and I've done something I said Id never do, which is get a Rolex,

I've been thinking about trimming my collection down and took 4 of mine in to a shop in Cheltenham to see what they would offer, 2 I wanted to get rid of, 2 I wasn't that fussed on getting rid of but would for the right price!

I have been trying to get rid of my u-boat for ages, I never wear it and haven't had any luck selling it so took that my longines, meistersinger and sinn, all in all I traded the uboat and longines for this 60s vintage Rolex, they were asking £1795 which I thought was high, he offered £800 for the uboat and £400 for the longines, but after a bit if haggling I walked out with the Rolex for those two pieces, so got rid of the ones I wanted to, kept the ones I wanted, and got this...