Got to agree that The Tunnel and The Tunnel Sabotage are first rate.
Making of a Murderer
In the Line of Duty
Got to agree that The Tunnel and The Tunnel Sabotage are first rate.
We've been watching 11.22.63. (Or 22.11.63 in the uk...;))
Go in a with an open and forgiving mind about time travel on TV/film and it's definitely worth a watch. Some excellent Stephen King moments and a lovely rendition of the time period.
Just 'binged' through the first series of Billions starring Damien Lewis and Paul Giamatti . I thought it was brilliant (hence me not being able to drag myself away from it, HIGHLY recommended
I urge everyone to watch 'camping' a 6 part Julia Davis comedy, so funny (adult) it builds slowly but the last couple of episodes are hilarious...
It's on Atlantic ( NowTV ) I think.
Amazing series....french with subtitles.....a bit like Line of Duty, but turbocharged and on acid.
All three series available on Netflix
watched outcast last night on fox, thoroughly enjoyed it highly recommended
Not sure if Gomorrah has been mentioned but it is one of the best thing on TV over the last couple of years.
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Started reading that on holiday last week. Very good and gave me a great vision of the past when he went back. I definitely wanted to try a root beer!
There was also a lot of mentions of IT with the clown, some of the victims etc. I'll be checking the series out for sure.
Wayward pines is worth a look, should be able to tell pretty quickly if you'll like it or not. I've been hooked on various Alaskan reality shows lately too, railroad Alaska, life below zero, building Alaska etc.
Just a couple we've really enjoyed recently:
Peaky Blinders
Better Call Saul
Some classics:
Breaking Bad
The Wire
There so much good TV out there at the moment that we hardly ever watch films these days.
have to add Preacher..........
up to #3 and though slightly different to the comics it's pretty good.....
the authors are producers so have backed it....
Tulip while nice is not quite smokin' hot enough to be totally irresistible (or blonde enough either) .....
Cassidy is excellent ...jury out on Jesse for now but think he will develop OK
I tried 11.22.63 on TV after starting the book in Menorca last week. I didn't like it very much apart from the scenery! Is it worth sticking with?
Gomorrah it's a top watch
I'm halfway through the first series of 'Powers', it's pretty good. Bit of a different take on the super hero theme. Stars Shalto Copley (district 9, hardcore henry) as the good guy and Eddie Izzard as a pretty good badie.
Last edited by Brighty; 18th July 2016 at 12:37.
Stranger Things on Netflix. 2 episodes in bloody brilliant
Done a great job of setting it in the 80's down to the titles and electro soundtrack, cast is really good especially the kids.
Like a cross between Xfiles and ET - great stuff![]()
Spotless on Netflix. A few episodes in and seems to be developing nicely.
"Stranger Things" on netflix, very good, set in 1980, great music from that era, and incidental music that is very tangerine dream/ john carpenter, the story is addictive, which has elements of, wait for it,,, ET, the goonies, firestarter, and the odd stephen king movie! well worth watching
Camping, just watched the 6 episodes, very funny
The Last Man On Earth. Comedy. It's really quite downbeat in parts, and quite a cynical watch at times, but I love it.
Just starting to get into Billions. Only first series down but looks pretty decent.
there is only one series![]()
I recommend Ray Donovan, not sure if anyone else has watched it but Liev Shreiber is a great actor. Very cool, calm and collected in playing a Hollywood fixer. Midway through Season 4 and still loving it!
Braquo back on French TV in September (final series it seems), hopefully on Sky/Virgin somewhere too.
French series. Very anti-hero like The Shield, but very French at the same time!
My current favourite, especially S1 and 2.
Another vote for 'Camping' unbelievably funny :)
I'm hearing good things about the new Netflix series "stranger things"
anyone tried it yet?
Doh sorry Micky. Skimming!
Im on episode 2 now. Enjoying it so far
Contagion on e4 is pretty good.
Ep1 is on catch up from last week and ep2 is on +1 at ten.
Its a remake of the Belgian viral gore-fest Cordon which was very good indeed.
The little girl playing 011 on Stranger Things has an incredible talent.
Taken up stranger things based on this thread.
"Bite my shiny metal ass."
- Bender Bending Rodríguez