Quote Originally Posted by sandman View Post
I agree about the Bond thing. Not only a fictional character but one that actually wore a Rolex in the books. All it is now is product placement in a movie franchise. I wouldn’t wear a watch with a 007 shaped seconds hand if it was given to me for free (or one with snoopy on it for that matter).
I once upon a time bought a Speedy Tuesday Ultraman which I soon sold on as the gimmicky UV light up ultraman symbol was embarrassing (that was the first and last time I ever got caught up in the hype over a watch).
Omega really need to stop with all these gimmicks and let the quality and styling of their watches do the talking.
Yep I did exactly the same with the Ultraman. And I too can't get over how downright jealous I am of those who didn't sell out and watched its value climb to near double. It's enough to make you bitter ;-)