Quote Originally Posted by Andyg View Post
oh this question. Well this is based upon your other comments directed towards Hamilton. Was it not you who first called him a cockwomble. I think it was.

Therefore if the reason was not his ability to drive fast, win races and championships, then what was it, that caused you to judge him as a cockwomble.

Not pathetic and small minded stuff like this I hope.

being out of the car will hardly win you a F1 WC I think.

You posted this in 2015. After which he won his 3rd WC, was runner up in 2016, gained to highest number of Poles, by anyone, and has now passed 70 GPs - second only to MS.

But still a cockwomble in your small and narrow mind, which seems to be based upon his clothes, earrings and something that happened at Wimbledon -FFS!

I accept I am a fan boy, just as I was a fan boy of Clark, Hunt and Mansell, simply because I love watching them drive, race and win. Ditto DM and Ocon on the current grid. Max less so because he is already turning into SV - another driver who simply expects drivers to get out of his way. Two wins in 55 starts isnt a great record is it.

I think that this post demonstrates beyond question that there is only one "small and narrow mind" here, and it's very small and narrow indeed.

Do us a favour, and keep away from this thread unless you can actually contribute something other than yet another display of your blinkered devotion to Lewis Hamilton. Please.