Many thanks for all the replies, appreciate the help and advice. A heating engineer has replaced a pump that had seized - and the boiler can now be switched on without tripping the RCD. I'm still a...
Type: Posts; User: monogroover
Many thanks for all the replies, appreciate the help and advice. A heating engineer has replaced a pump that had seized - and the boiler can now be switched on without tripping the RCD. I'm still a...
Thank-you - that is a plausible working hypothesis because I can't see how moisture from rain can be interfering with the boiler. For now I've sealed up the cover on the external socket with plastic...
Thanks a lot for the replies. There's no problem running fan heaters and a washing machine off the same circuit, but the gas boiler, which I think uses less electrical power than any of those will...
The boiler's the same age as the house, about 20 years I think. It does get serviced every two or three years. There's definitely been no change to the way it's wired in the last 15 years, but the...
Thanks Joe, it's just that the boiler seems to trip it that doesn't seem to fit the hypothesis that it's something exposed outside that's to blame. How much did the electrician cost, if you don't...
A couple of times recently after or during heavy rain, the RCD in the circuit box in our hall has tripped, taking out all of the three-pin sockets. The curious thing is that it seems only to trip...