I had the misfortune of breaking both ankles nearly 3 weeks ago now.

I was walking the dog minding my own business when I stepped into a well camouflaged grassy hole, rolled my left ankle (snap), put my right foot out that hit the other side of the hole and another snap. Double fractures.

Been in touch with the council who pretty quickly want down and filled the hole in. It also appears they are also fixing up broken fences and other items that need sorting out.

It is their land and I have put all the details in writing and as they advised me to, copied in the insurance team at the council. This was a week ago now, and I have heard nothing.

Anyone been in a similar situation? Not sure whether to chase them up or get legal representation involved. I’m not looking for a megabucks payout, but this is going to need a good amount of physio and rehab, which isn’t cheap.

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