Quote Originally Posted by JPCain86 View Post
I am clearly stating the situation that most of the people I know work too and that is that they pay very little tax for what they earn and in fairness a lot have come out and said well we can't have it both ways.

I am not saying this is the case for everyone but feel free to put me in my place and say I earned £x and paid £x NI and £x tax. Which is in-line with what someone from PAYE would pay.

I can give examples of many people who earned.£100k last year and paid less than £10k tax.
Are you saying these many people you know ended up with £100k in their bank accounts, paying less than £10k in tax? If so, they are bullsh*tters or out and out tax criminals. It’s not possible.

And, just as another little tip to aid your understanding, as soon as you take anything over ~£42k in dividends, you’re taxed at 32.5% personally. On top of your 19% corporation tax