:lol: :lol: :lol:Originally Posted by hogthrob
:lol: :lol: :lol:Originally Posted by hogthrob
Martin ("Crusader")
I know this is pushing the envelope but something with a similar microadjustment as in the Seiko MM clasp would be superb as you can size it depending the climate on an instant. - I had it on a auto Landmaster and verify that the design is top bollocks and easy to use. Very comfy!Originally Posted by swanbourne
Pic by Martin Broad :D
The clasp on the MM is surely the standard by which all others must be judged. The ratcheting micro adjustment is an over-engineered joy. I wonder if Seiko have patented it?
about the bracelet, eddie, are you kind of considering a macho 3piece or classy 5 and over piece, or a dressy rice grain type of thing?
and would that be with solid end links, folded end links, or.. no end links?
if you have any ideas as yet.
not that I want to rush you into any decisions or anything.
And...Originally Posted by bubi
I would expect that you'll know when Eddie has firm information, or when he's faced with a few reasonable choices and is interested in input from forum members.Originally Posted by swanbourne
I agree on the clasp I had it on my LM and it is fantastic though a bit easy to loosen.Originally Posted by Seamaster73
Great... now this one is calling my name (following the posting of the new Stowa Icarus and my subesquent search for a nice pilot's watch).
I'm not sure if I should thank you or curse you Eddie... :D
Eddie is there a list yet for the PRS 3 if so could I put my name down for one if the list is still open.
SB3 isn't a LE, we should all be able to get one :DOriginally Posted by Horologos
Dave E
Skating away on the thin ice of a new day
Just realised there isn't an image of the SB-3 with bracelet so I had a play
Nice :D Could you photoshop a beads-of-rice type as well ? :P
Any idea when the SB3 will drop? I really want a pilot watch and have some money set aside for it, but I keep seeing other things that grab my attention...
Please, Eddie, save me from myself and let me buy an SB3 before I spend the money that I've set aside.
I've been confirming specification and preliminary costings all week. A bracelet has been found for the SB3 and spec has been confirmed for the SB3, PRS-5 and PRS-10.
Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".
You wait ages for one watch and then three come along at once... :)
I better think about about putting some money aside for at least one of these.
And to think that i almost promised the woman that i will not buy any more watches this year.
What kind of madness would that be! :shock: :lol:Originally Posted by calvinktlim
Dave E
Skating away on the thin ice of a new day
Try 4 for those of us on the '50 list.Originally Posted by dforgrieve
:occasion5: :occasion9:Originally Posted by swanbourne
PRS-5?Originally Posted by swanbourne
Eddie wants to make an updated PRS-5.
This is the original PRS-5.
Ouch, end of Year will be hard with the 50, the PRS-5 and PRS-10 :D
but this is definitivly a good news
Thanks. Is there a thread about this?Originally Posted by Ron Jr
It has been discussed in a few threads but none specific to the new PRS-5. I believe a fair bit of talking was done in the Seagull movement thread if my mind hasn't turned totally to mush (long week little sleep).
Found the Seagull thread.
I'd forgotten about that thread, thanks again.
Soooo, Mr. Platts....
Don't suppose we all could get a bit of an update?
I am contemplating flipping my Mark XVI (I think Martin may have been right... even when I had sworn up and down a storm he would be wrong) and I think a Speedbird III would take its place nicely.
Would love to hear of any news.
By the way, welcome to the forum -j ;-)
Whatever -j stands for :P
I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
The first 50 movements have been paid for and received, the design and specification has been agreed, the quote has been accepted and now the game begins.
The manufacturer's forecast is 120 days from placing the order but we all know how likely that is.
Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".
It will be in time for Christmas!!!Originally Posted by swanbourne
(next year, probably ;))
As quotes are popular at the moment........
Patience is a virtue, Possess it if you can, Seldom found in woman, Never found in man
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet
x + 120. As always. ;-)
I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
Will there be any problem getting additional movements?
And now the inevitable ... Is there a list for the first 50? If so, could my name go on it please?
The important thing is the fact that it's moving :)
No list yet? ;) :D
#17 (if not taken yet ;))
ahm... #27 please...hehe :thumbleft:
Since numbers have been asked for Please hold #20 for me. Thanks Eddie.
Here we go again - the usual drill. Have a go everyone. :D
As far as I am concerned I've already reserved No 2.
Mr. Platts,
That is indeed good news.
Well, it is news. ;)
120 days is of course better than the "4 weeks" estimate I usually get in the handmade knife world, which, in my experience, usually ends up being anywhere between 2 and 4 years.
Thank you for the update!
I suppose if this is the list, I should like to be on it, although I don't particularly care for any specific number.
-j stands for Jon. ;)
A long-time lurker, first-time poster. Been following Eddie & Timefactors ever since the first Speedbird, but have never had the opportunity/favour to pick up one.
#25 please :lol:
this is hilarious
its already been said it is not an LE but everybody is booking their numbers :lol: :lol: :lol:
in that case i will have 23 :lol:
Very strange isn't it :lol:
( #24 pls :D )
Look, folks - it's a non-LE!
(#07, please!)
this a Non-LE like the Non-LE-Italian... you know what i mean? ;)
I think they do.Originally Posted by walkuere
Nevertheless: what's your number??? :wink:
Hi Bernard, as stated before: No.27 :thumbleft:
this is just too silly for words!
(#48 still available?)
I need to get my post count up (and a pilot watch). Please put me down for number 19 if it is not already spoken for. *grin*
No. 8 please, if not already taken :wink: :lol:
if taken 10 and if that is taken-a number based on what number is left at this time ;) :lol:
Best wishes,
AP. :)
It would'not be so funny if we were'nt so serious :lol:
#43 for me please :D :D :D :D