A colleague of mine recently bought a Sub from an AD in Hong Kong. When he got back to the Netherlands he found it was losing a minute a day and took it to the Rolex dealer at Schiphol airport. After careful examination (with my colleague present) the AD found the Sub to be a fake. Right.

He requested a flight to HK to confront the dealer. Walking into the shop, he found the salesman in question who greeted him with a "Welcome to XXXXXX, how can I help you?" After explaining the situation the salesman asked for ALL the paperwork, boxes, watch, the lot and said that he would discuss the matter with the manager who was in the office at the back of the shop. He gave the salesman everything and waited patiently, feeling satisfied that his case was being heard and that everything would be taken care of.

After 4 or 5 minutes, the salesman reappeared and calmly said to my colleague "Welcome to XXXXXX, how can I help you?".

Bloody hell.