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Thread: Got COVID!

  1. #1

    Got COVID!

    It is no where near as much fun as they all tell you.
    Been bedded-down for 2 days now.

    On the plus side, I am smashing through 8 seasons of Homeland…

    I was becoming a bit blazé about it all - I have my vaccines, am young-ish and generally fit and healthy - but it has put me on my arse properly.

    Why am I telling you this?
    Because you need to know.
    And also because I only knew one or 2 people who suffered during last year, but this recent spike has seen many of my colleagues and friends affected.
    It is still out there.

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  2. #2
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    Take care, hoping for a swift recovery.
    Don't just do something, sit there. - TNH

  3. #3
    Master ed335d's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that. Are you aware of any specific situations that you might have been in where you might have contracted it?

    Or is it, as you say, just being a bit blase and not taking sufficient preventative measures?

  4. #4
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    I went for my third dose today (triple whammy) and spoke to the nurse, saying "I'll bet that you will be glad when this is all over won't you?" She said, nodding towards the hospital next door "It's a long, long way from being anything like over and won't be until people start to take it more seriously! That place is filling up rapidly again!" Take care, get well soon.

  5. #5
    Grand Master JasonM's Avatar
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    The wife and I had it a month ago, like you, it didn’t feel very ‘mild symptoms’ , but maybe in the scale of how bad it could be, it was.
    As you say, this latest wave seems to be closer, we know quite a few people personally that have had it recently, much more than the first time around, the weirdest thing was the loss of taste and smell, absolutely zero of each, it’s coming back now though.

  6. #6
    Master bomberman's Avatar
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    Got COVID!

    Currently in day 6 of isolation having tested positive via a PCR due to a LFT showing I have it.

    To be honest I’’ve been lucky. Had headache, cough, sore throat, shivers feeling hot and cold for a few days but now seem to be over the worse of it I hope.

    I’ve lost all sense on taste and smell and it’s awful as I’ve lost my appetite and really not enjoy eating anything at all. (Should be good for my waistline).

    Double jabbed fortunately.

    Hope you continue to feel better OP


  7. #7
    Grand Master Sinnlover's Avatar
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    Get well soon Notenoughwrists.
    I was ‘fortunate’ to get it in July after only one jab and I had very mild symptoms - I lost my sense of smell, other than that I felt grand. Other lads and lasses I know have been poleaxed by it. I hope you feel better soon.

  8. #8
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    Got COVID!

    Quote Originally Posted by bomberman View Post
    Currently in day 6 of isolation having tested positive via a PCR due to a LFT showing I have it.

    To be honest I’’ve been lucky. Had headache, cough, sore throat, shivers feeling hot and cold for a few days but now seem to be over the worse of it I hope.

    I’ve lost all sense on taste and smell and it’s awful as I’ve lost my appetite and really not enjoy eating anything at all. (Should be good for my waistline).

    Double jabbed fortunately.

    Hope you continue to feel better OP

    Sorry to hear that mate, hope you are on the mend and your lovely Ladies are staying clear

    Isabelle also got a positive LFT today so off we all went for a PCR, awaiting the results so far me and a Nik have remained clear but not gonna be easy for 2 weeks, can’t really banish her to her room

    And of course all the best to notenoughwrist, I know a few people that had it real bad, I’m fact my dad just survived but has never recovered so you have my fullest sympathies

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  9. #9
    Although you probably don’t feel like it, keep yourself hydrated and try and eat....all the best and hope you’re on the mend quickly.

  10. #10
    Craftsman enndriz's Avatar
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    Am sure you will be fine, the Jabs certainly take the edge off it. I’ve just come put of isolation after it worked it’s way thru our entire house. I only felt slightly rough for a bout 2-3 days and absolutely fine otherwise, barely any symptoms to be fair. The missus was wiped out for a week so it still seems weirdly different for everyone.

  11. #11
    Currently isolating as well, started getting symptoms on Friday but had negative test results.

    Finally tested positive on Monday after losing sense of smell and taste, symptoms include headache, tiredness, aching joints, sweats and shivers.

    The loss of smell and taste is just the strangest thing, I hope that doesn’t last!

    Mrs C has also tested positive but my daughter shows no symptoms and is testing negative but is isolating with us as a precaution. The double jabs have hopefully kept the worst at bay.

  12. #12
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    I got rather fat when I caught it and still need to shed the pounds. I spent 10 days eating takeaways and watching Netflix. Did fancy drinking beer at the time also but thought I had better not!!

    The taste thing was rather strange and the most annoying part. Only certain things would register - extra chillis on my kebab didnt work at all
    Last edited by kultschar; 24th November 2021 at 21:13.

  13. #13
    Grand Master JasonM's Avatar
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    The lack of taste thing was so bad, I could chew on peppercorns ( on my soup) and it might as well been uncooked rice.

    Thankfully and surprisingly, my two teenage sons were clear and tested negative all the way through our isolation.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by notenoughwrists View Post
    It is no where near as much fun as they all tell you.
    Been bedded-down for 2 days now.

    On the plus side, I am smashing through 8 seasons of Homeland…

    I was becoming a bit blazé about it all - I have my vaccines, am young-ish and generally fit and healthy - but it has put me on my arse properly.

    Why am I telling you this?
    Because you need to know.
    And also because I only knew one or 2 people who suffered during last year, but this recent spike has seen many of my colleagues and friends affected.
    It is still out there.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    Man, that's terrible, got it in July and got lucky, it felt like a really strong flu. My brother passed away in January from it, so I know it can get really bad.

    Hope you feel well and get over this thing soon.

  15. #15
    Master Wolfie's Avatar
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    It’s still very real…. A colleague that I was very close to died last month from it.

    It transpired he wasn’t vaccinated…. I was both angry and really upset

    His 21 year old son was killed by a drunk driver in Vegas in the summer…. His family have been through absolute hell…. One was deeply tragic and one was also tragic, but, completely avoidable…

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos.Trejo View Post
    Man, that's terrible, got it in July and got lucky, it felt like a really strong flu. My brother passed away in January from it, so I know it can get really bad.

    Hope you feel well and get over this thing soon.
    So sorry to hear this Carlos. Too many people still think Covid is just like the 'flu

  17. #17
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suds View Post
    So sorry to hear this Carlos. Too many people still think Covid is just like the 'flu
    I think to be fair most people don't realise just how bad real flu is (and think flu is like a heavy cold) and think therefore Covid is like a cold. I've had influenza and Covid and flu was far worse. But Covid was much worse than a cold.

  18. #18
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    Day 6 of isolation here, has put me on my bottom too! Any small physical effort exhausting. Really depressing being locked away by myself whilst wife and kids stay away (they are all negative). I'm mid-30s, double-vaxxed.

    Trying to make the most of the 'rest' and when headache allows catch up on boxsets. Hope you feel better soon OP and to everyone out there - this is no joke, get vaccinated!

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  19. #19
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    Be interesting to see the latest stats with Japan in a few weeks as at the moment looks promising that it may have mutated to extinction,also worth taking 4000 to 10000iu vitamin d through all this quite a few papers on the benefits of it.

    Get well soon op

  20. #20
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    I don’t want to get drawn into the vax or anti-vax debate, but I saw this today providing view across the EU and thought it was interesting.

    Obviously I appreciate a lizard may have mind melded with me whilst I was using my phone and changed the data.

  21. #21
    Master Ruggertech's Avatar
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    Hope you have a full and speedy recovery.

    Indeed it is still out there as you rightly say. Watching the news tonight it appears that Germany has broadly similar infection rates to the UK, but 3x the hospital admissions. This can only be down to vaccination uptake especially when taking into account the very similar culture and demographics both countries share. How people can still be antivax is beyond my comprehension.
    I wish you and your loved ones all the best.

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  22. #22
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    I had it early. Knocked me for six. Six days in bed; sleeping 14 hours a day. Also, no risk of putting on weight cos I barely ate for a week. I was fully over it after about three weeks but the biggest improvement was on day 7.

    If it is any solace though, for me, it wasn't as bad as when I had the flu in 2013, not even close (real flu, not the bad cold one that people usually have when they say they have the flu). That was three weeks in bed and the cough didn't clear up for two years. I have a feeling it led to lasting damage to my lungs too. Always wondered whether it affected how bad I was when I had covid

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  23. #23
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    It's a funny thing. I was told by the school to take my younger daughter for a PCR test as there was a cluster in her class. She tested +ve, 2 siblings and each parent ok. Day 2 test showed mammy +ve, everyone else still ok.
    Hard to distance in a small house, but all subsequent tests showed no transmission of the virus in the family. Each parent double jabbed, mammy actually triple as NHS.
    At least no great effects from it, mammy had a loss of taste for a couple of days (imho always had no taste, looking at how she dresses) and a heavy cold, and daughter showed nothing.
    Wishing the OP a speedy and complete recovery, hopefully your immunity is well in place now.

    Sent from my Nokia 1.4 using Tapatalk

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post
    I think to be fair most people don't realise just how bad real flu is (and think flu is like a heavy cold) and think therefore Covid is like a cold. I've had influenza and Covid and flu was far worse. But Covid was much worse than a cold.
    I am quite vocal regarding getting both the flu and COVID jabs, my brother died of influenza twenty years ago and he was a super fit forty year old. You can’t go around worrying about these things but you have to give yourself the best chance surely?

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  25. #25
    Grand Master magirus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Parabola View Post
    I had it early. Knocked me for six. Six days in bed; sleeping 14 hours a day. Also, no risk of putting on weight cos I barely ate for a week. I was fully over it after about three weeks but the biggest improvement was on day 7.

    This pretty much mirrors my experience of having covid at this time last year. I subsequently was vaccinated in March/May and had my booster a couple of weeks ago. My wife, son and eldest daughter also had it at the same time but recovered a lot quicker than I did. It's at the very least irresponsible not to be vaccinated IMHO.

  26. #26
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quality Man View Post
    I am quite vocal regarding getting both the flu and COVID jabs, my brother died of influenza twenty years ago and he was a super fit forty year old. You can’t go around worrying about these things but you have to give yourself the best chance surely?

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app
    Exactly. I had covid jabs and flu jab and will have covid booster too. Anything else is just irresponsible.

    BTW sorry to hear about your brother

  27. #27
    Master yumma's Avatar
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    I hope you all make speedy recoveries too.

    I will add I am double jabbed and I caught Covid in early September this year. I had 5-6 days laid up in bed with the virus which which was like a bad dose of Flu. I have been doing the Zoe Covid study and when logging symptoms I was ticking pretty much every box.

    I have been really healthy in most of my adult life; running a lot up to and including Marathon distance, I would be in the gym at least 5 times a week doing a combination of Strength training and Calisthenics (check out my profile pic).

    Currently I am still signed off work, I can barely walk for more than 20 minutes without being exhausted, I am now on an Asthma inhaler and am fatigued all the time. I am generally needing 12 hours sleep every day. My coordination is affected and I am still suffering brain fog and constant headaches and chest pain. I am awaiting a chest x-ray and have been referred to the Long-Covid Clinic.

    Covid has absolutely floored me and is ruining my health; both physically and now mentally it is getting to me. As someone ordinarily very healthy and mid-forties Covid; but more so, long-Covid is doing a proper number on me.

    Be careful all. It really can bite you in the backside.

    All the best.


  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by tixntox View Post
    I went for my third dose today (triple whammy) and spoke to the nurse, saying "I'll bet that you will be glad when this is all over won't you?" She said, nodding towards the hospital next door "It's a long, long way from being anything like over and won't be until people start to take it more seriously! That place is filling up rapidly again!" Take care, get well soon.
    I don't think it will ever go away, it will always peak over winter periods but even in summer it will always be present.

  29. #29
    Master Ruggertech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yumma View Post
    I hope you all make speedy recoveries too.

    I will add I am double jabbed and I caught Covid in early September this year. I had 5-6 days laid up in bed with the virus which which was like a bad dose of Flu. I have been doing the Zoe Covid study and when logging symptoms I was ticking pretty much every box.

    I have been really healthy in most of my adult life; running a lot up to and including Marathon distance, I would be in the gym at least 5 times a week doing a combination of Strength training and Calisthenics (check out my profile pic).

    Currently I am still signed off work, I can barely walk for more than 20 minutes without being exhausted, I am now on an Asthma inhaler and am fatigued all the time. I am generally needing 12 hours sleep every day. My coordination is affected and I am still suffering brain fog and constant headaches and chest pain. I am awaiting a chest x-ray and have been referred to the Long-Covid Clinic.

    Covid has absolutely floored me and is ruining my health; both physically and now mentally it is getting to me. As someone ordinarily very healthy and mid-forties Covid; but more so, long-Covid is doing a proper number on me.

    Be careful all. It really can bite you in the backside.

    All the best.

    Blimey Darren, that is a shocking and frightening real life description of the potential long term effects. All the best to you and hope your health returns to normal.

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  30. #30
    Master yumma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruggertech View Post
    Blimey Darren, that is a shocking and frightening real life description of the potential long term effects. All the best to you and hope your health returns to normal.

    Sent from my SM-A125F using Tapatalk
    Thank you. I am keeping everything crossed

  31. #31
    Got covid 3 weeks ago. Had all symptoms for 2 days each - first 2 days fever, next were muscle aches, then cough and several days after that just general disinterest in life :)

    Lost a smell, but it came back quite quickly.

    My daughter got it week after me, generally the same - fever, blocked nose, but she recovered quicker.

    Strangely that Mrs got nothing.

  32. #32
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    I had the booster yesterday morning and I feel terrible today. I’m trying to get into work this afternoon but it’s my first absence in 4.5 years.

    First vaccine I felt ill, I then caught COVID and was pretty much fine. Second vaccine I felt very ill but it didn’t stop me for long. Third vaccine and I have a fever of 38.7.

    Will I get a fourth based on the above. I’m sure my mind will change when I’m better but I certainly won’t look forward to it!!!

    BTW, I had 2 Pfizer first and Modena yesterday

    I nearly went for a workout after the jab yesterday and bloody glad now, I didn’t!

  33. #33
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodder View Post
    I had the booster yesterday morning and I feel terrible today. I’m trying to get into work this afternoon but it’s my first absence in 4.5 years.

    First vaccine I felt ill, I then caught COVID and was pretty much fine. Second vaccine I felt very ill but it didn’t stop me for long. Third vaccine and I have a fever of 38.7.

    Will I get a fourth based on the above. I’m sure my mind will change when I’m better but I certainly won’t look forward to it!!!

    BTW, I had 2 Pfizer first and Modena yesterday

    I nearly went for a workout after the jab yesterday and bloody glad now, I didn’t!
    Mrs ryanb741 had a Moderna booster on tuesday and yesterday was very unwell. Crashing headaches and fatigue. Nurofen helped and she is better this morning

  34. #34
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    I really hope everyone gets better soon.
    As per my other thread, I had covid in July and ended up in hospital for 10 days, I was at home for a week trying to get over it but in the end I just couldn't breathe and was so weak from not eating or exercising that I had no choice.
    It really is very frightening when you go into those wards and see just how sick this can make you, unfortunately one guy didn't make it on my ward and to see someone being wheeled out in a box really brings it home.
    I was discharged early August and I'm gradually improving, still get very tired, and the taste thing is still with me, it's a long recovery for me but I'm just very grateful that I walked out of that hospital instead of being carried out.
    The numbers tell us it's still with us and Personally, I think it will spike again, I hope I'm wrong but we're just getting too relaxed about it for my liking.
    I had my booster yesterday and I'm suffering a bit today, but I'd rather that and have maximum protection than risk the alternative
    Once again, I hope everyone that's got it recovers well and my thoughts are with those that have lost loved ones.

  35. #35
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    Firstly my commiserations and best wishes for recovery to all those suffering. My opinion, fwiw, is that the main issue is you just don't know how it will affect you so it is not worth leaving it to chance so get jabbed and take care as best you can still.

    My daughter had it at Uni in Oct 2020 so would have been the original variant. Lost her sense of taste and smell which all came back and fine apart from that. None of the five others in the house caught it. My wife, a teacher then brought got it and mainly just had some things tasting weird. I have had worse colds apart from the initial mother of all headaches no issues with taste or smell. So basically we were all different in symptoms and how we felt though none of us were that bad. In a way having had it you feel like the big unknown has been taken away. Though it obviously depends how it affected you.
    Last edited by reecie; 25th November 2021 at 12:58.

  36. #36
    Master studly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yumma View Post

    I will add I am double jabbed
    How long after being vaccinated did you catch covid and what vaccine did you get?

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by yumma View Post
    I hope you all make speedy recoveries too.

    I will add I am double jabbed and I caught Covid in early September this year. I had 5-6 days laid up in bed with the virus which which was like a bad dose of Flu. I have been doing the Zoe Covid study and when logging symptoms I was ticking pretty much every box.

    I have been really healthy in most of my adult life; running a lot up to and including Marathon distance, I would be in the gym at least 5 times a week doing a combination of Strength training and Calisthenics (check out my profile pic).

    Currently I am still signed off work, I can barely walk for more than 20 minutes without being exhausted, I am now on an Asthma inhaler and am fatigued all the time. I am generally needing 12 hours sleep every day. My coordination is affected and I am still suffering brain fog and constant headaches and chest pain. I am awaiting a chest x-ray and have been referred to the Long-Covid Clinic.

    Covid has absolutely floored me and is ruining my health; both physically and now mentally it is getting to me. As someone ordinarily very healthy and mid-forties Covid; but more so, long-Covid is doing a proper number on me.

    Be careful all. It really can bite you in the backside.

    All the best.

    I wonder whether being super-fit, working out etc makes much difference to a COVID outcome compared to the average person (not the unfit and obese) and might it even be detrimental?

    Anyway, hope you (and everyone else) get over it soon.

    Had my booster and definitely worse than first 2 (AZ) jabs. Very tired next 2 days but nothing serious. Same for Mrs K.

  38. #38
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear of your indisposition mate.

    My wife, and three son's have all had Covid and it really was similar to a mild cold with the associated loss of taste/smell.

    I'm the only one in my family who hasn't had it - a fairly unfit 60 odd year old!

    Perhaps that's the answer.

  39. #39
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    It’s so easy to dismiss health …. until it’s taken away from you. I hadn’t ever really been ill in all my adult life then around 2014 I fell very ill. I phoned a Doctor friend who came over, told me I had pneumonia and took me straight to hospital. I was incredibly poorly and at one stage couldn’t breath and genuinely thought that was it. Since I’ve recovered I’ve never been 100% right and have had other illnesses like labrynthitus.

    Every year I now have the flu jab and last year they let me have the pneumonia jab which previously was for over 65’s but because of covid they changed the rules (cost £70 I think). I’d advise everyone to get jabbed to reduce risk, as life really is too precious. Hopefully everyone here recovers soon.

  40. #40
    Master jukeboxs's Avatar
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    My best wishes to everyone affected for a speedy and full recovery. Health is often the invisible gift, one we should all treasure (as many of you, I know this from personal experience).

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post
    Exactly. I had covid jabs and flu jab and will have covid booster too. Anything else is just irresponsible.

    BTW sorry to hear about your brother
    Thank you Ryan.

    Some sobering stories in this thread, your health really is your wealth.

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  42. #42
    Master Ruggertech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingstepper View Post
    I wonder whether being super-fit, working out etc makes much difference to a COVID outcome compared to the average person (not the unfit and obese) and might it even be detrimental?
    There may be something in that.
    About 20 years ago, in my mid thirties I was a heavy smoker. I had a full medical at work and was told by the doctor I had the lungs of a 20 year old. Naturally I was pleased with this news and said the ciggies obviously weren't harming me then. He said, regarding your lungs it seems not, but the fact they are so efficient means the other 400 odd carcinogens and other harmful chemicals present in ciggies were being more efficiently transported to the rest of my body and organs. I gave up smoking shortly thereafter.
    A different scenario sure, but maybe the principle is the same.

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  43. #43
    Master yumma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingstepper View Post
    I wonder whether being super-fit, working out etc makes much difference to a COVID outcome compared to the average person (not the unfit and obese) and might it even be detrimental?

    Anyway, hope you (and everyone else) get over it soon.

    Had my booster and definitely worse than first 2 (AZ) jabs. Very tired next 2 days but nothing serious. Same for Mrs K.
    Many thanks for your well wishes.

    I had wondered whether there is a more marked difference or whether it is completely random and down to luck.

    Whilst I was vaccinated and cautious throughout the pandemic I always thought if I did catch Covid, being so healthy, I would get cold symptoms for a few days and quickly bounce back. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

    Take care all.

  44. #44
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yumma View Post
    Whilst I was vaccinated and cautious throughout the pandemic I always thought if I did catch Covid, being so healthy, I would get cold symptoms for a few days and quickly bounce back. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
    You are not the only one here convinced of that. Unfortunately.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  45. #45
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    Sorry to hear that notenoughwrists but hopefully you're well on the mend. Exactly as you say, it's not any fun at all and still very much out there..

    My experience reflects so many here. I'm double jabbed, wife (NHS) triple jabbed, but on November 1st both felt crap and did a lateral flow test, I came out positive, Mrs B negative, so off for a PCR the next day, they tested us both - as she would have to isolate anyway - and both came back positive.
    TBH really was like a nasty cold, very tired, I had the cough, sneezing runny nose (sorry for the visual imagery) and scary temp, 39.5 for a couple of days. Taste and smell went on day 5, come back day 10 or so. She's fine, as am I really, just left with this horrible cough, which I understand can take a while to go. Bit tired still but I guess it would be classed as a "mild" illness.

    Please all, don't be blase about this, it's nasty, even double or triple jabbed.

    BTW, the NHS now won't let me even book my booster for a month from date of positive test, so actually due in a few days, but I'm in no rush to book the booster, seeing as I've had "the real thing" I'm assuming (always risky to assume) that I'm better protected than if I had the 3rd jab. Probably book it for early January.
    Keep safe all..

  46. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bazzman View Post
    Sorry to hear that notenoughwrists but hopefully you're well on the mend. Exactly as you say, it's not any fun at all and still very much out there..

    My experience reflects so many here. I'm double jabbed, wife (NHS) triple jabbed, but on November 1st both felt crap and did a lateral flow test, I came out positive, Mrs B negative, so off for a PCR the next day, they tested us both - as she would have to isolate anyway - and both came back positive.
    TBH really was like a nasty cold, very tired, I had the cough, sneezing runny nose (sorry for the visual imagery) and scary temp, 39.5 for a couple of days. Taste and smell went on day 5, come back day 10 or so. She's fine, as am I really, just left with this horrible cough, which I understand can take a while to go. Bit tired still but I guess it would be classed as a "mild" illness.

    Please all, don't be blase about this, it's nasty, even double or triple jabbed.

    BTW, the NHS now won't let me even book my booster for a month from date of positive test, so actually due in a few days, but I'm in no rush to book the booster, seeing as I've had "the real thing" I'm assuming (always risky to assume) that I'm better protected than if I had the 3rd jab. Probably book it for early January.
    Keep safe all..
    To be fair actually catching COVID offers significantly more protection than any vaccine so I certainly wouldn’t worry

  47. #47
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    Had my (Pfizer) booster yesterday and feel c*ap today. I had two AZ previously and only had a bit of a headache and lethargy on those. The missus had hers at the same time and is fine!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  48. #48
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    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Rodder View Post
    To be fair actually catching COVID offers significantly more protection than any vaccine so I certainly wouldn’t worry
    That's just flat wrong. You get no consistency of immunity in the population from catching it as everyone will have different levels. What is apparently true is that having had Covid and then getting a jab gives you are better immunity. So say covid and one jab equals two jabs but you are still better off having had a jab either way.

  49. #49
    Theres a cold and covid doing the rounds at our kids school.

    Daughter got a sniffly nose 2.5 weeks ago, negative lateral flow Mon & Tues. I got the cold from hell which kicked in Tues. Wed, daughter did a positive lateral flow, so we both went for PCR's, her positive, me negative. 2 weeks later and i'm only just recovering from the cold and daughter has been fine the whole time. 4 of her friends in her class had covid at the same time, 1 didn't, but she had the cold, her parents now have covid. All very odd

  50. #50
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    South West, UK

    Got COVID!

    Quote Originally Posted by reecie View Post
    That's just flat wrong. You get no consistency of immunity in the population from catching it as everyone will have different levels. What is apparently true is that having had Covid and then getting a jab gives you are better immunity. So say covid and one jab equals two jabs but you are still better off having had a jab either way.
    The scientific evidence is clear, that COVID produces more antibodies than a vaccine. Its obvious I wasn’t talking about a societal position but a personal one. And for an individual they will have more antibodies after catching COVID as opposed to being vaccinated.

    Also, what are you going on about; one jab and COVID equals two jabs…??? You’re just flat wrong as you’re clearly making that up.
    Last edited by Rodder; 25th November 2021 at 19:18.

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