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Thread: Failed robbery

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    M62 corridor

    Failed robbery

    Unsuccessful and no injuries so thank goodness for that.

    Ram-raid on Leeds Rolex watch shop caught on camera

    Two cars were used in the attempt to break into the store but the thieves left empty handed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Surrey, United Kingdom
    Thank goodness for laiminated / reinforced glass..

    The more worrying trend is this brazen approach to crime - broad daylight, fully aware of being filmed etc - i worry to think what happens if a member of the public tries to intervene.

  3. #3
    Master Mouse's Avatar
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    The audacity of these 'people' is staggering and, sadly, it's becoming more commonplace. No doubt the cars were stolen too, so the number plates will yield nothing. Hope they manage to catch the c**ts somehow though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017
    The news link reports several ram raids in Leeds so,I would like to think,West Yorkshire's Police will be treating it as a priority and will catch them,hopefully before anyone gets hurt because they will offer violence,in all likelihood,to anyone who tries to stop them mid job,so to speak.
    Rising crime-an ever increasing circle if seen to be undetected/unapprehended?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Shame there weren't a armed police response team just coming around the corner !!!!
    But then again if they had been caught they would have got a few week in a holiday camp!!

    Sent from my [device_name] using TZ-UK mobile app

  6. #6
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    Mar 2016
    Not sure if it works as it's a Facebook link, someone I know shared it so I assume it's set to public so if you have Facebook I think it'll work

  7. #7
    Master sish101's Avatar
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    ... and using a stolen Ford Fiesta:

  8. #8
    Deleted, deleted.
    Last edited by 200mwaterresistant; 18th February 2018 at 21:35.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Leeds England
    Quote Originally Posted by 200mwaterresistant View Post
    Deleted, deleted.
    It's highly likely that the people responsible for the ramraids are also involved in other crimes involving violence.

  10. #10
    Craftsman T1ckT0ck's Avatar
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    This is happening far too often, must be so traumatic for the staff.

  11. #11
    Master raptor's Avatar
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    Happened here 3 times in the past 5 years

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gee252 View Post
    Shame there weren't a armed police response team just coming around the corner !!!!
    But then again if they had been caught they would have got a few week in a holiday camp!!

    Sent from my [device_name] using TZ-UK mobile app
    Shame they weren’t!

    How does that work in this country? I mean if they were just round the corner?

    You’d think, great if they were there but knowing health and safety and red tape they probably wouldn’t be allowed to even intervene or something. Wouldn’t surprise me if armed police were only allowed to wave guns in only certain scenarios ie intelligence on armed suspects etc.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by raptor View Post
    Happened here 3 times in the past 5 years
    4th in Leeds in the last year or so, and that's just the ones that made headlines. Browns in East Leeds which is a grey that had a decent little selection of Rolex and Omega, watchfinder twice and now a luckily failed attempt on Preston's.

  14. #14
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    I know it might seem crazy but surely the sensible option would be to put the most valuable items towards the back of the store. A person walks by a shop window like that and there is dozens of Rolexes worth tens of thousands and all it takes is for the glass to break and away they go. At least if they are at the back it’s more than likely they get away with nothing or get caught before they can take anything.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jameswrx View Post
    Shame they weren’t!

    How does that work in this country? I mean if they were just round the corner?

    You’d think, great if they were there but knowing health and safety and red tape they probably wouldn’t be allowed to even intervene or something. Wouldn’t surprise me if armed police were only allowed to wave guns in only certain scenarios ie intelligence on armed suspects etc.
    If there is an immediate threat to life they could ‘self authorise’ on the spot. It would appear that none of the offenders are armed and they are intent on smashing the window to steal so use of lethal force in these circumstances (only from what I can see in a quick view of the video) could be considered unjustified. However if a shop assistant could be seen trapped immediately behind the glass window whilst the car repeatedly rammed into it and their life was in immediate danger then use of lethal force against the driver of the car may be justified.
    Like I said, only my opinion from a quick look at the vid whilst eating my tea!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jameswrx View Post
    Shame they weren’t!

    How does that work in this country? I mean if they were just round the corner?

    You’d think, great if they were there but knowing health and safety and red tape they probably wouldn’t be allowed to even intervene or something. Wouldn’t surprise me if armed police were only allowed to wave guns in only certain scenarios ie intelligence on armed suspects etc.
    Wave guns in only certain scenarios......ha ha ha ha

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by jameswrx View Post
    Shame they weren’t!

    How does that work in this country? I mean if they were just round the corner?

    You’d think, great if they were there but knowing health and safety and red tape they probably wouldn’t be allowed to even intervene or something. Wouldn’t surprise me if armed police were only allowed to wave guns in only certain scenarios ie intelligence on armed suspects etc.
    Wave guns in only certain scenarios......ha ha ha ha
    Last edited by Carl.1; 19th February 2018 at 07:40.

  17. #17
    Master -Ally-'s Avatar
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    Or not

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl.1 View Post
    Wave guns in only certain scenarios......ha ha ha ha
    Yes, having a highly trained armed police force who show incredible restraint is extremely amusing. I guess having the opposite is what makes France extremely safe ?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Ally- View Post
    Yes, having a highly trained armed police force who show incredible restraint is extremely amusing. I guess having the opposite is what makes France extremely safe ?
    No you miss understand. My laughter is that some one believes police 'wave guns' around. It brought a comedy keystone cops view to mind that is all.
    Can't speak for what the Police here do in France.

  19. #19
    I walked past the end of the street while it was happening, wearing my Kermit, they would have more joy mugging than trying to smash shopfronts, but lets not put ideas in their tiny minds ;)

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carl.1 View Post
    No you miss understand. My laughter is that some one believes police 'wave guns' around. It brought a comedy keystone cops view to mind that is all.
    Can't speak for what the Police here do in France.
    Have you not seen the American police in action...

    Seriously though was only a flippant comment, I’m well aware the UK police wouldn’t be waving guns around willy nilly. Was mearly a figure of speech.

    I was just interested on the protocol for that exact scenario. It’s certainly not like other countries here and I’m sure there’s a whole lot of red tape and planning before armed police are even on a certain job. The comment about it being a shame armed police weren’t round the corner just gave me visions of the newspaper headlines the next day...

    “Jewellery thieves steal thousands as armed police can only watch”

    In the US they’d be straight out pointing guns at the robbers as a reflex call even if the robbers were totally unarmed. Over here, would that happen in a live robbery where armed police just happened to be witnessing it by chance?

    I guess it would be enough for them to shout “armed police, don’t move”. But knowing the brazen attitude of these latest thieving scum they’d probably know they couldn’t be engaged if unarmed or something.

    Look at these turds that race around the streets of London on mopeds and remove their helmets which aparantly prevents police chasing them for the scum’s health and safety (according to videos I’ve seen)

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveR View Post
    4th in Leeds in the last year or so, and that's just the ones that made headlines. Browns in East Leeds which is a grey that had a decent little selection of Rolex and Omega, watchfinder twice and now a luckily failed attempt on Preston's.
    Don’t forget Berry’s a couple of years ago. I was stood looking at the IWC collection in the window that day, and glanced up to see a chap in a hoody and dust-mask glaring back at me as he rooted through the display. I had my wee girl with me so I made myself scarce and called the cops, but the good shoppers of Leeds were way ahead of the game and jumped on them as soon as they emerged from the shop.

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