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Thread: Asthma - anyone else's been on the fritz this past week?

  1. #1
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    Asthma - anyone else's been on the fritz this past week?

    My asthma has been nasty for the last 10 days or so. Speaking to a couple of friends theirs has been playing up too so it must be an atmospheric thing.
    Anyone else suffering with it at the moment?
    I've upped ventolin dose and am taking fostair as usual but I'm still constantly shitey with it.
    Wondering if there are any other methods to regulate it without excessive inhaler use or resorting to steroids ?

  2. #2
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    Mines started, I don’t take hardly anything through the winter but now spring is here it’s getting a little worse, usually connected to grass and tree pollen.

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  3. #3
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    Mine is linked to hay fever.

    I have increase the frequency of nasal irrigation with saline to twice daily since the weather got warmer and so far this seems to have helped.

  4. #4
    Mine was the worst it's been in about 20 years a few weeks back. Our daughters has been bad too, so must be something around.

  5. #5
    Master Guz's Avatar
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    Our medical practice has a dedicated asthma nurse, think I attend about once every three months, they send me a reminder letter and I make sure I keep the appointment.

    Mine thankfully has been mild, I'm Forstair throughout the day and Montelukast at night time.

    It's a royal pain in the butt. The last time it was really bad I had a chest infection and assumed it was my asthma playing up, the infection lasted for about 3 months before I finally made an appointment for the doctor and got antibiotics followed by steriods.

    That was about a year ago and taught me a lesson to make early appointments as the sign of trouble.

    Good luck

  6. #6
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    I saw the gp who said that there's some upper respiratory tract viruses going about at the minute so that's a potential but whatever it is it's wreaking havoc. I'm not a hayfever sufferer fortunately but I can imagine that being a woeful combination.
    I tend to get a couple of chest infections a year but they're more in winter and this is definitely not that.
    I've got prednisolone on standby but have avoided so far.
    It's properly annoying.

  7. #7
    Master Guz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by verv View Post
    I saw the gp who said that there's some upper respiratory tract viruses going about at the minute so that's a potential but whatever it is it's wreaking havoc. I'm not a hayfever sufferer fortunately but I can imagine that being a woeful combination.
    I tend to get a couple of chest infections a year but they're more in winter and this is definitely not that.
    I've got prednisolone on standby but have avoided so far.
    It's properly annoying.
    It's a nightmare, hopefully it'll pass but its horrendous and can really drag you down

    I tend to get my chest infections on schedule, October, January and April so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  8. #8
    Master Artistmike's Avatar
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    One of the many reasons I'm glad that I moved to the Westcountry is that the prevailing westerlies bring in nice clean air from the Atlantic most of the time, which is great for my asthma. Mind you, when the wind turns easterly it gets pretty dire here I must say.... I had a chest infection a little while ago that exacerbated it all but thankfully things have recovered now but if I find the pollen starting to kick off the asthma at this time of year I just go down on the beach and breathe in the clean salt air.....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by verv View Post
    I saw the gp who said that there's some upper respiratory tract viruses going about at the minute so that's a potential but whatever it is it's wreaking havoc. I'm not a hayfever sufferer fortunately but I can imagine that being a woeful combination.
    I tend to get a couple of chest infections a year but they're more in winter and this is definitely not that.
    I've got prednisolone on standby but have avoided so far.
    It's properly annoying.
    With a small boy, I've picked up two really awful respiratory infections in the last 6 months. There's some doozies going about that make you feel really bad - I had childhood asthma that I've mostly grown out of but I was having issues. As above if you even have a sniff that it might be infection related get yourself to the GP.

  10. #10
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    Asthma - anyone else's been on the fritz this past week?

    Quote Originally Posted by verv View Post
    My asthma has been nasty for the last 10 days or so. Speaking to a couple of friends theirs has been playing up too so it must be an atmospheric thing.
    Anyone else suffering with it at the moment?
    I've upped ventolin dose and am taking fostair as usual but I'm still constantly shitey with it.
    Wondering if there are any other methods to regulate it without excessive inhaler use or resorting to steroids ?
    I know you think I’m a shit, try a homeopathist preferably one who is a practicing GP as well, my daughter was asthmatic since birth, we tried everything but it all failed, we had one private visit at her clinic, she consulted a very old looking book, asked questions about our daughter that where not health related, prescribed 4 pills 6 months and cured.

    You could have knocked me down with a feather as I was highly sceptical.

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    Last edited by Volvomanuk; 23rd April 2018 at 15:00.

  11. #11
    I only have asthma because the asthma nurse at my GP's clinic is a bit of a MILF.
    Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced.

  12. #12
    Master Guz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backward point View Post
    I only have asthma because the asthma nurse at my GP's clinic is a bit of a MILF.
    Now, I’m not going to ask for pictures .... :-)

  13. #13
    Master Sharky's Avatar
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    Just a heads up that there is a recall for certain asthma inhalers:


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by verv View Post
    My asthma has been nasty for the last 10 days or so. Speaking to a couple of friends theirs has been playing up too so it must be an atmospheric thing.
    Anyone else suffering with it at the moment?
    I've upped ventolin dose and am taking fostair as usual but I'm still constantly shitey with it.
    Wondering if there are any other methods to regulate it without excessive inhaler use or resorting to steroids ?
    My bet is it’s tree pollen, especially birch tree pollen.

    I was fine until last week, then it hit me big time, red eyes, sneezing, runny nose etc. It’s the same for me every year at this time.

    Interestingly I don’t get hay fever, but get the tree pollen equivalent.

    I know it’s tree pollen as when I eat some types of fruits I get an allergic reaction in my mouth which feels like an uncomfortable tingling.

    I’m not allergic to the fruit but the birch pollen that has bound itself to the fruit.

    Lots of stuff on the internet about it.

  15. #15
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    Not much birch about near me I don't think. I gave up and started taking steroids a couple of days ago and it's done some good but I'm still rattly. No hayfever symptoms though as yet but I'm anticipating it once I'm in London.

    Lime tree blossom is a big trigger for me and bizarrely enough mango.
    Also orange flavoured diluting juice like kia-ora but that's easy to avoid.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volvomanuk View Post
    I know you think I’m a shit, try a homeopathist preferably one who is a practicing GP as well, my daughter was asthmatic since birth, we tried everything but it all failed, we had one private visit at her clinic, she consulted a very old looking book, asked questions about our daughter that where not health related, prescribed 4 pills 6 months and cured.

    You could have knocked me down with a feather as I was highly sceptical.

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    My mother took me to a homeopath when I was a kid and I got some bottles of stuff to mix into water but I can't remember if it was effective.
    I've been asthmatic since I was a nipper. Usually it's well controlled but unless it evens itself out i don't mind looking at some of the other methods of dealing. I bloody detest prednisolone so anything is better than that on a regular basis.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by verv View Post
    Not much birch about near me I don't think. I gave up and started taking steroids a couple of days ago and it's done some good but I'm still rattly. No hayfever symptoms though as yet but I'm anticipating it once I'm in London.

    Lime tree blossom is a big trigger for me and bizarrely enough mango.
    Also orange flavoured diluting juice like kia-ora but that's easy to avoid.
    Moving South C?

    London pollution might play havoc with your alveoli

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by verv View Post
    Not much birch about near me I don't think.
    Plenty of other tree pollen which can stuff you up.

    Alder (Alnus) – pollen released between January and late April, peaking between mid-February and early April

    Ash (Fraxinus) – pollen released between early March and late May, peaking between early April and early May

    Birch (Betula) – pollen released between early March and mid-June, peaking between late March and mid-May

    Elm (Ulmus) – pollen released between early February and late April, peaking between early March and early April

    Hazel (Corylus) – pollen released between early January and late April, peaking between mid-February and mid-March

    Lime (Tilia) – pollen released between early June and early August, peaking between mid-June and mid-July

    Oak (Quercus) – pollen released between late March and mid-June, peaking between late April and early June

    Pine (Pinus) – pollen released between early April and late July, peaking between early May and late June

    Plane (Plantanus) – pollen released between early March and late May, peaking between mid-April and mid-May

    Poplar (Populus) – pollen released between mid-March and early May, peaking between mid-March and early April

    Yew (Taxus) – pollen released between early January and late April, peaking between late February and late March

    Willow (Salix) – pollen released between early February and early May, peaking between early March and early April

    Source :

  19. #19
    Possibly due to not going to the gym, my asthma has become an issue in the last year or so with repeated chest infections and a few rounds of antibiotics. However, recently I have started taking Clenil Modulite (brown preventer inhaler) and the last chest infection cleared up as result (and without taking antibiotics and Ventolin). The preventer inhaler has really made a difference.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by stefaulkner View Post
    Moving South C?

    London pollution might play havoc with your alveoli
    I can totally feel the difference in air and breathing whenever I'm there. Stuffy bloody place.

    Blimey notag. Bet its pollen of some description related then. Ill maybe start on a piriton daily as well.

  21. #21
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    Pollen bomb according to the news last weekend -

  22. #22
    I would have sworn I don't have hay fever, but the last week I've been blocked up and sniffly.

    The hay fever sufferers in the office had a terrible time.

    There was definitely something up.

  23. #23
    It's the Russians.
    Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced.

  24. #24
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    Could well be your move down south C.

    I have for years tried to figure out what sets mine off.

    I definitely know its dust, but when I get it and not subjected to dust I haven't got a clue.

    Strangely enough have not had anything for a while and have stopped taking my proventor.

    I've just jinxed myself now and will get it back.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew S View Post
    Could well be your move down south C.

    I have for years tried to figure out what sets mine off.

    I definitely know its dust, but when I get it and not subjected to dust I haven't got a clue.

    Strangely enough have not had anything for a while and have stopped taking my proventor.

    I've just jinxed myself now and will get it back.
    I’ve had a lifetime of non specific allergy. I’m always snorting and sneezing, and rarely are both nostrils clear. After testing they’ve just classed it as perennial rhinitis.

    I live well inside the M25, and I’ve been advised this is a significant contributing factor. And, I’ve worked this out myself, as when I travel my symptoms almost all disappear.

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