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Thread: The (bathroom) scales of shame!

  1. #51
    Are you only 5 foot though ;)
    It's just a matter of time...

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    For the most part, those who think they have either a fast, or slow metabolism for that matter, don't!
    My Dad always used to say he'd never seen a fat man in the prisoner of war camp.

  3. #53
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noTAGlove View Post
    Couldn't agree more. Proven to keep your appetite at bay for longer when compared with and equivalent solid meal.
    Yeah, I eat soup most days in the Autumn/Winter these days (and salad Spring/Summer) - Definitely helps lose fat.

    Trouble is that I get bored this time of year and snack a bit too much, but lost a little of the Xmas excess.

    I like the idea in the original post - I'm sure some people need to 'win' at any cost (I know some people like this...), but as the money's going to charity I guess there's less incentive to cheat.


  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Maris View Post
    My Dad always used to say he'd never seen a fat man in the prisoner of war camp.
    Exactly. From years of being in gyms, so many people either say they can't put on size, or can't lose weight no matter what they do. Quite simply they aren't doing the basics of making sure they are either in a calorie surplus or deficit. First and foremost nothing else matters, nothing!!! I hear so much crap about the right food and diet, it's a joke. There is a guy on Alan Aragons feed at the moment who is doing 100 days of Icecream diet, to proof you can get really lean eating whatever you want. He'll be having 2000 cals from icecream and 500 cals Addison all protein powder per day for 100 days. Seeing this guy, he will no doubt be ripped to the bone compared to the average guy, from eating mostly icecream, in 100 days. People are so naive and don't understand the bodies relationship with food, or the bodies needs for protein and fats.
    It's just a matter of time...

  5. #55
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    So are you saying that 1000 calories of chocolate and 1000 calories of mixed veg are the same? Not sure that is the case.............

    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    Exactly. From years of being in gyms, so many people either say they can't put on size, or can't lose weight no matter what they do. Quite simply they aren't doing the basics of making sure they are either in a calorie surplus or deficit. First and foremost nothing else matters, nothing!!! I hear so much crap about the right food and diet, it's a joke. There is a guy on Alan Aragons feed at the moment who is doing 100 days of Icecream diet, to proof you can get really lean eating whatever you want. He'll be having 2000 cals from icecream and 500 cals Addison all protein powder per day for 100 days. Seeing this guy, he will no doubt be ripped to the bone compared to the average guy, from eating mostly icecream, in 100 days. People are so naive and don't understand the bodies relationship with food, or the bodies needs for protein and fats.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by zanderpants View Post
    So are you saying that 1000 calories of chocolate and 1000 calories of mixed veg are the same? Not sure that is the case.............
    Energy wise of course it is.
    Like a kilo of feathers weighing the same as a kilo of iron.

  7. #57
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    I like the idea in the original post - I'm sure some people need to 'win' at any cost (I know some people like this...), but as the money's going to charity I guess there's less incentive to cheat.
    I think you maybe underestimate the value of bragging rights in our office. There is no financial gain to be had (except the side bet for lunch), but everyone wants to win, nobody wants to lose. We've had a couple who have put on weight before and that was fun for all, except them of course! We have a couple of external contractors in now too, we even had a director one year! It's a great leveler, the scales can shame all!

    So are you saying that 1000 calories of chocolate and 1000 calories of mixed veg are the same? Not sure that is the case.............
    Yes, is that not the whole point of applying a calorific value to food? In terms of energy it's the same, the veg will have a lot more nutrients and due to the sheer volume compared with the chocolate will keep you full longer. This is the whole point behind the likes of weight watchers, they apply points to everything, so you get used to choosing foods which keep you full rather than a quick snack.

  8. #58
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    The way the body processes food depends on the food content, that is well understood. Foods may have the same calorific content but foods high in sugar are more likely to result in fat being produced by the liver because it is basically programmed to do so when insulin levels rise due to the rise in blood sugar levels.

    So the veg/chocolate may have the same calories but the latter is more likely to result in fat being produced.

    Whatever you think about fads etc. one thing is sure: eliminate sugar from your diet and you will see a huge difference. That's easier said than done because almost anything you buy from the supermarket other than raw ingredients is likely to rammed full of the stuff, even some so-called healthy products.

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Whatever you think about fads etc. one thing is sure: eliminate sugar from your diet and you will see a huge difference.
    The brain likes a bit of sugar though.

    It is not one thing nor another that makes you fat and however much or few calories you take in, the body needs a balanced diet. Including fat and sugar et al.

    Crash diets are all based on a total lack of balance. There is an infinite variety in unbalancing your diet. Most will see you loose weight and will undermine your defenses.

    A balanced diet made up of good quality products adding up to less energy than you burn is the only healthy formula to loose weight.
    Drinking sufficient water is very important; most people do not drink enough. Drinking a bit more helps you by tricking your appetite a bit.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huertecilla View Post
    A balanced diet made up of good quality products adding up to less energy than you burn is the only healthy formula to loose weight.
    Drinking sufficient water is very important; most people do not drink enough. Drinking a bit more helps you by tricking your appetite a bit.
    I don't think that is in dispute. The question is: what is a balanced diet? The research from the 60s upon which our current notions are founded is largely discredited now and understanding continues to evolve. Secondly, how can people change their diet in a sustainable way: eating minuscule portions of unpalatable food simply isn't sustainable.

  11. #61
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    I think a good start is for people to start cooking again. As mentioned above, many of the processed foods we buy are full of sugar, fat and salt. No doubt in my mind that cooking from fresh ingredients will be better for you.

  12. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    how can people change their diet in a sustainable way: eating minuscule portions of unpalatable food simply isn't sustainable.
    As observed; starting cooking your own. That is hardly rocket science.

    As to the what it is not difficult either.
    Stay away from prefab, processed food, incl. bread.
    Some veggies, some carbo, some meat, some fish, fruit, etc.; relatively easy on the meat, a bit more veggies and fruit etc. don't overcook and VARY, VAY, VARY! It does not need to be balanced every day nor measured with OCD.

    The only real problem is that common sense is not so common anymore. Well, tant pis; natural selection I say.

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    I don't think that is in dispute. The question is: what is a balanced diet? The research from the 60s upon which our current notions are founded is largely discredited now and understanding continues to evolve. Secondly, how can people change their diet in a sustainable way: eating minuscule portions of unpalatable food simply isn't sustainable.
    According to my son - An ice cream in both hands! You are right there so much information, sometimes contradictory that people get confused. As I had mentioned in a previous post reducing the "quantity" of calories and increasing the "quality" of calories is the sustainable way.
    Another thing that people forget is that they've put on this weight over many years and they need to give it time. 2 years ago went on a strict diet- predominantly fruit, vegetable based including lentils and stuff lost 10 Kgs but the plan wasn't sustainable in the long run, I missed the carbs. But TBH never felt better -sleep was better no back pain and all clothes fitting me well! This year will lose 1 stone by summer currently weighing 71 Kgs (BMI just in the over weight category) aiming for 65 Kgs, 64 if I'm more motivated.

    Quote Originally Posted by gunman View Post
    I think a good start is for people to start cooking again. As mentioned above, many of the processed foods we buy are full of sugar, fat and salt. No doubt in my mind that cooking from fresh ingredients will be better for you.
    I cook because I like cooking! I see a lot my colleagues bringing in ready meals from supermarkets at £ 3.50 to 4.50 a pop, for the same amount of money I can make enough to last me 3 to 4 days, it is healthier and I'm in control.

  14. #64
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    Addendum winter dieting:
    We have the first strawberries from Huelva!!!!!
    They are 3,5 Euros/kilo.
    Make a GREAT alternative for snacks, say a piece of cheese/chocolate/cake. More vitamin C than calories and a treat if you happen to like them which I do.
    I happen to like gnawing away a piece of carrot too; courtesy of my upbringing in the sixties when I was strictly told to eat an apple, orange or carrot instead of sweets/cookies/cake.

    Nice to know; never mind how much calories it all is exactly:

    During the season of green asparagus, we have those for free. We have an untold variety to use them and as food you can thus incorporate them several times/week without getting enough of it, but the smell of your pee does get rather a bore, even a nuisance.
    Last edited by Huertecilla; 12th January 2017 at 16:25.

  15. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by zanderpants View Post
    So are you saying that 1000 calories of chocolate and 1000 calories of mixed veg are the same? Not sure that is the case.............
    Its a lot like that, a lot more than you'd think. Of course there are nutrient demands that the body requires, but the concentration camp scenario is a good one - the amounts actually required are very small. A multi-vit would probably make a huge amount of difference.

    The exception is the energy used to process say 1000 cals of whole steak (not minced) compared to say 1000 cals of sugar - one requires substantially more calories just to process than the other.

    But if you think your body cares whether you are giving it organic wild rice or a pizza base, I honestly think you are missing the point of digestion and how the body processes food and extracts nutrients - it really doesn't care and will use what you give it.

    Id advocate 33% of cals from each of Fats, Protein and Carbs - a much more sensible approach, than the 60-70% carb diets that seem to be recommended for the masses.

    Crazily enough the body would get most nutrients it needs from a glass of milk a day, and an 8-10 oz steak every other day - just add vitamin C and a few others and you'd be close. A balanced diet means bugger all, and means very different things to different people.

    If you are very active you might not need as much fibre as someone who is a couch potato, as your body would proceed food more efficiently and your continuous movement would actually aid the digestive process.
    It's just a matter of time...

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post

    Id advocate 33% of cals from each of Fats, Protein and Carbs - a much more sensible approach, than the 60-70% carb diets that seem to be recommended for the masses.
    There are some 150 calories in a large Cappuccino; roughly 48% fat, 31% carbs, 22% protein.
    Using semi the calories and fat go down so the other relatively up. Does that get your approval?
    If so, an 8 cups/day skimmed milk Cappuccino diet would be a balanced way to get it all, fluids almost included

  17. #67
    Looks good 😊

    I have at least two mugs of milky coffee of some form everyday. Usually a shake with around 60-70g of protein powder with milk, and an assortment of different meats. I eat carbs when I'm bored.
    It's just a matter of time...

  18. #68
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    I had a stomach virus before Xmas and could only manage black tea and natural yoghurt for a couple of days.

    Having recovered I stuck to the black tea as it helped me avoid snacking (can't dunk in black tea) & also gave up my 2-3 pint of milk per day habit. This also meant a lot less crap that I ate with aforementioned milk. Upshot is nearly a stone off over the Xmas period and a relatively healthy 15 and a half stone (6'5").

    Trying to stick to this and have switched a few beers to a nice malbec to cut back on intake. Helps that I'm back on the dating scene and genuinely have a reason to try and look good.

    Eat less, exercise more. Seems fairly straight forward.

  19. #69
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    People get to caught up in weight, where I think it would be better for all if we concentrated on body fat %

    I've put on a stone and a half in the last six month I'm ashamed to say, a career change that is far less active and a big old all inclusive to Mexico in November along with far too much lager over Crimbo has seen me hit 15,10. I'm 6,1 so not the shortest or the tallest. I've decided to give the beer up for a few weeks as it always gives me a kickstart to getting back in to a better place.

    To be successful in transforming a body shape it really has to become a lifestyle change and not a short term diet. In reality I am weak and always succumb to a trip to the pub with the wife or friends and I love a bar of chocolate haha. Anyway, onwards and upwards. Good luck to everyone who has the best intentions and if it raises some money for charity, more power to you :-)


  20. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    Are you only 5 foot though ;)
    Plus 11" Scott :-)

  21. #71
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    check in - got on the scales this morning when I got into the office, down now to 91.8 kg (14st 6lb) Lost more than I expected to so far. Well on target for being under 90kg by the end of January.

  22. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunman View Post
    check in - got on the scales this morning when I got into the office, down now to 91.8 kg (14st 6lb) Lost more than I expected to so far. Well on target for being under 90kg by the end of January.
    No idea how much I weigh; too much and I am losing weight as fast as I sensibly can. When I am comfortable with the space I have in my clothes; I like a very loose fit, I may get on the scales.

    Quote Originally Posted by westberks View Post
    Helps that I'm back on the dating scene and genuinely have a reason to try and look good.
    I don't get that one AT ALL.
    Why would you not be motivated to stay trim for a relation your are in? Shouldn't that motivate you MORE?
    The way I see it, letting oneself go is basically not upholding one's end of the deal and thus setting the other free from the deal too.
    Last edited by Huertecilla; 13th January 2017 at 09:51.

  23. #73
    Journeyman yogi bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huertecilla View Post

    I don't get that one AT ALL.
    Why would you not be motivated to stay trim for a relation your are in? Shouldn't that motivate you MORE?
    The way I see it, letting oneself go is basically not upholding one's end of the deal and thus setting the other free from the deal too.
    I get it - but your totally right!

  24. #74
    Craftsman jamesianbriggs's Avatar
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    It's not a short term solution but for me the key to escaping a lifetime lardassity was strength training i.e. lifting progressively heavier weights. Someone explained it neatly to me by comparing bodies to cars. If you want to burn fuel then you need an 'engine' that's big and that hasn't been tuned for efficiency. Lifting builds muscle (bigger engine) and, unlike running (which, incidentally, I love) it doesn't make your body more energy-efficient.

    There's a great (and amusing) article about it here.

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  25. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunman View Post
    check in - got on the scales this morning when I got into the office, down now to 91.8 kg (14st 6lb) Lost more than I expected to so far. Well on target for being under 90kg by the end of January.
    Excellent start

  26. #76
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    Exercise and have lots of this

  27. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by raptor View Post
    Exercise and have lots of this
    Sorry but that does not wet my appetite at all.

    Went out for diner last night. Romantically shared one varied, healthy meal (so half the quantity) and exercised together.
    Losing weight in a healthy way, enjoying quality time.

  28. #78
    Master raptor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huertecilla View Post
    Sorry but that does not wet my appetite at all.

    Went out for diner last night. Romantically shared one varied, healthy meal (so half the quantity) and exercised together.
    Losing weight in a healthy way, enjoying quality time.

  29. #79
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    A quick update. Been a bad week for me. My health issues raised their heads again so this morning was my first day back in the pool this week (and I wasn't back to full strength either). I had been eating well though which has helped me. weight this morning on the scales of shame - 90.8kg (14st 4lb). So that's still 1kg down from this time last week and I'm within 1kg of my end of January target of below 90kg.

    Health permitting I should be under 90kg by the end of next week.

  30. #80
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    Good man, keep it up!

  31. #81
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    Half way thought this challenge now and I have this morning, met my half way target. Weighed at 89.4KG, so under 90kg which was my target. As it happens, that equates to a 1 stone loss!

    Another 4 weeks to go, I've changed my weekly updates to a Tuesday as the weigh out day is Tuesday 28th.

  32. #82
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    I too am on a path to shedding fat bastardiness. Sunday a week ago I was 131 kilos, since then I have been sticking to 2200 calories a day (my Basal Metabolic Rate) and walking round 13 kms a day, now down to 126 kilos, so 5 kilos lost in just over a week. Want to get down to 120 kilos asafp and then lose 1 kilo a week from there on in.

    Soup is a massive help as is loads of water

  33. #83
    Craftsman Gromdal's Avatar
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    Great job Ryan!

    I just want to chime in with my own experience - I'm getting married in September and have set myself a target of at least 16 stone by July - I started at 19st11. I've always meant to lose weight and I never used to be fat as a kid - until I started getting home earlier than everyone else and destroying the biscuits/crisps, a habit that followed me through life.

    On January 9th I started cutting back on refined sugars and carbohydrates and started following a 1400 calorie diet higher in proteins and fats, allowing myself treats within reason and not cutting out everything completely. Now, that's not to say I've sacked off the carbs altogether, I'm just avoiding them where I can. At a guess, I'm probably eating 50% of what I would normally have consumed calorie-wise. If I'm not doing scrambled eggs and ham for breakfast, I'm eating skyr/banana when I get to work, which is really helping avoid any morning snacking, followed up by soups for lunch or salads. I really like the Glorious meal soup range, and while they're not ideal to eat daily, they've been on offer at £1 to £1.50 recently so have stocked up. If I don't have access to a microwave or I'm at a different place of work, I've been stopping at Morrisons for their £3 salad meal deal because recently they've started adding things like piri-piri chicken skewers as the snack which can be added straight on top - also, they have boiled eggs and falafel which I love.

    Anyway, as of this morning I was down 10lbs in 3 weeks, with no exercise - just diet modification. I do intend to add this to mix, but the gyms are rammed at the moment and I have a turbo trainer on order for the bike so I can do youtube spinning sessions.

  34. #84
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    I've lost some weight recently and have been my lowest (not by much however) in over 3 years.

    Mainly change in diet and some light weight excecise, core compound moves.

    I still enjoy something small in the evening with a cup of tea, normally a fun size snickers or a couple of blocks from a bar of dairy milk.

    Problem is once I have an off day so going out with friends for a meal or dinner at my folks house, I find it extremely hard to get back to it the next day, and I'm off the wagon for a couple days atleast which has wiped out atleast a weeks efforts.

    I'm off the wagon now after going to a birthday brunch on Sunday.

    I'm pretty sure it's all psychological, I mean who needs to Indulge in unhealthy foods?

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  35. #85
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Estoril-5 View Post
    I've lost some weight recently and have been my lowest (not by much however) in over 3 years.

    Mainly change in diet and some light weight excecise, core compound moves.

    I still enjoy something small in the evening with a cup of tea, normally a fun size snickers or a couple of blocks from a bar of dairy milk.

    Problem is once I have an off day so going out with friends for a meal or dinner at my folks house, I find it extremely hard to get back to it the next day, and I'm off the wagon for a couple days atleast which has wiped out atleast a weeks efforts.

    I'm off the wagon now after going to a birthday brunch on Sunday.

    I'm pretty sure it's all psychological, I mean who needs to Indulge in unhealthy foods?

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    I'm a pretty decent weight now but going out to see my middle son in the US soon so will definitely have to keep a rein on my eating.

  36. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post

    Soup is a massive help as is loads of water
    Be sure to read the labels - some soups have a lot of fat and salt content. Better than a bucket of fried chicken of course ;-)

    My o/h makes a great vegetable soup from scratch that lasts us 2-3 days at the start of the week, and its great for controlling the weight, whilst being very healthy.

    Agreed on the water; I drink 3l a day, and am not the same without it.

  37. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by noTAGlove View Post
    Couldn't agree more. Proven to keep your appetite at bay for longer when compared with and equivalent solid meal.
    I'm not a massive fan of 'smooth' soups so have Heinz Big Eats. More like a casserole mix. Very filling.

  38. #88
    Grand Master Andyg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunman View Post
    A quick update. Been a bad week for me. My health issues raised their heads again so this morning was my first day back in the pool this week (and I wasn't back to full strength either). I had been eating well though which has helped me. weight this morning on the scales of shame - 90.8kg (14st 4lb). So that's still 1kg down from this time last week and I'm within 1kg of my end of January target of below 90kg.

    Health permitting I should be under 90kg by the end of next week.
    Excellent. I expect to see some fat boy trousers on SC soon.

    Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  39. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by gunman View Post
    Half way thought this challenge now and I have this morning, met my half way target. Weighed at 89.4KG, so under 90kg which was my target. As it happens, that equates to a 1 stone loss!

    Another 4 weeks to go, I've changed my weekly updates to a Tuesday as the weigh out day is Tuesday 28th.
    Keep it up, great effort so far, and I'm sure you will feel better for the hard work!

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post
    I too am on a path to shedding fat bastardiness. Sunday a week ago I was 131 kilos, since then I have been sticking to 2200 calories a day (my Basal Metabolic Rate) and walking round 13 kms a day, now down to 126 kilos, so 5 kilos lost in just over a week. Want to get down to 120 kilos asafp and then lose 1 kilo a week from there on in.

    Soup is a massive help as is loads of water
    That is fantastic Ryan! I'm always wary of people losing too much size in a short period of time. The skin elasticity takes time to adapt, and gained very slowly over a long period, so it will take time to reduce. A steady kilo a week is a lot. But all depends on the starting point of course. I'd still be aiming for only 1lb after the first month or two.

    In reality 5 kilos in a week is mostly a change in diet / exercise. 1kilo is roughly 7500 (fat) calories, so equivalent to a 37,500 calories deficit, which is highly unlikely. Dropping 500 calories per day, and exercising 500, would give you just under a kilo loss per week, and could be a very healthy change.

    in any case it looks like you are making very good progress - keep it up!

    I might look at losing a few kg over the next month or so, but I tend to eat more in winter and not the best food choices/portion sizes, whereas in warmer weather I usually eat very well.
    It's just a matter of time...

  40. #90
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    Not sure if anyone has mentioned it but get the myfitnesspal app on your phone.

    It's a great way to track your calories

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  41. #91
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    Forgot all about this, haven't been on the forum much over the last few weeks. I smashed my target, although there were some "strange" goings on to shed the last bit of weight, it was a competition after all.

    Weighed out on 28th at 83.1kg. That was a loss in 8 weeks of 12.7kg, just shy of 2 stone! I won the competition by some degree and have donated £210 so far to the RNLI.

    Now, just stay off the chips and I'll be fine!

  42. #92
    Awesome result! Just eat sensibly and get up your activity.

    I'll be attempting to reduce from 16.5 stone, and get as lean as possible over the coming months :)
    It's just a matter of time...

  43. #93
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    Should we start a TZ forum members weight loss thread?

    Monitor our progress and spur each other on?

    That weight loss is phenomenal btw

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  44. #94
    Grand Master andrewcregan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunman View Post
    Forgot all about this, haven't been on the forum much over the last few weeks. I smashed my target, although there were some "strange" goings on to shed the last bit of weight, it was a competition after all.

    Weighed out on 28th at 83.1kg. That was a loss in 8 weeks of 12.7kg, just shy of 2 stone! I won the competition by some degree and have donated £210 so far to the RNLI.

    Now, just stay off the chips and I'll be fine!

    Well done

    Having lost 23kg myself, and kept it off, I enjoyed reading others experiences and tips on here.

    I was originally inspired by our resident 'fatty' at work. Used to watch him eat 3000 cals in one meal - he loved his food, although it was clearly going to kill him! When he lost about 35kg, albeit under medical instruction, I realised that if he could do it, then anyone could. So I did

  45. #95
    Grand Master andrewcregan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Estoril-5 View Post
    Should we start a TZ forum members weight loss thread?

    Monitor our progress and spur each other on?

    That weight loss is phenomenal btw

    There was 3 of us at work who all lost a significant amount of weight.
    Only one went to 'Fat Club' (Slimming World I think), but we all succeeded with large changes in lifestyle.
    Encouragement from each other definitely helped, and I think a Weight Loss thread would be a great idea.

  46. #96
    Craftsman jamesianbriggs's Avatar
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    I've recently been back on the Harcombe diet which is a low carb/eat protein thing that I think works well for blokes and is do-able long term.

    Last time I did it I lost a couple of stone, then put half of it back on when I stopped running 15+ miles a week and let the beer consumption creep up again!

    Four weeks in again and half a stone down. Worth a google...

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  47. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Estoril-5 View Post
    Should we start a TZ forum members weight loss thread?

    Monitor our progress and spur each other on?

    That weight loss is phenomenal btw

    Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
    Good idea, I'll kick one off now as I could do with some motivation.

  48. #98
    Master robcuk's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Haarlem, NL
    Last August I was 137kg and on 22 tablets and injections a day for diabetes, blood pressure & coccydynia.

    I had a Mini-Gastric Bypass on August 22nd, last night I was 89kg, and on 5 pills a day (1 for acid reflux , this is a byproduct of the MGB plus 2x Codeine & Paracetamol per day for the coccydynia (not cured by weight loss)).

    Last summer I couldn't walk to the loo without resting, now I can do 14k steps in a day with 42 flights of stairs!

    Biggest downside is the loss of appetite and lack of interest in food, but, heh, I'm saving a fortune on food, but spending it on new clothes and watch bracelet adjustments :-)

  49. #99
    Grand Master andrewcregan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Highlands, Scotland
    Quote Originally Posted by Devonian View Post
    Good idea, I'll kick one off now as I could do with some motivation.
    Well done. Over here folks..............

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