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Thread: Back problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Back problems

    Been laid up again for 4 days, I had a discetomy 2 years ago due to loosing the feeling in my right leg l4 and l5
    This time round my left calf and foot have pins and needles and I'm in agony can't put my foot down without screaming in pain. I'm on tramadol ibruofens and diazapam still not helping any ideas

  2. #2
    bu trans patch plus lyrica, aided and abetted by kapake or pararelif.

  3. #3
    I've not found any drugs that work on the pain from an irritated nerve, i was having some issues with mine a couple of weeks ago (i've had the same op) and just needed a good physio to help.

    Are the muscles in your back going into spasm??

  4. #4
    Craftsman TooTall's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Had the same op (& then the facet joint injections). . . In the most extreme pain I can recommend a double brandy & half a bottle of night nurse - just be careful!
    Regards M

  5. #5
    Master j0hnbarker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Presumably the Diazepam means you have visited your GP recently? If not then I'd recommend you get there first thing in the morning if your left leg is now affected.

  6. #6
    I can sympathise having been off work for 3 months this year with back trouble. I'd go straight to your GP and get referred to a back specialist. Don't settle for anything less. There are loads of good drugs out there including stuff like Tramodol and Gabupentin. However, I'm not a doctor and I found coming off the cocktail of drugs I was given,which included both of these and liquid morphine, to be one of the hardest and most painful part of the whole process. So, I would take the painkillers again but come off them very, very gradually as your back and nerve pain begins to subside. Good luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Back problems

    Thanks for the replies doctor said I'll have to be admitted into hospital if the pain doesn't ease off in a couple of days
    My consultant said on my last visit 1 year ago that next would be a repair of a fractured vertebrae and fusions but gave me 50/50 asto wether it'll
    Make me better or worse!!!
    He wants to try nerve block injections in the discs but that sounds very painful

  8. #8
    You have my sympathy. I ended up having an L4-L5 fusion.

    I've had more pleasant things done to me.

    Get well soon. I hope that you can get it sorted, as back pain is the pits, and you can't keep on taking an ever-increasing cocktail of drugs. I reacted to Tramadol, so that wasn't an option for me, so it was industrial strength Co-Codamol and Amitryptiline.


    Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ive had back problems on and off for years. The only thing that helped me was - don't laugh - Alexander Technique lessons. I took a lesson once a week for 2 years and have not had a problem since, if I start getting any back pain I do a simple lying down exercise that stretches the spine and that does the trick.
    I rarely use medication (i believe it can all be linked to posture), but in the old days Voltarol gave relief.

    Good Luck I sincerely hope you find relief soon.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Eastern England
    I agree with tvralan. Exercise techniques were the only thing which worked after years of problems. Pain needs to be settled down first though. I was going to give up after first couple of "butt clenching" sessions but carried on with successful results. Any hint of bachache and I'm "butt clenching" with the best of them now!

  11. #11
    Ah yes, the old "Butt clenching" technique. Deep abs, as well. Apparently, I have really good deep abs. According to my physio.
    Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced.

  12. #12
    Meptid is about the only thing that worked very well on pain for mr. Tramadol is ok and my main painkiller but only works up to a point. Sounds like you need a sympathetic dr and some good luck.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    It's just a matter of time...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    That doesn't sound pleasant at all. I've had back issues but nothing like the OP is suffering from. There are 3 different does of diazapam, I used that to aid sleep more than anything.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Back problems

    No good up at this time can't sleep in agony, been to a&e just send you home, the pain is that bad I haven't eaten properly for a week my left foot and calf are numb, the last time is wast right side and same things happened with the hospitals.
    I ended up going private at the cost of a remortgage it was the only way.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    A colleague had an MRI followed by some surgery. HAve you had an MRI since your last surgery?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Back problems

    Yes showed a disc bulge again but surgery I need is 50/50 wether it will make me worse my surgeons words mr spencer harland who's regarded as one of the best, wants to try facet joint injections next I think by his aneathatist.
    So I'll have to wait and see when I'm more mobile and through Bupa again!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Hopefully you'll not be in pain too long, hope that you find a solution.

  18. #18
    Very sorry to hear this. After two and a half months of pain and drug taking, my disc bulge did subside thanks to weekly physio (private), laying flat on the floor and lots of basic stretching exercises (arching my back by laying on my front on my elbows and, later on, pushing up further) etc. I was due to go into hospital to have a disectomy but cancelled a week before as things were improving naturally. In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't have the operation. I think that should be a last resort.

    So, I learnt that sciatic pain does normally subside although it is really painful and debilitating. The best bit of advice I had was that everyone you meet has an opinion about back pain. You have to be selective about who to listen to and trust a range of medical professionals. Good luck.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    This makes intresting/frightening reading. 1n 1995 I shortened a Citroen AX by 3 feet using a 40 tonner, problem is I took my right knee out (physicaly - through a nice pair jeans too!) Anyhoo last year I had it serviced/scrapped/fixed whatever as it happened to be causing me grief. Worked at first, trouble is now a year later I get the "numbness" from my knee down to my toes - yet no pain. However randomly my knee does its best to hurt like hell. On Tuesday I'm at the neuro surgeon's to see what the next step is.

    Jonah I hope you find an answer to your pain, I must admit I have perscriptions to the usual suspects, with some St. Lucian white rum as an effective overide device.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Alternating ice pack with hot water bottle, 2mins on, 2 mins off. Gets the blood circulation up on the area and ca make a real difference.

    If you ever get "stuck" due to spasms, ice pack will get you moving again. A bag of frozen peas makes a great emergency ice pack.

    Yoga is the only thing I have found that makes a real difference on the preventative side, though have heard good things about Pilates and Alexander Technique.

    All the best, I know your pain.


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