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Thread: Knee pain from new car, anyone?

  1. #1
    Master jukeboxs's Avatar
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    Knee pain from new car, anyone?

    4 weeks I started experiencing knee pain in my right leg (my first such leg pain ever) - pain to the touch to the inside left of the right knee cap, and sore when walking (but only after 5-10 mins or so). Sometimes my knee felt like giving way (akin to walking back down a Munro) - which made me think it was the meniscus. I had a virus around the same time (3 days with fever, stomach cramps and vomiting), and I assumed the pain was virus related - but, after 3 days at home not walking, the pain went away. However, on my return to work (a 3 mile walk each way, been doing it for years), the pain came back.

    I then went to my GP last week, who has signed me up for an X-ray (in case it's bone related), and also suggested it could be early-onset arthritis.

    Anyway, it then clicked with me - could it be related to my new BMW (delivered around the time the pain started)? I moved from a Skoda Superb (manual) to a BMW 520d (my first automatic). I've had the seat set quite far back, with base sloping up slightly, very straight back (as usual) and base extension extended out. Anyway, I think I had it set too far back. I have since moved the seat closer to the wheel, and it has improved slightly I think - but it's still uncomfortable (even painful sometimes), maybe it will take a while for the damage done to subside.

    Anyway, I just wondered if anyone else has had any knee pain when moving to a different car (especially if from a manual to an automatic)? If so, what helped reduce this pain? I did notice reviews for the 5-series criticising the pedal placement of the manual car, but not the automatic.

    I've not yet booked an appointment with a physio, although this is probably needed. I've not gone for the X-ray as I'm assuming it's not bone related, otherwise it would constantly sore when walking.

    Sorry for the long-winded post. And thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
    I had my cartridge done back in 2007 which was, at first diagnosed as a Radial ligament tear. The physio actually made my condition so much worse and I ended up being off work for nearly 4 months as the damage to the end of the bone needed extra work whilst he was in there.
    My pain was on the side edge around the knee and at the back of the knee.
    My only advise is to avoid physio until you know 100% what it is.

  3. #3
    Master pacifichrono's Avatar
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    Try a few things, like:

    • Raise or lower your seat a bit;
    • Move it a bit fore or aft;
    • Tilt the seat more forward or backward;
    • Place a small cushion/pillow under your right knee and/or to the right of your knee.

    I would try these things one at a time. Even very small changes in the angles of your knee upon exertion can make a difference in stress. Of course, your knee pain may be completely unrelated to your new Beemer - - let's hope so!

  4. #4
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    Yes I have had pain from seating positions in new cars. Typically sport ones with low seating positions and raising the seat helped a lot.

    Worst was a lotus Elise and everything hurt after a while of driving that!

  5. #5
    Grand Master number2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mtagrant View Post
    Yes I have had pain from seating positions in new cars. Typically sport ones with low seating positions and raising the seat helped a lot.

    Worst was a lotus Elise and everything hurt after a while of driving that!
    Including your pockets?

  6. #6
    Master alfat33's Avatar
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    I had the same.

    It wasn't just the seat position in the new car, I also noticed that I was holding my foot just above the accelerator pedal and tensing my leg up. Moving the seat but also forcing myself to relax my leg while driving helped a lot.

  7. #7
    Craftsman Bluemoon7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alfat33 View Post
    I had the same.

    It wasn't just the seat position in the new car, I also noticed that I was holding my foot just above the accelerator pedal and tensing my leg up. Moving the seat but also forcing myself to relax my leg while driving helped a lot.
    Same as me. I developed knee and hip pain after swopping cars a few years ago. It took a while to get the driving position to a point where I was comfortable over longer journeys but it is fine now.


  8. #8
    Grand Master zelig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alfat33 View Post
    I had the same.

    It wasn't just the seat position in the new car, I also noticed that I was holding my foot just above the accelerator pedal and tensing my leg up. Moving the seat but also forcing myself to relax my leg while driving helped a lot.
    Exact same thing here. With the XF auto. Took a while to get the seat position right, but much better now.
    I'd read that it's good to get the seat base to support the underside of the thigh, but no so much that you have to fight it to push the pedals - so your leg can relax without tensing up to hover over the pedal.


  9. #9
    Master Anygreg's Avatar
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    Knee pain from new car, anyone?

    Which model and year is it? F20? M-Sport? The pedal position in BMWs is offset to the right on most. The seat is the main culprit as most cradle the seat back, which isn't a great move. Start with a totally flat base and almost straight back with lumbar if you have it. Raise until it just supports the back of your thighs. Keep the front extension pad to a minimum unless your a 6 footer. My first coupe BMW gave me real bad lower back pain until I got the seat right. I also had knee pain. I've had so many beemers now I just now what works and what doesn't. E.g. I can't drive the 4 series due to seat position. Am fine in X series. Good look with it

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    Last edited by Anygreg; 28th March 2017 at 08:23.

  10. #10
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    Have you noticed that you get in and out of the car differently from your previous one? It may be that when getting out you are twisting, or putting a new, to you, stress on your right knee. I had a cartridge operation some years ago and I recognise the need to minimise twisting it under tension.

  11. #11
    Grand Master thieuster's Avatar
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    Yes, been there too. My ankle. It had to do with the angle between my lower leg and my foot. That was easily rectified by dismantling the acc pedal, heating and bending it and putting it back.

    I don't know the 5'ers layout, but I think that there's some sort of surfboard as acc pedal? Can it be adjusted?


  12. #12
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    Both my knees are arthritic.

    I agree with some of the above comments re getting the right seat adjustment.

    As I can often spend 4 hours a day driving I find the thing that makes the biggest difference is cruise control - this allows me to bend my right leg upwards and rest my foot flat on the floor for long periods. I only drive autos these days.

  13. #13
    Master DMC102's Avatar
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    It always seems to take a great deal of T&E before I can find the optimal seat position to get around shoulder / back / leg / knee discomfort when I change cars.

    Keep making small adjustments, and once you hit upon the right position, don't forget to set it in the seat memory, otherwise it's back to square one every time it's valeted / serviced / MOTd, etc.

    If all else fails, try an MX5.

  14. #14
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    I wish I had 'memory' seats - the worst thing is when mine have been to the garage and one of the mechanics has moved the seat. It take me ages to get it back to just the right adjustment.

  15. #15
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Franky Four Fingers View Post
    I had my cartridge done back in 2007
    Have you found your printing has improved also?

    So clever my foot fell off.

  16. #16
    I had a company car 3 series BMW I got a bad pain in right knee, it was the way I twisted it as I got out of the car, ended up having to move the seat to get out which cured it, after a month of that the company changed the car for me. Get someone to watch you get out the car see if you step on one foot with twisted knee.
    Last edited by justin44; 28th March 2017 at 18:55.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post
    Have you found your printing has improved also?

    Pmsl, didn't see that schoolboy error.

  18. #18
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    I work for a company that delivers and collects Mercedes, Audi/VW and BMW demo cars, the length and breadth of the UK. Consequently I can be driving 2500 miles a week with individual journeys of around 300 miles each way. As was mentioned, you soon learn what is right for you but what amazes me when I collect cars is the weird seating positions some people have chosen. Typical problems (compared with my "ideal" seat position), are backrest too upright - no support for lower back, seat much too low - creates thigh support issues and unusual accelerator foot extensions, seat squab too flat - results in you pushing back with your heels to stay in the seat, seat too far from steering wheel, or too close.
    Some drivers never even explore the range of seat adjustments available. They just get in and drive, although some cars only have limited adjustments. I had a Mondeo at one time where I had to tilt the seat runners with a stack of washers to make it comfortable.

    A few minute spent getting a good driving postion can save a lot of pain later.

  19. #19
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    Talking about knee pain, as we are, for about a year I have had a very sore and frequently swelling right knee. I think it started last year as a slip on the stair ripping a couple of tendons. Anyway tcalss last month I went for MRI and the damage is reparable but advised to have steroid injection. T
    Last week the physio sucked out about a sherry glass of yellow wee-like fluid then injected cortisone. The difference is amazing, no pain, I'd forgotten what it is to have a nights uninterrupted.

  20. #20
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    I had this years ago when I was doing deliveries in a Renault van, my van was in for repairs and I had a ford transit on hire, pain was so bad I would hobble when I I got out and tried to walk.
    Van went back and I resumed driving the Renault and the knee pain completely disappeared.
    Not sure what you can do other than try to swop/return the car or try not driving it for a week or so.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  21. #21
    Had this with a 5 serries very painful, knee and hip, took a few months to get seat right and then the Mrs would drive it a mess it up. Ibuprofen Gel was a big help but it can be a hard thing to fix. the leg rest had to be in on mine as that was the big cause and getting the seat flat and not tilted. I had never had it an any car before. Inside of right knee.

  22. #22
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    Am I correct in thinking that the BMW 5 series have slightly offset pedals compared to many cars?

  23. #23
    Master Odo's Avatar
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    I have the same problem with my Avensis, aching beneath the kneecap on even short journeys but no issue at all in my beat up old Picasso. I think it comes from holding the leg in a particular position as well as the shape of the seat.

    I've found that dropping the thigh support down and moving the seat back a bit helps, even then I'm constantly fiddling around on long journeys to get the right position, good job the seats are electric :)

    On long trips I stick cruise control on and try to stretch the leg out as much as possible too.

  24. #24
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    Strongly advise the OP to get an MRI scan on the knee to find out what's going on. Don't trust physiotherapists to diagnose knee problems. If the pain is persistent and severe it needs investigating if it isn't putting itself right.

    An MRI scan and x-ray will provide the info needed; I speak from experience, my damaged cartilage was correctly diagnised this way, I had surgery on it and it's now 95% perfect. I'm back to running without any problems, which isn't bad at 59.

    My GP was very helpful, she had no hesitation in sending me for the MRI once I'd described the symptoms and the background to the injury.


  25. #25
    Craftsman Walesy's Avatar
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    I had it when I went from a Honda to a BMW, the right knee pain started then became a discomfort then disappeared. But I googled the same thing, same complaints etc. but never reoccured.

  26. #26
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    try; move the steering wheel closer to your chest once you have got the seat "comfortable" -do the seat first, then the wheel - from the straight arm racing position - a notch or two back(or short presses on the electric buttons) then a notch or two down make sure you do not have to move your neck at all to see the instruments behind the wheel.

    Straight arm driving is no good for comfort.

    Worked for me on the wife's new car about a month ago when I had the knee pain after about 50 miles - problem was it was so long ago that I set my own up that I forgot the routine I was advised to follow.

    Good luck

  27. #27
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    The only car-related knee issues I`ve had have involved getting in and out; that's sometimes aggravated an existing problem rather than being the cause. When my cartilage was damaged last year I found getting in and out aggravated it, and driving for any distance caused discomfort.....but this was nothing to do with the car! I still get the odd twinge when getting in and out, but it's become second nature to be careful with it.

    Knees are funny things, sometimes the pain is in a different place to the damage. Best to get the thing properly assessed. The car change may have highlighted an underlying problem but I very much doubt whether it's caused it.


  28. #28
    Craftsman mikiejack's Avatar
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    Knee pain from new car, anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by walkerwek1958 View Post
    Strongly advise the OP to get an MRI scan on the knee to find out what's going on. Don't trust physiotherapists to diagnose knee problems. If the pain is persistent and severe it needs investigating if it isn't putting itself right.

    An MRI scan and x-ray will provide the info needed; I speak from experience, my damaged cartilage was correctly diagnised this way, I had surgery on it and it's now 95% perfect. I'm back to running without any problems, which isn't bad at 59.

    My GP was very helpful, she had no hesitation in sending me for the MRI once I'd described the symptoms and the background to the injury.

    Plus one on this.
    Whilst the pain could be the car, the fact you have instability in the knee is not car related. There's no point in diagnosing via a forum, it needs an expert and a scan. Instability tends to be muscle related, or major cartilage wear, although I expect you would have noticed the cartilage a bit more pre-BMW.
    Last edited by mikiejack; 25th April 2017 at 20:35.

  29. #29
    I'm wondering if the base extension is the issue and is pressing on the ligaments (? at the back of your knee? I have long legs and keep my extension 'in' all the time......

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