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Thread: Any Leica experts here?

  1. #1

    Any Leica experts here?

    Thinking about something for my dad's 70th and my missus suggested a Leica. Dad's a keen photographer whilst we know next to nothing about it.
    Been looking at the X series but whilst I can appreciate its well made and the styling had that very cool retro vibe, is it a question of style over substance or is it actually as good (for a decent photographer) as it should be for the price?
    Any thoughts/experiences?

  2. #2
    I'm a long way from an expert but the Q seems to get great reviews if a fixed focal length isn't a problem.

    If I had a spare £3000 or so I'd love one

  3. #3
    I know nothing about Leica, but I do use the Fuji X system, and have an X-Pro1. It has a real retro rangefinder vibe, but with lots of modern tech, and lenses are excellent and good value. The new model has bags of resolution too. Much cheaper than the Leica, and I suspect would give most photographers most of the pleasure - I absolutely love using mine. Certainly worth having a look at both systems, I'd have thought...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In the south
    What camera does he have at the moment?
    Yes Leicas are nice but also very expensive and you can get something as good as for less.

  5. #5
    Master KavKav's Avatar
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    I have the Leica X-Vario and it is a stunning camera, the zoom lens is a bit slow aperture wise but that was the only necessary compromise to achieve the superb Leica lens quality. Unlike previous budget models, the build quality is true Leica and your dad will not be disappointed in any way!

  6. #6
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    Depends a lot on the photographer, what they photograph and whether they like simple clean design cameras. I bought a mint M6 for £700 3 years ago and I love that camera to bits, its pretty much what Leica is all about but its film, manual and a rangefinder (does have a very reliable built in meter though). Once I got used to it I found it the fastest camera to use I have every owned, you feel like a bit of Henri Cartier-Bresson or Salgado may rub off on you. They make all sorts of digital cameras these days but really the whole point of Leica, its reputation and the history is built on the M. Now a link to Ken Rockwell at his best:

    Personally I think the normal M6 is the quintessential M camera and was very popular as a professional tool back in the day, its just not that collectable due to the fact it was on sale in fairly substantial numbers for a long time until not long before the digital age.

    I have a friend who has a collection of early Ms and the older cameras prior to the M3, he never uses them just loves them as pieces of mechanical art a bit like how some collect pocket watches.

  7. #7
    Craftsman jonasy's Avatar
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    Their lenses are second to none. If he is ok with only a 28mm lens the Q is an amazing camera which feels like a real Leica. This long time test sold the camera to me (technically, I haven't bought one yet)

    I have an X1 and the lens is stunning but it's a pain to use. Am not using it so if someone fancy it please send a pm.
    Last edited by jonasy; 28th May 2016 at 11:19.

  8. #8
    Grand Master VDG's Avatar
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    Oh no, not Ken Rockwell please

    Anyway, I think it would be a great present. As per NJH comment above, it would help to know what your dad likes to shoot ie landscapes, portraits, planes, macro etc, and what gear he has already.

    Dunc aka Sundial is your Leica man here, pls have a look at Digital Photography subforum.

  9. #9
    Thanks for all the advice.
    He mainly shoots wildlife, a lot of birds but anything really. His main camera is a fairly big Canon SLR (5D or something) with a fairly wide selection of lenses.
    I guess I was looking for something sufficiently different from what he currently used that he might have fun with it - plus some thing that would make a nice gift.

  10. #10
    Grand Master PickleB's Avatar
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    OP: "Dad's a keen photographer whilst we know next to nothing about it."

    Quote Originally Posted by craig1912 View Post
    What camera does he have at the moment?
    Yes Leicas are nice but also very expensive and you can get something as good as for less.
    Quote Originally Posted by Meesterbond View Post
    Thanks for all the advice.
    He mainly shoots wildlife, a lot of birds but anything really. His main camera is a fairly big Canon SLR (5D or something) with a fairly wide selection of lenses.
    I guess I was looking for something sufficiently different from what he currently used that he might have fun with it - plus some thing that would make a nice gift.
    My best advice...don't buy a keen photographer anything without asking them first. He'll know precisely what he'd like...and appreciate. While it may be the thought that counts, he'll appreciate the sentiment but not the thought if you buy him a Leica on the basis of advice on a watch forum.

    There will be plenty of gear, Canon or otherwise, that he'd like (long lenses can exceed £5k) and I'm pretty sure he'd like something he wants/needs rather than an expensive surprise. I could be wrong...

    Edit: If it has to be Leica...make it some binoculars! Even then, you need to know what best would suit him. There are quite a few variable (less than with photography) to consider...weight, magnification, FoV, clarity, etc, etc. But you stand less chance of making a gross error...
    Last edited by PickleB; 28th May 2016 at 18:34.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by PickleB View Post

    My best advice...don't buy a keen photographer anything without asking them first. He'll know precisely what he'd like...and appreciate. While it may be the thought that counts, he'll appreciate the sentiment but not the thought if you buy him a Leica on the basis of advice on a watch forum.

    There will be plenty of gear, Canon or otherwise, that he'd like (long lenses can exceed £5k) and I'm pretty sure he'd like something he wants/needs rather than an expensive surprise. I could be wrong...
    This is spot on, in my view. It may be better to add to what he already has within a camera system he is already familiar and experienced with. If he is a keen wildlife photographer, then the options can be another lens, a gimbal head for big lenses, a better tripod, or even a trip of a lifetime on safari ( and there are specific ones that cater for photographers alone). Which leads me to ask, what is the budget? If you were considering Leica for a 70th birthday, I suspect it's quite generous?

  12. #12
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    Don't buy anything if you don't know what he needs.
    Better give him a gift card than buying something he might not use.

  13. #13
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    Any Leica experts here?

    I have a Q I bought last year when it was released, my first ever Leica and proper camera actually. I have taken it to Austria Germany US Croatia France Belgium etc. I love it to bits.

    Having said that it all depends on what photos he likes to take. Leicas are generally great at street photography but for example for panoramic scenery, sport photos they r not as suitable I feel.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by kaiserphoenix; 28th May 2016 at 21:57.

  14. #14
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    If he likes to shoot wildlife, perhaps some kind of organized trip to shoot wildlife/birds?
    Perhaps there's a club or society that organizes a nature trips of some kind.

  15. #15
    Grand Master VDG's Avatar
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    Forget about camera or lens, take it to the next level and buy him Beretta 692

  16. #16
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Leica Q would be useless for bird photography. For birds your father would need a Leica SL or a Leica T - former is over £5K for body only - and latter's native lenses only cover approx 200mm FF equivalent which insufficient for birds and most wildlife. I use third party tele lenses on my Leica T for bird photography but would not recommend the methodology.

    If you father has a 5D variant and lenses he's likely got all he needs for bird photos.

    If you want to buy him a Leica, mega savings can be made buying secondhand.

    Some Leica cameras are Panasonic Leica variants and depreciate relatively quickly.

    You might consider buying your father a decent Leica binocular which would be very useful for anyone into birding and wildlife. Or maybe a Canon image stabilised binocular. But avoid any with exit pupils over 5mm diameter - because a 70 year old's eye pupils are usually less than 5mm diameter.

    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  17. #17
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    I think camera for photographers are much like watches for many on here - you like what you like and even if you are looking at something outside of your existing system the model and specification would be very specific and very easy to get wrong. Having just bought a camera for my wife as a gift that I thought ticked all the boxes only to find that despite having the spec she wanted was not actually precisely what she wanted I recommend against the Leica unless he has said "oh I've always wanted an old film Leica, an M3 like my pal John used to have" or something similar.

    Were you thinking of spending new Leica compact/old film Leica money (circa. £1000) or new digital Q / M money (circa £3000 to new car money)? If he uses Canon is there a lens he always wanted but couldn't justify - something like a 300mm f2.8 which would be his dream wildelife lens? And the idea of a trip out with a pro is a good one - I did a day in the lakes with a pro landscape photographer and loved it despite my "what can he teach me" attitude before hand!

    What I would say though as someone who is 50 in eight weeks and has everyone panicking over what to buy me (have everything/fussy) don't overthink it and don't worry too much about it being a surprise. Get a small thoughtful surprise and get him involved in the big purchase would be my suggestion.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by VDG View Post
    Forget about camera or lens, take it to the next level and buy him Beretta 692
    Brilliant i just spat my coffee out, thanks for that

  19. #19
    Thanks for all the comments and thoughts. I guess it is a bit of a risk to spend a substantial amount of money on something that may or may not be used. I'll have a chat to him and see what he says. I suppose i was thinking that something sufficiently different to what he currently has and uses would be fun - like buying a keen road cyclist a BMX - you know it's not going to replace what they currently have but adds a different dimension.
    Unfortunately what I had in the back of my mind was something like the 'M' or 'Q' series and I can't really stretch to that sort of a cash for a photographic BMX!

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