Rules is Rules. They'r there for a reason. If they arn't adhered to, then they arn't rules,,,, they'r just 'suggestions'.
If you set a size of 500,,,, then 500 IT HAS TO BE. If we want to play the game,,,,, we do so by obeying the rules !

Although I'm no expert with Photoshop, I have used it for a while. I find it dead easy to bring up an image,,,, then about a third of the way in from the left is a drop-down menu called (strangley enough) IMAGE. Open this & Click on the item called Image Size, which will open another menu, where you can alter things up, down, inches, pixels, etc etc.
I usually save my 'original' image first, then play with the copy (that way you always have something to fall back on if it all goes t*ts up). The top choice of this menu is width in pixels - enter whatever you need here & click O.K. The image will change according to what you'v put. You either Save it,,,, or don't.
If you save it then go to OPEN,,,, & just hover the curser over each file, as well as telling you 'Dimensions' i.e: What width in pixels it is,,,, it also tells you what 'resolution' it is - (some forums prefer a size in resolution rather than physical size))


Photo/Image Hosting:
Personally - I've just started to use Photobucket. I'm new to it (very) but am getting the hang of it, slowly !

good luck to you all
