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Thread: PSA test - Abnormal?

  1. #1
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    PSA test - Abnormal?

    I had a blood test done on Monday looking at PSA, my Dr rang me yesterday to say he was referring me to see a Consultant Urologist. The hospital rang me today and I'm to see them next week. The speed with which it has happened has surprised me, but I suppose if there痴 something wrong it needs looking at. I have been having regular blood tests for over a year, so I知 surprised that it so abnormal.Has anyone gone through this procedure?

  2. #2
    My father has. His PSA shot up to very high levels. He had his prostate removed and it came down then rose again quickly. He had radiotherapy which again reduced the levels. They started going up again so he is now having hormone treatment which has reduced the levels again.

  3. #3
    I had mine removed mid Jan 2016, 2 PSA tests at less than 0.1 and another in a couple of weeks.

    Have they asked if your taking any meds, specifically blood thinning ones if they haven't they're not expecting to do a biopsy, it might be worth mentioning it if you are.

    I've been quite open about telling people about my brush with the big C, it's surprising the amount of people I've told and their reply generally is "It only happens to old people", I'm early 50's.

    Prostate Cancer UK does an info pack thats very good.
    Last edited by Nogbad The Bad; 7th September 2016 at 15:17.

  4. #4
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    My doctor has just put me on Ramilpril been on it less than a month. I take no other medication. I知 a bit concerned at the speed with which I got the referral?As I say I知 tested regularly I just hope they are urging caution? I知 58.

  5. #5

    What will the test results tell me?

    A PSA test alone can’t tell you whether you have prostate cancer, because other things can affect your PSA level.
    It’s normal to have a small amount of PSA in your blood, and theamount rises as you get older. The prostate gland gets bigger with age, and may produce more PSA.
    The following gures are a very rough guide to ‘normal’ PSA levels, depending on your age.
    A ‘normal’ PSA level is less than:

    3 ng/ml for men aged 50-59
    4 ng/ml for men aged 60-69
    5 ng/ml for men aged 70 and over.

  6. #6
    Master alfat33's Avatar
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    Hope it all goes well for you. They are much more sensitive about bringing men in early now, as a slightly raised PSA can indicate something that is very treatable, maybe years away from being a serious problem. Plenty of men in their 50's are being seen in this way, just like plenty of women being recalled to check mammograms etc. That's what screening is all about. Good luck anyway.

    Prostate Cancer UK web site is great as mentioned, along with Men United.

  7. #7
    Master IAmATeaf's Avatar
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    What a coincidence, my PSA shot up from a previous 4 to 84 with a blood test last week. Just been to see the urologist this morning, he confirmed that there is no infection showing in my urine and my prostate is larger than normal and "hard". Next steps are a biopsy and bone scan for me, should have these done in the next 2-3 weeks. Asked as I have private medical but was told that there's no point as with cases like this the NHS will speed things along and going private might mean that they'll drop you back into the NHS lap at some point.

    All in all worrying times, am a bit shocked as although I've had urinary problems, mainly infections where nothing was found this current episode feels the same in terms of symptoms has taken a turn for the worse.

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  8. #8
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    Try not to worry. Many retests are due to erroneous results only. Hope it works out for you.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by IAmATeaf View Post
    Asked as I have private medical but was told that there's no point as with cases like this the NHS will speed things along and going private might mean that they'll drop you back into the NHS lap at some point
    You might get some cash back from your private medical, it's worth contacting them I did with BUPA.

    It would have been the same guy at the same place doing the op if I'd have gone with BUPA.

    Try not to worry about the bone scan, there's nothing to it.

    You'll probably have an MRI too, I had both.
    Last edited by Nogbad The Bad; 7th September 2016 at 15:36.

  10. #10
    Master IAmATeaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad The Bad View Post
    You might get some cash back from your private medical, it's worth contacting them I did with BUPA.

    It would have been the same guy at the same place doing the op if I'd have gone with BUPA.

    Try not to worry about the bone scan, there's nothing to it.

    You'll probably have an MRI too, I had both.
    Funny you should say that as with the last occurrence I went private and my follow up appointment after the biopsy and bone scan are with that same consultant.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #11
    Master village's Avatar
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    Any further south and i would have wet feet
    As an aside,a friend of mine had elevated psa levels and went to the specialist etc etc etc. He turned out to be all clear but the specialist told him that if he could give him one piece of advice to help avoid prostate cancer,it would be to cut back on caffeine. Apparently it is one of the biggest contributing factors and can,by itself,produce a high psa level. Having basically cut caffeine out of his diet his psa levels plummeted. This advice was also given to a separate friend who did turn out to have prostate cancer.
    Anyhow,I drink gallons of tea so I didn't think it would hurt to change to caffeine I have.

  12. #12
    Master valleywatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by village View Post
    As an aside,a friend of mine had elevated psa levels and went to the specialist etc etc etc. He turned out to be all clear but the specialist told him that if he could give him one piece of advice to help avoid prostate cancer,it would be to cut back on caffeine. Apparently it is one of the biggest contributing factors and can,by itself,produce a high psa level. Having basically cut caffeine out of his diet his psa levels plummeted. This advice was also given to a separate friend who did turn out to have prostate cancer.
    Anyhow,I drink gallons of tea so I didn't think it would hurt to change to caffeine I have.
    I had my prostate taken out 3 years ago.......(due to prostate cancer) .

    All is good now!

    I drink de caff tea and coffee now..........I cant taste the difference in either! (just that de-caff is more expensive!).

    I do have the occasional Cappucino from a coffee shop from time to time though!

  13. #13
    Errr ?

    "The study followed nearly 50,000 men in the US for over 20 years to test whether coffee intake was associated with the risk of prostate cancer. Compared to men who did not drink coffee, men who drank six or more cups of coffee a day had a slightly lower overall risk of developing the cancer and a substantially lower risk of developing lethal cancer. The findings applied to both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.

    This is good-quality research, but several limitations mean that its findings need to be interpreted with caution. One limitation is that the study relied on men to recall how much coffee they had drunk over the previous year and this information was only updated every four years. This raises the possibility of errors in the results, and an inaccurate picture of the men’s coffee consumption."

    Coffee isn't good if you have an enlarged prostate.
    Last edited by Nogbad The Bad; 7th September 2016 at 16:09.

  14. #14
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    I have a family friend who is a Consultant Gastroentorologist .... he says 6-8 cups of coffee a day is good for helping prostrate cancer risk low. Also tinned tomatoes and brocolli.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildheart View Post
    My doctor has just put me on Ramilpril been on it less than a month. I take no other medication. I知 a bit concerned at the speed with which I got the referral?As I say I知 tested regularly I just hope they are urging caution? I知 58.
    A suspected cancer referral is done on a 2 week wait pathway-i.e. you should see the specialist in 2 weeks from referral or less. I must stress THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE CANCER. GPs (rightly IMO) are encouraged to refer anyone with ANY suspicion of cancer using this pathway and a raised PSA can be a sign of cancer but as above, it is not usually cancer and there are many other causes of a raise PSA. In general a range of tests are done to exclude/verify the presence of cancer in a short space of time to allow treatment to start quickly if necessary and equally importantly to reassure you quickly and minimise the worry period.

    I do not know of a link between ramipril and PSA but am neither a GP nor urologist.

  16. #16
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    Right, this is now one of my specialist subjects!

    Went to the doctors in January with a cough and mentioned as a separate issue concerns over my plumbing so he took a blood sample. PSA should be about 2.6 for a healthy 48 year old, mine came in at 14.2. As he thought I might have had a chest infection he said come back in a month for a retest which hit 16: referral straight to local hospital and appointment within 2 weeks.

    At this point I'm a tad concerned as the chances are 1 in 3 that it will be cancer, but the PSA isn't the be all and end all in diagnosis, which OP needs to keep in mind.

    Hospital insisted on redoing the PSA which seemed a waste of time but the results were the same so I was booked for an MRI, that showed that the prostate was 4 times it's normal size but the mass didn't look 'suspicious' but a biopsy was booked. They give you a sheet describing the process which mentions the sensation as being 'flicked by an elastic band' which is odd as I'm not sure who has managed to get an elastic band that far up their arse and manage to flick it!

    Have to say it wasn't too bad although quite uncomfortable, I did mention to the consultant that they should change the sheet to say 'its like being stabbed in the arse with a long needle', what they failed to mention is that when they leave the room to let you get dressed you pull back the sheet to find your leg covered in blood that has passed from your knob; which was a bit of a surprise!

    Post biopsy be warned everything is filled with blood, urine for a few days, man porridge for a couple of weeks (that really isn't a good look, so use a glove, even if you don't normally!)

    Luckily for me the best 3 words I've heard in 2016 are 'no abnormal cells' which I'm contemplating having as a tramp stamp tat! Prostate is still knackered and subsequent pre-medication PSA had dropped to around 10.5 without any dietary changes. I'm on pills for god knows how long and may still opt for surgery if the other symptoms do not improve but the pills can take a few months to reduce the prostate size, booked for a retest in 6 months. The medication is a hormone type pill to reduce the testosterone levels, apparently also used as part of treatment for male pattern baldness, so if I do check out I'll have a damn fine head of hair!

    One thing that I wasn't overly pleased with was the communication skills of my urologist, too many 1 or 2 word answers when I expected more complete answers. Might get in touch with prostate uk and get referred someone privately for a chat through the situation.

    Anyway OP, the PSA can go through the roof and it not be C related, fingers crossed for you and hope the outcome is favourable.

  17. #17
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by westberks View Post
    Right, this is now one of my specialist subjects!

    Went to the doctors in January with a cough and mentioned as a separate issue concerns over my plumbing so he took a blood sample. PSA should be about 2.6 for a healthy 48 year old, mine came in at 14.2. As he thought I might have had a chest infection he said come back in a month for a retest which hit 16: referral straight to local hospital and appointment within 2 weeks.

    At this point I'm a tad concerned as the chances are 1 in 3 that it will be cancer, but the PSA isn't the be all and end all in diagnosis, which OP needs to keep in mind.

    Hospital insisted on redoing the PSA which seemed a waste of time but the results were the same so I was booked for an MRI, that showed that the prostate was 4 times it's normal size but the mass didn't look 'suspicious' but a biopsy was booked. They give you a sheet describing the process which mentions the sensation as being 'flicked by an elastic band' which is odd as I'm not sure who has managed to get an elastic band that far up their arse and manage to flick it!

    Have to say it wasn't too bad although quite uncomfortable, I did mention to the consultant that they should change the sheet to say 'its like being stabbed in the arse with a long needle', what they failed to mention is that when they leave the room to let you get dressed you pull back the sheet to find your leg covered in blood that has passed from your knob; which was a bit of a surprise!

    Post biopsy be warned everything is filled with blood, urine for a few days, man porridge for a couple of weeks (that really isn't a good look, so use a glove, even if you don't normally!)

    Luckily for me the best 3 words I've heard in 2016 are 'no abnormal cells' which I'm contemplating having as a tramp stamp tat! Prostate is still knackered and subsequent pre-medication PSA had dropped to around 10.5 without any dietary changes. I'm on pills for god knows how long and may still opt for surgery if the other symptoms do not improve but the pills can take a few months to reduce the prostate size, booked for a retest in 6 months. The medication is a hormone type pill to reduce the testosterone levels, apparently also used as part of treatment for male pattern baldness, so if I do check out I'll have a damn fine head of hair!

    One thing that I wasn't overly pleased with was the communication skills of my urologist, too many 1 or 2 word answers when I expected more complete answers. Might get in touch with prostate uk and get referred someone privately for a chat through the situation.

    Anyway OP, the PSA can go through the roof and it not be C related, fingers crossed for you and hope the outcome is favourable.
    Many thanks for sharing that, I will up date when I have more information. Fingers crossed!

  18. #18
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    I've been to Urology today for my examination, due to my age and my blood PSA being 4.3 the Urologist want's me to have an MRI scan next week & a biopsy ASAP 
    Last edited by wildheart; 21st September 2016 at 17:19. Reason: Worry

  19. #19
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    I was offered a PSA test because of my age a few years ago and the doctor asked me to make sure I wanted it because it could produce a false reading which would then involve some very invasive diagnostics which could all be negative.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  20. #20
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    I was offered a PSA test because of my age a few years ago and the doctor asked me to make sure I wanted it because it could produce a false reading which would then involve some very invasive diagnostics which could all be negative.

    I agree Eddie but I think I'll go forward with the MRI & biopsy, just to be sure for my own knowledge.

  21. #21
    Grand Master Der Amf's Avatar
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    I found MRIs strangely enjoyable, once I'd got used to the cold and the noise. I feel asleep both times.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildheart View Post
    I agree Eddie but I think I'll go forward with the MRI & biopsy, just to be sure for my own knowledge.
    MRI is a piece of piss (no pun intended), I also fell asleep. But as I get 'jerky leg' they woke me up by telling me off for not lying still!

    Biopsy uncomfortable, but necessary.

    4.3; pah!

  23. #23
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    On a slightly lighter note, also did some googling on my meds which are a testosterone reducer. These are used for prostate and male pattern baldness.

    Whilst reading a 'trip adviser' style review one gave me initial cause for concern, stating reduction in penis erectile strength and size, combined with significant reduction in sperm production. At this point I'm about to flush my supply, it then finishes with this line, "this could also be age related as i'm 86"!

  24. #24
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    Not intentionally trying to trivialise this, heck I'm also of the age where this is a concern, there are reports out there that more sex (either alone or not!) is good for warding off prostate issues:


    I'm trying my best to promote this research ;-)

  25. #25
    Master RJM25R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by solwisesteve View Post
    Not intentionally trying to trivialise this, heck I'm also of the age where this is a concern, there are reports out there that more sex (either alone or not!) is good for warding off prostate issues:


    I'm trying my best to promote this research ;-)

  26. #26
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by westberks View Post
    MRI is a piece of piss (no pun intended), I also fell asleep. But as I get 'jerky leg' they woke me up by telling me off for not lying still!

    Biopsy uncomfortable, but necessary.

    4.3; pah!
    Cheers mate made me feel better!

  27. #27
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by solwisesteve View Post
    Not intentionally trying to trivialise this, heck I'm also of the age where this is a concern, there are reports out there that more sex (either alone or not!) is good for warding off prostate issues:


    I'm trying my best to promote this research ;-)
    I've told the girlfriend to expect incoming tonight!

  28. #28
    Master IAmATeaf's Avatar
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    I had my biopsy last week.

    How was it you may ask?

    Me, I've always believed that God designed the rectum to be only 1 way. I basically had something shoved up which hurt and then the bar-stool thing was rotated/adjusted whilst up there which hurt like crazy. Once I'd managed to relax, if that's ever really possible with what I can only describe as a rolling pin up ones rectum the biopsy itself was nothing really to write home about. They took 12 samples from me, I asked to have a look at what they had taken, pinhead size bits of pink floating in liquid, a bottle for each side, results should be back in 10-14 days.

    I asked the consultant about the size of my prostate and his view was it looked pretty normal and not enlarged, he obviously couldn't comment if it was hard as reported by my GP and the specialist I saw the week before.

    I'm also having a bone scan, hopefully some time next week. For me I didn't really feel well enough the day after for work so had to report in sick, just found it uncomfortable to sit for prolonged periods but the consultant did say the biopsy affects people in different ways.

  29. #29
    Grand Master Der Amf's Avatar
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    I once had a biopsy somewhere else. The process itself is disconcerting, but the main feeling afterwards is the sense that some kind of terrible indignity has been done to you. I can remember a general message of alarm going round my body, something is in here which shouldn't be. Of course Mr Doctor wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for your own good, but its hard to remember that at the time. If I had my time over, I would concentrate more on that.

    Being *horribly* hungover probably wasn't helping, mind

  30. #30
    Craftsman lacroix4's Avatar
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    I had a biopsy a few weeks back but talked them into giving me a General Anesthetic being a total wus on anything medical, especially in that area!

    Felt a bit rough for a few days after and had a prescription of Anti Biotic pills which helped.

    results came back negative so a big relief given my old Dad died of PC aged 69.Regular blood tests from now on apparently.

    May give the De caf thing a try.


  31. #31
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    Over two years ago I had a back injury at work.Eventually I had to have a scan on my lower back,the nurse asked me to empty my bladder prior to the scan,this I did or thought I had,only to be told my bladder had not emptied!.
    So I was then in the loop for tests on my prostate etc etc,eventually and after many visits to the consultant I had an enlarged prostate,tablets were prescribed which I never took,Afterall I was still peeing and I stupidly thought I didn't need them,fast forward again to just over two months back.
    Sunday afternoon at the pub many typical visits to the toilet getting rid of hardly anything,but it did somehow seem a little different,next visit to the toilet NOT A DROP,and I mean not a drop at all!!,the pain slowly getting worse,I was feeling progressively worse and said to my wife I not well and so going to walk home,yes walk home in the pouring rain thru the woods,why?,because had I got a taxi I would have been asking the driver to stop every few yards because although I couldn't pee I had a more than ever intense feeling to need to.
    So I left the pub walked thru the woods a few miles to our house,I was in agony with my stomach bloated to something I had never ever seen before,I arrived home I was literally screaming with the pain,after about 20 mins I decided something was not right,as if not having had a pee in a good few hours wouldn't suggest that.
    I dialled 999 I couldn't speak initially because of the pain,the Lady said she had logged my address and the asked me to try and tell her what was wrong,eventually I did to which she had an ambulance enroute immediately,I called my Wife she arrived home as the ambulance arrived.
    I was given morpheme for the pain which was at level 8/9,We were taken to hospital immediately,the pain over the next hour reduced but only slightly with many visits to unsuccessfully empty my bladder,after an hour or so I had a catheter fitted at which 2 litres of urine was released!!!.
    I thought that was the end of it and I go home,after 3 days under observation in hospital and further tests,my urethra was totally and completely now blocked because of my enlarged prostate,I was asked by the consultant how long I had taken the tablets I mentioned above and prescribed a few years ago!,I said I never did take them,these would have slowed the growth of the prostate,so I didn't help the eventual outcome by any means not taking them (TAKE THEM IF PRESCRIBED).
    So after removing the first catheter they replaced it with a long term one which I would have for over two months until a date was given for my prostate op(2 Overseas holidays and incorrect information unnecessarily delayed the op).
    So two weeks ago today in for the op I went,all went well,the consultant explained what he had found and it was a little worse than initially thought,but benign so all happy there.
    Back in for the catheter removed in the day ward and monitored to see if all functioning as should again after been given copious cups of tea n coffee and juice.
    2 weeks later only minimal discomfort,some things will never be quite the same again,those that have had the same op will know what I mean here,those that don't and that are going thru this will soon know but Google will tell anyone else what happens to your tubing after it's been tampered with,let's just say we won't be having anymore Children,or damp patches in the bedroom lol.But not the end of the world and certainly a better place now than where I were.

    Quite a long explanation,but pretty much how it started and ended after my PSA was high.

    Hope this offers some advice,and good luck to you.

    PS I am now taking those tablets I should have initially,and also told I'm likely to need the same op in another ten years.

    Age 57.
    Last edited by P9CLY; 22nd September 2016 at 22:56.

  32. #32
    Master Alansmithee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    I was offered a PSA test because of my age a few years ago and the doctor asked me to make sure I wanted it because it could produce a false reading which would then involve some very invasive diagnostics which could all be negative.

    It's a complex topic, many Doctors will not have a PSA and there is an argument they lead to more harm than good.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAmATeaf View Post
    I had my biopsy last week.

    How was it you may ask?

    Me, I've always believed that God designed the rectum to be only 1 way. I basically had something shoved up which hurt and then the bar-stool thing was rotated/adjusted whilst up there which hurt like crazy. Once I'd managed to relax, if that's ever really possible with what I can only describe as a rolling pin up ones rectum the biopsy itself was nothing really to write home about. They took 12 samples from me, I asked to have a look at what they had taken, pinhead size bits of pink floating in liquid, a bottle for each side, results should be back in 10-14 days.

    I asked the consultant about the size of my prostate and his view was it looked pretty normal and not enlarged, he obviously couldn't comment if it was hard as reported by my GP and the specialist I saw the week before.

    I'm also having a bone scan, hopefully some time next week. For me I didn't really feel well enough the day after for work so had to report in sick, just found it uncomfortable to sit for prolonged periods but the consultant did say the biopsy affects people in different ways.
    Although I was apprehensive about all the things I had done,the one you mention above was by far the worst experience,not painful but certainly uncomfortable and seemed to take a long time to take the 12 biopsies.I remember telling my consultant on a later visit that if they ever needed to take samples this way again I wanted to be under!..

  34. #34
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing chaps eeek! Gave another blood sample today, MRI a week away no news on the biopsy as yet. I've had my leg cut off in the past so can take a bit of pain...but not as tough as I used to be... so I might let out some girlie squeaks come the procedure. Not looking forward to this one bit!

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildheart View Post
    Thanks for sharing chaps eeek! Gave another blood sample today, MRI a week away no news on the biopsy as yet. I've had my leg cut off in the past so can take a bit of pain...but not as tough as I used to be... so I might let out some girlie squeaks come the procedure. Not looking forward to this one bit!

    Nothing painful so nothing to worry about there tbh,just a little discomfort,and only because it's unnatural having the procedure for the biopsy.
    I must say it does feel great now I'm peeing like I did when younger.

  36. #36
    Master IAmATeaf's Avatar
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    As P9CLY states, the process feels unnatural and uncomfortable. I did have some initial pain but my pain threshold level is pretty low. I had no blood at all when doing a number 1 or 2 which I had been warned about so all was good in the end.

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    Quote Originally Posted by P9CLY View Post

    Sunday afternoon at the pub many typical visits to the toilet getting rid of hardly anything,but it did somehow seem a little different,next visit to the toilet NOT A DROP,and I mean not a drop at all!!,the pain slowly getting worse,I was feeling progressively worse and said to my wife I not well and so going to walk home,yes walk home in the pouring rain thru the woods,why?,because had I got a taxi I would have been asking the driver to stop every few yards because although I couldn't pee I had a more than ever intense feeling to need to.
    So I left the pub walked thru the woods a few miles to our house,I was in agony with my stomach bloated to something I had never ever seen before,I arrived home I was literally screaming with the pain,after about 20 mins I decided something was not right,as if not having had a pee in a good few hours wouldn't suggest that.

    Age 57.
    A friend went through this recently, TWICE!

    will be due surgery but when describing the pain I was glad that I just have an enlarged prostate and the appropriate meds

  38. #38
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    In this months BMJ, should hopefully provide some reassurance for those who find themselves with a raised PSA from a well man clinic

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  39. #39
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    Generally it is a slow burner of a cancer and the death rates are pretty low, I think the current advertising and promotion of the condition is a good thing as men don't really deal with this stuff very well.

    Still intrigued to find out the root cause of an enlarged prostate, and generally i give it some regular thought during one of three pisses I have to get up to take most nights!

  40. #40
    Master IAmATeaf's Avatar
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    My biopsy results have come back negative, relieved would be an understatement.

    They've now diagnosed prostatitis and at long last prescribed a 4 week course of antibiotics.

  41. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAmATeaf View Post
    My biopsy results have come back negative, relieved would be an understatement.

    They've now diagnosed prostatitis and at long last prescribed a 4 week course of antibiotics.
    That's brilliant :-)

  42. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAmATeaf View Post
    My biopsy results have come back negative, relieved would be an understatement.

    They've now diagnosed prostatitis and at long last prescribed a 4 week course of antibiotics.
    congratulations; 'no abnormal cells' is a lovely phrase to hear from a consultant.

    Hopefully back to normal in a few weeks for you then.

  43. #43
    Master IAmATeaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by solwisesteve View Post
    That's brilliant :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by westberks View Post
    congratulations; 'no abnormal cells' is a lovely phrase to hear from a consultant.

    Hopefully back to normal in a few weeks for you then.
    Cheers, I think the family was more relieved then me.

    Here's hoping the other biopsy-ers in this thread get the same negative.

  44. #44
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    Essex - Hopefully on a golf course!
    Quote Originally Posted by IAmATeaf View Post
    My biopsy results have come back negative, relieved would be an understatement.

    They've now diagnosed prostatitis and at long last prescribed a 4 week course of antibiotics.
    Good news I had my MRI scan this morning (not a great experience) my biopsy is booked for Wednesday next week.

  45. #45
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Essex - Hopefully on a golf course!
    I had my biopsy today, pleased that's over with. On the couch feeling very sore. It's not an experience I would recommend. Now the wait for results!

  46. #46
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    Aug 2016
    Near Manchester
    Quote Originally Posted by wildheart View Post
    I had my biopsy today, pleased that's over with. On the couch feeling very sore. It's not an experience I would recommend. Now the wait for results!
    Many thanks for flagging this up, takes a lot of courage.
    It's very good news that you're on the mend. Best wishes.

  47. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mulligrub View Post
    Many thanks for flagging this up, takes a lot of courage.
    It's very good news that you're on the mend. Best wishes.
    Just to say,after the same procedure I wasn't on the mend,no far from it!,it was the start of the 2 year road to the operation that I have now had,and 2 years of knowing something was not quite the same,and will never be the same again.

    Once your in the loop for prostate tests you will go to the hospital for regular checks to keep you up to speed with how things are going.Medication will slow the prostate growth,those like myself that didn't take that medication and had their prostate enlarge to the point of not been able to pee WILL need the op I had.So take the medication even tho you think "well I'm peeing ok what's the fuss",it's what it's going to STOP happening in the future.

  48. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildheart View Post
    I had my biopsy today, pleased that's over with. On the couch feeling very sore. It's not an experience I would recommend. Now the wait for results!
    Fingers crossed and good vibes being sent your way.

    The side effects of the biopsy are something else too, just to add to the fun!

  49. #49
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    Apr 2007
    You know your old when you scroll through the thread titles and PSA stands out from all the others and before opening it you know what the thread is about. Hope your biopsy proves negative.

  50. #50
    Master IAmATeaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildheart View Post
    I had my biopsy today, pleased that's over with. On the couch feeling very sore. It's not an experience I would recommend. Now the wait for results!
    Fingers crossed here too. The results should be available within the week if done on the NHS but it all depends when the doctors decide to sit down and review them as to when you then get to know.

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