Originally Posted by xxnick1975 Komoot. They often have promos for a worldwide, lifetime one off subscription for a fairly low sum Sent from my M2101K6G using Tapatalk I use Komoot for route planning, seems pretty good. I paid for the maps so regions can be downloaded for hiking when out of mobile signal.
Originally Posted by PreacherCain I have two tickets to see Kacey Musgraves at the Roundhouse in London tomorrow evening (Wednesday 15 May, 7pm) - sadly Mrs Cain and I can no longer go so if anyone would like them then they’re yours, for a suitable donation to the Fundraiser. General admission standing tickets, face value £40 each, so perhaps £60 to the Fundraiser? ETA: these are email tickets so no need for post or f2f, I can just mail them over. Last minute bump for any county music fans in London…!
Originally Posted by leefowler Any pics? Pic attached
Originally Posted by thieuster Lioness Line... that only works when there's a '1966 Line' as well. Fairly balanced then, I would say. I would say that there are more events worth being named. Like the 'Olympic Line' after the wonderful 2012 Event (I still have good memories about that!) Yep Khan made a statement saying the met can't tackle shoplifting because they are four million short, the blokes a fucking nutcase