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Thread: The motivation weight loss thread

  1. #101
    Master Scrubnut's Avatar
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    When I quit smoking 3 years ago I was 14st 8. I'm 6'3" so I was happy with that. Over the next year, of being constantly hungry, I went up to 18st 5!

    I've had to buy all new clothes etc etc. I've gone from a weight fluctuation of a couple of pounds in 20 years, to Mr Creosote!

    I'm making it sound worse than it is I suppose, but the bottom line is I never had a fat belly before and I hate it. I'm not eating cake and pizza, I've just replaced coffee and cigs for breakfast with eggs or porridge, cigs for lunch and proper dinner. My GP assures me that eventually my metabolism will catch up but I need to find a way of reducing intake without feeling rubbish, which I now do if I don't eat regularly.

    Thats where I am at the moment. Any advice from others who've been here welcome!

    PS I've saved £15k though.

  2. #102
    Grand Master Der Amf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimyu View Post
    I'm 35, 6ft and 102kg. Just got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last week so I am having a total change to my diet and excercising. Doctor basically said no carbs or sugar for the rest of my life.. major bummer :(
    Last year I was away doing some work with a guy that was in the same position as you, though at least a decade older. Aside from it being the faff making sure he had food suitable for him (and having to explain it all the time) it wasn't a problem for him. He was enjoying that food he was allowed to eat, and was in great shape, in fact seemed very youthful and energetic.

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Der Amf View Post
    Last year I was away doing some work with a guy that was in the same position as you, though at least a decade older. Aside from it being the faff making sure he had food suitable for him (and having to explain it all the time) it wasn't a problem for him. He was enjoying that food he was allowed to eat, and was in great shape, in fact seemed very youthful and energetic.
    Yes I'm trying to view it as a positive in that I will hopefully become more healthy and be able to control the diabetes without medication

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimyu View Post
    Yes I'm trying to view it as a positive in that I will hopefully become more healthy and be able to control the diabetes without medication

    That's the very position I find myself in, went through the whole sugar withdrawal nightmare but feel so much better having done it.

  5. #105
    Despite the negativity I have, am starting to read this, which is supposed to be very helpful:

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanm_3 View Post
    That's the very position I find myself in, went through the whole sugar withdrawal nightmare but feel so much better having done it.
    I didn't even think of a withdrawal period. How long did it take? I'm 9 days in and am getting headaches and am quite irritable!

  7. #107
    The book I linked to is supposed to be very good at working out our dependency on sugar.

  8. #108
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    I had 2 to 3 days of feeling terrible. Cold sweats, shivering, headaches and sore bones, much like a bad dose of man-flu.

    After those 2 or 3 days, all the symptoms disappeared. They do say sugar is like cocaine to the brain and it really doesn't like not having it.
    Last edited by alanm_3; 19th March 2017 at 21:01.

  9. #109
    Master Thorien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jdh1 View Post
    My experience is that food intake is more important than exercise for losing weight, but exercise is critical in determining you lose the right weight. Losing weight is relatively simple by creating a calorie deficit, and practically any diet will do that. But if you neglect protein or don't do resistance work while losing weight, much of what you lose will be lean tissue. You become a skinny fat man Observe most runners and cyclists. They don't look good.

    Not only is this aesthetically disappointing, but you set yourself up for a bodyweight rebound, since muscle burns more energy than fat and you now have less of it. Here's my twopenneth...

    1. Don't get hung upon this diet or that diet. Just eat healthy stuff you enjoy with the aim of creating a calorie deficit. Think about everything you put in your mouth. Don't absentmindedly eat anything.
    2. Get plenty of protein
    3. Prioritise resistance work at least 3 times a week. Not only will it help maintain and build, lean tissue, but it will also continue to burn calories after your exercise session. Cardio work doesn't do this.
    4. Walk, cycle, row or run on other days where you can find time. Don't worry which. It's all good.
    Great advice that and exactly what I'm trying to do. The only thing I would add to this is also to try and ensure to get adequate sleep each night and as much good rest as possible on off days.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimyu View Post
    I'm 35, 6ft and 102kg. Just got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last week so I am having a total change to my diet and excercising. Doctor basically said no carbs or sugar for the rest of my life.. major bummer :(
    Sorry to read this. Fear not: there is a lot of work going on in this area - type 2 diabetes is beginning to be viewed as possibly not necessarily irreversible or progressive.

    Hopefully you’ll be referred to a diabetes consultant or specialist team who can give proper advice. There are carbs and there are carbs... and it would be very difficult indeed to obtain enough of certain nutrients with a diet that contains “no carbs or sugar for the rest of my life”.

    Some interesting reading via the links on this page:

    But in any case, insist on a referral to a diabetes team if that is not already in progress.

  11. #111
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    I have gone from 95kg a year ago to 82kg by going low carb/zero sugar. I spent a while trying to solve the conundrum of why, for example, my brother eats twice what I did, does zero exercise, and is skinny whilst I was quite overweight even though I didn't feel like I ate that much.

    I did quite a lot of research and this was the conclusion I came to and lo and behold it worked! Many people, usually ones without a weight issue will say losing weight is easy, just eat less, but that overlooks the fact there are many different body types out there and whilst there are certainly people who shove cakes done their faces all day long, there others who eat reasonably yet put on weight. The traditional solution for the latter was to eat minuscule portions of unappetising food, no wonder people can't sustain it.

    So I haven't gone on a diet, I have simply changed my diet. The good news for me is eating a meal like a steak and salad is a pleasure for me so it's not a problem albeit I do miss from time to time a lovely fresh baked baguette! But knowing the benefit makes that easy to overcome. I am not over zealous about it - yesterday we were at a friend's house and I enjoyed a lovely apple crumble with vanilla ice-cream - but to be honest because it was such a rare treat I enjoyed it all the more.

    Anyway it works for me, I enjoy my food again without feeling guilty about what I eat, I feel great and perhaps counter-intuitively I have more energy than I have ever had.

    I do think that there is a tendency to look for a one size fits all solution and whilst this works for me it won't be for everyone, but the win for me is not only has it helped me lose weight but I enjoy very much the food I do eat.

  12. #112
    Part of the problem is feeling demoralised. I was on Atkins some years ago and lost 18kg. But after a few months i had horrendous constipation. Tried other things, but would put weight back on. Partly medication, but mainly me.

  13. #113
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    The holy grail of losing weight, keeping it off and being happy with life I think is 'discipline'! It's a bit like when I used to smoke when I was younger. A couple of my mates used to smoke only when they went out at and wouldn't touch one any other time. I'd try that test but inevitably I'd end up smoking the next day and the day after that. Never worked so I gave up completely. They did eventually as well.

    If only I could eat healthily 95% of the time, cutting out sugar and refined carbs, staying away from crisps, biscuits, chocolates and the like and then have the odd 'eat whatever takes my fancy day' I'm sure I'd enjoy my food all the more. I try and do that, this weekend gone for example. It was my birthday on Friday so after 3 weeks of keeping fairly strict I took the day off - a couple of lattes in the morning, lovely lunch and a fantastic Thai banquet meal out (to be fair I did have slimline tonic's with my Gin).

    Had intentions of being a one off and to wake up Saturday morning and eat healthily - that lasted about 37 seconds!!!! Oh discipline where are you fella? That carried over into lunch (by now I'd imagine the sugar hound had taken over) and so on into the evening!! Oh well tomorrow is another day, I'll start then.

    Sunday morning and I'm feeling a bit disappointed in myself (how often does that happen when weight is involved?) but I remind myself of my two summer holidays this year, my 8 month old daughter (who deserves a healthy and fit daddy) and funnily enough this thread that I started - one day off turned into 2 bad days for me, I'm not going to make it 3 (like so many times in the past). Come lunch time I'm feeling back on track, the rest of the day goes by smoothly and I go to bed feeling quite upbeat.

    Wake up this morning, do a cheeky weigh in and thanks to yesterday's discipline I've only put on 1lb from Friday - that's a positive, bit of extra discipline over the next few days and hopefully come my Thursday weigh in life will be good.

    So yes my holy grail is discipline

  14. #114
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    Wow another 2lbs off for this week - wasn't looking that way at the beginning of the week.

    Better still I feel healthy:-)

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devonian View Post
    Wow another 2lbs off for this week - wasn't looking that way at the beginning of the week.

    Better still I feel healthy:-)
    Nice one

    I'll give you something motivational:

    At the back end of last summer my wife suggested I needed to get some new clothes. I'd ballooned to 38 inch waist in trousers and they were starting to look like sacks. So I went to Next and tried on a a few pairs and emerged with a couple of pairs of jeans size 34. Result!

    This week she suggested even my 34 inch jeans were looking a bit baggy so yesterday went to Next and tried on some 32 inch jeans, and yes they fit!

    Going down sizes does feel good

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Nice one

    I'll give you something motivational:

    At the back end of last summer my wife suggested I needed to get some new clothes. I'd ballooned to 38 inch waist in trousers and they were starting to look like sacks. So I went to Next and tried on a a few pairs and emerged with a couple of pairs of jeans size 34. Result!

    This week she suggested even my 34 inch jeans were looking a bit baggy so yesterday went to Next and tried on some 32 inch jeans, and yes they fit!

    Going down sizes does feel good
    Well done Simon, that's what I'm aiming for.

    I was an extremely tight 40", now very loose or probably a snug 38". Plan is 36" or being optimistic 34"

  17. #117
    I bought some new clothes today - all but one item XXL :(

    Ill be happy to be back in the gym in May.
    It's just a matter of time...

  18. #118
    The best advice I can give anyone wanting to loose weight is to count calories. People have mentioned in this thread a calorie deficit, but how many of us actually realise how many calories are in the foods we eat? I certainly didn't, and starting to count calories opened my eyes, both in terms of the types of food I ate and the size of the portions I was eating. Having to weigh everything you put on your plate and then use a calorie calculator (this is the one I used - and it's free is a pain initially, but it didn't take me long to understand why I was the size I was (and which foods to avoid). The net result is I went from 123kg to 93kg in 5 months. I was exercising 4 times a week as well, but calorie counting was the single most important step I took (IMO)

  19. #119
    Master Wooster's Avatar
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    Count me in for this thread!

    A couple of days ago, I replaced the battery of the scale (after more than a year of not weighing myself). When I stepped on it, I had a bit of a panic attack. I had no idea I've become such a big piece of lard. I knew I'm very much on the large size, but not that it's that bad.

    So long story short: I weigh about 144 kilos (I am 1,96m tall, but still, this is way, way off). I'll keep up-dating the status - my goal would be to get to 119 kilos by the end of the year. It sounds like fun :D


  20. #120


    Finally have tried to get on board
    Decided Atkins again is for me

    Huge omelettes etc

    Will see what happens but fed up of being fat

  21. #121
    I am using a form of intermittent fasting from

    It basically suggest fasting for 16+ hours a day and eating only during a 8 hour window. I find it incredibly easy to do by having lunch around 12.30 and supper at 7.30 to allow for a 17 hour fast. I don't restrict anything I eat during the window, though I make sure I get lots of veg in and I also booze but with care and more restraint.

    I feel most 'diets' fail because there is a great feeling of missing out. I don't miss breakfasts, though I will sometimes treat myself once a week. So I don't feel I am missing out on anything, I think I can keep this up for the rest of my life.

    It has taught me the ease of fasting, I can happily go 24 hours without food and have even done a total 3 day fast. Concentrates the mind.

    Lost about 3.5kg in the last 5 weeks, that is the steady, consistent loss I am after.

  22. #122
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    ^^ Very good approach, in my experience.

    Your description is more or less my way of life now. I've been doing it for a few years.

    Your body adapts very quickly to the 'fasting' too.

  23. #123


    With Center Parcs coming up in 4 weeks and a Holiday in 8 weeks in joining this thread for motivation.

    It's great to read other experiences, so that's already helping. I should read this just before lunch as this is usally my biggest downfall.

    Currently I'm 37 / 6'1" / 92kg and would like to be 85kg before 1st June.

    Young family, cycle to work 3 days a week, light gym sessions twice a week and usually eat well on an evening, don't drink much but could do with to eat less on a lunch.

  24. #124
    I can put on weight quite quickly, luckily I can get rid of it at that pace as well.

    I do excercise quite a lot and the two things that I have found really work are

    1: Avoid sugar pretty much completely. And cut rut down on refine carbs
    2: 5:2 Fasting diet. This really does work. I don't find it that difficult on the fast days as you can chose which two to chose in the week to suit your diary. Michael Moseley has now recommended that for a man you can adjust to 800 calories on the fast day with very little effect.
    One thing it does teach you is to be watchful of what you eat on the fast days as 800 can quickly add up on the wrong stuff!
    I think its also help my body to adjust to craving less on the non fast days.

  25. #125
    Weigh in this evening and broke the 2 stone barrier, in fact 29.5lbs since Feb 1st

    I am sure that deserves a Curry on Saturday night :)

  26. #126
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    Mar 2017

    See the kg's drop like a brick.

    I wasn't expecting a subject like this on a watch forum. But, hey-ho! If you REALLY want to see your weight drop like a brick, loose ten+ kilo in 2-3 weeks message me. It can be done, no bs at all. I support people world wide via Skype who are on this diet on a daily basis.


  27. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by blingit View Post
    I wasn't expecting a subject like this on a watch forum. But, hey-ho! If you REALLY want to see your weight drop like a brick, loose ten+ kilo in 2-3 weeks message me. It can be done, no bs at all. I support people world wide via Skype who are on this diet on a daily basis.

    With all due respect Jeff, losing drastic amounts of weight in the first 28 days is easy. Losing real fat, or being healthy about it is a completely different matter. I would much rather work with someone to lose a sensible amount each week, so that they can continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the longer term. Most people are very naive in their understanding of carbohydrate intake and water manipulation, and are therefore at the mercy of some unscrupulous individuals. Not saying your personal approach falls into the same category as most others, but these fast hit diet plans are the main reason for yo-yo gains, and leave people worse off most of the time.
    It's just a matter of time...

  28. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    With all due respect Jeff, losing drastic amounts of weight in the first 28 days is easy. Losing real fat, or being healthy about it is a completely different matter. I would much rather work with someone to lose a sensible amount each week, so that they can continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the longer term. Most people are very naive in their understanding of carbohydrate intake and water manipulation, and are therefore at the mercy of some unscrupulous individuals. Not saying your personal approach falls into the same category as most others, but these fast hit diet plans are the main reason for yo-yo gains, and leave people worse off most of the time.
    Completely agree.

    I started this thread for joint motivation with any one else looking to lose weight and get healthier, plus to get ideas and tips from other people who are on the same journey, or have made it.

    Probably all of us have tried some form of dramatic weight loss plan at some time in the past and hey presto we're still here now - none of them are sustainable. Maybe if out of the blue I get nominated for the 'best actor' award and get a suprise invite to the Oscars and need to drop a stone in a couple of hours I'll give it a go

  29. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montybaber View Post
    Weigh in this evening and broke the 2 stone barrier, in fact 29.5lbs since Feb 1st

    I am sure that deserves a Curry on Saturday night :)
    Well done Monty that's excellent results. Just had my weekly weigh in this morning and slow but steady another 2lbs.

    That's 1 1/2 stone since Feb 23rd (5 weeks). I've tweaked it slightly and added in a couple of fasts (5 2 method) as I just feel healthier when I've done one.

  30. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    With all due respect Jeff, losing drastic amounts of weight in the first 28 days is easy. Losing real fat, or being healthy about it is a completely different matter. I would much rather work with someone to lose a sensible amount each week, so that they can continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the longer term. Most people are very naive in their understanding of carbohydrate intake and water manipulation, and are therefore at the mercy of some unscrupulous individuals. Not saying your personal approach falls into the same category as most others, but these fast hit diet plans are the main reason for yo-yo gains, and leave people worse off most of the time.
    Completely agree Scott.

    Getting someone to change their eating habits for a few weeks is simple. They'll lose loads of weight.

    Getting someone to change their mind-set towards long term nutrition and exercise is a completely different animal.


  31. #131
    Listened to an interesting interview today with a boxing trainer who said fighters can often gain 15llbs-20llbs between weigh in and fight, such is their dehydration/carb depletion before the weigh in. I think what this demonstrates is the false nature of some weight loss programmes.

  32. #132
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    And when you take that to extremes, it's outright dangerous...

  33. #133
    A couple of weeks ago I saw this thread and, as someone who has never been on any sort of diet, I got curious about the benefits of calories counting. I wondered if it really works. Someone mentioned the MyFitnessPal app, so completely out of curiosity, I downloaded it, entered my data, and committed to sticking to the suggested calories for a bit and see what happens. It's been a week now and I've lost 3 kilos. I'm extremely impressed. Not only that, but it has made me much more aware of what I put in my stomach and how it affects my health. Even if I were to stop using the app, I think I will continue to be more careful with my diet. The lesson has been great!

  34. #134
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    Between here, there and nowhere
    Easy, take in less calories than you use, move around more.

  35. #135
    Quote Originally Posted by nunya View Post
    Easy, take in less calories than you use, move around more.
    I think it is always worth being aware of the number of calories you need to maintain as "treats" can easily add 400 a day which is a lb gain a week.

    Whilst good nutrition is more than simply cals in they certainly need keeping an eye on - particularly if not particularly active.

  36. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by nunya View Post
    Easy, take in less calories than you use, move around more.
    Easy in theory. How many calories in a bowl of fruit and fibre (40g) and 250ml of semi skimmed milk with a chopped banana? How long would you need to cycle at 180 watts to burn this off. Oh and one of your reports brings in a homemade ginger cake and you have a slice to join in with your team. It's not easy. Try to support rather than undermining with glibly stating burn off more than you eat. Life's more complex.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  37. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by nunya View Post
    Easy, take in less calories than you use, move around more.
    Sorry about my reply. Came out much more pointedly than intended. Just been struggling a bit post 40...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  38. #138
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    Cheeky little update, lost another 2lbs this week, actually 2 1/2lbs but I'll stick it down at 2.

    Been tweaking this as I go and losing weight whilst having a bit of a life too. Doing 2 fasts a week (which are so much easier when there's a bit of sun), loosely eating a slimming world menu for 3 days (no bread, no oil or butter, trimming fat etc)and having the weekends off. Been out for a meal every week and had alcohol.

    Don't want to count my chickens yet but this seems very sustainable and I feel loads better already.

  39. #139
    MyFitnessPal is very good and has a HUGE database

    It is very eye opening at times just how many calories are in things. You sort of expect that in treats but it's more day to day.

    I think a lot of people underestimate portion size as well.

    I mainly use it for the two fast days to keep within the 800 limit on the 5;2 diet. Otherwise it too easy to go over.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  40. #140
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    About 4 years ago I was hitting over 16 stone. The thing is I didn't notice I was so over weight (by at least 4 stone) but then I went to the quack with my knees and his advice was the biggest issue with leg joint was excess weight and you need to get the weight down or you'll have serious knee problems later in life. I was further incentivised by the experiences and health of a lot of fat (there I said the word - brand me PC) relations who are ALWAYS at the doctors/hospital with weight related issues i.e. breathing, mobility, back issues, digestion problems, etc... So I set about a plan of serious weight loss. Over the last 25 years I'd frequently done some half hearted diets and never got anywhere. This time I was determined and I lost 4.5 stone in about a year. I found the trick was facing up to the fact that (for me anyway) if you want to loose weight then you have to feel hungry so I seriously cut down on the calories and no chips/crisps/sweets/puddings/coke/booze plus lots of fruit and veg (so veg with every meal). For the first few weeks I lost weight but the constant hungry feeling wasn't nice. But then I stopped noticing it and every time I weighed my self (every 3 or 4 days) the weight was down a little more and seeing that constant change is a great moral booster. I got down to under 12 stone and it was really good to be able to get some new clothes and to feel smart wearing them :-) I also got my self that sports car I'd promised myself before I got too old to appreciate it! Once the weight was down a couple of stone I starting exercising (first an elipticle and then a rowing machine) and that also helped. My original aim was 11 stone but under 12 was the top of my correct bmi so I slackened off. Over the last 12 months it's crept up again - mainly due to packets of sweets and booze in evening after work. Last week I was at 12'13" and I could see where that extra stone had gone :-( So this week I've started the diet again; so that's very little food during the day (I had a steamed chicken breast from Sainsburys yesterday for lunch) and lots of veg with my dinner to help bulk it out. There are also no bags of sweets in the house and the drinks cabinet is bare. Currently at 12'11" and that drop, though small, is good for moral. My aim is get that stone back off in the next 2-3 months and then continue with no sweets in the house!

  41. #141
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    I'm back again

    Weigh in day today - 3 lbs off this week but I've been quite disciplined due to the forthcoming bank holiday weekend! Goal for the next week is to try and maintain.

    I'm now 1 st and 11 lbs down in 7 weeks, apart from the initial 2 weeks it's all been steady drops.

    Feel 100 times better Thani did on February 23rd, look 100 times better. Drove up to Bicester village to treat myself to some clothes. Love the Ralph Lauren jumpers for work so bought a few at a lower size

  42. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devonian View Post
    I'm back again

    Weigh in day today - 3 lbs off this week but I've been quite disciplined due to the forthcoming bank holiday weekend! Goal for the next week is to try and maintain.

    I'm now 1 st and 11 lbs down in 7 weeks, apart from the initial 2 weeks it's all been steady drops.

    Feel 100 times better Thani did on February 23rd, look 100 times better. Drove up to Bicester village to treat myself to some clothes. Love the Ralph Lauren jumpers for work so bought a few at a lower size
    I know exactly how you feel. If you've been overweight for a long time then you really do feel like a new man when that weight comes off. You feel (or I did anyway) that you've wasted 20 years of you life!

    Good show! :-)

  43. #143
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    A recent heart attack out of the blue was the motivator to loose some weight. Given up the daily cake and biscuits comfort food to help reduce cholesterol has dropped me about 12lbs so far. In my case it's less about the weight and more about the foods I'm eating as an artery got clogged up. Down to diet I'm told so if you've a sweet tooth go carefully!

  44. #144
    Congrats to all sticking with this

    I am now at 13st 12.5lbs at 6'2", started out at xmas at 16st 8lbs so not far off 3st, body fat % at 19%

    My overall target is 13st 7lbs so not far off

  45. #145
    Grand Master Der Amf's Avatar
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    By the end of January, had done nothing to shift the accumulated late summer holiday / autumn / Christmas gains.

    Since then, three healthy but solid meals a day and lots of walks, some just two miles long, some five miles long, but all taken at a good pace (3.9mph is my standard pace, apparently)

    No treats or indulgences, just looking forward to the pleasant feeling of having been properly fed at the end of each meal.

  46. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Si View Post
    Sorry to read this. Fear not: there is a lot of work going on in this area - type 2 diabetes is beginning to be viewed as possibly not necessarily irreversible or progressive.

    Hopefully you’ll be referred to a diabetes consultant or specialist team who can give proper advice. There are carbs and there are carbs... and it would be very difficult indeed to obtain enough of certain nutrients with a diet that contains “no carbs or sugar for the rest of my life”.

    Some interesting reading via the links on this page:

    But in any case, insist on a referral to a diabetes team if that is not already in progress.
    My epiphany started at the end of January when I was told my HBA1C figure was 54, so just into the diabetic region. Just about 3 months later and having lost 2 1/2 stone, my latest HBA1C came back at 47, which, if you look at most resources online suggest "pre-diabetic" and not full blown type 2. To say I was pleased would be a huge understatement. Clearly I'm not "cured" but to have it come down so much with a change in lifestyle is rewarding.

  47. #147
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    Good to hear people are doing well.

    Another 2lbs off for me last week which is good as I've had a heavy weekend. Maintainence would be a positive this week!

    I've lost not far off 2 stone so feel pretty good.

  48. #148
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    I rather pathetically did the 5-2 diet to prove a point. I was sick of all the nurses at work moaning that they've done every diet in the book but the weight wasn't coming off. I know why aren't losing weight, they know it too.

    I lost a stone in a few weeks. People doing fad diets is too much, they learn nothing and probably put the weight back on after going back to normal. The 5-2 does teach you the basic lesson of watching what you eat.

    The key for me is moderation and balance. I'm not a big guy so maybe it's easy for me to say.

    To everyone who has done well on this thread, well done.

  49. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by solwisesteve View Post
    Last week I was at 12'13" and I could see where that extra stone had gone :-( So this week I've started the diet again; so that's very little food during the day (I had a steamed chicken breast from Sainsburys yesterday for lunch) and lots of veg with my dinner to help bulk it out. There are also no bags of sweets in the house and the drinks cabinet is bare. Currently at 12'11" and that drop, though small, is good for moral. My aim is get that stone back off in the next 2-3 months and then continue with no sweets in the house!
    12'5" this am! :-)

    McDonalds last night though... SWMBO didn't want to cook and nothing out of the freezer :-(

    I'm trying the 'eat nowt 'till 5pm' thing and it seems to be working. I admit, I am scoffing a bit at dinner time but it still seems to be coming off. :-)

  50. #150
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I'm going to start the 5:2 on Tuesday. My question is I typically cycle (socially @ 15.5mph) 40 miles twice in the week.

    I was planning on "fasting" on a Monday and Wednesday but I cycle on a Weds and don't want to run out of energy when on the road. Whats a good diet to eat on this (fasting and cycling) Wednesday please ?

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