Originally Posted by marcus fenix This was a watch that I *needed* from the first time I saw one. At that time I didn't know of the Ray Mears connection, it was just the simple dial, fat numerals, fat hands, and the whole understated look that attracted me. Introduced around the turn of the century and manufactured until about 2007 these don't come up for sale that often, and when they do they often command silly money, especially on ebay. There ...
1979 - Rolex Air King
Updated 5th December 2013 at 23:44 by zelig
Number 50, 6.5" wrist on the rubber.
Originally Posted by andymac66 Congratulations, that's a classic. I love the PO bracelet - much nicer than the SMP. I'm tempted to get a 8500 PO. Mine says "hi little fella!" Just arrived off SC!