Afternoon, happy Friday!

After many many years abroad, there's a chance that we might be moving back ot the UK in the next year or so. Offer on a house, mortgage application in, etc...

And of course, the first thing that my mind turned to is that the new house will need a nice HiFi!

The main living space will be the width of the back of the house and will be the kitchen, the dining area and the living area - quote big. And it'll be quite an adult space.

I have some thoughts, but I was hoping for suggestions or tips. I have an excellent starting point - I have a pair of neo-vintage Beoline Penta passive speakers waiting for me in storage. (Library pic.)

I was thinking an amp to drive these, but then... What? I have no CDs - everything is on iPods and computers. I also listen to a lot of radio, digital radio, mainly. A DAC and a digital receiver? Is there one thing that could stack on top of the amp that would do all this?

I am perfectly happy with older bits of equipment, and most of the other things in my life are last decade's best equipment!
