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Thread: IMPORTANT: Change of forum ownership

  1. #301
    Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Eddie; Thanks. Have fun and keep in touch

    Philip; This forum needs moderation, it always has and always will
    yep, am sure you think it does.

  2. #302
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    I can only repeat my thanks and best wishes expressed in a previous thread.

    I think I’m entering some sort of mourning period now.

    Eddie, on the other hand, is probably entering a period of huge and well-deserved relief...

  3. #303
    Master rabbitinheadlights's Avatar
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    Thanks Eddie for all your hard work and creating an excellent forum. Sad to hear the news but wish you well and hope your wife gets better soon.

  4. #304
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    Cheers Eddie, and all the best to you and Carol.
    It's a sad day, as your stewardship was superb, and there will inevitably be changes that aren't for the better.
    It was great while it lasted.

  5. #305
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    Eddie I/we all wish Mrs P a speedy recover or at least continual improvement.
    We miss miss you and also welcome to the new guy. Philip welcome.
    THANK YOU VERY much Eddie.

  6. #306
    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Eddie; Thanks. Have fun and keep in touch

    Philip; This forum needs moderation, it always has and always will
    And has always been perfectly moderated.

  7. #307
    Master Pitch3110's Avatar
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    All the best boss and many thanks.

    Take care


  8. #308
    Master Tony-GB's Avatar
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    Thank you Eddie for a great forum and allowing us to have our mad moments.

    At the risk of sounding too sentimental, I would like to mention and remember Mr Crowley at this time. Thanks again for representing the forum along with with Ralphy and Pauluspaolo.

    I hope Mrs P makes a swift and full recovery and you can both resume your normal lives together.

    Welcome Philip and please don't castrate this forum. There are already enough members here whose opinions are bullocks.


  9. #309
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    Eddie, good luck with life. Thank you.

  10. #310
    So long Eddie and thanks for all the fish.

    I hope your wife makes a swift recovery and you continue to create great watches.

  11. #311
    Goodness, the end of an era.

    Thank you, Eddie, for your kindness, help and good humour; good luck in your future plans.

    Best wishes,


  12. #312
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    Good luck Eddie, thank you for providing this site, I have benefitted and enjoyed it greatly.

  13. #313
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    Wow didn't see this coming at all. Been a member here for some time now and joined purely to buy something that I had seen on SC (back in the day when you could join and get access straight away) and never left. This is the one place that I pretty much always check into.

    Eddie - massive thanks to you and best wishes to Mrs Platts.

    Have you given the new guys lessons on how to use the Eddie 'NO'?

    Thanks again and best wishes.

  14. #314
    Master darrenw's Avatar
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    I don't visit as often as I used to, but looks like I've checked in at an opportune moment.

    Thanks for everything Eddie and best of luck for the future.

  15. #315
    All the best Eddie, to you and Carol, I hope you are both ok.

    You have created something to be proud of. (The forum and Timefactors)

    Thanks for some of the things I have learned,seen,and laughed (cringed!) at on here.
    Last edited by chaplad; 11th November 2015 at 23:51.

  16. #316
    Thanks Eddie, and best wishes to you and your wife.

  17. #317
    Thanks for everything Eddie and good luck for the future. The only forum I return to daily.

  18. #318
    Master Dr.Brian's Avatar
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    This is still my favorite forum! Sorry to hear about your wife. Mine had a fall this last winter as well, and her knee will never be the same.
    Best wishes to you and good luck with her recovery!
    And of course, good luck with your other side project that brought us all together! :)

  19. #319
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    All the best to you Eddie and to your wife. I hope the recovery is swift and you enjoy the extra time. You've done a cracking job.


  20. #320
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umbongo View Post
    And has always been perfectly moderated.
    Personally I don't think it has ever been even adequately moderated, but that's just my opinion. I hope the new owners see how much better it would be with proper moderation.

  21. #321
    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Personally I don't think it has ever been even adequately moderated, but that's just my opinion. I hope the new owners see how much better it would be with proper moderation.

    As a matter of curiosity, what is "proper moderation" pray tell? I run a forum that was based on TZ-UK and even while I was hospitalized last year and away from the forum for almost 5 months, the place took care of itself without "proper moderation".I am going to guess that almost all of the members here are adults who can and do self moderate. IMVHO you treat adults as such and they do the rest most of the time.

  22. #322
    Grand Master number2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Personally I don't think it has ever been even adequately moderated, but that's just my opinion. I hope the new owners see how much better it would be with proper moderation.
    If you're not on drugs you should be.

  23. #323
    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Personally I don't think it has ever been even adequately moderated, but that's just my opinion. I hope the new owners see how much better it would be with proper moderation.
    I appreciate it is you opinion, but in what way has it been inadequately moderated?

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  24. #324
    Grand Master JasonM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralphy View Post
    I appreciate it is you opinion, but in what way has it been inadequately moderated?

    I would say its been moderated very well within Eddies ( scant ) rules, I expect the issue is those rules are too liberal for some and some posters go too far in what they are able to post in relation to what some people are comfortable with, some peoples expectations of what should be allowed are at odds with what are actually allowed. You can't please all the people all the time etc..... Some people have brought up other fora ( for example RLT ) and their attitude to moderation, but the thing is, by and large the people on other fora, be it RLT, WUS etc are happy and conform to whatever local guidelines and rules are in place, same as here... We all have options to stay or go, some go kicking and screaming, some just slip away and some just accept the change and get on with it and try to continue to make it a great place to hang out....

  25. #325
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralphy View Post
    I appreciate it is you opinion, but in what way has it been inadequately moderated?

    You've been here since 2004. If you can't see already, then I can't show you.

  26. #326
    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    You've been here since 2004. If you can't see already, then I can't show you.
    I can see situations where I didn’t agree with an application - or lack - of moderation but that is inevitable in forum life. Certainly not enough to say it was a forum of poor moderation or that it was improperly moderated overall. Just curious as to what level of moderating would have made an improvement to this place.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  27. #327
    Quote Originally Posted by JasonM View Post
    I would say its been moderated very well within Eddies ( scant ) rules, I expect the issue is those rules are too liberal for some and some posters go too far in what they are able to post in relation to what some people are comfortable with, some peoples expectations of what should be allowed are at odds with what are actually allowed. You can't please all the people all the time etc..... Some people have brought up other fora ( for example RLT ) and their attitude to moderation, but the thing is, by and large the people on other fora, be it RLT, WUS etc are happy and conform to whatever local guidelines and rules are in place, same as here... We all have options to stay or go, some go kicking and screaming, some just slip away and some just accept the change and get on with it and try to continue to make it a great place to hang out....
    I think that’s in line with my POV too. "You can't please all the people all the time etc.....” sums it up, for some it was an issue and they’ll have left because of that, for others it was (presumably) acceptable when taking an overall view of their enjoyment of the place and for the rest it wasn’t an issue.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  28. #328
    Master Wexford's Avatar
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    I'm only just catching up with current events, but wanted to echo my thanks to you Eddie, for the forum and all your years of great stewardship.
    This place really is different and I hope it stays that way.

    As others have said, I hope your missus makes a full recovery and every success for the future of Timefactors.

    I really hope this place doesn't change, but I fear for our community a little.
    Please VerticalScope, leave it alone and don't turn this place into WUS?

  29. #329
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    Within this forum there are some great and very likable people , there are also many bullies and loudmouths. I accept that all of this is normal in any community , on or off line. However I have noted in the time I have spent here that there are many people who feel inhibited to say what they would want to say, inhibited to post photos they would want to post, etc etc This is due to a clear lack of control. Such control should exist so that people do not feel inhibited to say what they think. It is a fallacy to assume that lack of moderation provides freedom of expression. Lack of moderation in fact only provides freedom for oppression. This is true in any society. There exists now an opportunity for change. An opportunity to right all that is so wrong with what has the potential to be a truly great forum
    I hope the opportunity is not missed.
    I have seen valuable and eminent members banned for dissenting from the line of command. I have seen bullies applauded and allowed to continue their oppression. These are things which should never happen.

  30. #330
    However I have noted in the time I have spent here that there are many people who feel inhibited to say what they would want to say, inhibited to post photos they would want to post, etc etc This is due to a clear lack of control. Such control should exist so that people do not feel inhibited to say what they think.
    Putting aside the question of how one can note something that isn’t visible, how could a different level of moderation/control have removed any inhibition to say or post things? I can think of many occasions when no-holds-barred ‘this is what I think’ posts appeared and were only moderated when they went way beyond (most peoples) acceptable level of propriety.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  31. #331
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    I did try
    Last edited by java; 12th November 2015 at 09:39.

  32. #332
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Within this forum there are some great and very likable people , there are also many bullies and loudmouths. I accept that all of this is normal in any community , on or off line. However I have noted in the time I have spent here that there are many people who feel inhibited to say what they would want to say, inhibited to post photos they would want to post, etc etc This is due to a clear lack of control. Such control should exist so that people do not feel inhibited to say what they think. It is a fallacy to assume that lack of moderation provides freedom of expression. Lack of moderation in fact only provides freedom for oppression. This is true in any society. There exists now an opportunity for change. An opportunity to right all that is so wrong with what has the potential to be a truly great forum
    I hope the opportunity is not missed.
    I have seen valuable and eminent members banned for dissenting from the line of command. I have seen bullies applauded and allowed to continue their oppression. These are things which should never happen.
    I agree Tim , but nevertheless you are still here and posting ? Despite being ensconced on your own 'Tracey Island' in the middle of the Caribbean *. That alone shows that despite all its flaws there is still something about the forum that you value. There was never any moderator , there was only ever Eddie. This was why when someone posts something like ' moderator - please remove ' anyone who spent any time in the place would roll his or her eyes or let out a little chuckle. To say ' there are things that should never happen ', well, on an independent forum like TZ , you either like it or lump it. ' my way or the highway '. The fact that so many posters on here feel they have a 'stake' on TZ demonstrates its level of success. That is something very ,very hard to recreate.
    On a personal level Tim I found your posts interesting and would be very happy to hear more from you.
    But in the meantime, from any perspective , its the end of an era for tz. What it will evolve into is anybodys guess. As far as im concerned, its 'so long, and thanks for all the fish'

    * the real location has been disguised so as to avoid resemblance to the the truth , real or intended
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  33. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by seikopath View Post
    I agree Tim , but nevertheless you are still here and posting ? Despite being ensconced on your own 'Tracey Island' in the middle of the Caribbean *. That alone shows that despite all its flaws there is still something about the forum that you value. There was never any moderator , there was only ever Eddie. This was why when someone posts something like ' moderator - please remove ' anyone who spent any time in the place would roll his or her eyes or let out a little chuckle. To say ' there are things that should never happen ', well, on an independent forum like TZ , you either like it or lump it. ' my way or the highway '. The fact that so many posters on here feel they have a 'stake' on TZ demonstrates its level of success. That is something very ,very hard to recreate.
    On a personal level Tim I found your posts interesting and would be very happy to hear more from you.
    But in the meantime, from any perspective , its the end of an era for tz. What it will evolve into is anybodys guess. As far as im concerned, its 'so long, and thanks for all the fish'

    * the real location has been disguised so as to avoid resemblance to the the truth , real or intended
    Yes I am still here. One of the reasons I post much less is because I am tired of the bullying. I agree this is a great forum. But I do not believe that its greatness has anything to do with the lack of moderation. I believe it would be greater with proper moderation.

  34. #334
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Yes I am still here. One of the reasons I post much less is because I am tired of the bullying. I agree this is a great forum. But I do not believe that its greatness has anything to do with the lack of moderation. I believe it would be greater with proper moderation.
    Ah. Therein lies the key. One man's 'proper moderation' is another man's dystopian nightmare.
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  35. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by seikopath View Post
    Ah. Therein lies the key. One man's 'proper moderation' is another man's dystopian nightmare.
    Why does anyone assume that inaction is not in itself action? No moderation in itself gives rise to moderation by oppression. There is indeed no such thing as a free lunch.

  36. #336
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    My few cents. I've been since nearly the beginning... It didn't need moderating in the first few years. It had a good atmosphere. My God does it need it now!

  37. #337
    Journeyman Brucy's Avatar
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    Been reading for many, participating for a few.

    No sacrifice is more right than that for family, no loss is too great than what you lose if you ignore your family

    I wish you and your wife well

  38. #338
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    Love is most precious

    Thank you Mr.Platts.

    All the best with the domestic situation.

  39. #339
    Master Inspector71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    No moderation in itself gives rise to moderation by oppression.
    There is an element of "he who shouts loudest (and most often, withe most annoying gifs or photos) wins"

    The very free speech is one of the best things about the place. IMHO moderation which could recognise deliberate browbeating/bullying as opposed to genuine argument would sometimes be beneficial - but would be very very hard to do...

  40. #340
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    I agree with a lot of the above posts as to moderation, lets see how Phil deals with some of the issues. My ignore list has doubled in the last month alone. Perhaps Eddie had taken his eye off the ball? Some of the banter has got too rich even for my working class roots but having said that my favourite posters are still here and I enjoy their articulate comments when they arrive.
    There is nothing quite like TZ ... perhaps we had it too good? Anyhow I'm prepared to stick with programme and see were it leads

  41. #341
    Grand Master Foxy100's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Yes I am still here. One of the reasons I post much less is because I am tired of the bullying. I agree this is a great forum. But I do not believe that its greatness has anything to do with the lack of moderation. I believe it would be greater with proper moderation.
    Am I right in thinking you have your own watch forum now? The answer to so many complaints about this forum is 'if you don't like it, go and start your own'.
    "A man of little significance"

  42. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxy100 View Post
    Am I right in thinking you have your own watch forum now? The answer to so many complaints about this forum is 'if you don't like it, go and start your own'.
    Well that isn't really any sort of answer at all is it. It is just a silly comment. I don't have my own forum. I am a moderator on a very long established watch forum. But that is really not anything to do with what goes on here.

  43. #343
    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    I did try
    So did I. I don’t understand what you were trying to say as it wasn’t clear enough (to me) but perhaps that is in part because I cannot recall ever feeling inhibited enough to cause me to refrain from making a comment or posting a picture here.

    Hopefully the new ownership will bring a level of moderation you would prefer, perhaps I will come to appreciate it too: time will tell us both.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  44. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    ....I have seen valuable and eminent members banned for dissenting from the line of command. I have seen bullies applauded and allowed to continue their oppression. These are things which should never happen.
    Oh please, don't be so dramatic. This is a very enjoyable public watch forum, not 1940s Germany. Every forum has village idiots but this one has relatively few for the size of membership IMHO. Put them on ignore if you wish or don't get involved in the petty squabbles. If the level of moderation here is wrong then why is it by far and away the best watch forum in the UK?

  45. #345
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    Not been on for a couple of days, just seen this

    Just wanted to add by sincere best wishes to Eddie and his family, and to thank Eddie for an entertaining forum over the 5 years I have been a member



  46. #346
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    Quote Originally Posted by benny.c View Post
    Oh please, don't be so dramatic. This is a very enjoyable public watch forum, not 1940s Germany. Every forum has village idiots but this one has relatively few for the size of membership IMHO. Put them on ignore if you wish or don't get involved in the petty squabbles. If the level of moderation here is wrong then why is it by far and away the best watch forum in the UK?
    Kinda hard to put on ignore people who are not there any more. I guess Mcdonalds must be the best restaurant in the world then. And getting close to Godwin already !
    Last edited by java; 12th November 2015 at 11:19.

  47. #347
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Well that isn't really any sort of answer at all is it. It is just a silly comment. I don't have my own forum. I am a moderator on a very long established watch forum. But that is really not anything to do with what goes on here.
    Found your niche then?

    FWIW I've been here for 12 years and never found the need to put anyone on "ignore".

    Sure, there are different types and a smattering of loonies on here but that just reflects life in general and not like some regimented boring place like most fora.

  48. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.C View Post
    Found your niche then?

    FWIW I've been here for 12 years and never found the need to put anyone on "ignore".

    Sure, there are different types and a smattering of loonies on here but that just reflects life in general and not like some regimented boring place like most fora.
    Really don't know what that is supposed to mean. If you want to be insulting grow a pair first.

  49. #349
    Master Kirk280's Avatar
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    I've got nobody on ignore too - I love all of you!

    (OK, perhaps 'love' is a little OTT)

  50. #350
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    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Kinda hard to put on ignore people who are not there any more. I guess Mcdonalds must be the best restaurant in the world then. And getting close to Godwin already !
    TZ-UK is the best watch forum in the UK due to its clientele and content, not because of its size or popularity. I don't think you can say the same of McD's. Can you believe there are some people who go there who don't even remove their hat when dining? Scoundrels.

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