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Thread: Smokers - the greatest invention ever in history, ever, ever

  1. #401
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Three weeks without tobacco now and it's not been difficult and that's after 50 years of roll-ups. Smell, taste and breathing all improved and I swear I'm sleeping better. If you'd prefer not to smoke, give vaping a go.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  2. #402
    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    Three weeks without tobacco now and it's not been difficult and that's after 50 years of roll-ups. Smell, taste and breathing all improved and I swear I'm sleeping better. If you'd prefer not to smoke, give vaping a go.

    Im always amazed by such stories. Im down to less than 5 a day after starting vaping last year inspired by this thread, but I just cant seem to get rid of the last ones...I tried no cigs in February but it didnt last more than two days.

  3. #403
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    Three weeks without tobacco now and it's not been difficult and that's after 50 years of roll-ups. Smell, taste and breathing all improved and I swear I'm sleeping better. If you'd prefer not to smoke, give vaping a go.

    Now taste a ciggi it'll put you off them for life.

  4. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    Three weeks without tobacco now and it's not been difficult and that's after 50 years of roll-ups. Smell, taste and breathing all improved and I swear I'm sleeping better. If you'd prefer not to smoke, give vaping a go.

    Great isn't it, I'm coming up to 6 weeks without tobacco and I can honestly say it's been easy. I'm trying to reduce nicotine levels now but I'm in no rush, even if I get down to zero nicotine I may well continue vaping.

    I can't say I've noticed differences in taste but I am definitely sleeping better.

  5. #405

    Regulation on the way!!!

    From Reuters

    15:04 12Jun13 RTRS-UPDATE 1-Britain to regulate e-cigarettes as medicine from 2016

    * Tougher safety, quality controls under new licence system

    * Regulator says current products not up to standard

    * Electronic cigarettes a booming market worldwide

    (Adds comment from UK chief medical officer and CEO of E-Lites)

    By Ben Hirschler

    LONDON, June 12 (Reuters) - Britain is to regulate electronic cigarettes as non-prescription medicines from 2016 in an attempt to improve quality, though the country's drugs watchdog said they would still be sold in convenience stores.

    Healthcare authorities around the world are grappling with how to deal with the battery-driven devices, which allow users to inhale nicotine-laced vapour and are increasingly popular as an apparently less harmful alternative to smoking.

    A few countries have banned them outright - such as Brazil, Norway and Singapore - while others are opting for varying degrees of regulation, in some cases including limits on advertising and curbs on their use in public places.

    Sales of e-cigarettes have boomed in recent years, prompted in part by restrictions on smoking. But their long-term effects are as yet unproven and some doctors argue their popularity could undermine anti-smoking efforts.

    They could also affect sales of regulated nicotine-replacement products, such as patches, sold by drugmakers like Pfizer <PFE.N> and GlaxoSmithKline <GSK.L>.

    Under the new British system, manufacturers will have to prove the quality of their products and demonstrate that they deliver the correct amount of nicotine. But they will not need to conduct clinical trials.

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said on Wednesday that existing e-cigarettes on the market were not good enough, with contaminants found in some products and nicotine levels often varying widely.

    However, manufacturers will have time to raise their game and apply for a licence, allowing them to sell regulated devices as over-the-counter products in a wide range of retail outlets from 2016.

    A growing number of established tobacco companies are investing in the e-cigarette market worldwide, including Lorillard <LO.N>, British American Tobacco <BATS.L>, Imperial Tobacco <IMT.L>, Reynolds American <RAI.N> and Altria <MO.N>.

    They are competing against a plethora of smaller private firms, all of which see a growing sales opportunity. Research indicates that around 1.3 million people currently use e-cigarettes in Britain alone, up from 700,000 a year ago.


    Jeremy Mean of the MHRA said the government had decided against banning existing poor-quality e-cigarettes, even though they did not meet desired safety and standards, since this could tip some people back into smoking.

    "Smoking is the riskiest thing you can do and we want to enable people to cut down and quit. We don't think a ban is proportionate to the risk, when the alternative is people continuing to smoke," he told reporters.

    Britain's chief medical officer, Sally Davies, said smokers were harmed by tar and toxins in tobacco smoke, not nicotine, so it made sense to ensure e-cigarettes were properly regulated, as already happens with nicotine patches and gums.

    The new approach could be a boon for those companies that successfully secure a licence, since licensed e-cigarettes will be able to carry smoking-cessation claims and could be prescribed by doctors to help smokers quit.

    Mead said there were likely to be fewer products of higher quality on the market from 2016, when pan-European regulations on e-cigarettes are also due to come into effect.

    Adrian Everett, chief executive of E-Lites, Britain's biggest seller of e-cigarettes, said his company was well-placed to meet the new regulatory standards but he cautioned against excessively tight rules that could reduce customer choice.

    "It would be a significant public health loss if electronic cigarettes were made less available to purchase or less available to use during the transition from a consumer product to a medicinal product," he said.

    (Editing by David Goodman and Mark Potter) (( 20 7542 5082)(Reuters Messaging:

    Keywords: TOBACCO BRITAIN/

  6. #406
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    BBC article here. Still, looks like I have a couple of years to stock up first.

    What's the betting the Government really wants to tax them?

    I really don't see why they just can't leave this alone.
    So clever my foot fell off.

  7. #407
    Grand Master markrlondon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post
    I really don't see why they just can't leave this alone.
    The state, while it exists, will never leave anything of consequence alone.

  8. #408
    Quote Originally Posted by markrlondon View Post
    The state, while it exists, will never leave anything of consequence alone.
    Get over yourself

    Its an electric device (still isnt kite marked I think) which vaporises a mixture of glycerin and known psychoactive nicotine, which you then inhale for health benefits. And you're wondering why health agencies and government might be interested?

    Over the last couple of days Altria/Marlboro have announced they intend to enter the market- government and regulation moves where big money moves.

    Oh and no cigarettes since last August here (occasional cheeky rollup though)

  9. #409
    Grand Master markrlondon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gentlemenpreferhats View Post
    Its an electric device (still isnt kite marked I think) which vaporises a mixture of glycerin and known psychoactive nicotine, which you then inhale for health benefits. And you're wondering why health agencies and government might be interested?
    What you have said here is simply another way of saying: The state, while it exists, will never leave anything of consequence alone.

    It is the inherent nature of the state and of bureaucracy to meddle, interfere, 'regulate' and to ultimately therefore drive up prices and reduce choice and constrain competition. There are, of course, all sorts of ostensible or pretextual motivations for this interference (e.g. "it's an electric device", "vaporises a mixture of glycerin and known psychoactive nicotine", "which you then inhale", and so on) but they all boil down to the same thing in practice: The state meddles and interferes primarily as a result of its existence (and because this is how power and money is generated and maintained for an encumbant bureaucracy). It must continue to meddle in order to self-justify itself and to maintain its position.
    Last edited by markrlondon; 12th June 2013 at 19:03.

  10. #410
    Yeah Ok. You have your view, I have a somewhat different one.

  11. #411
    Grand Master markrlondon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gentlemenpreferhats View Post
    Yeah Ok. You have your view, I have a somewhat different one.

  12. #412
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    Been on E Cigs for 6 weeks what a fantastic invention, I suppose the gov will want something done as 1.3 million smokers have moved over to vaping so all that vat will have to be made up by the cycle riding clean living 1/2 a mild drinking sunday 1 pint chicken chokers who wanted to ban smoking from public houses and alike and managed to shut down hundreds of them.

    Good the E Cig is moving to prescription, A 12 month PPC costs £104.00 and will save you money if you need more than 14 items in a year i'm quids in, infact i'm quids in already £70 quid for 2 months supply and healthier.

    You think you can't get a Doctors appointment at the moment just wait till these baby's go NHS.
    Last edited by Fords; 12th June 2013 at 19:18.

  13. #413
    Grand Master markrlondon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fords View Post
    Good the E Cig is moving to prescription
    I don't think it's going to be made prescription only; it is only going to be treated, in effect, as an over-the-counter drug.

  14. #414
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    Quote Originally Posted by markrlondon View Post
    I don't think it's going to be made prescription only; it is only going to be treated, in effect, as an over-the-counter drug.

    Yes it will join the ranks of Nicorette gum, patches, sprays etc, all available on prescription.

  15. #415
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    Quote Originally Posted by markrlondon View Post
    I don't think it's going to be made prescription only; it is only going to be treated, in effect, as an over-the-counter drug.
    So are conventional cigarettes subject to the same regulation? It would seem somewhat distorted if the new tech methods become regulated in ways which the old ones aren't.

    (BTW - still off all types of smoking since taking up vaping after reading this thread)

  16. #416
    Grand Master markrlondon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fords View Post
    Yes it will join the ranks of Nicorette gum, patches, sprays etc, all available on prescription.
    I see what you mean. I was not aware those were available on prescription. It will be interesting to see if they do end up being available on prescription in this way.

  17. #417
    Craftsman RogertheDodger's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=aliasrichmond;2760629]From Reuters
    A few countries have banned them outright - such as Brazil, Norway and Singapore - while others are opting for varying degrees of regulation, in some cases including limits on advertising and curbs on their use in public places.

    Sales of e-cigarettes have boomed in recent years, prompted in part by restrictions on smoking. But their long-term effects are as yet unproven and some doctors argue their popularity could undermine anti-smoking efforts.

    They could also affect sales of regulated nicotine-replacement products, such as patches, sold by drugmakers like Pfizer <PFE.N> and GlaxoSmithKline <GSK.L>.

    Under the new British system, manufacturers will have to prove the quality of their products and demonstrate that they deliver the correct amount of nicotine.

    Nearly every pub/club where I live (Berkshire) now has a sign proclaiming eFags are banned on the premises. This is usually an adendum to the normal 'No Smoking' signs
    Last edited by RogertheDodger; 12th June 2013 at 22:28.

  18. #418
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    I applaud all of you who have with or without this device stopped smoking, which I did cold turkey 7 or more years ago, but still from time to time have pangs for a fag.
    Is there anywhere evidence that they are safe and have no long term effects.

  19. #419
    Grand Master Griswold's Avatar
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    This whole e-cig thing has me puzzled. Or more accurately, the people who want to use e-cigs specifically have me totally puzzled.

    I understand a smokers craving for nicotine, and that this can be satisfied in many ways including gum, patches, tablets, liquid and now vapour forms. That people have, and should have, choice in the type of stimulus to satisfy their craving as an aid to stop smoking. All this I can understand. But why the demand for the vapour systems to look exactly like a tobacco filled cigarette? Even down to the artificial filter tip, the red end that glows brightly when you draw upon it and the smoke effect on exhalation?

    It's somewhat similar to the equally confusing group of vegetarians who choose not to eat meat yet want their vegetables to look and taste like meat.

    Giving up smoking, by any method, is an admirable thing, to be applauded. But why do so many people want to do this yet still look and behave like they're smoking?
    Best Regards - Peter

    I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.

  20. #420
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post

    BBC article here. Still, looks like I have a couple of years to stock up first.

    What's the betting the Government really wants to tax them?

    I really don't see why they just can't leave this alone.
    This move by the mhra could actually be illegal.

    begins the end of page 2
    Last edited by the big fella; 13th June 2013 at 02:01.

  21. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griswold View Post
    This whole e-cig thing has me puzzled. Or more accurately, the people who want to use e-cigs specifically have me totally puzzled.

    I understand a smokers craving for nicotine, and that this can be satisfied in many ways including gum, patches, tablets, liquid and now vapour forms. That people have, and should have, choice in the type of stimulus to satisfy their craving as an aid to stop smoking. All this I can understand. But why the demand for the vapour systems to look exactly like a tobacco filled cigarette? Even down to the artificial filter tip, the red end that glows brightly when you draw upon it and the smoke effect on exhalation?

    It's somewhat similar to the equally confusing group of vegetarians who choose not to eat meat yet want their vegetables to look and taste like meat.

    Giving up smoking, by any method, is an admirable thing, to be applauded. But why do so many people want to do this yet still look and behave like they're smoking?
    +1. I know people who moved onto e cigs to help them stop smoking and are still using them after almost a year. The actual physical act of smoking is part of the problem.

  22. #422
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    Quote Originally Posted by gentlemenpreferhats View Post
    Get over yourself

    Its an electric device (still isnt kite marked I think) which vaporises a mixture of glycerin and known psychoactive nicotine, which you then inhale for health benefits. And you're wondering why health agencies and government might be interested?

    Over the last couple of days Altria/Marlboro have announced they intend to enter the market- government and regulation moves where big money moves.

    Oh and no cigarettes since last August here (occasional cheeky rollup though)
    No cigarettes but the odd roll up ??

  23. #423
    Master quoll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K80 View Post
    +1. I know people who moved onto e cigs to help them stop smoking and are still using them after almost a year. The actual physical act of smoking is part of the problem.
    There are a lot people who switched to vaping as a substitute for smoking, with no intention of giving up nicotine. For them, the physical similarity is part of the attraction of vaping.

  24. #424
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    I have tried Patches, gum, spray,no use don't work for me, since using the E Cig i actually don't feel i have given up but everyone keep telling me I have, I am vaping not smoking I feel the same as I did 7 weeks ago but I have a lot more energy, don't stink of tobacco and my teeth a pearly white

  25. #425
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Vaping for 16 weeks now and zero tobacco since I started. Breathing has significantly improved and of course, there isn't the usual weight gain associated with stopping smoking. I don't think I enjoy it as much as tobacco but I don't crave tobacco. I'm quite confident I will be able to stop vaping much easier than I could have stopped smoking.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  26. #426
    Quote Originally Posted by RogertheDodger View Post

    Nearly every pub/club where I live (Berkshire) now has a sign proclaiming eFags are banned on the premises. This is usually an adendum to the normal 'No Smoking' signs
    Fukcers. Sadly it seems human society demands that there will always be one gang of bullying, smug, self-satisfied monkeys pulling faces and going BLLBLLAHH at another group of monkeys further along the branch. It was always - and probably shall always be - thus.

    JacVapour VGO2 Kit: 950mah batteries + rebuildable tank, burning HouseOfLiquid El Toro Eden and eBaron Lab Silverberry. Gorgeous. Been off the fags (except for a sneaky roll-up here and there, when the wife's not looking) since last July.
    Last edited by squareleg; 15th June 2013 at 10:19. Reason: grammar

  27. #427
    Grand Master Griswold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squareleg View Post
    Fukcers. Sadly it seems human society demands that there will always be one gang of bullying, smug, self-satisfied monkeys pulling faces and going BLLBLLAHH at another group of monkeys further along the branch. It was always - and probably shall always - be thus.

    JacVapour VGO2 Kit: 950mah batteries + rebuildable tank, burning HouseOfLiquid El Toro Eden and eBaron Lab Silverberry. Gorgeous. Been off the fags (except for a sneaky roll-up here and there, when the wife's not looking) since last July.
    It's got nothing to do with bullying at all. It's all down to the fact that the devices have been specifically made to look and behave just like real cigarettes which have been banned in public premices for all the right reasons. This makes it extremely difficult for staff to manage situations and identify what is and isn't a cigarette.

    Had these devices been designed to look and behave completely differently to cigarettes whilst still providing the nicotine hit then I doubt there would be such issues.

    Hell, part of the problem may be the attitude of some, (many?), of the people I see using them where they not only go through all the motions of smoking a real cigarette; they seem to accentuate thses actions in a 'look at me' manner.

    Just my 2p.
    Best Regards - Peter

    I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.

  28. #428
    Master sweets's Avatar
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    I went straight from smoking to vaping 15 months ago, and haven't touched tobacco since. I think these are great.

    It is a difficult problem whether or not to start regulating them.

    Relative to smoking there is no argument whatsoever that can convince anyone these need a regulation that any cigarette of any type would not fail totally.

    However, you can also view it as a drug delivery method. And as such there is some argument that standards should be applied, to make sure that the contents are as advertised and so forth.

    It would be usual in such a situation for the industry to band together and form a trade body to self-regulate and insure standars, but I don't see that happening.

    As for making them illegal (Brazil etc), I really do not understand that at all, other than to suspect that there are some very powerful interested parties that these things worry.


  29. #429
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    The respective governments would rather that we all kept smoking tobacco and paying tax. The other thing is, if we continue smoking tobacco we all die earlier and save on pension payments.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  30. #430
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    Quote Originally Posted by squareleg View Post
    Fukcers. Sadly it seems human society demands that there will always be one gang of bullying, smug, self-satisfied monkeys pulling faces and going BLLBLLAHH at another group of monkeys further along the branch. It was always - and probably shall always - be thus.

    JacVapour VGO2 Kit: 950mah batteries + rebuildable tank, burning HouseOfLiquid El Toro Eden and eBaron Lab Silverberry. Gorgeous. Been off the fags (except for a sneaky roll-up here and there, when the wife's not looking) since last July.
    Well perhaps i can present a different side to your argument about establishments banning e-cigs. For the record, I do not smoke and never have done. If e-cigarettes help people give up then thats great.

    Recently tho, an indian restaurant that i go in every week has had to put up a notice banning e-cigs, because of the ignorant ********* who now light one up and then blow vapour all over nearby diners, which really p*sses them off, as you would expect.

    Just before the sign went up, i had one sat at the table next to me holding the e-cig same side as me and blowing the vapour away from themselves and all over me. I asked them to stop or take it outside or away from me and got a real patronising " its only water vapour, love, it cant hurt you ". It actually required intervention from the owner because this person was sooo determined that they couldnt be arsed waiting to go outside between courses and, of course, they couldnt give a flying anything about me or other diners.

    So that is one reason that these signs go up.

    Second reason is that it isnt 100% water vapour and establishments fear litigation from non-smokers if these things are ever found to represent any second-hand health risk. So i expect that the rise in popularity will bring about work-place and public place bans to mirror the tobacco ones.

  31. #431
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael_Mcr View Post
    Well perhaps i can present a different side to your argument about establishments banning e-cigs. For the record, I do not smoke and never have done. If e-cigarettes help people give up then thats great.

    Recently tho, an indian restaurant that i go in every week has had to put up a notice banning e-cigs, because of the ignorant ********* who now light one up and then blow vapour all over nearby diners, which really p*sses them off, as you would expect.

    Just before the sign went up, i had one sat at the table next to me holding the e-cig same side as me and blowing the vapour away from themselves and all over me. I asked them to stop or take it outside or away from me and got a real patronising " its only water vapour, love, it cant hurt you ". It actually required intervention from the owner because this person was sooo determined that they couldnt be arsed waiting to go outside between courses and, of course, they couldnt give a flying anything about me or other diners.

    So that is one reason that these signs go up.

    Second reason is that it isnt 100% water vapour and establishments fear litigation from non-smokers if these things are ever found to represent any second-hand health risk. So i expect that the rise in popularity will bring about work-place and public place bans to mirror the tobacco ones.
    So you got an arsehole at an adjacent table: I've been in restaurants where diners have totally ignored the smoking ban and lit up tobacco cigarettes. I know you can say it's wrong and the restaurant owner should have ejected them but if they're obnoxious enough to light a cigarette, they're not going to listen to requests to leave. Would you try to eject them?

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  32. #432
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    So you got an arsehole at an adjacent table: I've been in restaurants where diners have totally ignored the smoking ban and lit up tobacco cigarettes. I know you can say it's wrong and the restaurant owner should have ejected them but if they're obnoxious enough to light a cigarette, they're not going to listen to requests to leave. Would you try to eject them?

    My reply was to an earlier post which suggested it was kill-joys banning e-cigs in pubs, etc.

    I think that these e-cigs will get moved outside with real cigs simply because there are enough of these "arseholes" about and proprieters will ban e-cigs to prevent it kicking off on a regular basis. It also makes it impossible to enforce the real non smoking regs and the proprieters can be held liable very easily if someone lights up for real on their premises and they are not seen to get staight onto it.

  33. #433
    Grand Master Griswold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    So you got an arsehole at an adjacent table: I've been in restaurants where diners have totally ignored the smoking ban and lit up tobacco cigarettes. I know you can say it's wrong and the restaurant owner should have ejected them but if they're obnoxious enough to light a cigarette, they're not going to listen to requests to leave. Would you try to eject them?

    No.. I'd politely ask the proprietor to have them stop. If that failed I'd simply leave my food, name and address and 10p, (the value I put on spoiled food), on the table and walk out.

    I'm sure that such loss of revenue, (if others simply did the same), would have a rapid effect on a proprietors view on these things.
    Best Regards - Peter

    I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.

  34. #434
    Master Cirrus's Avatar
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    The vapour these things and their users emit is not just water - there is nicotine in it, and I can smell / taste it in the air when people are using them near me... a musky metallicness that does not go well with food, so I would be quite happy to complain about it in a restaurant.

  35. #435
    Master adzman808's Avatar
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    my cousin runs a pub (and smokes btw) and she's banned e-cigs simply because tobacco smokers see people vaping and think it's ok to smoke

    easier for her if no one's blowing fumes!


    i'm getting on ok with my e-cig, but still smoking tobacco, not sure why... I find the e-cig works great, but there's no natural stop point, there's no putting it out... I think I could just tape the button down, stick it in my gob and vape until the tank's dry!!!

    but not smoking around my daughter which was the goal (let me quantify that: I never smoked near my daughter, but now I don't smell of smoke around my daughter, I mainly smoke only at work and when everyone's gone to bed at home, outside of course!)

  36. #436
    Master quoll's Avatar
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    I make a point of never vaping in no smoking areas. It strikes me as asking for objections if you do. Let's face it, any smoker or ex smoker or vaper knows where it is 'acceptable' these days. And it's not restaurants or pubs!

    Stories like the 'vapour in the face' one above just confirm that lots of people are inconsiderate selfish bastards. Try farting in her face next time.

    Such establishments really have to treat it like smoking - it looks so much like smoking that smokers will light up thinking it is OK.

    I disagree with the 'it is horrible to be around' comments though. The smell is quite mild and short lived. I have suffered far worse perfume, cologne and body odour from nearby people in restaurants. The anti smoking brigade react against it simply because they are 'programmed' to object to smoking.

  37. #437
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    Great thread. Looking to give up my 20 a day habit. Researching and jacvapour seems to be getting good reviews. Anyone tried them?

  38. #438
    Master Geralt's Avatar
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    Over a year ago, the JACVapour V3 kit got me off a 40 year habit (along with a fortune on juice). Still use the V3 at work and out and about as a decent vape with no faffing about. Can highly recommend JAC and their products.

    If you haven't already, have a peek over at UK Vapers for a few more ideas...

  39. #439
    Grand Master Chinnock's Avatar
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    Any recommendations on here as to the best most reliable e- cigs and where to buy?
    “Don’t look back, you’re not heading that way.”

  40. #440
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    Received my Jacvapour Vgo2 VV yesterday and today will be first day using it. So far so good and looking forward to trying out some flavours. Blackcurrant at the moment but not sure its a flavour i want to be vaping all day

  41. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fords View Post
    Good the E Cig is moving to prescription....
    Quote Originally Posted by markrlondon View Post
    I don't think it's going to be made prescription only; it is only going to be treated, in effect, as an over-the-counter drug.
    It would be absolutely disastrous for the industry if eCigs were classified as medicinal products. Innovation would cease overnight, choice would be severely restricted and cost would increase. Thankfully the MHRA announcement stands for nothing, as it is the EU that have the say and it is being debated at the moment. There is no justification for classifying them as a medicinal product and in cases where this has been tried it has been defeated when challenged in court.

    For a very good list of reasons why it shouldn't happen read this:

    Quote Originally Posted by K80 View Post
    +1. I know people who moved onto e cigs to help them stop smoking and are still using them after almost a year. The actual physical act of smoking is part of the problem.
    I'm still using mine after nearly a year and a half, and have no intention of stopping anytime soon. It's also the longest I have gone without a cig (by over a year) since I started smoking 20 years ago. They are not intended as a device to make you quit smoking, which is the intention of NRT (which has a success rate of below 10%) but as an alternative. It's the very fact they replicate cigarettes and the users are still "smoking" that means it works as a substitute where all other methods fail.

    Quote Originally Posted by Griswold View Post
    It's got nothing to do with bullying at all. It's all down to the fact that the devices have been specifically made to look and behave just like real cigarettes which have been banned in public premises for all the right reasons. This makes it extremely difficult for staff to manage situations and identify what is and isn't a cigarette.

    Had these devices been designed to look and behave completely differently to cigarettes whilst still providing the nicotine hit then I doubt there would be such issues.

    Hell, part of the problem may be the attitude of some, (many?), of the people I see using them where they not only go through all the motions of smoking a real cigarette; they seem to accentuate these actions in a 'look at me' manner.

    Just my 2p.
    Not all devices are made to look like traditional cigs, the kit I use looks more like a sonic screwdriver. Whilst I won't disagree that at a glance it may look like someone is smoking and that can cause concern the vapour produced dissipates far quicker than smoke, and if someone lights up within 10 meters of you indoors you can normally smell it clearly within seconds.

    Quote Originally Posted by adzman808 View Post
    my cousin runs a pub (and smokes btw) and she's banned e-cigs simply because tobacco smokers see people vaping and think it's ok to smoke easier for her if no one's blowing fumes!
    I can understand why a big music venue would ban them, it would be much harder to tell if someone in the middle of a huge room was smoking or vaping, but in a small environment like a pub it's not really an excuse. The fact that smokers would see someone vaping and think it OK to smoke seems a bit daft, if the smoking ban in pubs was reversed I think everyone would know about it!

    Of course I think a business should be run however the owner wishes (as long as it doesn't break any laws) and so I would always respect their rules. And I understand the implications on a business if people are caught smoking and so a ban on vaping is the easiest option to avoid the situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by sweets View Post
    It is a difficult problem whether or not to start regulating them.

    Relative to smoking there is no argument whatsoever that can convince anyone these need a regulation that any cigarette of any type would not fail totally.

    However, you can also view it as a drug delivery method. And as such there is some argument that standards should be applied, to make sure that the contents are as advertised and so forth.

    It would be usual in such a situation for the industry to band together and form a trade body to self-regulate and insure standards, but I don't see that happening.
    Regulation already exists in current laws, everything has to obide to trading standards laws. Yes, it is a drug delivery system but so is coffee.

    A trade body does exist, it's called ECITA and they are doing some sterling work in attempting to uphold standards and set guidelines, though not all the big companies are on board. They have a good blog detailing responses and pointing out a lot of the flaws in some of the arguments:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cirrus View Post
    The vapour these things and their users emit is not just water - there is nicotine in it, and I can smell / taste it in the air when people are using them near me... a musky metallicness that does not go well with food, so I would be quite happy to complain about it in a restaurant.
    It's not the nicotine you can smell/taste, nicotine is odourless/flavourless. It's the flavourings that you can detect. Of course if it puts you off your food you have every right to complain. Personally I never vape in restaurants, or shops, or lots of other places I would never have smoked even when you were allowed too. I can see how some people, even if they smelt nothing, could be put off by it by association. It's just a matter of being polite IMO.

    If eCigs continue to attract existing smokers though and eventually replace them, then I see no reason they can't be used in public places if the owner has no issues. Smoking wasn't banned because it smelt after all, but because of the effects of secondhand smoke.

    It's surely much less offensive than smoke though, or indeed bad body odour or overly strong perfume.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chinnock View Post
    Any recommendations on here as to the best most reliable e- cigs and where to buy?
    Many people start on an eGo kit, it's slightly more advanced than the basic kits (that look like cigs) but are far more effective, allow much more experimentation with flavours, and are very cost effective in the long run. One of these would be a good starting point: You can check out their FB or twitter page for discount codes all the time or use DAVEVAPE as code for %10 off.

    Lots of people like RY4 as a flavour, it's basically a tobaco flavour with a bit of sweetness. Personally having tried a LOT of flavours (and experimenting mixing my own) I have found non better than the ones by these guys: I almost exclusively vape their Eden these days which is fantastic.

    The tech is changing at a rapid rate and improving all the time, but nearly all of it uses the same connecter between the battery and whatever you are going to attach so a couple of eGo batteries will always be useful to any vapour no matter what you branch into latter.

  42. #442
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    I ordered another e-cig yesterday morning from Scan Computers. I have to say it's one of the best e-commerce transactions I've ever experienced, half a dozen e-mails throughout the day reporting order progress and a couple of texts to my mobile giving delivery details, The final text stated

    Your order from Scan Computers is out for delivery today by Gary your DPD driver and is due to be delivered between 08:23-09:23. Can you please ensure that someone will be available to sign for the parcel
    I received it at about 8:30 this morning, less than 24 hours after ordering.

    This is the e-cig I ordered, I'll let you know what I think of it later:

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  43. #443
    thanks to this forum ive just gone and bought myself some VIPCIG's

    Fingers crossed and thanks to you all for the motivation and 13 year 20 a day habit needs to be broken

  44. #444
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    Eddie, that's basically the kit I suggested to Chinnock, just a fair bit cheaper!

    It's a great setup really though I have had mixed success with the clearos as they can leak from time to time, but when they work they are great. I tend to just use boge cartos during the day in a tank, as they are super reliable, but the clearos can hold a lot of juice at one time.

  45. #445
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    Quote Originally Posted by gamingdave View Post
    Eddie, that's basically the kit I suggested to Chinnock, just a fair bit cheaper!

    It's a great setup really though I have had mixed success with the clearos as they can leak from time to time, but when they work they are great. I tend to just use boge cartos during the day in a tank, as they are super reliable, but the clearos can hold a lot of juice at one time.
    I charged it up and screwed on one of my older quite tired clearos and it's a good vape, no complaints at all. The higher-powered battery is immediately obvious, the coil fizzes a bit ;-).

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  46. #446
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    E-Cigs rock, but i am yet to delve into variable voltage i will watch this thread and I can see myself ordering one of these.

  47. #447
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    Simplest route into variable voltage has to be an eGo spinner:

    I have one with a clearo on as an emergency backup or if I am going somewhere I don't want to take the ProVari (which is very rare).

    They are a tad bigger than the normal eGo batteries for the same capacity, but it's a great way of checking out if VV is for you.

  48. #448
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    A little fishing village on the banks of the mersey.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chinnock View Post
    Any recommendations on here as to the best most reliable e- cigs and where to buy?

    The site eddie posted later in the thread is not a bad deal deal at all , the battery alone usually sell between 20 - 25 quid.
    i was up in towyn in wales last week and bought a battery in the market which was just a basic ego-t 450mah cost me 6quid if i'd have wanted a charger ,and clearmiser would have come to around 18quid ,eddies's is a much better battery and should last around 2 days wiithout a charge depending which voltage you set it to and how much you vape it.

    The only down side is people know what your doing now 6 months ago they were just curious as to what you were doing ,so now i tend to use a smaller battery such as the 450mah for what more experienced vapers call stealth vaping.

    i'll also carry a bottle of flavourless juice which you can't smell and vape it anywere i want but very descretly because there's always the chance some a@sehole may take offence of you getting one over on them.
    Last edited by the big fella; 22nd June 2013 at 01:21.

  49. #449
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    4 days in and going well so far. Did have a couple of fags on friday but none since and have to say i dont have the urge to have one now. Ordered the e cig from Eddies link as a spare and should get tomorrow. Did buy some further juice from Enjuice but cant seem to get a decent vapour from it. Dont know why as juice from Jacvapour produces plenty of vapour

  50. #450
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    I thought these were banned from eBay but there's someone offering clearomizers at a decent price, I've ordered some.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

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