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Thread: Three Peaks - Anyone Done It? Any Tips?

  1. #1
    Master davidj54's Avatar
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    Three Peaks - Anyone Done It? Any Tips?

    Evening all. I’m doing the Three Peaks in august, with my mate who is doing it for a stroke charity that has recently been looking after his brother who unfortunately had a severe stroke at 46.

    For anyone who’s not aware, it’s a climb of Ben Nevis, then Scaffell Pike, then Snowden, in 24 hours, traveling to one after the other, kipping in the van between them (SP is an overnight climb). I’ve read all the website stuff of do’s and dont's, equipment needed etc but don’t know anybody that’s done it so thought I’d ask if anyone had any experience or real world feedback? Cheers.

  2. #2
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    My daughter did it a few years back, extremely tough. Not just the climbs, but hundreds of miles between each site and climbing and coming down in the dark. She is physically fit, but found it hard.

    Plenty of planning and tons of training required.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Haven’t done the 3, but I can say at 50 Nevis gave my knees a right battering. Hundreds of steps on the way down took their toll. Scafell wasn’t so bad.

  4. #4
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    If you're going in August take plenty of fluids. There's no need to rush the climbs, you have plenty of time and none of them are hard.

    Which ever one you do in the dark will be demoralising - I did Scafel Pike in the dark and it was completely crap.

    Get a mate / third party who isnt climbing to do the driving.

    Other than that, have fun and and raise money for an important cause.

  5. #5
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    Hard to give targeted advice without knowing previous hill experience and current level of fitness.

    All are easy walks on paper, but weather can alter that dramatically. Take your ‘if shit hits the fan’ clothing even if the forecast is mild, and take the opportunities to re-fuel while travelling.

    Good luck with it.

  6. #6
    Did it in 23hs 40ms in 2011

    The 3Ps

    • Planning
    • Poles
    • Porridge

    Good luck and don't make it too serious as you won't 'enjoy' it.

  7. #7
    Grand Master Der Amf's Avatar
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    Wouldn't like to be on SP when the weather changes its mood, at any time of day, let alone at night.

  8. #8
    i you have not done it already then would strongly advise testing the boots and socks you intend to use by doing long hike / climb for many hours.

    worst thing ever is to find out half way through the 3 peaks that you are getting blistered to hell and have to quit

  9. #9
    Grand Master Der Amf's Avatar
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    Searching around I found this group that does the Scafell Pike At Night bit on its own:
    The groups herded up and down the mountain are 100–400 people each.

  10. #10
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    I have carried out the driving on four occasions for a couple of various teams and that let me tell you it is hard. You would not believe how hard the drive is when you get off the Motorway going into the lakes with a Minibus, also you will more than likely do it in the dark one of the ways. We always went in June for maximum daylight. The car parks at all the venues are extremely busy. All the groups I drove, did it in under 23hrs
    Last edited by hilly10; 24th April 2024 at 07:30.

  11. #11
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    I did it about 10 years ago with a group of mixed-ability in a minibus.

    Was an absolute nightmare 

    2 got lost on Nevis and put us back a couple of hours.

    I can't sleep unless I'm tucked up in a nice bed.

    We got to Snowdon with about an hour left of the 24 hours so a few of us decided to run it.

    A couple of the lads we went with are fell runners so I was trying to hang onto them, but running up hills has never been a strong point of mine.

    Got to the top about 30 mins over the time limit a broken man. Very annoying.

    Anyway, my advice would be:

    Do it in a small group
    Do it in a car
    Be prepared for no sleep
    Take it less seriously than I did and try to have fun.
    Last edited by bigweb; 24th April 2024 at 09:22.

  12. #12
    Master davidj54's Avatar
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    Hi all, thanks for the info and feedback, very useful.

    Yes should’ve mentioned existing fitness levels, I’m 44, within normal BMI and can run 10k in under an hour. Recently did a 26 mile hill trek in the Lakes, coach kids football so would say I’m in ok shape. Plus, have 5 months still to train, which will include doing the ‘other’ 3 Peaks here in Yorkshire where I live.

    Will definitely be making sure my boots are broken in. Wasn’t sure about the walking poles but sounds like they would be a useful thing to have? We have a third party driving and acting as a guide, which should make things more straightforward.

    Sounds like with the weather, overnight climb and lack of sleep it’s as much a mental endurance test as a physical one, maybe more. Am not taking it too seriously - I’ll train hard, but I mean I’m doing it with two good childhood mates and we just wanna do it, have a laugh together and raise some money for a good cause.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Kenney View Post
    Did it in 23hs 40ms in 2011

    The 3Ps

    • Planning
    • Poles
    • Porridge

    Good luck and don't make it too serious as you won't 'enjoy' it.
    Not on the three peaks, but I’ve been in sideways torrential rain on SP trying to guide a team of 10 who can’t (refuse) to hear/listen to what you are instructing because of the situation.
    When shlt is hitting you in the face so hard, people (panicked) are starting to try and take control, your senses go in to overdrive and somehow you regain control and work stuff out.

    Not something I would (could) want to be involved in again.
    Last edited by Jon Kenney; 25th April 2024 at 02:16.

  14. #14
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    Poles are definitely a good addition for ascending and descending but you need to practice with them beforehand.

  15. #15
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    Never done the 3 Peaks but I live in the Lakes so do plenty of fell walking. As has been mentioned, take gear for the worst weather even in summer. Amazing how many people set off to the top of SP, Skiddaw etc in shorts and t shirt as it's a nice day.......until they get to the top where the weather closes in and they find themselves soaked through and freezing. I was walking up Catbells the other week and somebody was walking down in a pair of sliders!! Not a hard walk but sliders.....really🙄Well broken in boots, decent socks (and spares) decent comfortable rucksack, plenty of fluids, layer up and enjoy.

  16. #16
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    I found that a decent set of hiking poles are a game-changer, especially for the descent. Made the Everest base camp trek much easier and will really help, especially on SP which I’ve always found to be a bit of a slog. Good luck and enjoy

  17. #17
    Master mondie's Avatar
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    Completed it last year with a group of 18 travelling in two minibuses. I am early 50's and found it physically manageable, but mentally it's tough. Leaving the minibus in the rain at 4.30 am in the dark to walk up SP, guided by a head torch was awful. The elation when you reach the peaks makes it worth it, the group was buzzing after completing BN which was intoxicating because, until that point, we all had doubts about our ability to complete the challenge.

    If you can run 10km in under an hour and have good walking fitness then you will be fine. I walk 45km a week and in the three months leading up to the challenge increased my hill walking and in the week prior, did a 14km walk up a local 600m peak every day for a week. This was as much for my mental preparation as it was for fitness.

    Good lightweight hiking boots and socks are key to success. A good head torch, some energy foods, two changes of clothes, a lightweight waterproof and you will be fine. We did all three peaks in light rain in late August and I found grip coming down BN and SP difficult at times so grippy boots are critical, I slipped a few times but luckily got away with it :(

    I read the first few chapters of Tim Jarvis's book 'One Unforgiving Minute' to motivate me for what was ahead, the suffering he endured makes what you are about to do seem trivial, and was a great motivator for me.

    Good luck, prepare well and you will be fine.

  18. #18
    Grand Master
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    I`ve never done it myself, my wife did it many years ago, but I`ve done the Yorkshire 3 peaks a couple of times and that was tough enough on the joints and feet.

    Personally it wouldn't appeal to me, each to their own, but if I was to do it I`d ensure it was during late June/early July to get the maximum daylight and a good chance of dry conditions underfoot, that could make a huge difference. Definitely master the use of a stick for the downhills where it's rough underfoot, that can save you from falling, a lesson I`ve learned the hard way. Train up for it, get as fit as possible and do a few long hilly walks.

    Doing the Yorkshire 3 peaks then going to the pub afterwards seems far more appealing.

  19. #19

    Did it but cycled between the three.

    Did it for charity with some friends in 2019. We cycled between the peaks, staying in various campsites and had a support team in vans carrying our stuff, obviously there wasn't the time limit in this case and we went up all peaks first thing in the morning.

    The peaks themselves were the easy bit if I am honest. I would just say make sure you have a good weather window, all three can be difficult if the weather is poor otherwise there's masses of useful info out there and indeed above in this thread.

  20. #20
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    I've supported on it, we used a 9 seater mini bus for a team of 4, plus driver and me as general support, meant the driver could get a rest when the guys were walking, it also meant that as soon as they got back to the mini bus a hot drink and hot food were available.
    The support role was suggested by one of our group who has done it multiple times.

  21. #21
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    I've done the 3P a few times and live in the Lakes. I also do a lot of Guiding so know all 3 peaks well.

    My top tips for you and your pal:
    - Get a driver and a comfortable car. You'll spend as much time in the car as on the hill. Don't underestimate how stiff you'll get stepping from a hill in to a car and sitting still for 4hrs. Spend a few mins stretching after each descent, change in to fresh kit, then drive.
    - Plan food and drink so that you don'd end up surviving on Burger King and Costa. I've seen people quite peaky/ vomiting due to fuelling with junk food before a climb. Best bet is to eat some time before the next ascent.
    - Take the shortest route up each hill. Sounds obvious, but get a drop off at Pen Y Pass for Snowdon, it'll save you a third of the height gain. Ben Nevis is a slog, Scafell Pike is short and sharp.

    And now with my mountain rescue hat on: I'm not sure if you have a guide/ are on an event. Either way, get all party members to download OS Locate (it'll give a 6fig grid ref which police/ mountain rescue will want), and ideally OS Maps. Scafell Pike is reasonably easy to become disoriented on the summit area (I've been involved in several searches up there). Please carry a decent head torch, whistle, plentiful spare layers, plentiful food and drink. Ideally some sort of group shelter if you can. It can take c.3hrs to get a stretcher party to the higher parts of these hills if you need a rescue, and that's a long time sat still!

    Have a fantastic time. And once you're done, you can plan some more leisurely trips to some other lovely hills in each region!

  22. #22
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    Buy yourself a massage gun and use it before and after each hike on key muscle groups like quads, hamstrings and calf. Really helps with avoiding injury and recovery, can also be left in the transporter vehicle.

  23. #23
    Craftsman NCC66's Avatar
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    Lots of really good advice here already, so I can only add a very little from my first 3P experience.

    1 - Don’t get pished the night before you do the Ben.
    2 - The travelling between the 3 is dreadful. Whatever you do, don’t recruit someone to do the support/driving who will make themselves sick about 20 miles from Fort Bill and leave the walkers to do the driving instead.
    3 - Make sure the rest of your party have trained properly and are all hill fit.

    The 2nd time went much better……

    Good luck.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by IdiotAbroad View Post
    I've done the 3P a few times and live in the Lakes. I also do a lot of Guiding so know all 3 peaks well.

    My top tips for you and your pal:
    - Get a driver and a comfortable car. You'll spend as much time in the car as on the hill. Don't underestimate how stiff you'll get stepping from a hill in to a car and sitting still for 4hrs. Spend a few mins stretching after each descent, change in to fresh kit, then drive.
    - Plan food and drink so that you don'd end up surviving on Burger King and Costa. I've seen people quite peaky/ vomiting due to fuelling with junk food before a climb. Best bet is to eat some time before the next ascent.
    - Take the shortest route up each hill. Sounds obvious, but get a drop off at Pen Y Pass for Snowdon, it'll save you a third of the height gain. Ben Nevis is a slog, Scafell Pike is short and sharp.

    And now with my mountain rescue hat on: I'm not sure if you have a guide/ are on an event. Either way, get all party members to download OS Locate (it'll give a 6fig grid ref which police/ mountain rescue will want), and ideally OS Maps. Scafell Pike is reasonably easy to become disoriented on the summit area (I've been involved in several searches up there). Please carry a decent head torch, whistle, plentiful spare layers, plentiful food and drink. Ideally some sort of group shelter if you can. It can take c.3hrs to get a stretcher party to the higher parts of these hills if you need a rescue, and that's a long time sat still!

    Have a fantastic time. And once you're done, you can plan some more leisurely trips to some other lovely hills in each region!
    Which Mountain Rescue centre are you based at. Enjoying the current series on TV and always amazed at the work you do

    I also spend a lot of time in the Lakes and quite frankly despair at SOME of the people undertaking these challenges as they come unprepared, litter and add to the erosion of the paths.

    So if you are doing a challenge follow IdiotAbroad’s advice and please treat the mountains with respect.

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

  25. #25
    Master davidj54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dandanthewatchman View Post
    Which Mountain Rescue centre are you based at. Enjoying the current series on TV and always amazed at the work you do

    I also spend a lot of time in the Lakes and quite frankly despair at SOME of the people undertaking these challenges as they come unprepared, litter and add to the erosion of the paths.

    So if you are doing a challenge follow IdiotAbroad’s advice and please treat the mountains with respect.

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app
    No need to worry, I live in Yorkshire and camp in the Lakes every year with my family. Love the place and wouldn’t tolerate it being disrespected. Equally, myself and my friends who are doing it are all in pretty good shape and are all training for the challenge so we won’t be underestimating or going unprepared.

  26. #26
    Master davidj54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdiotAbroad View Post
    I've done the 3P a few times and live in the Lakes. I also do a lot of Guiding so know all 3 peaks well.

    My top tips for you and your pal:
    - Get a driver and a comfortable car. You'll spend as much time in the car as on the hill. Don't underestimate how stiff you'll get stepping from a hill in to a car and sitting still for 4hrs. Spend a few mins stretching after each descent, change in to fresh kit, then drive.
    - Plan food and drink so that you don'd end up surviving on Burger King and Costa. I've seen people quite peaky/ vomiting due to fuelling with junk food before a climb. Best bet is to eat some time before the next ascent.
    - Take the shortest route up each hill. Sounds obvious, but get a drop off at Pen Y Pass for Snowdon, it'll save you a third of the height gain. Ben Nevis is a slog, Scafell Pike is short and sharp.

    And now with my mountain rescue hat on: I'm not sure if you have a guide/ are on an event. Either way, get all party members to download OS Locate (it'll give a 6fig grid ref which police/ mountain rescue will want), and ideally OS Maps. Scafell Pike is reasonably easy to become disoriented on the summit area (I've been involved in several searches up there). Please carry a decent head torch, whistle, plentiful spare layers, plentiful food and drink. Ideally some sort of group shelter if you can. It can take c.3hrs to get a stretcher party to the higher parts of these hills if you need a rescue, and that's a long time sat still!

    Have a fantastic time. And once you're done, you can plan some more leisurely trips to some other lovely hills in each region!
    Thanks for taking the time to give this excellent advice. I’ve done my research and will be taking plentiful supplies of slow release food - not living off Burger King and Costa (as good as that sounds!).

    I’ll also be following the kit advice to the letter, have bought a compass, whistle, sitting mat, already have most other stuff like waterproof gear, proper boots, head torch etc but will take your advice on the app and download it.

    My pals and I are all in decent shape, and putting in the training hours. We’re doing the Yorkshire 3 Peaks the month before as a practice run too. We’re going on a guided event - the company that arranges it will be leading us and doing the driving.

    Cheers for the input👍

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidj54 View Post
    Thanks for taking the time to give this excellent advice. I’ve done my research and will be taking plentiful supplies of slow release food - not living off Burger King and Costa (as good as that sounds!).

    I’ll also be following the kit advice to the letter, have bought a compass, whistle, sitting mat, already have most other stuff like waterproof gear, proper boots, head torch etc but will take your advice on the app and download it.

    My pals and I are all in decent shape, and putting in the training hours. We’re doing the Yorkshire 3 Peaks the month before as a practice run too. We’re going on a guided event - the company that arranges it will be leading us and doing the driving.

    Cheers for the input
    Sounds great, have a brilliant time and enjoy! Trekking poles and ibuprofen are your friends!

  28. #28
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    Sounds like you've covered most bases.

    Only final tip from me would be that if the slow release food you're planning to take is in the form of energy gels, bars, etc that you've not used before, make sure before the event that your stomach tolerates it during excercise - ideally during your Yorkshire 3 peaks.

    Smash it!!

    Quote Originally Posted by davidj54 View Post
    Thanks for taking the time to give this excellent advice. I’ve done my research and will be taking plentiful supplies of slow release food - not living off Burger King and Costa (as good as that sounds!).

    I’ll also be following the kit advice to the letter, have bought a compass, whistle, sitting mat, already have most other stuff like waterproof gear, proper boots, head torch etc but will take your advice on the app and download it.

    My pals and I are all in decent shape, and putting in the training hours. We’re doing the Yorkshire 3 Peaks the month before as a practice run too. We’re going on a guided event - the company that arranges it will be leading us and doing the driving.

    Cheers for the input

  29. #29
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    I drove the minibus for some work colleagues that did it. I also ran their field kitchen so they had food after each climb. They slept in the minibus between each climb.

    They were glad to have had a driver who wasn't climbing.

    I found it exhausting too!

    Sent from my SM-A145R using TZ-UK mobile app

  30. #30
    Master davidj54's Avatar
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    Just dragging this up from the depths to mention that we completed it over the weekend, 23:40 time, enjoyable, brutal, great experience and we were lucky enough to have one of the clearest days of the year up on Ben Nevis, the views were breathtaking. Thanks to all those that chipped in with tips and advice.

  31. #31
    I have completed it twice and unfortunately not within the 24 hour period. One piece of advice is not to over do it on the isotonic drinks. Both times I have over cooked it and won’t go into all the gory details but just remember that a loo roll on the side of the mountain helps.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by davidj54 View Post
    Just dragging this up from the depths to mention that we completed it over the weekend, 23:40 time, enjoyable, brutal, great experience and we were lucky enough to have one of the clearest days of the year up on Ben Nevis, the views were breathtaking. Thanks to all those that chipped in with tips and advice.
    Congratulations on a fantastic time!

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