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Thread: A bit of an Iphone/Apple rant (apologies)

  1. #1

    A bit of an Iphone/Apple rant (apologies)

    I am no tech wizard so I am sure many of you will be quite amused by all this but I wanted to get it off my chest

    My girlfriend and I both have Iphones (5s) we got them when they first came out and have been absolutely great/do exactly what we want, when the contract ran out years ago we changed over to Giffgaff PAYG paying £7.50 a month each

    Last year my phone kept pestering me for an update, I noticed many apps required the update and got fed up delaying it, so I eventually agreed, in the first attempt a message appears saying I dont have enough space for the install so I proceed to remove pretty much everything from the phone

    Once it would allow me to update and about half way through an error comes up and my iphone goes into recovery mode, I plug it into Itunes thinking it would sort it out but I then get a message saying it cannot be updated and needs a restore to factory settings grrrr!

    So I see little option but to proceed, i then get a message saying it cannot be restored! i tried everything and spend about a week with half a dozen different computers, 3 different networks and many hours staring at error messages, i updated itunes 3 million times and changed every setting imaginable, I searched every website for answers and then by magic it eventually restores!!! (Nothing new just decided to do it one morning)

    Anyway a year down the line i buy my girlfriend a apple watch, we then realise her phone needs a update (that we were reluctant to do obviously) so the whole process started again, this time it appears to be even less likely it will restore after 2 days and several pcs/networks etc

    I am not spending days sorting this so last night I ordered her a 7plus

    I understand that we have old phones but it seems to me that in this day and age there must be solutions to these problems? I cant help but think that the older phones arent compatable with the newer software so why pester to update? we were quite happy before

    Is it to force people to upgrade hardware?

  2. #2
    Master -Ally-'s Avatar
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    Yes, pretty much planned obsolescence.

  3. #3
    Master alfat33's Avatar
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    You have my sympathies. As a techy, I think that Apple are pretty poor at this sort of stuff. I've had problems before.

    That said, when I had to carry out that big upgrade (lots of people had 'not enough space' problems), I did the following. A full back up of the phone to iCloud, then reset the phone to factory settings, then do the upgrade, then restore the backup. A faff but very reliable and no need to delete apps etc. If you don't already have a backup it's no help, sorry.

    FWIW Apple have redesigned their upgrades to need much less space now.

  4. #4
    Master JC180's Avatar
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    I know own this won't help you but after many years of apple, and having issues with my latest phone, inability to get a genius bar appointment, forcing you to update, expensive handsets etc I bought a Samsung Galaxy S2 8.0 LTE tablet to replace my mini and it has been a complete revelation.

    So much so that I convinced myself to by an S7 phone and stick with it. I'm glad I did, it's fantastic. Big convert here and I've stuck a massive Micro SD and will never have memory issues again! Try that with apple!

    After a few weeks with the S7 I could write pages of all the things it does better than my iPhone and other than some initial issues with some apps and my home Automation, I see no disadvantages.

    It's like having an open source product versus inflexible hardware that's obsolete a month or so after purchase.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by alfat33 View Post
    You have my sympathies. As a techy, I think that Apple are pretty poor at this sort of stuff. I've had problems before.

    That said, when I had to carry out that big upgrade (lots of people had 'not enough space' problems), I did the following. A full back up of the phone to iCloud, then reset the phone to factory settings, then do the upgrade, then restore the backup. A faff but very reliable and no need to delete apps etc. If you don't already have a backup it's no help, sorry.

    FWIW Apple have redesigned their upgrades to need much less space now.
    Thanks for that, wish i could go back :) we wasnt worried about losing everything as backed up anything important but obviously (both times) assumed the restore would work if the update failed, the phone wont restore to factory and every help discussion points to issues with itunes version (updated on all computers) and host files (all fine) and finally a conflict with security software (disabled everything)

    It seems to me the conflict answer is a get out basically saying 'its your problem' and the cynic in me says it is covering up the real reason it wont restore

    I will probably take the advice and go away from Apple when mine finally goes the same way

  6. #6
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    Occasionally I've had problems with iphone updates. It seems to be worse on the first day. I assume the apple servers get hammered and can drop you midway through an update. You then have a bunch of junk on the phone which can get you more trouble when you try to restart the update.

    Funnily enough I've found it more reliable to udate them directly via wifi rather than through itunes on another Mac.

    Updating via itunes on a windows machine has never worked with any reliability so I gave up on that idea years ago.

    I was using a 4s up until a couple of months ago and it was updating fine no problem at all

  7. #7
    Craftsman hicksmat's Avatar
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    I would say:

    never update OTA
    always use iTunes to do a phone update
    use your iCloud - optimise photo storage, also turn on iCloud backup
    occasionally use iTunes to do one off phone backups now and again

    16GB is not a lot for a phone these days, I know Apple take up a lot of space for their OS but so do Google with Android, its universal.

  8. #8
    Take the phone and story into an Apple store.
    They will sort it out.
    If the phone is goosed they will also change it.

  9. #9
    Journeyman Halfling's Avatar
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    My wife had the same problem with her 5s. I found that shouting at it at the top of your voice 'why won't you bl**dy work'?! Had no effect. But after many days of wailing and gnashing of teeth the iPhone capitulated, for no discernable reason. It just decided to work.
    'Ditch the iPhone and go android' I said to my wife. So she bought another iPhone.

    Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by watchlovr View Post
    Take the phone and story into an Apple store.
    They will sort it out.
    If the phone is goosed they will also change it.
    Agreed. My 128 GB 6s Plus began to have battery issues and kept shutting down even though it showed 30 or 40 %

    I booked an appointment to see a 'Apple Genius at the Apple Store on Regent Street. They swapped the phone for a new one no questions asked. Luckily I had backed up the phone quite recently on my MacBook and on iCloud.

    The problem was that the 'new' phone was worse than the old one! It lasted a day and a half before red screening and completely shutting down. No amount of combined button pressing or plugging into a computer or charger would get it to fire up again.

    I booked another appointment with an Apple Genius at Regent Street. Went in and was advised they had no record of my booking! Apparently I had inadvertently booked an appointment with a third party repairer just around the corner called Amsys. I was sent there and was told that they would need to take the phone in and send it away for further checks and ensure there was no water damage or anything like that which could potentially take up to 5 days.

    No way Jose I though. Not for what is supposed to be a new phone. I want a replacement handset. Due to my health issues I rely heavily on my phone to remind me of when to take medication and keep in touch with Doctors etc. I provided letters from my Oncologist etc. I really didn't want to go down this route but I felt that I had no choice at this point.

    It didn't make any difference. They kept insisting that it was company policy to send the phone away for further checks and repair if required. Even though a replacement handset directly from Apple comes with a 3 month warranty. Just not good enough.

    So my wife and I went back to the Apple Store on Regent Street and insisted we speak to a manager. We found one immediately and this time I didn't need to show any letters or anything. We told him the situation and even though we didn't technically have an appointment, he went over to the nearest Blue shirted techy and asked him to assist us as soon as he was finished with his current customer.

    The phone was checked and the guy agreed that it was 'bricked'. He then proceeded to order a new one from round the back and it was replaced.

    I was told that this is actually quite unusual as the replacement phones are brand new. Apparently refurbished/reconditioned handsets are only used in the US. In the UK they only provide new replacement handsets even though they come in a slightly different box without all the gubbins. So you only get the handset itself and nothing else. It's all properly shrink wrapped and whatnot.

    I had brought my MacBook and external HD with me this time and proceeded to set up the phone there and then to ensure that there were no immediate issues.

    Thankfully this phone seems to be working as it should so far.

    Considering my old original phone was well
    out of warranty I think this is pretty decent service. OK I had to go round he houses a bit but the issue was sorted to my satisfaction eventually.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by watchlovr View Post
    Take the phone and story into an Apple store.
    They will sort it out.
    If the phone is goosed they will also change it.
    My nearest Apple store is some distance and like everyone else she is totally dependant on the phone, I spent two days trying and gave up, she can have a nice shiny new one and when i get chance i will pop in and hopefully have a spare phone for me

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Montybaber View Post
    My nearest Apple store is some distance and like everyone else she is totally dependant on the phone, I spent two days trying and gave up, she can have a nice shiny new one and when i get chance i will pop in and hopefully have a spare phone for me
    A tip.
    Don't "pop in", make an appointment.

  13. #13
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    I was so spooked by the horror stories about updating I never did with my 5s. Now I've got a 6s 16gb I still haven't bothered. Fine like it is.
    Does anyone know how to delete apps you don't use any more?

  14. #14
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    A bit of an Iphone/Apple rant (apologies)

    Keep your finger on the icon and it will start to shake. Click on the cross top right left.
    A better way is in iTunes on Mac but with the content of your post I am not sure it would be plain sailing for you.
    Last edited by Saint-Just; 16th February 2017 at 18:43.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Smith View Post
    I was so spooked by the horror stories about updating I never did with my 5s. Now I've got a 6s 16gb I still haven't bothered. Fine like it is.
    Does anyone know how to delete apps you don't use any more?
    Hold your finger on any app for a few seconds, they will all start to wiggle and and X will appear top left of every app, click on the X to delete.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-Just View Post
    Keep your finger on the icon and it will start to shake. Click on the cross top right left.
    A better way is in iTunes on Mac but with the content of your post I am not sure it would be plain sailing for you.
    Yes, tbh I'm not much of a phone fanatic and don't have a Mac. And I'm old enough to associate 'Mac' with perverts in the park anyway.

  17. #17
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    It was meant tongue and cheek, I hope it came out that way
    I have never used iTunes on a PC, hence the easier recipe.
    BTW updating is not essential but it is recommended.
    More important is to back your phone up regularly or at least with iCloud.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  18. #18
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    Do all of this. 5 iPhones in this house and no problems in 4-5 years.


    Quote Originally Posted by hicksmat View Post
    I would say:

    never update OTA
    always use iTunes to do a phone update
    use your iCloud - optimise photo storage, also turn on iCloud backup
    occasionally use iTunes to do one off phone backups now and again

    16GB is not a lot for a phone these days, I know Apple take up a lot of space for their OS but so do Google with Android, its universal.

  19. #19
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    I'm using an iPhone 4 and it's still going strong. Not as fast as the wife's 6 but does what is required

    Did you ever speak to apple about it?

  20. #20
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    That must be so frustrating - worth chatting to apple though - 2 out of warranty repairs have been done free of charge for me :)

    Only positive experiences with iPhone since my first - the original curvy 3G .

    Ive lost count of the number of times the latest Samsung , HTC , Google phone has been waved at me by friends and hailed as the 'iPhone killer' with a smug grin . I respect their choices but continue to be mystified that some android owners feel the need to say how much better their phone is ? I like iOS , I like iPhones - they suit what I want so I'm happy :)
    Enjoy your android phone friends - they're not for me though :)

  21. #21
    I try to avoid Apple products if at all possible, I have a macbook pro for work which I'm trying to get shot of and a iphone 6 that will make random calls, seriously unimpressed by the whole apple thing tbh.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by hicksmat View Post
    I would say:

    never update OTA
    always use iTunes to do a phone update
    use your iCloud - optimise photo storage, also turn on iCloud backup
    occasionally use iTunes to do one off phone backups now and again

    16GB is not a lot for a phone these days, I know Apple take up a lot of space for their OS but so do Google with Android, its universal.
    The Android OS on my device is c. 2.7gig and that's everything. The problem is all the 'extras' that come installed as default. I spent an hour removing loads of excess rubbish (apps/media/etc) and the result is just the few apps I want and no advertising crap. The other problem is people tend to use their phones as storage for all sorts of rubbish and also clog them up with gimmicky apps that they try a few times and then discard but leave installed. In the world of mobile devices cleanliness is next to godliness ;-) I use mine as a media store but the media is on a separate SD and no media goes on the internal storage; ditto no apps etc.. go on the SD.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halfling View Post
    My wife had the same problem with her 5s. I found that shouting at it at the top of your voice 'why won't you bl**dy work'?! Had no effect. But after many days of wailing and gnashing of teeth the iPhone capitulated, for no discernable reason. It just decided to work.
    'Ditch the iPhone and go android' I said to my wife. So she bought another iPhone.

    Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
    My experience is the 'i' brigade are a strange bunch - there's no reasoning with them ;-)

  24. #24
    She is now happy and has a fresh 128GB to fill up with crap ;)

    She now has (in size order) Ipad, Ipad mini, IPhone 7 plus, apple watch, I doubt she would consider going over to something else at this point

    I know I started this moan but Apple devices are very good, you just have to accept that at some point they will force you to upgrade :)

  25. #25
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    I don't understand the Apple haters who spend all their time slamming the products. Nobody forces anyone to buy them and not everyone who uses Mac are persuaded by marketing. I have worked in IT for 40 odd years and moved to apple phones after Blackberry took a tumble. In the household we now have a 4 year old MacBook air, two 3 year old iPads and two iPhone 6s. They all still work faultlessly with no messing around. I just like my home stuff to work, which this all does and seamlessly connects with each other. I am now considering buying a MacBook Pro, but not sure whether I actually need at least one ms laptop, but will figure it out.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by casbar View Post
    I don't understand the Apple haters who spend all their time slamming the products. Nobody forces anyone to buy them and not everyone who uses Mac are persuaded by marketing. I have worked in IT for 40 odd years and moved to apple phones after Blackberry took a tumble. In the household we now have a 4 year old MacBook air, two 3 year old iPads and two iPhone 6s. They all still work faultlessly with no messing around. I just like my home stuff to work, which this all does and seamlessly connects with each other. I am now considering buying a MacBook Pro, but not sure whether I actually need at least one ms laptop, but will figure it out.
    My problem is I (and our support people) seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time sorting out network and connectivity issues with 'i' users than anyone one else. The products are terrible for fault diagnosis (everything is hidden so as not to confuse the users) and the users tend to not be as IT/network/wifi savy as the other OS users. The other problem I have is the updates invariably start the whole process again! Each ios update and our support people will suffer a load of upset users for several months afterwards. Any other product, Android/Windows/etc..., you get an update and generally things that used to work carry on working. Not with ios products :-( Okay I know I'm now going to see a load of replies from people that have suffered at the hands of a Windows or Android update but all I can do is talk from direct experience and say we get very, VERY few issues from end users after other OS upgrades but tons from 'i' users.

  27. #27
    Master JC180's Avatar
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    I used apple happily for many years too and still do having 3 Ipads, 2 iPhones and a couple Ipods however they do go wrong and recently my iPhone 6 (recent warranty replacement) has played up quite a few times and getting a genius bar appt and hanging around in store for an hour each time is very awkward. I bought 3 galaxy tabs in the current sale for my new home ton acthe as intercoms etc and was so impressed I bought a tab S2 8.0 to replace my ageing ipad mini and was so impressed with that I bought the Galaxy S7. I'm impressed with this too to that his he point my iPhone feels slow and clunky in comparison and far far less clever.

    I was one that had blackberry for many years and when I moved to iPhone couldnt praise them enough and used to curse every time I picked up an android phone but I've been proved wrong about iPhone and wrong about android phones.

    The moral of the story is, everyone likes what they have and extolls it's virtues as a way of justifying their purchase or as smug satisfaction in having the best gear but just be open minded. Don't knock until you've tried.

    Then again, of its working and your happy good on you.

    Rant over.

  28. #28
    Journeyman Halfling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by solwisesteve View Post
    My problem is I (and our support people) seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time sorting out network and connectivity issues with 'i' users than anyone one else. The products are terrible for fault diagnosis (everything is hidden so as not to confuse the users) and the users tend to not be as IT/network/wifi savy as the other OS users. The other problem I have is the updates invariably start the whole process again! Each ios update and our support people will suffer a load of upset users for several months afterwards. Any other product, Android/Windows/etc..., you get an update and generally things that used to work carry on working. Not with ios products :-( Okay I know I'm now going to see a load of replies from people that have suffered at the hands of a Windows or Android update but all I can do is talk from direct experience and say we get very, VERY few issues from end users after other OS upgrades but tons from 'i' users.
    Unbelievably I have just had an Android update rolled out to my Xperia Z5. Flawless install. All apps updated automatically. No endless number of pages of new user agreement to read through and agree to. No faff. Phone rebooted and was ready to go.
    I'm sure the apple products can do much the same. Just never in my experience. And that's the thing. I can only go by my experience. So it's android all the way for me.

  29. #29
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    Yep guess its down to personal experience. I don't have an axe to grind with android, my son is an android fan :) But I have never had any issue with any OSX or IOS updates, everything just works. Maybe lucky, maybe not doing anything wizzy with my kit. I am still happy with Apple but in the future if things go wrong, I'll change :)

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halfling View Post
    Unbelievably I have just had an Android update rolled out to my Xperia Z5. Flawless install. All apps updated automatically. No endless number of pages of new user agreement to read through and agree to. No faff. Phone rebooted and was ready to go.
    I'm sure the apple products can do much the same. Just never in my experience. And that's the thing. I can only go by my experience. So it's android all the way for me.
    Of course the Experias are made by Sony, who invented the walkman before Apple even existed, and Ericsson who built whole fixed phone networks and switchboards probably even before Sony existed... and built excellent mobile phones long before the first iPhone was ever marketed. No surprise that it usually works... When I look around in our extended family, the iPhone dominates except with me and my wife and with a brother and sister in law who are... yep, IT engineers. For them and us it's Androids. TBH I am typing this on an old iPad I inherited. ;-)

  31. #31
    Craftsman hicksmat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halfling View Post
    Unbelievably I have just had an Android update rolled out to my Xperia Z5. Flawless install. All apps updated automatically. No endless number of pages of new user agreement to read through and agree to. No faff. Phone rebooted and was ready to go.
    I'm sure the apple products can do much the same. Just never in my experience. And that's the thing. I can only go by my experience. So it's android all the way for me.
    How long did you wait for that update? The issue with android is the oem's and the fragmentation of the OS across manufacturers. Some never get updates and some get them immediately and some have to wait months or years for updates.

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

  32. #32
    Journeyman Halfling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hicksmat View Post
    How long did you wait for that update? The issue with android is the oem's and the fragmentation of the OS across manufacturers. Some never get updates and some get them immediately and some have to wait months or years for updates.

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app
    The release date was around 20th January from Google and Sony release their version 2/3 weeks later so not too bad. But yeah other manufacturers delay, postpone and as you mentioned sometimes don't even release. Especially if they deem it unnecessary or if it is beyond the capabilities of the hardware. Sony have always been pretty good but then the Xperia Z5 is a bells and whistles kind of phone.

  33. #33
    Craftsman hicksmat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halfling View Post
    The release date was around 20th January from Google and Sony release their version 2/3 weeks later so not too bad. But yeah other manufacturers delay, postpone and as you mentioned sometimes don't even release. Especially if they deem it unnecessary or if it is beyond the capabilities of the hardware. Sony have always been pretty good but then the Xperia Z5 is a bells and whistles kind of phone.
    I've heard a lot of good things about the Z5. Sony have upped their game of late, though I heard their new flagship isn't that great. If I was looking at an Android device I can't see past OnePlus for value for money, even though they have increased prices of late.

  34. #34
    Drive me mad the iPhone I had and iTunes oh man !!! So much waste of my time sorting it

    Got rid of it ans got a s7 edge best phone I've ever had lasts a while day easily and then some

    Still have an ipad I use maybe 3 4 times a week says I need to update 25 apps last time I looked
    Ain't gonna bother only use it to check email and surf . Niece and nephew can sort it next time they are here

    Ain't wasting ma time on it :-)

  35. #35
    Journeyman Halfling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hicksmat View Post
    I've heard a lot of good things about the Z5. Sony have upped their game of late, though I heard their new flagship isn't that great. If I was looking at an Android device I can't see past OnePlus for value for money, even though they have increased prices of late.
    Yeah I think the latest flagship isn't all it could be as well. I had the Z3 and now the Z5 and both were/are excellent. The OnePlus looks great value. Google's Pixel looks like a cracker, but expensive. One of the main things for me using android is that when it comes to change/upgrade the phone there is a wide choice of manufacturers with various price and spec levels. Maybe it'll be a Samsung for me next time. If it doesn't explode...

    Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk

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