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Thread: Have you become a pill popper?

  1. #51

    I take Vit D in winter, as my levels get very low - I can't see how anyone could get enough in the UK in winter.

    I take various meds each day, mainly for thyroid and adrenals; a multivitamin, and additional vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Who knows if the vitamins help anything, but I seriously doubt they are doing any harm.
    Last edited by Omegamanic; 24th February 2017 at 21:43.
    It's just a matter of time...

  2. #52
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-Just View Post
    I am on a Nuits Saint Georges 1er Cru "Les Pruliers" 2013.
    Tough year in the main wasn´t it 2013?

    Anyway cheers:)

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Passenger View Post
    Hehe lol´d, no-one¨s perfect.

    I´ve just begun consuming a very pleasant red from Jumilla at the moment:)Salud.
    Salud! Enjoy.

  4. #54
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Passenger View Post
    Tough year in the main wasn´t it 2013?

    Anyway cheers:)
    Indeed, but I promised you this one is lovely :)

    ¡Ojalá vivas todos los días de tu vida!

  5. #55
    Master MarkO's Avatar
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    Have you become a pill popper?

    Quote Originally Posted by Possu View Post
    The recommended Xylitol intake here is 5g per day. That translates into one or two lozenges or a couple of minutes of chewing gum after each meal. Surely not something to cause diarrhoea or TMJ.
    One stick of Trident gum contains 170mg of xylitol so you would need more than a couple of minutes chewing.

    The Spry Gems ( mints) contain 0.6g per mint so you would need to eat 17 per day for the 10g.

    I'm not saying 10g is correct, just what this guy was recommending.

  6. #56
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    Copious amounts of red wine plus a cod liver oil tablet daily.

    Pete (52 and not had a day off work in 12 years)

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAJEN View Post
    Vit D levels are useless.
    Taking Vit D supplements has not been shown to be helpful even if levels are low ( except those at risk of osteoporosis)
    It is one of the biggest medical hoaxes of last few decades.
    It IS an indicator of poor health but taking supplements is not the answer.
    Being outdoors , exercising etc are more helpful as they improve general health.
    US task force for preventive health does not recommend routine VIT D testing as there is no agreement amongst scientists about how low is exactly low and what to do about it and if supplements are actually helpful.
    By and large, supplements won't hurt- so no harm in taking them but OTOH, no need to take them either.
    Don't expect most GPS to know that,though.
    My son has Coeliacs and his Vit D levels were very low before supplements and came back to normal levels after being on them for a bit.
    My wife also works as an advanced nurse practitioner in a GP practice and regularly sees people with low VitD levels(the Asian population being particularly susceptible up here due to covering more skin)who after retesting months later have increased their levels and likewise their energy levels are much better.

  8. #58
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    I actually stopped popping pills(Mick Mills).
    Got married and grew up.
    It was good whilst it lasted though.
    Mitsubishis no more.
    Waiting for the next lot to start and these will be much less fun

  9. #59
    Master Pitch3110's Avatar
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    One forced as neurological pain relief since brain surgery in 2001 and two for BP.

    Oh and just stubbed my toe so a couple more.


  10. #60
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pitch3110 View Post
    ... and two for BP.
    Understandable, I suggest that you steer clear of the Bear Pit.

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by lenlec View Post
    I'm thinking of a daily dose of half of a normal aspirin
    What's the recommended dose ?
    Low dose aspirin tablets are usually 75mg so probably quarter of a standard one.

    Used to be on the shelves in Tesco but may be harder to get now. Much cheaper to divide 300 mg.

    Professionals will suggest consulting your doctor first.

  12. #62
    Master Pitch3110's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Curta View Post
    Understandable, I suggest that you steer clear of the Bear Pit.
    Like it

  13. #63
    Took daily aspirin on advice from the doc for 5 years, now I don't on advice from the doc!

    Perhaps I should split the difference and take one every other day😂

  14. #64
    Craftsman Bluemoon7's Avatar
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    Yep. Three different medications a day.......

  15. #65
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    My wife gives me a small pot of numerous supplements / vitamins daily, including an evening primrose capsule to help with my joints

    Whether or not these help physically or psychologically I don't know but I do notice a difference if I don't have them for a few days - it may be the TLC effect. They say that men live longer if they live with a partner

  16. #66
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    Two teaspoons of cod liver oil and a good Chablis with a splash of soda.



  17. #67
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    A couple of years past retirement and I take no medication at all.

    I have some paracetamol on standby in case of headaches ........ the pack expired in 2003.

  18. #68
    Master Timelord's Avatar
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    I tried taking 75mg of aspirin daily for its cancer-preventing effects, but it caused, or at least helped to cause my first gout attack. I was also taking an Omega-3 fish oil capsule daily because I don't eat fish or nuts. However, that doesn't help with gout either. The only thing I take now is a daily 1000mg tablet of soluble vitamin C in water. I read somewhere that taking it daily decreases the chances of a gout attack by 40%. Apart from the Vit C, I would now only take what a doctor has prescribed.

  19. #69
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    Have you become a pill popper?

    500 mg Keppra tablets twice a day

    Temozolomide chemotherapy tablets for 5 days each month for 12 months

    Long story short I was diagnosed with a Brain Tumour last August. Had surgery to remove it in October. (Thankfully the Nuerosurgeon was able to perform a total resection without me having any functional deficit. The tumour was in my right frontal lobe just under the skull. Thankfully not in an extremely critical part of the brain)

    Pathology showed it to be malignant (Anaplastic Astrocytoma), 6.5 weeks of IMRT Radiotherapy Monday to Friday and now 12 months of Chemo tablets 5 days each month.

    Life is a bi*ch sometimes. However I have recovered from the surgery and am looking to go back to work soon to try and bring some normality back in my life.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  20. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Kingstepper View Post
    Low dose aspirin tablets are usually 75mg so probably quarter of a standard one.

    Used to be on the shelves in Tesco but may be harder to get now. Much cheaper to divide 300 mg.

    Professionals will suggest consulting your doctor first.
    If you are taking aspirin every day you should really use enteric coated aspirin instead, so breaking up a larger tablet is not the answer.
    It's just a matter of time...

  21. #71
    Master Gruntfuttock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watchfreek View Post
    500 mg Keppra tablets twice a day

    Temozolomide chemotherapy tablets for 5 days each month for 12 months

    Long story short I was diagnosed with a Brain Tumour last August. Had surgery to remove it in October. (Thankfully the Nuerosurgeon was able to perform a total resection without me having any functional deficit. The tumour was in my right frontal lobe just under the skull. Thankfully not in an extremely critical part of the brain)

    Pathology showed it to be malignant (Anaplastic Astrocytoma), 6.5 weeks of IMRT Radiotherapy Monday to Friday and now 12 months of Chemo tablets 5 days each month.

    Life is a bi*ch sometimes. However I have recovered from the surgery and am looking to go back to work soon to try and bring some normality back in my life.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Well, I can't really follow that, but have started on the omega-3 fish oil tablets as a preventative measure after seeing this:

  22. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    If you are taking aspirin every day you should really use enteric coated aspirin instead, so breaking up a larger tablet is not the answer.
    This is debatable and the most serious side effect (internal bleeding) is not reduced by using coated tablets.

  23. #73
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    In the Land of Mystic Stones and Druids
    I was diagnosed with hypopituitarism in my early 20's which has lead to some secondary conditions, so I've been a pill popper for most of my adult life.

    So I take HRT in the form of two gel sachets daily.
    Lansoprazole which is a protein pump inhibitor as some of the drugs i have to take can rot your stomach. So this helps reduce excessive acid production.
    Vitamin D and calcium supplements as I have osteoporosis.
    Residronate (once per week) for the osteoporosis
    Folic Acid as the lansoprazole inhibits folate absorption leading to a vitamin b12 deficiency.
    Tamsulosin as i have BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) a side effect of HRT.
    I also have osteoarthritis so I take paracetemol and tramadol when required which is daily.

    Apart from that I am actually fit and healthy only suffering one osteoporotic related fracture in 25 years.

    The worst incident of pill popping though was in 1996 when executing a search warrant I got stabbed by a junkie with a syringe. He was confirmed hiv+ and hep c.

    I was treated with anti retrovirals for a month. 22 tablets a day. Nasty side effects resulted in crystals forming in my kidneys and pissing blood for a few days until I managed to drink enough water to stop the side effects.

  24. #74
    Master W124's Avatar
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    5mg daily Cialis :)

    BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypoplasia) has many of the symptoms of prostate cancer including erectile disfunction and difficulty with the waterworks.

    The first pee in the morning was becoming particularly troublesome.
    My consultant at Christies suggest two options, which are mutually exclusive.

    1, Tamsulosin (Maxiflow), will relax the prostate, but is incompatible with Viagra or Cialis.
    2, Low dose daily Cialis, which relaxes the prostate, and guarantees a top class boner as required.

    I was happy to go with option 2, and can now make a nuisance of myself whenever the children are not around :)
    Last edited by W124; 25th February 2017 at 22:59.

  25. #75
    Master numberjack's Avatar
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    Mostly co-codomal , tramadol and Viagra plus 1000 Rennies a week

  26. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by numberjack View Post
    Mostly co-codomal , tramadol and Viagra plus 1000 Rennies a week
    Ask your quack for some ranitine and dispense with the rennie's .

  27. #77
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Ranitidine ^ (or Zantac) can have other effects if used long term whereas Rennies are just chalk. I do find Zantac effective for a single bad day.

    Co-codamol can glue your insides like concrete though they're usually a good painkiller for stuff other than inflamation-caused issues.

  28. #78
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    Blood pressure, prostate and cholesterol tablets for me
    All after my 60th birthday. I must be average, 4 a day in total

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