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Thread: The death of Doctor Who??

  1. #201
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by rsykes2000 View Post
    My pair is fine, thanks
    I suggest if you are feeling the need to bemoan the apparent lack of real heterosexual film 'heroes' (and you were the one that used that word first) and talk show hosts, that you actually come at people with proof rather than vaguely meninist clichés and anti-women sentiments. Have a lovely evening
    Tee-hee! It's Millie Tant!
    This is the internet, sunshine - 'coming at people with proof'?!? And is Meninist a word? (It isn't) - and anti -women? - hang on, do you work for the Beeb?!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by Velorum View Post
    It does seem a bit over the top sometimes. I have to admit the storyline involving the lesbian lizard woman who had an affair with her human maid and then married her shortly after eating Jack The Ripper was rather amusing.
    This was my point really. It's a bit silly, and very ham fisted. Actually that might have happened on one of the Captain Jack episodes with the pig men

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  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobDad View Post
    Sorry, you've lost me?
    You've just said that calling the BBC pc "upsets people"

    Right on the back of telling us how your son now wonders what's wrong with being a heterosexual male.

    He appears to be rather more "upset" than anyone rolling their eyes at the howls of "pc gone mad!" if he's even vaguely considering that there may be something wrong with being a heterosexual male just because wonder woman is in the cinema and a woman is in a tv show.

    Either that hes not upset at all and the sad tale was a tool to gather sympathy for your perspective.

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by verv View Post
    You've just said that calling the BBC pc "upsets people"

    Right on the back of telling us how your son now wonders what's wrong with being a heterosexual male.

    He appears to be rather more "upset" than anyone rolling their eyes at the howls of "pc gone mad!" if he's even vaguely considering that there may be something wrong with being a heterosexual male just because wonder woman is in the cinema and a woman is in a tv show.

    Either that hes not upset at all and the sad tale was a tool to gather sympathy for your perspective.
    Erm, no. He's not that upset, he just made an observation and we had a chat about the changing perceptions of men in the modern world. Or his perception which I thought was interesting, and he brought up Dr Who as an example. When I was 16 I had views too. And not all were correct, and I continue to learn as I get older. And I have conversations with my son, and sometimes we disagree but I listen to his (evolving) point of view, and I'm happy to have differing and evolving views and perspectives. We both agree Dr Who is a bit crap but that's about it. The internet is a bit too serious and judgemental considering how a minor comment which I intended to stir opinions on a very minor and utterly trite topic results in so much ire. I really don't give a monkeys who plays Dr Who!!

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  6. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by RobDad View Post
    The internet is a bit too serious and judgemental considering how a minor comment which I intended to stir opinions on a very minor and utterly trite topic results in so much ire. I really don't give a monkeys who plays Dr Who!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    To be fair, you didn't stir any ire, you just made factually inaccurate comments about women lead roles and gays as talk show hosts. Nobody but you got worked up about it ☺️

  7. #207
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    We seem to be missing the big advantage of having a female Doctor, which is of course that the BBC will only have to pay her 77% as much as a male Doctor...

  8. #208
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickk View Post
    We seem to be missing the big advantage of having a female Doctor, which is of course that the BBC will only have to pay her 77% as much as a male Doctor...
    Very good!
    When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks long into you.........

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by rsykes2000 View Post
    To be fair, you didn't stir any ire, you just made factually inaccurate comments about women lead roles and gays as talk show hosts. Nobody but you got worked up about it
    You sir, or perhaps madam, are a prize plum and you have made me jolly furious with your barbed comments. I surrender to your superior intellect and knowledge of out of date facts harvested from Google. I am ashamed. My real is Barbara and I missed out on being the new Dr Who, hence my participation in this thread. Sob. I'm so worked up

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  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobDad View Post
    Erm, no. He's not that upset, he just made an observation and we had a chat about the changing perceptions of men in the modern world. Or his perception which I thought was interesting, and he brought up Dr Who as an example. When I was 16 I had views too. And not all were correct, and I continue to learn as I get older. And I have conversations with my son, and sometimes we disagree but I listen to his (evolving) point of view, and I'm happy to have differing and evolving views and perspectives. We both agree Dr Who is a bit crap but that's about it. The internet is a bit too serious and judgemental considering how a minor comment which I intended to stir opinions on a very minor and utterly trite topic results in so much ire. I really don't give a monkeys who plays Dr Who!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I think the ire that claim to have caused is entirely fictional particularly when directed at people who are quite literally not being remotely judgemental about a woman taking the role.

    Your accusations are profoundly misdirected.

  11. #211
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickk View Post
    We seem to be missing the big advantage of having a female Doctor, which is of course that the BBC will only have to pay her 77% as much as a male Doctor...

    Very sharp!

    Although I believe Gary Lineker is next in line as the new Doctor.

  12. #212
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.C View Post
    Very sharp!

    Although I believe Gary Lineker is next in line as the new Doctor.
    Chris Evans surely...?

    Imagine an irritating, shouty Doctor - What could be better? And his new assistant could be the short sighted Ms Winkelwitch... In fact, the other way 'round, then the story of him being blind carries forward and the startled clown look Bill had on occasions can follow to the idiotic, aging clown look that Evans likes so much!

    Sorted - Looks like I'm a shoe in for the new DG!


    PS and we can transport them back to 1967 to pay them 3 and fourpence an episode!

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by rsykes2000 View Post
    There have been female Time Lords. Your argument is incorrect.
    Okay, I can accept that. But not changing gender. That is a modern aboration!

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by odyseus10 View Post
    I still think that the writers should have just killed off "Doctor Who" - make Peter Capaldi the last "Doctor" something along these lines..As they can be pretty lazy at the writing...

    Doctor Who (Capandi) gets summoned back to Galifrei by the Time Lords.

    You used too many regenerations Doctor. your time is at an end.

    Capaldi pleads "who will save the Universe and look after Humankind" etc and bows out in dramatic fashion. Doctor Who as we know him is at an end and dies.

    The Timelords require a replacement, cue a New Timelord character the first generation of a female Timelord.

    She get's given the key to the Tardis and off she goes on her adventures - a new reboot for the Sci-fi series. Future re-generations will be female. The show can carry on as Doctor Who,
    although the writers would have to think up a new name for the new Timelord.

    If the audience doesn't take to a female doctor, better then just to finish the series, because going back to a male role will just be lame.

    Remember Sci-Fi fans like continuity and a 'Timeline" that sort of makes some sense.
    What a superb idea. Much better.

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by rsykes2000 View Post
    Sorry you've been forced to read and comment on the 2 threads about this. It's a shame the other 4000 active threads about non-Doctor Who things have been locked ;)
    I do love the way you seem to see things others completely miss and your incisive grasp of wit and irony.
    Thank you for being you.

  16. #216
    Master MerlinShepherd's Avatar
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    C'mon OP, have two hearts!

    I was hoping deep down that the new Dr Who would be played by Benjamin Zephaniah. Not for political correctness, but because he's funky as hell!
    I was also rooting for Mina Anwar, again for the same reasons....

    Neither were in the running of course, just my fantasy.

  17. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve27752 View Post
    Okay, I can accept that. But not changing gender. That is a modern aboration!
    I guess it depends on your definition of modern. As stated in a post above, it was mooted, by the creator of Dr Who, in '86.

  18. #218
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    I don't see what difference the sex of the character makes
    There are many differences between male and female, so the character dynamic will be different, or it should be unless the writers don't take it into account, which would be stupid to not acknowledge the differences between males and females.
    Maybe should have had a break away from the Dr Who series and start a new one called something else with a female lead but also as a Timelord.
    (There was The Bionic Man and then The Bionic Woman, different characters, dealt with things differently.)
    Might have been successful and the 2 characters could end up in some of the same programmes working together. That might have spiced things up a bit.

  19. #219
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    I think that they should bring these two back as companions

  20. #220
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve27752 View Post
    What a superb idea. Much better.
    At the risk of showing I've spent time thinking about this, I disagree.

    Another Timelord would just be another Timelord without the the Doctor's experiences, so they'd effectively be starting from scratch.

    Daleks (for example) have a 'genetic memory' of "The Doctor" which makes them fear him/her, this will continue (although they may not have got the memo advising that Timelord's can change gender now - The same way The Doctor had a bit of a shock when he found out Daleks had mastered the stairs!), which it wouldn't if they met another Timelord (who we know they don't have the same fear and regard for from years of Dalek episodes).

    It's an idea (the same way a spin off is), but I think the regeneration into a female form is actually much better and, you know what, I think makes some sense given that the Doctor will actually be mortified at the 'death' as he saw it of one of his companions - Taking on female form in 'sympathy' or 'honour' in such a scenario really doesn't sound so incredible.

    Of course, if we had the chance to spend a few months in the form of an attractive younger woman, we'd all give it go, wouldn't we?


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