Yes, it's been a long (15 years) journey to get to where I wanted. Having bought and sold over a thousand watches, I'm now in a place where I'm completely happy with my collection.

Have I achieved want I wanted? Yes.

Do I have the pieces I truly love wearing? Yes.

Am I happy every time I look at my wrist?! YES!

Watch buying for me was always a goal to find the pieces that really speak to me, and so I am very happy with the end result of that journey. It's a wonderful, interesting and in-depth hobby, that's not only helped me to find my perfect timepieces, but also brought me many like-minded friends and wonderful laughs along the way.

So without further ado, my SOTC photos for 2023...

"So where's the watch then?" I hear you ask.

Why, it's on my wrist silly!
