The GS Sapphire came to my mind straight away too. The Superluminova on mine was fantastic and easily readable for hours after dark. Admittedly the tritium in my Nite MX10 was better.
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Type: Posts; User: Bobbyf
The GS Sapphire came to my mind straight away too. The Superluminova on mine was fantastic and easily readable for hours after dark. Admittedly the tritium in my Nite MX10 was better.
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Edit: Ahhhh. I got carried away!
Further edit: OP says he wants Tritium? Not titanium? I’m starting to confuse myself now.
Another vote for the Nite MX10 here. Had a few watches from Nite over the years and always had good customer service. I passed my MX10 on to my dad in a very sorry, non working state and he sent it...