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Thread: Let's raise some money for charity - UPDATE PAGE 6

  1. #1
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Let's raise some money for charity - UPDATE PAGE 6

    I know most of us on the forum contribute to our favourite charities but I'd like to raise enough money to make a significant difference to a few charities. Here's what I'm asking you to do:

    Each evening, put all the loose change from your pockets into a container and do this every evening for a month; based on my own experience it's easy to save £20 in a month.

    Now here's where it potentially gets very interesting: the forum has 3,386 active members which multiplied by £20 each = £67,720! If we select up to 10 charities and divide the money equally between them, that's a significant sum for each of them.

    I realise not everyone will participate but I still think we could raise a substantial sum and fund something really worthwhile.

    I've spoken with my bank about opening an account to receive funds but they require a written constitution, nominated officers and all manner of other things and I really don't want to go there. If anyone has experience of something like this and has any ideas how to efficiently receive and distribute funds to multiple charities, I'd like to hear from you.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Eddie you also need to consider the "tax saving" thing as it adds a few quid to the pot

    Banks are funny about stuff like this and also the "taxman" has stuck his oar in in the past

    It is certainly doable and I would be interested to read the comments of others

    Then - maybe there will be a "heated" discussion about which charities ........

    I'm an OAP receiving my "winter fuel" payment here in SW France ............

  3. #3
    The problem could well be which charities, as Bill has mentioned. Can't see a universally agreed way of doing this - and I think if there's to be a choice then only those who contribute should have a say in it ;-) - so how about raising the money first and then having that debate? Alternatively, I'd accept Eddie makes the choices...

    Whatever, I'm in!

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  4. #4
    Grand Master Foxy100's Avatar
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    What about a suggested voluntary monthly subscription to TZ of something like £5, all to charity? We could submit charity suggestions to Eddie and he could choose which ones receive the money each year. Even if just 100 users did it there'd be £6,000 per year straight away.
    "A man of little significance"

  5. #5
    Whereas I can't offer any advice on how to manage the fund, I will pledge some money.

  6. #6
    Have you tried a site like Might take some of the administrative burden out of it?

  7. #7
    Grand Master WORKSIMON's Avatar
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    Can we not just create a Justgiving page for each of the nominated charities and then contribute via that ?


    Ralph Waldo Emerson: We ask for long life, but 'tis deep life, or noble moments that signify. Let the measure of time be spiritual, not mechanical.

  8. #8
    Craftsman Ax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    Each evening, put all the loose change from your pockets into a container and do this every evening for a month
    I have done this for the last few years and put the money into a Kiva-account.
    Earlier this money just went to snacks, now it put to better use time and time again.

    for thinking of setting something up.

  9. #9
    Grand Master Raffe's Avatar
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    I am in. Either pick one of the online charity services or let Eddie administer the money.

  10. #10
    Grand Master gray's Avatar
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    May I suggest:

    Cancer Research UK
    Help For Heroes
    Royal National Lifeboats Institution
    The Royal British Legion
    Guide Dogs For The Blind Association
    Age UK
    Macmillan Cancer Support
    The Great Ormand Street Children's Hospital Charity
    Alzheimer's Society

    As far as I know with justgivin you can select one, or more, or all equally for your donation. That gives folks choice.

  11. #11
    Grand Master VDG's Avatar
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    Im in. I reckon setting up a 'Justgiving' account/page is the way forward simply due to the ease of administration, no experience with backend of the operation though..

    if I may, I'd like to suggest the Dogs Trust to the list above ^^^
    Fas est ab hoste doceri

  12. #12

    Re: Let's raise some money for charity

    Brilliant idea I'm in :)

  13. #13
    Master dejjl's Avatar
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    Count me in too.

  14. #14
    Master geordie's Avatar
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    Justgiving take more of the money for their own "costs" at 5% - virgin money giving are significantly better taking only 2%, and let you split the supported charities as you choose.

    JG charge their fee on the total including gift aid, whereas the VM fee is based on the original donation with gift aid left untouched.

    With just giving, if you donate £10 and claim gift aid, the charity receive £11.74

    With virginmoney giving, that same £10 with gift aid means the charity receive £12.15

    In the interests of full disclosure I work for virgin money (but not the charity side)
    Last edited by geordie; 31st December 2012 at 17:45.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I'm a bit hard-up at the moment but more than happy to contribute if/where I can.

    Here's a suggestion - how about a rolling charity page on the sale corner? If anyone has any bits they wish to donate ('beaters', straps, boxes - whatever) then perhaps a sort of rolling raffle.

    For example, I've a couple of really nice straps I've been holding on to but can't quite match to a watch. I'll start the ball rolling by donating those.
    I'll do it on Wed's when I've got my camera.
    Anyone who wishes to take them can stick their name down, and after 48 hours I'll pick a name out of the hat (good ol' random number generator) and post them off.
    Each name on the list donates a couple of quid to the forum pot. I suppose the recommended donation can vary depending on the quality of the give-away.
    Might be an idea to just keep a track of how many draws you've entered (might only be for one item, or you might have fancied half a dozen that month) and make one payment at the end of the month to whatever the account is.
    Trust will play a part, but I'm sure 99% of the folk on here will play honestly as a charity fund-raiser.

    Worth saving up for a whole year? Or maybe make a quarterly donation so that 4 charities can benefit?

    It'll be a pain choosing a charity, but a poll is easy enough to set up or another random name out of the hat chooses.

    I think it's a cracking idea anyway, and should score us all some good karma for 2013.

  16. #16
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geordie View Post
    Justgiving take more of the money for their own "costs" at 5% - virgin money giving are significantly better taking only 2%, and let you split the supported charities as you choose.

    JG charge their fee on the total including gift aid, whereas the VM fee is based on the original donation with gift aid left untouched.

    With just giving, if you donate £10 and claim gift aid, the charity receive £11.74

    With virginmoney giving, that same £10 with gift aid means the charity receive £12.15

    In the interests of full disclosure I work for virgin money (but not the charity side)
    Thanks, I've followed this up and hope it will prove positive. I looked at Just Giving and thought their fees were higher than they should be.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  17. #17
    Master markl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickChard View Post
    Whereas I can't offer any advice on how to manage the fund, I will pledge some money.

    Ditto. The least I can do for the benefits I get from this site. Great idea.

    I collect my small change in an old whisky bottle, I'll empty it for a contribution when the fund is set up.

    Wouldn't object to any of the charities quoted, child/health orientated ones would be my preference.


  18. #18
    Join Date
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    A good idea. I'll pitch in once any gift-aid issues are resolved and the charities chosen.

    I guess it will be easy to use sales corner to support this. FSFC with the buyer paying the money straight in.

    Cheers - Simon

    Edit - also a good way for newbies to introduce themselves.
    Last edited by Gurmot; 31st December 2012 at 18:23.

  19. #19
    Good call, it helps put into perspective what we "waste" on watches.

  20. #20
    Master spuds's Avatar
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    I have no advice to offer but you're very welcome to my donation.

  21. #21
    Master village's Avatar
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    Any further south and i would have wet feet
    Good idea if the logistics can be sorted.

    Also,how would the chosen recipients be chosen?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Also happy to give £20

  23. #23
    Lovely idea Eddie.

    I'm in, however it all gets sorted.


  24. #24
    Master KavKav's Avatar
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    Count me in and happy to go any route Eddie chooses.

  25. #25
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    I also can't give any advice as to how to do this but I will certainly participate. Great idea. A swear box in the bear pit for a week much would that raise.

  26. #26
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    My house (unless I'm out).
    If anyone is eager to make a donation while this is getting sorted, please have a look at my charity thread here.

  27. #27
    I used to be the treasurer of the charity committee for a statutory body.We choose 2 main charities annually & held events for other worthy causes throughout the year. At the end of the year we would hand over the cheques, and quite a substantial amount.

    There was little issue in setting up the account.

    Put me down. I'll happily provide payment to either a chosen or selection of good causes.
    It's just a matter of time...

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by nosher View Post
    I also can't give any advice as to how to do this but I will certainly participate. Great idea. A swear box in the bear pit for a week much would that raise.
    Quite a lot from one or two!

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  29. #29
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    I'm quite glad my last post of 2012 is for something positive - great idea Eddie, I'm in.

    I don't mind where it goes and am happy to donate ad hoc change or a more structured donation fee each month.

    HNY all.

  30. #30

    Re: Let's raise some money for charity

    Indeed .After much contemplation I have decided that 2013 is the year a start to give something back, I've spent too long taking things for granted not bothered which needy cause is decided upon I'm sure they will put it to better use.

  31. #31
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Nominate just one charity EACH WEEK and then each TZ UK donor pays the charity direct - ONLINE - and each donor makes a copy of the online receipt they issue and post a copy of it in the respective charity thread started by whoever is nominated or volunteers to do the admin for the thread that week ... then add up all the amounts or keep a spread sheet ... thus Charity XYZ gets ££N for that week ... then new thread starts for Charity NPQ the following week etc etc ... and TZ UK SC could sell items for those charities ... but not auctions - that could become unmanageable and get out of hand - straight sales only - with buyer posting the purchase price direct to the charity - and maybe seller matching it ... I sold a diary last week with proceeds to Alexandra Bastedo's Animal Sanctuary ... buyer posted his donation receipt to the charity and i matched it ... it's feasible .. and that way no middle man taking admin fees. And we could print off the thread with all the charity's receipts and send it to the charity with a covering letter saying ... " ... pleased to advise you that TZ UK has raised ££nn for your charity as per copy receipts attached .... Yours sincerely ... " .

    Try it for one charity as a test run ... if it works continue .. if it does not work it was worth a try .

    As long as the charity issues online receipts (maybe showing 'on behalf of TZ UK' ) and donor can copy same and post it on the thread it should work fine.

    But raise ££ for just one charity at a time ... dont try and squeeze too many in all at once .. if it's going to run and run all nominated charities will benefit eventually

    I raised ££ for a good cause 5 years ago via this forum with donors sending me cheques and BTs to my bank account ... I volunteered to to do the admin ... it was very time consuming trying to identify actual donors' ££ and chasing up those who promised but never coughed up ... some members very happy to promise ££ but did not follow through ... then they queried me asking them for the ££ they had promised ... was a nightmare ... all was done with Eddie's permission ... and final proceeds all handed over to Eddie via a cheque with a reconciliation ... but was not the best way to raise ££ as was administrative nightmare ... reconciliation was horrendous as banks used cryptic credit references ... thus had maybe ten donations of ten pounds each with no actual donor names or initials ... to keep costs down Paypal was not used.

    Last edited by sundial; 31st December 2012 at 23:51.
    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  32. #32
    Craftsman and6868's Avatar
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    Eddie, great idea count me in for £20 once the admin is sorted. Its small potatoes in relation to all the hours of fun i have had on this forum.
    Best wishes to you all

  33. #33
    Great idea, I'd personally prefer to go for a subscription based set-up

    ps: Buttercups Goat sanctuary in Kent could do with a leg up!

  34. #34
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    I give enough every month to my favourite charities but I'm sure I could find some stuff from the cupboard of delights that could be sold in the future with the buyers sending the money straight to Eddie's charitable fund.

  35. #35
    What a wonderful way to start the year Eddie, count me in!

  36. #36
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Set up a Paypal Charity a/c?

    I have not investigated this ie read all the small print but it could offer a solution if eg TZ UK set up its own charity and was successful in having same approved and registered in accordance with UK charity regulations. To try and raise ££ without expecting 'the bank' (in the broadest sense of the definition) to take a commission would be a bit naive - no bank or Paypal or charity middleman provides a service for nothing .

    If TZ UK wants to make a go of the charity idea then you should expect to incur costs - and reasonable administration time - and as long as those costs are reasonable then the proposal should be cost and donation effective.

    Don't expect to do this 'for nowt' .. and make sure someone has the time and inclination to administer the scheme.

    Last edited by sundial; 1st January 2013 at 13:52.
    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  37. #37
    Master Thorien's Avatar
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    Lovely idea, I will also chip in.
    Would like to second the vote for GOSH and Cancer Research UK also, at this early stage.

  38. #38
    Master geordie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sundial View Post

    I have not investigated this ie read all the small print but it could offer a solution if eg TZ UK set up its own charity and was successful in having same approved and registered in accordance with UK charity regulations. To try and raise ££ without expecting 'the bank' (in the broadest sense of the definition) to take a commission would be a bit naive - no bank or Paypal or charity middleman provides a service for nothing .

    If TZ UK wants to make a go of the charity idea then you should expect to incur costs - and reasonable administration time - and as long as those costs are reasonable then the proposal should be cost and donation effective.

    Don't expect to do this 'for nowt' .. and make sure someone has the time and inclination to administer the scheme.

    It doesn't have to be difficult, that's the idea behind the various giving sites that have been set up and why they take their fee.

    We just raised £2500 for a couple of cancer charities and all it took was 10 minutes to set the page up and for the members to do their promotional activity to get the money coming in. Once it hits the website it gets forwarded to the various charities based on what splits have been set up bythe organiser.

    Setting up a TZ charity or having one member collect the money seems like a lot of hassle for minimal benefit - you can't claim gift aid on money you've collected on behalf of others for example without the donor filling out a consent form with address details etc so you'd be losing 25% of the potential pot straight away (or having the hassle of collecting that data and storing it safely etc too)

    /just my 2p

  39. #39
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geordie View Post
    It doesn't have to be difficult, that's the idea behind the various giving sites that have been set up and why they take their fee.

    We just raised £2500 for a couple of cancer charities and all it took was 10 minutes to set the page up and for the members to do their promotional activity to get the money coming in. Once it hits the website it gets forwarded to the various charities based on what splits have been set up bythe organiser.

    Setting up a TZ charity or having one member collect the money seems like a lot of hassle for minimal benefit - you can't claim gift aid on money you've collected on behalf of others for example without the donor filling out a consent form with address details etc so you'd be losing 25% of the potential pot straight away (or having the hassle of collecting that data and storing it safely etc too)

    /just my 2p
    A good 2p worth ... And better that we send ££ subject to commission / fee than to not send anything at all.

    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  40. #40
    Master geordie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sundial View Post
    A good 2p worth ... And better that we send ££ subject to commission / fee than to not send anything at all.


  41. #41
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sundial View Post

    I have not investigated this ie read all the small print but it could offer a solution if eg TZ UK set up its own charity and was successful in having same approved and registered in accordance with UK charity regulations. To try and raise ££ without expecting 'the bank' (in the broadest sense of the definition) to take a commission would be a bit naive - no bank or Paypal or charity middleman provides a service for nothing .

    If TZ UK wants to make a go of the charity idea then you should expect to incur costs - and reasonable administration time - and as long as those costs are reasonable then the proposal should be cost and donation effective.

    Don't expect to do this 'for nowt' .. and make sure someone has the time and inclination to administer the scheme.

    RBS will set up a charity account for no fees provided you are registered as a small charity and submit a written constitution, together with a list of officers. I really don't want to do that.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  42. #42
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    RBS will set up a charity account for no fees provided you are registered as a small charity and submit a written constitution, together with a list of officers. I really don't want to do that.

    But is there a viable 'no fees' alternative? I guess charities have to be registered etc to prevent fraud and money laundering and to keep everything above board. If the proposal is to be long term then once all the initial admin including election of officers is sorted then it should be a relatively straightforward scheme to operate. But initially as regards setting up - 'no pain no gain'; can't expect 'owt for nowt' ... and better to do things properly than try and proceed in a 'laissez faire' way which could fall flat at the first hurdle.

    Best wishes

    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  43. #43

    Let's raise some money for charity

    I don't think you want to be a charity in this case Eddie. If you just collect and immediately distribute to established charities I don't see a massive issue.

    What about justgiving or whatever it was theoatmeal used to sort out the Tesla museum?
    "Bite my shiny metal ass."
    - Bender Bending Rodríguez

  44. #44
    Anything that donates to a charity fighting Prostate Cancer not only has my vote but cash and without being sexist i guess most people on TZ are chaps, so how about it. As many chaps die of Prostate cancer a year as women of breast cancer but prostate cancer gets only a fraction of the funding that breast cancer does. Thats just my tuppence worth really!

  45. #45
    Splendid idea, count me in and I already have a tinful of change.

    Justgiving or Virgin seems to be the choice of most of the sponsored fund raising events that I have contributed to in the past.

  46. #46
    Master Cirrus's Avatar
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    How about all of us with eBay accounts pick something, sell it on there and mark it as all for the same charity? We could do it every month... I am sure I could find an item a month in the clutter that is my life, and it means all the money end is taken care of by someone else.

    EDIT:- In fact, I have this incoming;

    Purchased because I had a £20 Amazon voucher and it cost (including delivery) £20... and because I have a soft spot for indiglo ;)

    Would be happy to donate it to a cause ;)
    Last edited by Cirrus; 2nd January 2013 at 14:51.

  47. #47
    I donate 10% of my net salary a year and am happy to commit to helping divert some of those funds here.

    However, I am very fussy as to where the cash goes. If we choose individual charities that I agree with then I'm in, but if there's a general pool of recipients I will not contribute and will carry on on my own path as usual.

  48. #48
    Great idea, happy to donate Eddie as it is the least I can do to support. Considering you make no charge for membership here, this gives all of us the chance to do something to say thanks.

  49. #49
    Join Date
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    If we can get the formalities sorted out, then I am also in. I do already donate - and I am one of those that gets pissed off by the chuggers!!

  50. #50
    In addition to the loose change idea, if this is to be an open-ended collection, then I would quite gladly donate £1 every time I put an item up for sale on SC - although I have never put anything up for sale yet.

    Maybe others would like to do the same and, yes, it could get expensive for some people

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