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Thread: Anxiety came back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Anxiety came back

    This is more by way of catharsis than anything else.

    I have Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which means I am anxious all the time (bit of co-morbid mild depression for good measure). It is well-managed by SSRI medication, or at least was.

    After about 7 years, I find out that the SSRIs (antidepressant medication, Selective Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor) sometimes just stop working. Just like that. Last week, my anxiety was back as bad as it had ever been. I was ultra worried that I was getting this terrible anxiety despite being on the maximum dose!

    Spoke to the doctor, who allayed my fears and confirmed that they do just stop working, and prescribed a different one, as well as some sleeping tablets.

    I am now in the teeth of acclimatising to the new meds, which includes side effects of even higher anxiety and big insomnia. The sleeping tabs help, but I can't take them every day as they can become addictive. The acclimitisation will take at least two weeks.

    I know that at most I have another couple of weeks to suffer through before things stabilise, but with anxiety and lack of sleep (which can be up to no sleep at all), I am in bits. Very glad I work from home, and can just about function.

    Anyway, just to vent, and reach out in solidarity to all on here that are fighting our mental health demons. Keep the faith fellow (and ladies), it DOES get better.

    Just to add, it hasn't stopped me from buying watches... Geckota sale.

  2. #2
    Master Wolfie's Avatar
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    Ah…. Sorry to hear of your troubles, but, your understanding of it and approach to getting help is very refreshing and will mean that you can cope…

    Anxiety is incredibly common…. I’ve lived alongside it for all my adult life, but, have avoided meds and find excercise and (although not used it for a while) acupuncture keep me level…

    Well done and keep fighting the good fight 👍🏼

  3. #3
    You might want to ask your doctor if Trazodone makes sense in your condition on top of the SSRI, in place of dedicated sleeping tabs. Best of luck bringing it all back under control.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    OP, well done for being so open about your condition. Not many people share there issue's with complete strangers, but it's always good to talk. I used to hold in my issue's, but it does not bother me about talking about them., this show's strength and professionalism, so don't think of yourself as being week as you are not.

    I have just completed various weeks with TILS ( Transition , Intervention, Liason Service ). TILS are more about CBT in a sort of way they try to determine the best way forward to combat Depression /Anxiety and other Mental Health issues that ex service personnel suffer from.

    Having been diagnosed with Co Morbid Agoraphobia / Panic Disorder and PTSD whilst serving in the Army, I have now been refered to The Complex Treatment Service but the waiting list is very long and hopefully these professionals can sort me out and eventually come of the med's.

    Good luck with the journey forward.

  5. #5
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    You are brave for sharing but far from alone.

    I suffer from panic attack’s and have also on occasion found myself punishing myself as a way to make things feel better. Typing this down it sounds utterly stupid but at the time if I’m finding my anxiety at boiling point I’ll punch myself in the head as a reaction. For me the trigger is something I can’t ‘fix’. Normal things I’ll solve or dodge but when I’m snookered my brain seems to simply crash.

    My mother has suffered for years with it and every day for her is a struggle especially during the pandemic. She will bounce from issue to issue once one thing is fixed it’s onto the next. Dentist, haircut, flu jab, not got any Christmas presents etc, it never ends.

  6. #6
    i can only speak from my troubles as a teenager but i found the only thing that worked was a total change of lifestyle and natural self help such as eating healthily, being very fit and active and cutting out all habits such as smoking and drinking completely. The worse thing you can do is be by yourself dwelling on things all the time.

  7. #7
    Master Halitosis's Avatar
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    Kudos for your openness OP, and you are far from alone.

    Knowing your symptoms will ease in a couple of weeks provides a good focus, but I strongly recommend you let your employer know (if you haven't already). Besides employers being way more sympathetic and supportive these days, sharing the issue may well help reduce your anxiety.

    When able to do so, try to get out for daily walks. Whatever the weather, they are one of nature's most amazing medicines.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Thanks all- very supportive. Talking about it really helps.

    I am trying to eat healthily and take daily walks, which I should be doing anyway!

    I keep telling myself- it's just a matter of time...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    There's a very good and free audio book by Paul Mort on 'Audible' the App. Well worth a listen!

  10. #10
    Grand Master WORKSIMON's Avatar
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    You are doing the best thing in sharing it with others and understanding that it’s good to talk and it will get better. Well done for sharing and remember you are never alone, there is always someone who can help with a bit of support as you see on here.

    I’ve spent a lifetime with it and have had various ups and downs. Some pills worked, some didn’t and some made me worse which is why I think it is important to listen to the doctor and also listen to your own body and be as clear as possible with the doctor and make sure you get everything across to them.

    Over the years I have tried everything from multiple Psychiatrists, medication, exercise, eating etc etc. A few years ago I was lucky to be seen by a young Polish psychiatrist when I had reached crisis point and he was amazingly understanding and helpful. He started me on a different mix of medications and got me enrolled with a CBT specialist.

    I have accepted that for me I really need the medication to live with my issues and am lucky that the ones I use continue to help me but I cannot recommend CBT highly enough. It took a lot of hard work and time but I have even managed to give up a job of thirty years that I hated but never thought I could leave and be unemployed for the first time in my life and I still have a smile on my face. I still have some issues but I’m sure they will follow as I adjust my life to try and just be happy.

    It’s amazing the happiness I get from greeting my daughter in from school and sitting with her on the couch and having a mid afternoon cuppa every weekday. Could never do that when I was stuck at work and wouldn’t change it for the world now.

    Good luck, I wish you the best for the next couple of weeks, you will start feeling better and my Inbox is always open if you ever need any help.


    Ralph Waldo Emerson: We ask for long life, but 'tis deep life, or noble moments that signify. Let the measure of time be spiritual, not mechanical.

  11. #11
    Talking about it is the one of the better relaxations so well done for starting the thread. You are not alone. Best wishes

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  12. #12
    Master mjrennie's Avatar
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    Anxiety is a vicious thing. Good that you can speak about it, that takes a lot and is, I believe, a good thing for you to do. All the best to you. I hope your employers are accommodating.

  13. #13
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    COCOA can help relieve anxiety ... plenty of advice online ref cocoa benefits ... I add a desert spoonful of cocoa to fortified porridge every morning ... CACAO has similar benefits but cocoa is very much cheaper.

    Google 'Cocoa and anxiety' ... but ignore the chocolate advice ... chocolate recipes can vary and can be the most expensive way of adding cocoa / cacao to your diet.

    Last edited by sundial; 2nd December 2021 at 01:29.
    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom
    In the short term, whilst your new medication regimen takes effect, have a look into cold water therapy. I find it incredibly efficacious for anxiety.

    Looks of good advice here: I too had to give up alcohol which really exacerbated my condition; but my tip to try until your SSRIs stabilise would be cold water therapy.

    Look up Jesse Coomer on you tube.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Eastern England
    May I recommend a Jack Russel Terrier....................................... and I am not joking. They take over your life and you don't have any time for anxiety! Worked for me.

  16. #16
    have you tried CBD oil or otherwise ingested?

    My cousin sells it and most of his clientelle are pain sufferers and anxiety sufferers.

    I don't take it yet - but my anxiety got really bad during the first lockdown to the point I even had erectile disfunction for some weeks also which didn't help matters!
    took up cold water swimming and that helped get the best sleep ever in ages which helped everything else...
    recently with this omricon news I feel my anxiety rear itself up again

    get small achievable goals done and out of the way (no matter how tedious) every little thing that needs doing or sorting adds up and makes my anxiety worse
    Last edited by Xantiagib; 2nd December 2021 at 15:38.

  17. #17
    I hope you make a swift recovery.

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