Hi there,

My father owns an ancient watch. It has a label attached to it, which states
"This watch was used by Sergeant John S. Heaton to start the gas attack which began the battle of Loos, 05.20hrs 25th Sept. 1915"

I realise that Trench Watches are quite common, but we would be very pleased to know anything at all about this watch. Make, model, year and country of manufacture. I've been told it could even date back to the Boer War - is that possible ?.

The watch does not work. It has been sitting in a cupboard for the last 70 years and my father is beginning to think he should do something with it. The watch has never had anything done to it; even the very tatty and fragile strap is original.I'm told that the case is gunmetal.

We are wondering what we should do with the watch. Should it (could it ?) be got working or left alone ?

My father is inclined to give it to Royal Engineers museum. (My Grandfather was in the Special Brigade; a unit attached to the Royal Engineers and involved in early chemical warfare).

If it were your watch, what would you do with it ?

Thank you very much for any replies !!!