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Thread: Precista PRS-50 specs

  1. #51
    Master Nalu's Avatar
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    Dec 2003
    So the answer is 'glue'. Doesn't seem extremely reliable for something which will be immersed in seawater for a significant portion of its life.

    And this is the problem - look at how many Benrus bezels delaminate. Not meaning to slag BP, but the divided insert was doomed to failure. I can't see how they possibly thought it might work.

    Thanks for the response Admiral :wink:

  2. #52
    Master lysanderxiii's Avatar
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    N 28 deg, 31' 18.4902 W80 deg 33' 40.035"
    Barnacles "glue" themselves to stuff and spend a majority of their time in seawater, without fear of coming off. They are especially hard to get off steel, too.

    Like I said, it's all in the choice of epoxy.

    Of course the epoxy is attached to the paint on the other side, so it is also a matter of paint choice.

  3. #53
    Master Nalu's Avatar
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    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by lysanderxiii
    Barnacles "glue" themselves to stuff and spend a majority of their time in seawater, without fear of coming off. They are especially hard to get off steel, too.

    Like I said, it's all in the choice of epoxy.

    Of course the epoxy is attached to the paint on the other side, so it is also a matter of paint choice.
    Yes, but the barnacle is a biologic system with self-repairing capabilities. I will (and have) take an weaker biologic system over a 'stronger' exogenous one every time :wink:

    Not to say I don't take your point. My problem is in the QA process and correct choice of epoxy. I don't think most watchmakers are ex-Navy people who are versed in corrosion, nor do I think they are inclined to do the requisite research. Even Omega SM bezels 'failed' and continue to 'fail' when they get wet.

    But my PRS-14 didn't when I dove it and I haven't heard of any other problems, so there must be a better mousetrap!

  4. #54
    Master lysanderxiii's Avatar
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    N 28 deg, 31' 18.4902 W80 deg 33' 40.035"
    I don't think most watchmakers are ex-Navy people who are versed in corrosion,
    Ah, but I am absolutely sure that big companies like Omega and Fricker have access to adhesive experts, whose sole job is to know all about what works and where it works best. I work for a relatively small engineering concern but I have access to any sorts of expert I need, they are payed consultants, and work for several different concerns that might need their expertise.

    Are you talking about new or vintage SM? Like I said, adhesive have come along way since the 1970's. Also remember, ecomonics play a large factor in such decisions in a large concern like Omega, it may well be that they are willing to accept the limited life of a bezel for a reduction in cost of the epoxy, whereas Fricker and Eddie are not.

    And lastly, the barnacle does literaly just glue themselves to their host:

    When an appropriate place is found, the cyprid larva cements itself headfirst to the surface and then undergoes metamorphosis into a juvenile barnacle. Typical barnacles develop six hard armour plates to surround and protect their bodies. For the rest of their lives they are cemented to the ground, using their feathery legs (cirri) to capture plankton and gametes when spawning. They are usually found in the intertidal zone.

  5. #55
    Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by lysanderxiii
    I don't think most watchmakers are ex-Navy people who are versed in corrosion,
    Ah, but I am absolutely sure that big companies like Omega and Fricker have access to adhesive experts, whose sole job is to know all about what works and where it works best. I work for a relatively small engineering concern but I have access to any sorts of expert I need, they are payed consultants, and work for several different concerns that might need their expertise.
    I wish that this is the case.

    The many stories of glued bezel inserts that have come loose on Sinn watches (a company with a strong engineering bent, no less) under hot/wet conditions, or of glued bezel inserts going AWOl, make me very sceptical whether the watch industry as a whole exerts the same degree of diligence when it comes to glue as some other industrial enterprises.

    Martin ("Crusader")

  6. #56
    Master Bernard's Avatar
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    the Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Nalu
    Filled in with luminous material (SuperLuminova?!).
    Bombé plexiglas bezel insert."

    This is something which has been puzzling me for a while: how does one make such a bezel waterproof? How do (did) Omega do it (with varying degrees of success, admittedly)? The BP Bund failed miserably as every sample I've seen shows lume damage to the 12 pip.

    I think the PRS-14 was done by pouring the acrylic, but I can't see how to get the top surface curve when doing it this way.
    Frankly, I think most buyers won't even swim with this watch, so who cares?

    I am planning to use no. 30/50 when diving. If the bezel fails, I'll get me a new one.

  7. #57
    Master Nalu's Avatar
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    Dec 2003
    I care, that's why I asked. I think Eddie cares also. He's not the type to design a dive watch which has a predictable failure mode when used for its intended purpose. I suspect quite a few others care too, as many folks here seem to be more interested in their watches and how they work than the average Fossil-wearer.

    Lysander, I was speaking of vintage Seamasters but I include current production runs of remade parts. I'm particularly interested in the acrylic bezels of the SM300, SMP600 and SMP1000 as they are very handsome and functional IMO, even when nicked up.

    But they can look like hell when they get water in them

    My point is that damage to a biologic system is repaired, so that a barnacle can fend off the ravages of the sea over time. Vice an inorganic system that only degenerates over time and with exposure.

  8. #58
    Master lysanderxiii's Avatar
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    I agree, if you are going to make something, do it right.

    Well, adhesives are out there that should withstand the rigors of seawater and other such adverse environments, we glue airplanes thogether with them.

    In relatively large concerns like Sinn or Omega, who are big enough the be able to hire an hour or three of a consultant's time to figure out what is the proper adhesive to use, any failures of the adhesive would probably be the result of economics, i.e. we're to cheap to use the right glue, or we're to cheap to ask someone what the best glue to use is.

  9. #59
    Grand Master abraxas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crusader

    The many stories of glued bezel inserts that have come loose on Sinn watches (a company with a strong engineering bent, no less) under hot/wet conditions, or of glued bezel inserts going AWOl, make me very sceptical whether the watch industry as a whole exerts the same degree of diligence when it comes to glue as some other industrial enterprises.


  10. #60
    Master Nalu's Avatar
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    Dec 2003
    Even Citizen, 12 pip missing after the 1st week of diving:

    And Omega, a diff't construction style:

  11. #61
    Master Bernard's Avatar
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    I'd really wish there was more info about this project :(

    Now I have to check this forum at least 5 times a day ;)

  12. #62
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Sheffield, England
    What more is there to tell? Fricker now has the movements and the dial is due in a couple of weeks.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  13. #63
    Master Bernard's Avatar
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    the Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    What more is there to tell? Fricker now has the movements and the dial is due in a couple of weeks.

    Well, that's good news :D

    I think we all would like price info, expectations regarding delivery date and so on ;)

    But I'll be checking this thread daily for your info about that ;)

  14. #64
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Be sure you'll get what information I have when I get it Bernard.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  15. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    the dial is due in a couple of weeks.

    So this is the final dial design?

    There were so many options being discussed that I lost count

  16. #66
    Master Bernard's Avatar
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    the Netherlands
    For the LTD. yes, I believe the non-ltd. will have a "clean" dial.

    Eddie can correct me if I 'm wrong.

  17. #67
    Join Date
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    Birth Place of Radio

    Order name list..

    Eddie is there a list yetr?

    Simon says PLEASE can he get one.


  18. #68
    Grand Master Dave E's Avatar
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    Buckingham, UK

    Re: Order name list..

    Quote Originally Posted by Horologos
    Eddie is there a list yetr?

    Simon says PLEASE can he get one.

    List is here about half way down.

    I'm on it :D
    Dave E

    Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

  19. #69
    Master Bernard's Avatar
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    the Netherlands

    Re: Order name list..

    Quote Originally Posted by Horologos
    Eddie is there a list yetr?

    Simon says PLEASE can he get one.

    No you can't. We are all waiting...

    30/50 for me :lol:

  20. #70
    Grand Master Dave E's Avatar
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    Buckingham, UK
    Just occurred to me that it might be handy to quote Eddie here to make it easy to find!

    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    Reservations so far.

    01 Me :-)
    02 Nalu
    03 Thorpey69
    04 Andre (Switzerland)
    05 Le Prof
    06 10to2
    07 Qatar-Wol
    08 GeoffD
    09 MaxGB
    10 Recht
    11 FinkAudio
    12 Otto
    13 Michael in Frisco
    14 Finzup
    15 USMike
    16 Dave E
    17 P-diddy
    18 JTBold
    19 Messenius
    20 Ron Jr
    21 JCJM
    22 Rob Hall
    23 Davie0146
    24 cj_65
    25 Gunscrossed
    26 jwg663
    27 redmonaco
    28 MarkEg
    29 pulga69
    30 Bernard
    31 Muddymonkey
    32 Mean Go Getter
    33 T.B.
    34 Siddhartha
    35 Quoll
    36 dowsing
    37 Bengal1
    38 Watch Dilettante
    39 Scott Benzie
    40 Ales from Wales
    41 Mr X
    42 Deano42
    43 Grayman
    44 iseedeadpeople
    45 Mr1973
    46 Micha F
    47 Raysablade
    48 Faide
    49 MartinMW
    50 Foggy

    Dave E

    Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Southlake, Texas USA

    OK I missed it

    Looking for the PRS-20LE to arrive and never saw the PRS-50 LE sign-up.

    Please add me to the reserve but with that list of usual suspects, I can't see many dropping off.

    DaveB (KE6507)

  22. #72
    Join Date
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    Springfield, PA, USA
    Eddie et al,

    Effective immediately, I hereby relinquish my place on the PRS-50 Reserved List (i.e., #43). Since there is so much interest in this watch, I believe it is wrong for me to continue to hold my place in view of my ambivalence about the final (?) design.

    I hope it wasn't "bad form" leap onto the list in the first place since I wasn't dead sure of my commitment. Perhaps this early withdrawal will show my respect to the Forum and its members and, especially its host.

    Thank you all.

  23. #73
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Sheffield, England
    Thanks Grayman, I'm sure Ben265 will be delighted. :D

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  24. #74
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Put me on that reserve list now!!!


  25. #75
    Master Ron Jr's Avatar
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    Lindenhurst, New York
    Quote Originally Posted by calvinktlim
    Put me on that reserve list now!!!

    Say please.

  26. #76
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Bernard
    For the LTD. yes, I believe the non-ltd. will have a "clean" dial.

    Eddie can correct me if I 'm wrong.
    Has this actually been confirmed? I know I should wait until when they are ready, but I haven't seen any statement confirming that the dial would have the logo (I hope it doesn't :twisted: )

  27. #77
    Bernard wrote:
    For the LTD. yes, I believe the non-ltd. will have a "clean" dial.

    Eddie can correct me if I 'm wrong.
    Where is the reserve list for the LTD? and can I be on it please?


  28. #78
    Master Bernard's Avatar
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    the Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by gregor
    Bernard wrote:
    For the LTD. yes, I believe the non-ltd. will have a "clean" dial.

    Eddie can correct me if I 'm wrong.
    Where is the reserve list for the LTD? and can I be on it please?

    Fastest way is by sending a PM to Eddie ;)

    Good luck!

  29. #79
    Hi Bernard,

    Thanks, I've just send the man a pm.

    Now... how long is that reserve list?
    and how many of you guys do I have to eliminate to be first in line? :D


  30. #80
    Hi Eddie,

    Could you please take me off of the list (number 36) and give the space to someone else?

    As much as I like the 50 I'm verging more towards divers like Certina & Doxa.


  31. #81
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Sheffield, England

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  32. #82
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    now who's the lucky chappie

  33. #83
    Join Date
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    Brussels, Belgium
    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    Thanks Grayman, I'm sure Ben265 will be delighted. :D

    Oh yessss , I'm just coming back from holidays and this makes me a happy man. Thanks Grayman


  34. #84
    Join Date
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    Springfield, PA, USA
    Ben265 -

    My pleasure. Enjoy the watch. I'll wait for Eddie's new replacement for the G-10, then I'll jump in again.

    Best to all on Independence Day in the Colonies.

  35. #85
    Eddie, can you place me on the waiting list of the reserve list? After having the Italian in my wrist I will try to buy as many "Eddies" as I can!

  36. #86
    Any update on the progress :D

    im board with my speedie and need a new toy :lol:

  37. #87
    Ever since I've got on to the confirmed list, I've found myself checking the forum twice daily for updates.

    Is that wrong? :(

  38. #88
    Join Date
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    Washington D.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dean in Canuckistan
    Ever since I've got on to the confirmed list, I've found myself checking the forum twice daily for updates.

    Is that wrong? :(
    Quote Originally Posted by Dean in Canuckistan
    Backups, if my reading is correct:

    1. Ben265
    2. Cannon
    3. Dean in Canuckistan
    4. johnny B
    5. Flying Doctor
    6. Mr.Boots

    Have I got that right?

    Of course, this means I need 3 to drop out from 50, or 6%. :( Then again, everyone on the DN reserve managed to get one.
    Just wondering where you have seen an updated confirmed list? I am still waiting to hear if I made the confirmed list. It's hard not to get my hopes up when the person in front of me and behind me are both on this confirmed list.

  39. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Cannon
    Just wondering where you have seen an updated confirmed list? I am still waiting to hear if I made the confirmed list. It's hard not to get my hopes up when the person in front of me and behind me are both on this confirmed list.
    I haven't seen an updated list either, but I'm fairly sure that, were I in Eddie's place, I'd keep the official list off the forum as well for any number of reasons.

    I heard the good news from the man himself and have been setting aside pennies since: ... 5&start=45

  40. #90
    PS: Cannon, I think your reserve list might be wrong. I was roughly following the posts but have no idea of PMs or emails to Eddie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cannon
    Quote Originally Posted by Dean in Canuckistan
    Backups, if my reading is correct:

    1. Ben265
    2. Cannon
    3. Dean in Canuckistan
    4. johnny B
    5. Flying Doctor
    6. Mr.Boots

    Have I got that right?
    Eddie, is this the correct order for the wait list for the PRS-50?
    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    No, I have 14 names on the waiting list.

    Eddie ... &start=150

  41. #91
    Still checking daily. Hoping for good news when TF reopens Monday. Already have a few straps picked out...

    Is this what life is really like on the confirmed list? :shock:

  42. #92
    Join Date
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    Denver CO
    this is my first time on the confirmed list and it is a tough ride, everyday I think that "this might be the day"

  43. #93
    I check my email a few times a day as well for the message from Eddie :lol:

  44. #94
    Master Ron Jr's Avatar
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    Lindenhurst, New York
    I'm betting on late September to early October.

  45. #95
    I'm figuring the same, but the hopeful part of me keeps me coming back! :P

  46. #96
    I suspect Eddie, while exhibiting a great deal of oppenness about timelines and delivery dates, derives great pleasure in watching us writhe about while we lie in wait for our next TF fix.

  47. #97
    "eddie mode on"

    you will find out more when i know more :D

    "eddie mode off"

  48. #98
    Grand Master Dave E's Avatar
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    I'm figuring October, but I bet Eddie doesn't know as yet.
    Dave E

    Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

  49. #99
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Sheffield, England
    Ah well, it's the German watch industry holidays and a manufacturing policy of "We'll do what we want when we feel like doing it".

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  50. #100
    Grand Master Dave E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    Ah well, it's the German watch industry holidays and a manufacturing policy of "We'll do what we want when we feel like doing it".

    It really does make you wonder sometimes where the reputation for Germanic efficiency comes from, doesn't it? :lol:
    Dave E

    Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

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