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Thread: UFO's, UAP's, Flying Saucers...have you seen one? What's your story?

  1. #51

  2. #52
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    So re the Nazca mummies, often purported to be mummified ETs, the bodies were taken for study by scientists

    If this is corroborated it is pretty earth shattering

  3. #53
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post
    So re the Nazca mummies, often purported to be mummified ETs, the bodies were taken for study by scientists

    If this is corroborated it is pretty earth shattering
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  4. #54
    Strange that these mummies are so human-like or have they been breeding with us?

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Kingstepper View Post
    Strange that these mummies are so human-like or have they been breeding with us?
    Speak for yourself. They ain’t been breeding with me.
    "Bite my shiny metal ass."
    - Bender Bending Rodríguez

  6. #56
    Master unclealec's Avatar
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    I'm pretty certain that my father bred with mummy.

  7. #57
    Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post
    So re the Nazca mummies, often purported to be mummified ETs, the bodies were taken for study by scientists

    If this is corroborated it is pretty earth shattering
    Had they perhaps had too many of those mushrooms shown above when doing this work.

  8. #58
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    Jan 2009
    Reminds me of the Homer Simpson x-ray!

  9. #59
    Master earlofsodbury's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post
    So re the Nazca mummies, often purported to be mummified ETs, the bodies were taken for study by scientists

    If this is corroborated it is pretty earth shattering

    It won't be corroborated.

    I used to both edit and review scientific papers for real peer-reviewed journals, and despite receiving submissions from some of the World's least credible academic sources, I have still never seen an article so badly written and researched, never mind one claiming to describe what may be an exospecies or hybrid thereof!

    The journal itself claims to peer-review articles, but no evidence is given anywhere that this has happened (and in any case such peers would be just as incompetent as these authors!), and the journal seems to exist chiefly to rapidly put into print rough drafts of work unexamined, some of which deal with profoundly non-scientific religious topics for example. For money.

    The article uses only a very few scientific techniques that would need to be applied here - there are no high-resolution X-rays for example which would better establish the nature of the bony deformities asserted, and - critically - no attempt is made to extract DNA for analysis despite the specimen being in good condition and being likely to yield useful sequences if the right techniques are applied to the right samples (e.g. dental pulp).

    Also, none of the many more plausible explanations for the various anatomical features claimed for this specimen are explored in any way. The lack of discussion of cranial deformation is blisteringly poor - Nazca culture (among many others) routinely practiced intentional cranial deformation by means of binding throughout that culture's existence, and thousands of individual remains exhibiting it are known.

    Similarly the tridactly is simply assumed and accepted without significant discussion of alternative hypotheses, and no thought given to it simply being preservational - with the missing digits perhaps removed ceremonially, lost to scavengers, being a heritable genetic abnormality (common e.g. in cultures where incest taboos are reduced or not applied to certain castes), or misplaced by poor handling during excavation (likeliest given the grave-robbing industry in Peru!).

    Again, the lack of hair and external auditory meatus (ears) - hair is often lost partially or wholly during head-binding, alopecia may have removed any remaining, or pests/mishandling at some point post-mortem. Ears, being soft-tissue protrusions are again very easily and rapidly lost peri- or post-mortem.

    There is no attempt to calculate age-at-death of the individual, and only a passing, inconclusive reference to gender! The details of inhumation are almost entirely omitted. I could go on - and I'm not remotely an expert in this field - but I've already gone-on too long...

    TL;DR - this is pseudoscientific gibberish, wrapped-up in inapplicable jargon, and buried amidst windy, rambling discourse into topics that have no relevance.

    I haven't uncovered who is behind funding the so-called journal, nor have I looked-up the Authors' host institutions, but would strongly suspect both have explicit or cryptic links into one of the large conspiracy-theory propagating businesses or perhaps one of the fundamentalist religious organisations, both of which are making large amounts of money by producing huge volumes of fake science dressed-up to look like the real thing, like this.

    Nazca culture was odd, colourful and intriguing, but it is entirely, 100% human.

  10. #60
    I worked nights for 35 years in the oil industry as a production supervisor
    One night a small strange colourful but blurred apparition appeared directly above me. It whispered to me encouraging me to start Fires in the refinery,while gentle , Beautiful music softly echoed around me.
    I have no proof of course, but after every fire I started the apparition reappeared and rewarded me with more beautiful music and special coloured lights in my head.

    Ok not really but did see the Milky Way and northern lights often

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