I have too much stuff. I have less stuff than I used to have. But still too much. I have too many watches. Fewer than I used to have. But still too many.

Most stuff? I wanted it, searched for it and bought it. Eventually, it just became more stuff.

This repeats, until you cannot open an interior door due to the stuff behind it, or a cupboard door due to the stuff within it. Then you have a clear out. Then you start again.


Some stuff actually lasts.

TZ-UK could never be accused of having the youngest membership. What may we lack in TokTikWazzupInstaFace coolness, we recoup in wisdom that can only be gained through age and the deep furrows of knowledge ploughed in the vast field of life by the battered blade of experience.

So, the thread is, note something you own that did not cause a whiff of buyer's remorse.
Something you would seek out again were it to go missing.
Something that within a heaving sea of just stuff, is a little island of authenticity and lasting joy.

I will start with these two:

Feuerhand 276 Storm Lantern

Bought for evenings outside on the terrace. A simple design from years ago, and much copied. Not a great deal of light, but a nice light. Should last a long time. Made in Germany. They offer it with an LED element now too, if you like the look but not the history. But I'd suggest the original paraffin model.

Olivetti Lettera 32

Designed by Marcello Nizzoli in 1963. Fans included Cormac McCarthy, Bob Dylan and Tom Hanks. Mine is from 1967, and still working. Ink ribbons are available.

It is roughly the same size as a laptop:

...but will last longer. And no software subscription required.

What do you have, new or old, expensive or dirt cheap, that passes the Real Stuff / No Buyer's Remorse test?