complex colours as well as the flat black, such as a grey with black flecks and a chestnut brown with hints of gold but are generally only found in 16mm and 18mm widths.
    This is the frustration I'm having with perlon. I want to get a few but everyone does the same colours, and if I ever see a colour I want like burgundy, it's one of the vintage ones that are too narrow.

  6. #6
    Craftsman dschaen81's Avatar
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    Thanks very much for this informative write-up. You've piqued my interest in this type of strap and I plan on getting the two-piece version to try it on some of my smaller watches for the summer months.

  7. #7
    Master sean's Avatar
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    Good write up, a valuable resource.

  8. #8
    I prefer the new buckle but the old fabric is more comfortable. It's a shame they don't make a navy in the current range rather than the weird shade of blue or the brown.

  9. #9
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    Palma appears to be the only one available in 22mm though

  10. #10
    Here's a link to a thread on the Eulit Palma that I recently acquired:

    To summarise, it arrived with some pretty sharp and thus uncomfortable melted parts to the strap which was not what I was expecting for the price point (£20 vs the usual £1 or £2 for the cheap ones). Sorted with some different grit sharpening stones, so it's now not scratchy, but the melted section is still quite prominent. Won't be buying another Eulit Perlon given these issues and the fact that it was pointed out by Sweets that these straps have taken a hike in recent years, whilst the straps have seemingly remained the same.

  11. #11
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    Quoted from another thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by dschaen81 View Post
    I have two Eulit Palma Pacific two-piece perlons and like them a lot. [...] if the extra security isn't required, you get the same degree of ruggedness, breathability and adjustability without making the watch sit any higher. Haven't had any issues so far, only wish they were available in more colors.

  12. #12
    Unashamed thread resurrection, and this seemed the more appropriate out of here, here, here and here (amongst others).

    Anyway onto the point, I've been looking at both the current Panama and Palma in grey, but differing internet images obviously show a range of shades.

    Ideally I'd prefer a darker grey and was wondering whether the Palma with the thicker weave might offer this. Or alternatively, Panama in black if it's more toward charcoal rather than ink black. Anyone have any insight they can share?

    It's specifically Eulit (current, not vintage) that I'm looking at, not other brands such as Da Luca, Cinturino, Campagnolo, Monochrome for example.
    I'd be purchasing from either Yellys or trendart-24.

    As an aside, if anyone is interested I noted that Eulit has a website up - from registration page alone however it appears to be aimed at resellers not general public.

  13. #13
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    I have a black Panama with me on holiday at the moment and it looks more if an inky black than charcoal.

    Just for info - my Everest has spent most of the last two weeks on either this or a grey Panama. Ive been in the sea and swimming pools daily, been wearing it 24/7, been towed about on inflatable things behind speedboats, paddling a kayak and this morning a parasail descent from a 3000ft mountain. A quick wash in the evening and they have been as fresh and as good as new the next day and I havent fretted once about them keeping my watch where it belongs.

  14. #14
    Hi mate, thanks for that.
    Have just found that neither seller nor Eulit themselves specify the grey Palma in the 18mm size I need, so I am resigned to black.
    May however still get a Panama in grey just to check it out.


  15. #15
    Just started a new thread but thought I'd post this up here in case anyone is subscribing to new replies:

    Hello All

    I've just bought three Eulit Perlons: a Palma and Panama both in brown 20mm and a Kristall in blue at 18mm

    Even saving by combining the postage these set me back £42.93 GBP (€46.00 with the stupid exchange rate) so that's an average of over £14 per strap.

    Having handled but not used them I must say I'm disappointed: they feel stiff and plasticky compared with some soft, flexible and much more "fabric-like" old ones I have.


    Will they become more supple, more like a nice nylon and less like a cheap mesh?

    Should I just return them and buy some at £3 each inc. p&p from some cheapo ebay outfit? (I mean, how much better or worse can a perlon strap be? So the buckle will probably be plated rather than stainless steel but surely they won't be x5 worse?)

    What say ye?


  16. #16
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    Same. Bought a black Panama and it was stiff, and so I haven’t worn it much, so I can’t speak about it “breaking in” - yet I certainly hope it does. I bought one on eBay that the seller claimed was the exact same material that Eulit uses. I didn’t think it was the same - but that was comparing it to the older Eulit.

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  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by thisisallen View Post
    Same. Bought a black Panama and it was stiff, and so I haven’t worn it much, so I can’t speak about it “breaking in” - yet I certainly hope it does. I bought one on eBay that the seller claimed was the exact same material that Eulit uses. I didn’t think it was the same - but that was comparing it to the older Eulit.

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    Yes I saw some cheap ones on ebay that claimed to be "German".

    Well, maybe they are but who knows? And "German" isn't necessarily Eulit.

    Mostly you get what you pay for but there's also a law of diminishing returns and the Veblen-y hype of names and labels. And how good / bad can a perlon strap actually be?

    I'm tempted to splash out another ten or twenty quid on some lesser known ones (Ullchro, Bornbayb, Meyhofer and DaLuca) and then there's millions of unbranded, no-name three quid jobs. Get 'em all together and do a definitive review!

  18. #18
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rev-O View Post
    I'm tempted to splash out another ten or twenty quid on some lesser known ones (Ullchro, Bornbayb, Meyhofer and DaLuca) and then there's millions of unbranded, no-name three quid jobs. Get 'em all together and do a definitive review!
    That would be great.

    I have no doubt that the conclusion will be that vintage Eulit Panama is best by a country mile.


  19. #19
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    Idea... Search eBay for vintage Eulit perlon.

    Expensive idea!

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  20. #20
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    I asked a larger online Eulit retailer to check whether the company was aware of their customers reaction to their modern straps. This is the retailer’s reply:

    “EULIT confirms that there are no appreciable differences with regard to the stiffness or pliability of the straps. The special coating on the back is proprietary to EULIT, and unique in the world. It is one of the principal reasons for the high standard of EULIT Perlon compared with manufacturers using other production procedures. This is a quality feature; with use the strap will soften.”

    So basically it is a known issue that they feel is a benefit. Ha!

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  21. #21
    Special coating? Do they mean the melted plastic in places?

    Genuinely interested in what they actually mean by that though. Can't say I can see or feel a difference in mine on one side v. tother

  22. #22
    Just ordered some Mayhofer "Atmore" perlons.

    If anyone wants to but some of the other branded ones (Ullchro, Bornbayb, DaLuca; there may be more) plus some of the "German-made" or "Made In Germany" ones on ebay that would be great (no disrespect but I'm not dropping £100 on a dozen perlon straps) then I'll do a side-by-side review / comparison and return them to you

    I'm happy to buy some of the £3 cheapies (presumably Chinese tat?) and see how they look, feel and perform.

    Meanwhile, I'm busy breaking-in my Eulit "Panama" so, let's how that goes. I have to say that for the price I'm yet to be convinced they are worth it.

    For cross-referencing purposes I've also posted this here:
    Last edited by Rev-O; 25th July 2019 at 13:44.

  23. #23
    Update, as posted here:

    Right, I've got some Meyhofer "Atmore" perlons

    Lots of pics online that I can't improve on so I'll just give my impressions.

    Cheaper than Eulit -- but not a three quid Chinese jobbie (they are "Made In The EU" apparently.)

    Much softer and more supple than Eulit, but not as fabric-y as some unbranded vintage ones I have.

    Almost identical thickness and weave as the Panama.

    The brown is a tad lighter (i.e. it's brown rather than the Eulit's dark brown)

    Can be "pulled" wider, i.e. the weave will open out, unlike the Eulit which seems to be sealed (and slightly shiny) on the underside as if bonded.

    Heat-sealed ends are acceptable, not as neat as the Eulit, especially on the keeper.

    Buckle: cheap, not the worst I've ever seen but down there near the bottom. Made from plated base metal (?), look like they've been cut from beer cans with tin snips. Still, I have seen worse. But not much.

    I will report back when I've worn them for a bit but right now I'm tempted to stick it on a Eulit buckle and have the softness and suppleness (and, imho, nicer colour) on the superior hardware. Best of both and all that.


  24. #24
    Bumping this thread: anyone tried the new Eulit perlons?

    Looking for reviews, feedback etc



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