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Thread: Its Friday!!! What are you doing this weekend?

  1. #1
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    Its Friday!!! What are you doing this weekend?

    Well I have just cracked open a fresh bottle of Jura, after a lovely day picking a new linen suit/Shirt and tie, that I am going to wear tomorrow. My Birthday is on Monday and I have decided to make this my Birthday weekend.

    as this is a watch forum I will also be wearing my Rolex 114060 on one of Eddie's Bond Nato's,

    Tomorrow, I am off to The Ritz for 'Live at the Ritz' with my wife and a few friends, its a 3 course meal, dinner dance affair with a live band, till the early hours.

    and on Sunday I am going to chill out in the morning with an nice breakfast, and then some online gaming Sunday evening with my team, playing some German mob in Battlefield 4.

    so what are you guys/girls up to?

  2. #2
    Grand Master VDG's Avatar
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    Working, lunch on Sat with friends, and more working ahead of a stupidly busy week ahead :/

  3. #3
    Market shopping tomorrow morning, then off to a hillclimb event in the afternoon. Sunday starts with breakfast by the beach, followed by a drive on Dartmoor (if the weather is good enough) and evening is dinner with friends.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  4. #4
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    Enjoying Swiss countryside.

  5. #5
    Master SeanST150's Avatar
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    I've just bought Mad Max for the PS4 so I will probably be playing that until the early hours of the morning. If there's no rain tomorrow I shall be felling a few trees in the garden with my newly acquired chainsaw. Sunday, I'd like to relax and maybe pop out for a nice lunch and a coffee with SWMBO.

    Somewhere in the mix I'll be walking the dog.

    I suspect I'll have on the odd G-Shock and probably my new Seiko Monster.

    P.S. Happy Birthday.

  6. #6
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    I love these threads now and again, its great to see what people get up to with their spare time,

    @sean, I have heard Mad Max is one of the better games for PS4, sadly I wont be getting it for PC, too much time taken up with BF4 and they soon to be released Star Wars Battlefront, which I am trying out at the moment in a closed Beta.

  7. #7
    I'm test driving a car early tomorrow morning and as long as I can fit a dog crate in the back I'll be putting a deposit down.The missus wants to stick some winter pansies in the pots so will probably be going to some crappy garden centre in the afternoon. Dog walk to finish off the day and I intend to sit on my fat arse and watch rubbish TV until the small hrs whilst sipping the next door neighbours sloe gin.

  8. #8
    Its my birthday as well on Sunday, so I too have decided its a birthday weekend!

    Im going to do as little as can get away with tomorrow morning, check the football results out,then we are going out for the early bar about 5ish for a couple and on to our local indian with some friends and our sons.

    My son is playing football Sunday morning, I have got to get him there for 9.30 to warm up etc, so no lie in! (Boo!)

    See if my Mums going to call round for a coffee in the afternoon and out later for the usual Sunday card school.

    All too soon it will be Monday morning. (Bigger Boo.)

    Bolton on Tuesday though to watch the mighty Wednesday.
    Last edited by chaplad; 11th September 2015 at 21:12. Reason: spelling

  9. #9
    Master senwar's Avatar
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    Drinking myself silly tomorrow to blank out the hurt of our house sale falling through today - I'd signed the purchase contract yesterday and we were ready to exchange (how I've managed to not touch a drop tonight I'll never know).

    At the footy tomorrow afternoon so hopefully the beer will blank that out as well.

    Actually got a viewing on our house on Sunday afternoon (went back on market this afternoon) then a few drinks and a curry with the mrs late sunday afternoon/night

    * Edit - happy birthday chaplad mi owd oh and to soundood (sorry!)
    Last edited by senwar; 11th September 2015 at 21:12.

  10. #10
    Watching the mighty Stevenage Boro play tomorrow!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by senwar View Post
    Drinking myself silly tomorrow to blank out the hurt of our house sale falling through today - I'd signed the purchase contract yesterday and we were ready to exchange (how I've managed to not touch a drop tonight I'll never know).

    At the footy tomorrow afternoon so hopefully the beer will blank that out as well.

    Actually got a viewing on our house on Sunday afternoon (went back on market this afternoon) then a few drinks and a curry with the mrs late sunday afternoon/night

    * Edit - happy birthday chaplad mi owd
    Cheers Paul!

    Gutted to hear this,my MILaw was messed about selling their (biggish) house as they wanted to move to a smaller bungalow,I think it fell through 3 times before it actually went through.

    I think unfortunately its just a case of keep plugging away.


  12. #12
    Master nibby's Avatar
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    My Birthday on Monday as well, going down to the South Coast near Bournmouth to catch up with family and some random stuff which could involve mountain biking and beer!

  13. #13
    Master senwar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaplad View Post
    Cheers Paul!

    Gutted to hear this,my MILaw was messed about selling their (biggish) house as they wanted to move to a smaller bungalow,I think it fell through 3 times before it actually went through.

    I think unfortunately its just a case of keep plugging away.

    Cheers mate. 3 times, jesus. I just keep onto the hope its 3rd time lucky for us too (it fell through on a previous sale but that was only 2 weeks in).

    Beer will help. Wednesday I presume, will not. lol

  14. #14
    Cake tasting for our wedding ☺

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by senwar View Post
    Cheers mate. 3 times, jesus. I just keep onto the hope its 3rd time lucky for us too (it fell through on a previous sale but that was only 2 weeks in).

    Beer will help. Wednesday I presume, will not. lol

    Yeah pal,it will be 3rd time lucky. They were let down 2nd time 2 days before they were going to complete when the buyer decided he wanted 5k off the price agreed.(They had already reduced it by 10k)

    Its not a great game moving house I don't think!

    As for Wednesday,I wouldn't like to try to predict what they are going to do at the moment.

    Are you off to Bolton?

  16. #16
    Master senwar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaplad View Post
    Yeah pal,it will be 3rd time lucky. They were let down 2nd time 2 days before they were going to complete when the buyer decided he wanted 5k off the price agreed.(They had already reduced it by 10k)

    Its not a great game moving house I don't think!

    As for Wednesday,I wouldn't like to try to predict what they are going to do at the moment.

    Are you off to Bolton?
    I am mate yeah, you? Not missed one yet.

    I should have had a few beers tonight after all. All I've done is stuffed my face with comfort food

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by senwar View Post
    Drinking myself silly tomorrow to blank out the hurt of our house sale falling through today - I'd signed the purchase contract yesterday and we were ready to exchange (how I've managed to not touch a drop tonight I'll never know).
    being a Scotsman in England this pisses me off, in Scotland this couldn't happen as the accepted bid is binding, and having sold my latest property at the end of nearly 3 years, being messed about with 3 different sellers, and having to sell my watch collection to keep us afloat (I know first world problems, but they are only watches) it finally sold for more than my first offer. stick in there matey, all will be good.

    * Edit - happy birthday chaplad mi owd oh and to soundood (sorry!)
    thanks mw fellow tattooed person ;-)

    Quote Originally Posted by karloscivic View Post
    Cake tasting for our wedding ☺
    in all the wedding prep we had this was my favourite part, it was just so relaxing, almost surreal, I done it with a nice whiskey in hand, it was wonderful.

    Quote Originally Posted by nibby View Post
    My Birthday on Monday as well, going down to the South Coast near Bournemouth to catch up with family and some random stuff which could involve mountain biking and beer!
    happy birthday fellow 14th type person ;-) enjoy
    Last edited by soundood; 11th September 2015 at 21:45.

  18. #18
    Master itsgotournameonit's Avatar
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    Been in Spain since Sunday.Tomorrow I Have a table booked for ten people for family and is good so will spend some time on the beach on Sunday.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by senwar View Post
    I am mate yeah, you? Not missed one yet.

    I should have had a few beers tonight after all. All I've done is stuffed my face with comfort food

    Yeah,we are going,myself,my son and a couple of mates,I might see you there. (Keep an eye out for a 6 foot 5 bald headed bloke and I will be with him)

    I have had a couple of glasses of red and a Peroni and I feel quite relaxed now. I can recommend it!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaplad View Post
    Yeah,we are going,myself,my son and a couple of mates,I might see you there.

    I have had a couple of glasses of red and a Peroni and I feel quite relaxed now. I can recommend it!
    I do to, wasn't in the mood for a drink earlier, but it seemed rude to not open my new bottle of Jura on my birthday weekend, half a bottle in and the world is good again

    that coupled with the £2700 raised on the forum for the Syrian refugees, its just good feels tonight, among the madness

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsgotournameonit View Post
    Been in Spain since Sunday.Tomorrow I Have a table booked for ten people for family and is good so will spend some time on the beach on Sunday.
    where in Spain matey? one of my loves of Europe and have made it my mission to visit as many places in it before I die.

  22. #22
    Breakfast out as normal, spend the rest of the day home relaxing with baby and wife, go to bed about 6/7pm get up at 11pm drive to friends house to pick them up then into town for coffee then back home to watch the fights in vegas Mayweather v Berto and Groves v Badou Jack. Sunday morning will be sleeping then more family time :)

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by soundood View Post
    I do to, wasn't in the mood for a drink earlier, but it seemed rude to not open my new bottle of Jura on my birthday weekend, half a bottle in and the world is good again

    that coupled with the £2700 raised on the forum for the Syrian refugees, its just good feels tonight, among the madness
    Yeah,sorry Soundood,forgot to say Happy Birthday to you as well.

  24. #24
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    Tomorrow is going to be spend running my daughter to her trampoline lessons then shooting off to an agm, Sunday off with the family to watch ladies football followed by a roast at the mother in laws.

  25. #25
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    Picked up my new toy this very evening (08 3.0 si Sport Z4) so it's defo playtime tomorrow and Sunday

  26. #26
    Master Kirk280's Avatar
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    Happy birthday weekend Soundood, but please take that icecube out of your malt whisky.

    I'm going to pack the wife and kids off to the inlaws for the weekend so that I can multitask - (i) finish off a £5M grant application, deadline 4pm Monday (but of course Monday is busy with meetings etc.); (ii) drink as much red wine as possible whilst still completing task (i) to a high standard.

    Wish me luck!

  27. #27
    Master MerlinShepherd's Avatar
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    Checking out a Fender Classic Player Jazzmaster Special. Practising clarinet, writing new repertoire for my band. Then relaxing.

  28. #28
    Master senwar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soundood View Post
    being a Scotsman in England this pisses me off, in Scotland this couldn't happen as the accepted bid is binding, and having sold my latest property at the end of nearly 3 years, being messed about with 3 different sellers, and having to sell my watch collection to keep us afloat (I know first world problems, but they are only watches) it finally sold for more than my first offer. stick in there matey, all will be good.

    thanks mw fellow tattooed person ;-)
    Thanks mate - appreciate that. In full agreement with the scotland comment - better system by far. Had a similar thought re: one of my watches today but hopefully all be OK.

    One of my tatt's is the Ian Brown lyric, For Everything A Reason. I have to stand by this, and just be thankful I'm healthy and have a decent life. Things will work out I have no doubt. It can be a crusher sometimes though

  29. #29
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    I WAS to be playing Destiny on PS4 this eve with a few online bro's but, thanks to a 17gb update that hasnt happened.

    So, played a bit of geetar, did some whittling on the woodturning lathe iand drank a couple of Jim Beam and Cokes (yes, i'm a commoner).

    Now surfing on here and contemplating buying a 42mm Helson Shark Diver in brass as they've really caught my eye lately.

  30. #30
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    I've recently gone back to having a proper weekend off after nearly 7 years of it being wherever my rest days made it due to a recent change in role; pros & cons.

    Costco in the morning tomorrow and then I'd like to try and see my family who have just got back from Egypt but I'm not sure what's going on, if anything, at Twickenham Stadium tomorrow, we shall see.

    Then out for a Chinese on Sunday evening.

    Now being a Father of two the rest of the weekend will likely be a fairly "dynamic" affair.

  31. #31
    Master itsgotournameonit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soundood View Post
    where in Spain matey? one of my loves of Europe and have made it my mission to visit as many places in it before I die.

    Quesada Alicante.Mum has been out here for over 8 years now.I try to get out here at least twice a year.The climate has extended her life.

  32. #32
    Master tiny73's Avatar
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    Away on business last week and Monday so dinner in NY on sat night with my wife's cousin, driving to Princeton on Sunday for a meeting on Monday.

    Saturday morning brings an attempt to find a haircut somewhere. FYI Friday night wandering round a mall was a surreal affair...

  33. #33
    Happy birthdays to Soundood and Chaplad!

    After a long day in France I've just finished preparing for my two commentaries this weekend.

    Tomorrow (now today) Watford v Swansea then Sunday Schalke v Mainz for the Bundesliga.

    Saturday evening will be spent either in the pub with a couple of mates drinking not as much as I'd like as I've got to look after the voice for Sunday.

    Sunday morning will be quiet before heading to work for the commentary then a brief break before back to work for a night shift.

    What joy!


  34. #34
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    Happy birthday to those that have one this weekend :)

    I'm currently sat in the car with pup in the back awaiting our first training class :)

    Later wife and I will try some new beds out. And we've friends popping over for tea and cake and a chinwag later.
    Quiet one tonight. Maybe a bottle of wine. And some Netflix action.

    Tomorrow we have viewing on our current home. And I'll go over to the new place (we've just about finished renovating a house) and do some chores.

    Will mow lawns if they dry up. Really quiet weekend really And just what the doctor ordered after some massive sessions :)

  35. #35
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Essex - Hopefully on a golf course!
    Happy Birthdays chaps. I'm playing golf tomorrow taking it easy today.

  36. #36
    Supposed to be going to a barbecue this afternoon and the Brighton Burn Up tomorrow - the enjoyment of both activities is likely to be dampened (if not scrubbed) by the weather :(

  37. #37
    Norwich v Bournemouth today. My little boy, my dad and I for a spot of lunch, a drink or two and then the match. Yellow Army!

  38. #38
    Master Wolfie's Avatar
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    Relax this AM

    Walking dogs and kids round the Hambleton peninsula PM (wife working)

    Out for a mates significant birthday party tonight (heavy)

    Uo for Theo's footy match @0930 - ugh

    Leicester Villa in the afternoon a couple of beers before and then SK4 here I come

    Sunday dinner with family later on...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Relax this AM

    Walking dogs and kids round the Hambleton peninsula PM (wife working)

    Out for a mates significant birthday party tonight (heavy)

    Uo for Theo's footy match @0930 - ugh

    Leicester Villa in the afternoon a couple of beers before and then SK4 here I come

    Sunday dinner with family later on...

    Happy birthday Soundood!

  39. #39
    Master lordloz's Avatar
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    Happy birthday to any posters here....

    Going nowhere (Ralphy where's the hillclimb out of interest?)

    So watching Italian Moto GP from Misano unfortunately on tv and not at the Adriatic sea but hopefully watching a Kent/Lowe's/Rossi win...

  40. #40
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    Working today till 14:30 then home to chill for a bit - will cook a nice curry for the girls tonight, a dip in the hot tub then a 'family' film and some home made popcorn with the girls- last time for a while as tomorrow ill be dropping my youngest to uni digs for the start of her 3 year course.
    Should be back Sunday in time to have dinner with my folks- minus my youngest daughter.
    Wow its making me sad already

  41. #41
    Finally getting round to all the little jobs in the house... Re-roofing the shed, changing a tap, putting a spur socket in my son's room and then 3 new blinds.

    Currently half way through and having a cup of tea whilst browsing the forum :-)

  42. #42
    Craftsman Barry's Avatar
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    Weekend at home with family, out for a spin in the old car, then washed the thousands of dead bugs off it.

    Watching Goodwood revival live on Petrolicious

    (I will be there next year)

    Fixing a friends watch and then refinishing its bracelet.

  43. #43
    This!! Nice meal later and more of that!

    Happy birthday, have a good un!!

    Last edited by alexaff; 12th September 2015 at 16:12.

  44. #44
    Grand Master GraniteQuarry's Avatar
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  45. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by soundood View Post

    so what are you guys/girls up to?
    This is Andalucía man. Plans are just possibilites untill it actually happens and that has about a 50/50 chance of being different and at least as much fun.

    Óne aspect of the weekend is the local fiesta.
    Here some of the preps; jars of preserved grapes, jar of preservatives and a program:

  46. #46
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    What swinging fun you all have.

    Just got in from painting a shed!

  47. #47
    I'm off to Zadar in Croatia. Final top up of vitamin d before winter arrives :-((

  48. #48
    I've been out enjoying the weather in my S2000 today, the watched a couple of Revival races on Motors TV.

    I did a deal for an Ohlins suspension kit for it today, so I'm going to collect it tomorrow. I'm hoping to be back in time to watch most of the cricket, but if it's rained off (it's at Old Trafford, so there's a very good chance that it will) there's always more of the Revival.

  49. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backward point View Post
    I've been out enjoying the weather in my S2000 today, the watched a couple of Revival races on Motors TV.

    I did a deal for an Ohlins suspension kit for it today, so I'm going to collect it tomorrow.

    Thát reads like great motoring fun.

    I just returned from Málaga food truck ´experience´ with the ragtop; has suspension with extra balls; rubber air balls. Great fun whatever the surface but rather tricky to slide on tarmac.

    Going down to the village fiesta in a moment.

    I hope to go down to the coast tomorrow and perhaps watch some Moto GP at my love´s.

    Open ´plan´ for the evening. Either qt at the coast or pt in the mountains. Either way plenty of enjoyable driving albeit not S2000 sure footed by a long.... foot.

  50. #50
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by josep View Post
    I'm off to Zadar in Croatia. Final top up of vitamin d before winter arrives :-((
    I do like Zadar for a laid back weekend. The Sea Organ and Sun Salutation are great fun and the ice cream at Slastičarnica Donat is fabulous. Have a great time.

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