So, a few months back you might remember I bought a 5711 Nautilus...

I absolutely loved that watch but ultimately I ended up giving it to my Dad for being a good bloke. This left me happy to have been able to do that for him but sadly it left me with a Patek-shaped hole in my soul that I really wanted to fix. I decided there was only one watch to replace a blue dial 5711 Nautilus and so put myself down on lists with dealers I have good contacts with and although I was confident I would get one before the end of 2016, I was equally confident that I'd get hit by either a Brexit or regular currency related price increase before I succeeded.

When I woke this morning and Mrs C told me we were oooooot, after a few minutes thought dedicated to the more important things in life, I thought... well that's going to be my Patek costing even more then.

However (!!!) after 20 minutes at work I got a call from one of my contacts who was delighted to tell me my watch had arrived that morning and naturally Patek haven't quite made there move on pricing yet. So I steamed down there and was delighted to pick up the only watch that can replace a blue dial 5711 Nautilus...

A blue dial 5711 Nautilus!!!